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Page 1
How to make a Witch board | Totem animals |Deep Breathing Exercises | Grounding |witchy cat names| Elements |Making a dream catcher | AnimalsDream Ritual | Dream pillows |Dream meanings| Numerology | Days of the week and their correspondances |Indian Totem Power Stone Meaning
Page 2
 Astral Projection exercises  |  Celtic astrology | Magickal information for your BOS | Magickal Days | Spell Troubleshooting | Symbolic/Technical side of Wicca | Children's magick |The elements |Wards and guards
Page 3
How to read a Crystal Ball|Apache Wedding Prayer|Tarot spreads|Thoughtforms and spirits| Good Luck Amulets & Charms | weather and sun/moon lore |Spell Writing|What tree are you?|
Other pages
Candle Magick | Gods, Goddesses and Mythology | Colours | Meditations | Symbols | Fairy Magick | How can you sell the sky? | Names | Runes |Spell Correspondences|Poetry|Crafts|Metals|Gemstones|

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