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Posted by Obsidian
Rune Alphabet|Rune meanings|Rune Fonts to download

Runes can be used for writing things that one does not want others to be able to read. They can also be written or inscribed into an object to add power to magickal workings. They can also be used for divination.

There are 2 ways to choose the Rune stones.  You can reach into the bag and draw one out with eyes closed, laying it on the table before you.  Or you can have all the runes spread out face down in front of you, and choose the runes that seem to “jump out at you”.  When turning runes over it is important to flip them from left to right, or right to left (horizontally rather than vertically), so that you will not reverse an upright rune, or vice versa.

There are a few different versions of the runes, The most common are the Elder Futhark.

Reading with runes

Odin's Rune Spread
This is a simple Rune spread where you ask the Runes a yes or no question and then draw 1 Rune from the bag. If the Rune is right side up, the answer is yes. If the Rune is reversed, the answer is no

Three Rune Spread
For this spread, you can either present a situation to the Runes or ask them a question (not a yes or no question). Then , with eyes closed, draw a Rune from the bag and set it down, if the rune is face down then turn it over.  Repeat and lay the rune to the left of the other.  Repeat and place the last rune to the left of the middle rune.  You should have 3 Runes to look like  this:     3 2 1  The first Rune is the overview of the situation or question that you asked the Runes. The second Rune is the challenge of the situation/question. The third Rune is the course of action, a bit of wisdom or a possible direction to point you in.

Rune of the day
Draw a single Rune and interpret it’s meaning as a message for your day, almost like a horoscope.

Runic alphabet

Fehu = f Uruz = u Thurisaz = th Ansuz = a Raidho = r
Gebo = g Wunjo = w Hagalaz = h Nauthiz = n Kennaz = c,k
Isa = i Jera = j,y Eihwaz = e (as in feet) Pertho = p Algiz = z,R
Sowulo = s Teiwaz = t Berkana = b Ehwaz = e (as in bet) Mannaz = m
Laguz = l Ing = ng Dagaz = d Othilla = o

good rune websites

Rune meanings
Feoh/Fehu/Frey Thorn/Thurisaz/
Eolh/Algiz/Elhaz Wynn/Wunjo Peorth/Perth/
Geofu/Gebo/Gyfu/Gifu Ansur/Odin/Ansuz/
Ken/Kenaz/Kaunaz/Kaunan Sigel/Sowelu/Sowelo Neid/Nauthiz
Beorc/Berkana/Berkanan Hagall/Hagalaz Is/Isa/Isaz
Tyr/Teiwaz/Tiwaz/Tir Eoh/Ehwaz/Eh Jera/Ger
Yr/Yew/Eihwaz/Ihwaz Mann/Mannaz/Man Daeg/Dagaz
Othel/Othala/Odal/Ethel Lagu/Laguz/Lagaz Wyrd

Letter: F
Meaning: “Cattle”  or “Payment”  (Norse people used cattle as payment for goods)

Upright Interpretations:

1).  Rewards to those who work hard.
2).  Be thankful for what you have.
3).  Work hard and save well.
4).  Prepare for a rainy day.
5).  All relationships will flourish with hard work and  dedication.

Reversed Interpretations:

1).  Work harder work you will fail in your goal.
2).  There may be delays or difficulties.
3).  You may need to re-think your current path.
4).  You may need to release an old relationships to make  way for a better one.

Keywords: Wealth, Fortune, Prosperity, Power, Strength, Promotions, New Careers, Creativity, Money, Fertility, Income, Investments, Possessions, Goods,  Honesty.

Pronunciation:  Fehu - Fay-hew

Letter:   U
Meaning:  Ancient strength

Upright Interpretations:

1). Time to prove yourself.
2). Use your passion and strength to get the job done.
3). Live each day to the fullest.

Reversed Interpretations:
1). A sudden and drastic change in your circumstances,  that will take time, energy and dedication to conquer.
2). Learn to stand on your own two feet.
3). Do not to let opportunity pass you by.
4).  Something postponed or cancelled.
5).  Weakness.

Keywords: Healing, Health, Vitality, Strength, Power, Gratitude, Courage, Change.

Pronunciation: Uruz -- oo-rooz  (o as in ooze)

Letter:   Th
Meaning:  Named after Thor, the God of strength and protection

Upright Interpretations:

1). Life is whatever you make it.
2). An unexpected stoke of good luck is on its way
3). Fate is on your side and you're not alone in your fight.
4). If you have an important decision to make, seek a professional for advice, counselling, and assistance.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). your luck has run out
2). Sometimes the person you need protection from is  you
3). Don't be afraid to ask for help.
4). The consequences of following the same path may be disastrous.
5). The person helping you or being helped by you may not have your best intentions at heart.
6).  Use caution.

Keywords: Protection, Fate, Overcoming Resistance, Will Power, Control of Situation, wisdom.

Pronunciation: Thurisaz -- thu-re-saz

Letter:   Z
Meaning:  From Odin, God of Wisdom.

Upright Interpretations:

1). Gain knowledge from those around you
2).  Ask for advice if you do not know the answers.
3). Listen to the guidance and communication of your elders and take advantage of their experience.
4).  Use past experiences as a guide for the future.

Reversed Interpretations:

1).  Be careful of biased or inaccurate advise.
2).  If you refuse to learn life's lessons, you are wasting your journey.

Keywords: Wisdom, Healing, Counsel, Advice, Knowledge, Experience, Messages, Communication, The God.

Pronunciation:  Ansuz -- An-sooz

Letter:   R
Meaning:  Ride, to travel.

Upright Interpretations:

1). Take a journey into your inner-self
2).  Pleasurable journeys.
3).  You will be safe while travelling.
4).  Your trip will be successful.

Reversed Interpretations:

1).  Seek knowledge or self-improvement.
2).  Don’t stop striving for your goal.
3).  Don’t let yourself be distracted.
4).  Difficult (but needed) journeys.

Keywords: Journeys, Quests, Decisions, Taking Control, Reunion, Legal battles, Femininity.

Pronunciation:  Raido - rye-th-oh

 Letter:   K
Meaning:  Fire/torch

Upright Interpretations:

1). The darkness will be lifted.
2).  Recovery from illnesses or negative situations.
3). There is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how hopeless your situation seems now.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). A fire has gone out of your life.
2). A relationship or opportunity has ended, a door  has closed, or a loss has been suffered.
3). You are clinging the past, you need to let go

Keywords: Fire, Passion, Luck, Creativity, Strength, Vitality, Health, Transformation, Progress, Power, Life force.

Pronunciation:  Kano – Kay-no

Letter:   G
Meaning:  Gift/Giving


1). Giving and receiving
2).  Important relationships are being developed or strengthened.
3). Unexpected good fortune is waiting for you.
4).  Love or a stronger relationship is coming.
6).  Don’t be selfish.
7).  Remember that Good things come in return for gooddeeds.

Keywords: Union, Power, Partnership, Co-operation, Gifts, Windfalls, Talents, Abilities, Love, Generosity, Unity, Peace, Harmony.

Pronunciation:  Gebo = Gay-bo

Letter:   W
Meaning:  A combination of Bliss, Joy and Wonder

Upright Interpretations:

1).  There is happiness after a sorrow.
2).  The situation has changed for the better.
3).  You will have successful journeys.
4).  You will receive recognition for a job well done.

Reversed Interpretations:

1).  Problems that need solving between people.
2).  The change will cause unhappiness, unless you work  on the situation.
3).  Beware of someone untrustworthy.
4).  Delays.

Keywords: Joy, Comfort, Happiness, Satisfaction, Fortune, Blessing, Success, Harmony, Peace, Physical enjoyment, Glory, Pleasure, Serenity,

Pronunciation:  Wunjo - Woon-jo

Letter:   H
Meaning:  Hail

Upright Interpretations:

1). Don’t let life control you, control you life
2). Learn to accept what you can not change or control
3). Accept your own limitations but instead of losing  hope, find new ways of accomplishing your goals.
4). Positive unexpected events.

Reversed Interpretations: if you want to read Hagalaz in reverse, you could place some marking on what will  become the top, so that you will know if it is reversed.

1).  Negative unexpected events.
2).  Things are out of control and need to be fixed.

Keywords: Destruction, Delay, Acceptance, Inner Strength, Caution, Frustration.

Pronunciation: Hagalaz -- ha-ga-laz

 Letter:   N
Meaning:  Need


1). A time to reconsider, repair and restore
2). Avoid quick decisions.
3). Think carefully before making any commitments
4). Greed and desire can prove destructive.
5).  You need more patience in life.
6). Use patience, endurance, and caution.
7). Don't take on additional responsibilities at this time.

Keywords: Necessity, Patience, Caution, Need.

Pronunciation: Nauthiz -- Now-thiz

Letter:   I
Meaning:  Ice


1). The winter of your spiritual life.
2). An obstacle in your path that will cause a delay.
3).  A time to reflect.
4).  Work through emotional issues that hold you back.
5).  Work on your patience.
6).  Don’t make rash decisions.
7).  Wait until things become clearer to make changes.
8).  You’re frozen and not going anywhere, use this time to plan for the future.

Keywords: Stagnation, Standstill, Delays, Rest, Slander, coldness, Fear, Obstacles, Reflection.

Pronunciation:  Isa -- E-sa (E as in easy, a as in father)

Letter:   J
Meaning:  Year

Upright Interpretations:

1). What goes around, comes around.
2). Nothing is an overnight success; instead persistence  and foresight will reap their bounty.
3). Your hard work is coming to fruition and effort  receives its reward.
4). Be patient to receive your earned result of honour,  recognition, or a promotion..
5). This is the lesson of Karma.
6). A period of time must pass before you can count the  blessings and success of the harvest.

 Keywords: Harvest, Beneficial outcome, Patience, Birth of ideas, gestation, Time, Cycles, Abundance, health.

Letter:   E
Meaning:  Yew tree (Sacred tree to the Norse God Odin)

Upright Interpretations:

1). Throw out the old, make way for the new
2).  A time of growth and change.
3).  Turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
4).  Defend yourself against people who attack you.

Reversed Interpretations: Eihwaz has no reverse, howerver, if you want to read it in reverse, you could place some marking on what will become the top, so that you will know if it is reversed.  Reversed it would mean imbalance, bad endings, dependance, a lack of safety or protection, bad communication.

Keywords: Channelling, Communication, Endings, Protection, Defence, Safety, Transition, Balance, Independance.

Pronunciation: Eihwaz --  Ay-waz (Ay as in play, Waz = a as in father)

Letter:   P
Meaning: Mystery.  This Rune is a dice cup spilled on its end to reveal the mysteries inside

Upright Interpretations:

1). Look beyond the surface
2). Some things are unexplainable and unpredictable.
3). Something lost will be found.
4).  A lucky  streak or unearned gain coming your way.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). Things are not exactly as they seem and should be examined beyond the surface to discover the truth.
2). Something private will be exposed.
3). There may be unpleasant surprises in store for you.
4). Intuition and gambles fail from poor judgement.
5). Some things should remain hidden and if you are holding onto a secret now is not the time to reveal it.

Keywords: Karma, Luck, Secrets, Mystery, The unexplained, Questions, Tests.

 Letter:   A
Meaning:  Elk

Upright Interpretations:

1). Remember you are not alone.
2).  New beginnings.
3).  You are protected.
4). New relationships based on friendship and trust will  enliven you.
5). No life is without pain, but if you can learn from the pain and support those around you the rewards will be  great.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). Trust no one
2). Someone is trying to take advantage of you.
3). Beware of unsuccessful or unscrupulous business dealings.
4). Do not let greed destroy you.

Keywords: Protection, New beginnings, Emotional Struggles, Opportunities, Challenge, Beware, intellect.

Pronunciation: Algiz -- al-jeez

Letter:   S
Meaning:  The Sun


1). Celebrate the coming of the sun
2). There is good health, guidance, happiness, and victory on its way
3). Troubles are overcome with successful resolutions.
4).  Be positive, and think clearly.
5). This is a good time to be a leader
6).  Remember that an easy victory is also the one that  brings the least experience

Keywords: Interconnectedness, Centering, Health, Healing, wholeness, Victory, The Sun, Happiness, Energy, Life, Vitality.

Pronunciation: Sowelu -- so-wa-loo (Wa = a as in way)

Letter:   T
Meaning:  Tyr was the Warrior God, and God of the Sky.

Upright Interpretations:

1). Battles are won by discovering yourself.
2). Your passion will bring happiness, power, & wealth.
3).  Fight for your goals.
4).  The courage to face your fears.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). You are fighting a losing battle
2).  Try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.
3).  A time to reflect on where your life is headed.

Keywords: Order, Victory, Success, Justice, Legal Matters, New ideas, Motivation, Courage, Struggles, Protection.

Pronunciation: Teiwaz -- Ta-waz  (Ta = a as in play, was = a as in father)

 Letter:   B
Meaning:  Birch

Upright Interpretations:

1). Bring into being that which you desire
2). This can indicate actual births or beginnings of  something significant (job, relationship, etc.)
3). There will be a fortunate outcome to whatever you start in this period of your life.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). Take care of your health, especially during pregnancy.
2). There is an obstacle in your path that is causing delay  and stagnation that needs to be removed.
3). There are frictions at home that need to be resolved.

Keywords: Fertility, The Goddess, New Beginnings, Health, Vitality, Patience, Generosity, Birth, Rebirth, Growth, Life.

Letter:   E
Meaning: Horse

Upright Interpretations:

1). “Change is as good as a holiday”
2).  It may be time to consider a new career.
3).  A change for the better.
4).  Stay on this path, as it will lead to success.

Reversed Interpretations:

1).  Be prepared for sudden changes.
2).  Journeys that are not pleasurable.
3).  Beware of a rift in the home.
4).  Don’t use travel to escape problems.

Keywords: Trust, Motion, Battle, Travel, Working, Journeys, Adjustments, Astral Travel, Change, Movement, Transforms physical illness into nightmares.

Pronunciation:  Ehwaz - eh-waz  (waz with an a as in father)

Letter:   M
Meaning:  Mankind

Upright Interpretations:

1). Outer turmoil is a result of inner turmoil.
2). To understand yourself better, understand &  acknowledge & the forces that shaped you.
3). This is a good time for charity and altruism.
4). Remember to treat other people with equality,  fairness, and cooperation..
5).  This is a time for reflection.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). Be wary of sabotage, bad advice, and selfish motives  from people around you.
2). Never forget your duty to others.
3). You are seeking isolation from others, discover the  reason for this and work on reversing it.
4). You can expect no assistance from others.
5). Your selfishness and greed has led to loneliness.

Keywords: Self-improvement, Communication, The self, Clarity, Change, Humanity, Equality, fairness, Charity, Innocence.

 Letter:   L
Meaning:  Water

Upright Interpretations:

1). Things will change for the better.
2). This is a powerful time for psychic influence,  knowledge, creativity, and mysteries.
3). Creative endeavours will flow and prosper.
4). Hidden emotions and hurts will be revealed and  cleansed.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). Be fluid and adaptable like the sea.
2). You have been misled by intuition.
3). You are held back by fear of failure or rejection.

Keywords: Flow, Energy, Water, Intuition, Influence, Growth, Cleansing, The Moon, Emotions, Fertility.

Pronunciation: Laguz -- la-gooz

INGWAZ (INGUZ, ING) sometimes depicted as 2 crosses one above the other
Letter:   I
Meaning:  Named for the God Ing


1). The Turning point is now.
2). A completion of projects and birth of new ideas.
3). Hard work brings a satisfactory conclusion.
4). Remember that in the cycle of life in order to have a new beginning you must also have an ending.

Keywords: God, Fertility, Completion, Grounding, New Beginnings, Liberation, Progression, Recharging, Faith.

Pronunciation: Inguz -- Ing-gooz

Letter:   D
Meaning:  Day


1). Awaken from the darkness that has enveloped you
2). This is the dawning of a new day – rebirth.
3). There is a slow and measured progress for the better
4).  Reserve your resources because the path to success is long but obtainable.
5).  Meditate to shed light on the problem.

Keywords: Breakthroughs, Invisibility, self improvement, Transformation, Trust, Good Fortune, Enlightenment, wealth, Hope.

Pronunciation:  Dagaz - tha-gaz – (th as in that, a as in father)

Letter:   O
Meaning:  Home

Upright Interpretations:

1). Allow wisdom you have acquired to come forth.
2).  Remember the circle of life never ends.
3). Keep a long-term view and solutions will be apparent.

Reversed Interpretations:

1). You may suffer loss or separation.
2). Impatience will caused accidents and more delay.
3).  Time to stand on your own two feet.

Keywords: Possession, Spiritual Powers, Separation, The Future, Inheritance, Family.

Pronunciation: Othila -- o-the-la (o as in go, the = th as in thin, la = a as in father)

WYRD (ODIN)  This blank rune is not technically a rune, it was added later.
If Wyrd appears in a Rune reading, do not recast and attempt another layout. There is something that you are not meant to know.

 Meaning:  The unknown


1). Trust in the unknown
2). There are some things that are beyond your understanding or  control.
3). Karma will have its way.
4). Some things are not meant to be known and some mysteries  should remain hidden.
5). All things will be revealed in time.
6). Fate is unavoidable and unchangeable.

Keywords: The Unknown, Faith, Progress, Self change, Fate.

Divination information can be found in Obsidian's Divination booklet. Rune information can be found in Obsidian's Rule booklet.  Runesets also available from: