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How to make a Witch board | Totem animals |Deep Breathing Exercises | Grounding |witchy cat names| Elements |Making a dream catcher | Animals | Dream Ritual | Dream pillows |Dream meanings| Numerology| Days of the week and their correspondances |Indian Totem Power Stone Meaning
Other things Page 2|Other things page 3
How to make a witch board  (Submitted by Jaenyse)  24/7/99
Here is how to make a witch board. It is similar to a ouija board, but it has built in protection spells and truth spells (at least the way I make them....lol).

You will need:
A boards of wood (I use a circular cut piece, but square is fine)
Markers/paint/crayons...any colors you want!! Be creative!
1 white candle
1 black candle
1 yellow candle

How to make:
Take your board of wood. It should be relatively smooth and evenly cut.  Draw a sun on one side of the board (to represent the God) and a moon on the other side (to represent the Goddess). Write the alphabet and numbers 0-9 on the board in any fashion you choose, be creative with it...make it look pretty. This should be a individual thing for
everyone. I write mine in the shape of an arc which resembles an upturned crescent moon.  Underneath the Sun, write a "NO", and underneath the Moon, write a "YES".  Next, flip the board over. On the back of the board light the black and yellow candle. (This is for the truth spell I posted earlier.) Say:

    "When a lie is told to you
    When a untrue word is uttered
    Tell no lies
    Tell me truth
    and nothing make it otherwise."

After the 13 minutes of burning the candles upon the back, extinguish the candles ( however it is you do this) and draw a pentacle on the back of the board. In the center of the pentacle, light the white
candle.  To do the protection spell, I say something like:

    "Protect this board
    Protect it from harm.
    Protect this board
    Protect it from evil"
(you can put whatever type of protection spell you wish on the board...this is just what I do.)  Let the white candle burn down on the board (it is best to use a tea candle or other small candle so you don't have a lot of wax drippage).

The witch board is now done.                                                                                                       Back to the top

Making a dream catcher  (Submitted by Erin) 6/9/99

"A pentacle dream catcher is not difficult to make. It requires a circular ring; even a large curtain ring will do. You will also need some thread, string, or heavy crocheting thread to weave the design upon this ring. If you really want to be decorative, you can string tiny beads on the thread and attach little feathers where the string is wound around the ring.

To begin, tie one end of the thread to the ring. Wind the thread around the opposite side of the ring three times at a slight angle from the original attachment, pulling it tight. This will be part of the left leg of the pentacle. Each time you attach the thread to the ring, wind it three times.

Now wind the thread about the ring a short distance from the 1st tying. Your design should look like an inverted V-shape. Pulling the string to the let side of the ring, wind it about the ring a little more than half-way up the side. Adjust it until it looks like the lower angle of the cross-arm of the pentacle. Now stretch the thread across to the opposite side and wind it about the ring. For the finishing angle, pull the thread back to the point of the beginning.

If you carefully check the angle of the thread each time you prepare to wind it at another point on the ring, you can adjust the design. Make a small loop for hanging at the top of the pentacle.

If you want to string beads on the thread, do it on each section before you wind the thread around the ring. I've seen one pentacle dream catcher decorated with a Samhain artificial cobweb and a tiny spider in the center.

Dream catchers do work. They are symbols of personal control over dreams. And the subconscious mind which creates dreams only understands symbols."

Elements- (submitted by mikhalia) 6/9/99                                                                      Back to the top
Below are a list of the eleemnts. The direction associations are the mostly widely used version which orginally stemmed from Gardernian although I do not know where they got it from.

The element of earth governs nature, sustenance, materialization, death, growth, prosperity in all it forms, business, employment, money, stability, fertility, endurance, responsibility, and thoroughness. The cardinal direction of Earth is north and it colors are green, black, and brown. The element of earth is the stability of the elements. Some of the common forms of magic associated with Earth are image, stone, tree and knot magic.

These are some of the things that fall under the element of Air, Travel, instruction, freedom, uncovering lies, discovering lost items, obtaining knowledge, change, new beginnings, abstract thought, theory, intellect, joy, frivolity, gossip, forgetfulness, and purification. It aids in the development of some psychic powers and concentration. It also rules the magic of the four winds and visualization magic. Air is the cardinal direction of east and its colors are bright yellow, white, and gold.

Fire's cardinal direction is south and it's colors are blood red, orange, crimson. In magic fire is associated with energy, sex, healing, destruction of negativity, creativity, activity, daring, willpower, leadership, jealousy, anger, ego, war, deserts, and the sun. All candle magic resides within Fire's attributes.

The element of water governs love, emotions, pleasure, friendship, marriage, happiness, healing, compassion, forgiveness, sorrow, unconcious mind, intuition, cleansing, sleep, dreaming and psychic acts. Water's cardinal direction is west and it's color are deep blue, blue-green, gray, and aquamarine.                                                                          Back to the top

Deep Breathing Exercises  (submitted by mikhalia) 6/9/99

Deep breathing exercises are an important part of meditation, without proper breathing you can not achieve a full trance. The first method is the most important because it teaches us to breathe with our diaphram along with our chest. In this day and age everyone has been taught to look act and be skinny and part of that is holding in your diaphram to give the appearance of a flat stomach.

Method One-
First off when you first work with this exercise it will feel uncomfortable for most so I suggest finding a quiet time to do it without interruptions. Once you become more used to it you will be able to do it anywhere.  Ok let's get started, find a quiet relaxing place and get comfortable but remember to keep your spine straight. Now relax and close your eyes if you want, and breathe in through your nose slowly feeling the upper half of your stomach expand as the air goes in. Hold it in for a count of three to start, once you get used to it you can hold it in longer until you reach the count of 10. Make sure that you still feel comfortable if a count of three is too
much lower it to 2 until you can do it comfortably. After holding it in for the count slowly breathe out through your mouth until you feel all the air is gone from your lungs and then repeat the process for a total of ten times. Visualize the air soaking into your body and when you exhale visualize all the tension and stress leaving your body.

Method Two-
This method is a bit harder than the first but similar. It follows the basic guidelines of method one but with one varying difference. Instead of just breathing in until you have taken in as much as you can start with breathing in through your nose to a count of three, hold it for three, and then exhale out of the mouth for a count of three, Do a count of three until you feel comfortable with it and then move on until you can get to a count of 10 on the breathing in holding and exhaling. Make sure to keep your spine straight so it does not impede the air flow.

Sometimes during deep breathing your body may want to change the speed or way you are breathing, when first starting allow it to do this for a minute or two as the body is not used to being controlled and you need to stay relaxed. As you become more adept at deep breathing decrease how long you change the breathing pattern until your body longer tries to change it at all. You will
find that when that happens your breathing pattern in normal everyday life has changed also and it will feel just as natural as before you learned to breathe fully.

Meditation can be done by anyone who has the patience to learn how. I will make no claims as some have that you can successfully meditate the first time you try. Some people can do it faster than others but that is irrelevant. It is a very useful tool for modern society that can help ease the stress from everyday living. By meditation we can also experience things that can not be experienced normally and learn more about ourselves in the process.

The first most important thing about meditating is learning to relax to the point where you can slip into an altered consciousness but not fall asleep. Find a comfortable position (i usually lie flat on my back with my arms folded across my chest). Once you are comfortable start at the tips of your toes and feel them relax (you can use visualization on this by picturing a red glow or something like that surrounding the relaxed areas) and then slowly move up your legs and so forth until you reach your head. This is actuallythe hardest part of meditating since you have to stay focused on relaxing and our minds have a tendency to wander. This is natural, when you notice your mind wandering just bring it back to the task at hand. The hardest part of the relaxation besides focus is the relaxing of the facial muscles. We use these muscles at all times whether we are aware of it or not (especially the jaw muscles). Now that you are relaxed you visualize yourself going down a flight of steps deep into your unconscious mind, you can use different visualizations at this point but this is the one that works for me. Soon you shall feel very different, like you are disconnected from your body yet very aware of your body. You will be aware of your surroundings but they will seem foggy and far away (have no fear if something happens that requires your immediate attention you will know and be able to slip out of this state easily). Now that you are in this state of meditation you have several different choices, you can use it to take away the stress, learn more about yourself by questioning your own mind or you can choose to experience what it is like to be an animal or a rock or a waterfall (basically whatever you wish). I have put no limitations here as each of us meditate for different reasons. When you are ready to come back out you just simply visualize the same scene you used to get here only in reverse. You will come out feeling much calmer and in control of yourself than when you went in.

Grounding-   (submitted by mikhalia) 6/9/99                                                                     Back to the top
Grounding is an essential part of magic that is oft times neglected. I was quite amazed at the amount of people I have met online that have no idea what grounding is. For those people and others like them I have included this grounding ritual to help them out.

First pick a time when it will be quiet and you will no be disturbed. I sit in front of my altar for this ritual but it is not necessary. Next pick a relaxing, focusing incense and light a candle (you can use a white one or similar or one that helps you focus and relax). Sit down in front of it and relax your whole body (similar to meditation relaxation described above) making sure you relax even that stubborn jaw. Then when you feel you are ready visualize roots coming out of the parts of your body that are touching the ground and going deep into the earth. Feel the soil separate to enfold the roots and the rocks break up at your passing. Also feel the stability of the earth surrounding you and the coolness of the earth. Keep going deeper until you feel your roots to the magma center of the earth and the warmth it provides. Feel the strength of the earth flowing up your roots and into your body with a peaceful warm feeling. Once you are certain that you are calm, stable and focused begin to pull your roots back into yourself repeating the same process except in reverse. Once you have brought all your roots back into yourself calmly open your eyes and just watch the candle and smell the incense for awhile until you feel ready to resume your normal routine. You will find yourself more focused and it will be easier to contain your emotions. Repeat this whenever you find yourself unable to concentrate, easily distracted or highly emotional.

witchy cat names:  submitted by Angel-Stardust 26/8/99

Ereus (east wind),
Notus (south wind),
Zephyrus (west wind)
Boreus (north wind)
Alyssum (u might not want a herb that is used to moderate anger!)
Ash (suits the black)
Belladonna (hehehe might not want deadly poison either)
Willow                                                                                                                                       Back to the top

Animals  submitted by Mikhalia 20/9/99

Totems or Spirit Guides-
Several different cultures believe in totems or spirit guides. Some believe that we are each born with a spirit guide that stays with us the rest of our lives, who guides us down the path we were meant to tread but if we stop
listening to our guide we will fall off the path. Totem beliefs vary immensely as some believe they are like spirit guides and stay with us and others believe they are only here as we need them (example: if you need courage you might receive a vision of a lion or some other courageous animal).

Power Animals-
Alot of cultures believed in power animals at one time. They would believe that if they ate a piece of the animal it would in turn impart the qualities they needed from that particular animal. Native americans did not do this
practice as far as I know but other primitive cultures did. Today native americans and alot of wiccans believe that by visualizing the animal or dreaming about the animal will impart those same qualities.

Animal Familiars-
Early european pagans mainly those of the witchcraft religion had what are called familiars (example: the infamous black cat). Familiars are animals that the witch has formed a psychic bond with. They help in the circle by
aiding in energy and make wonderful companions. The death of a familiar can be quite devastating to the witch. A common misconception about familiars is that they are an extension of the witch, they are breathing living animals
with minds of their own.

creating a sacred space

Method one-
First off make sure your sacred space is clean. We do not like our friends, family and neighbors to come to a dirty house why would our Gods and Goddesses be any different? Next light a purifying incense in the middle of
the area (I will list some purifying incenses at the end of the methods), some people perfer to use smudging which is fine also if they can obtain the herbs. Light a small white candle placing it upon the altar or similar area
and sit or kneel in front of it. Now close your eyes and visualize the smoke from the incense filling up the room going into every nook and cranny even behind furniture and so forth. Once you have done that visualize the smoke
literally burning away the negativity and other energies in the room. Once that is done picture the candle's light to begin swelling and filling up the room chasing out all the shadows in the corners and under the furniture. Feel
the purifying power of the light as it cleanses the space. When you feel it is time slowly imagine the light fading out and dimming back to the flame of the candle. By this time you might feel drained, it all depends on how much
energy was needed to clear the space (example: if you and your mate have been excessively fighting or your home has seen alot of visitors it will take more energy). Next step light an incense that has special meaning for you and/or your Dieties and proceed to take a ritual bath or some other calming exercise. When you return to your ritual space it should now feel peaceful and attuned to the day's work.

Method two-
This method is much shorter and can be done with out any incense if nessacary just imagine the smoke. If you are able to use the incense light a purifying one. Then sit quietly in the middle of the room allowing a few moments for
the smell to fill the room. Then visualize a pure white light filling up your body like it was a cup, once this is accomplished hold that image do not let the light disperse and begin visualizing the smoke in the room. Once you have done both visualizations merge them together in your mind. See the white light inside you spill out into the smoke, mixing with it until all you can see in the room is a white lit smoke. Now visualize it cleansing the area all the way down to the corners chasing away all negative energies. Open your eyes and continue setting up for your work content that even though it was a fast cleansing it is still very effective.

Purifying Incenses-
Cedar, sage, pine, dragon's blood, solomon's seal, lavender, frankincense, and myrrh. I use a combination of frankincense and myrrh with wonderful results.

Animal qualities
Bat- Rebirth, transition, initiation, changes for the better, moon magic.

Bear- Sub/Unconscious mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of the soul, healing, inner knowing, earth magic.

Cat- Independance, cleverness, a balancing of energies, moon magic.

Cougar- Strength, power, realization of your own power, fire magic.

Coyote- Wisdom, the joker, time for adapting, folly, fire magic.

Deer- Gentleness, alertness, camouflage, noticing outside influences, physical pacing, innocence, earth magic.

Dog- Companionship, faithfulness, warnings, loyalty, earth and moon magic.

Dolphin- Curiosity, playfulness, psychic abilities, power of sound, water magic.

Elephant- Strength, power, memory, moon magic.

Fox- Cunning, slyness, elusiveness, cleverness, invisibility, fire magic.

Goat- The ability to climb higher than you are, surefootedness, flexibility, healing, sun magic.

Groundhog- Studies, building, trances, dreams, one who is passionate about pursuing their interests, earth magic.

Horse- Power, strength, travel, clairvoyance, freedom, stability, courage, earth and moon magic.

Jaguar- Focused power, power, strength, courage, fire magic.

Leopard- Inner instincts, strength, stealth, fire and earth magic.

Lion- Strength, elusiveness, leadership, willpower, invincibility, sun and fire magic.

Lynx- The hidden and unseen, seeing the truth behind lies and flasehoods,
secrets, air magic.

Moose- Patience, sacred energy, ability of self concealment, power of life
and death magic, earth magic.

Mouse- Innocence, faith, trust, fastidious, attention to details, earth magic.

Otter- Togetherness, curiosity, awakening, playfulness, joy, creativity, imagination, water magic.

Owl- Wisdom, shadow work, farseeing, darkness, air magic.

Panther- Valor, ferocity, flexing of the psyhic and spiritual muscles, power, strength, earth magic.

Porcupine- Curiosity, cautiousness, being bold in actions and words, resistance, wonder, earth magic.

Prairie Dog- Community, family, society, health, responsibilities, expression of emotion, earth magic.

Rabbit- Faith, nurturance, fertility, movement, sensitivity, luck, moon magic.

Racoon- Curiousity, dexterity, cleanliness, secrecy, disguises, moon and earth magic.

Rat- Shrewdness, adaptibility, success, social, restlessness, earth magic.

Raven- Inner journeys, dreams, destiny, air magic.

Rhinoceros- Wisdom, short temper, past lives, high sensitivity to emotions, earth magic.

Serpents- Health, fertility, faith, magical power, sun and water magic.

Skunk- Respect, and self-esteem, playfulness, steadiness, patience, earth magic.

Squirrel- Awareness, sociable, playful, preparations, activity, energy, earth magic.

Tiger- Power, strength, courage, skillfullness, stealth, tactfulness, loyalty, passion, adventures, fire magic.

Weasel- Sly, loners, ability to escape tight spots relatively unharmed, observation, secretive, earth magic.

Whale- Creativity, awakening of inner senses, family, inspiration, water magic.

Wolf- Spirit, freedom, intelligence, social, guardianship, protection, wisdom, earth and moon magic.                top of page

DREAM MAGICK submitted by silverskyes 26/9/99


Before getting into bed, cleanse, dress yourself, and make sure you will have no distractions. Relax. Play soothing music, if you wish. Make sure you have plenty of time to meditate and sleep. If you have to be somewhere early in the a.m. and you're just getting into bed late, you might have a problem.

Prepare a Dream Potion

Inhale the steam. Breathe deeply and slowly. Hold the cup of tea before you and clear your mind of all "chatter." Gaze deeply into the tea. Pay close attention to how it looks, feels, and smells. Let the cup of tea be the "focus" that will aid you in total relaxation.

Once you are completely relaxed and your mind is free of all trouble, picture in your mind what you'd like to be doing. Are you looking for a better job? See yourself at your favorite work and feeling happy about it. Searching for love? See yourself happy and in love with the person of your dreams. Low on cash? See yourself financially independent and happy. Health problems? See  yourself well and enjoying life.

Concentrate on a specific image that will represent what you'd like to be doing. DO NOT let anything negative set you back. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO DROWN IN INSECURITY. Say you want to concentrate on a job promotion. (You've been working at the company for years and just need a break). You pick the image of the characteristic pin-striped suit and tie of an executive to represent the promotion- -a job promotion you know you will have, regardless of your current position. (Put your positive thinking to the test!)

Next, hold in your hand a stone (moonstone or octahedron are best for this) or other small hand-held object (such as a dream-catcher, feather, locket, etc.). The stone or object will be your personal Dream Fetish. The Dream Fetish should always be with you at your bedside or underneath your pillow. It is your "magick key" to the Land of Dreams.

While holding your Dream Fetish, drink your Dream Potion. Savor each drop to the last(while still keeping that specific image of what you want in your mind). As you drink, let the image not only represent that job promotion, but let it also represent YOU. With each sip, imagine yourself putting on that pin-striped executive's suit. See yourself in your new position dressed in that suit, smiling and happy.


Put the Dream Fetish beside your bed or underneath your pillow. As you lie in bed, let yourself start to sleep, but remain awake. Twilight images will come to mind. Just keep the image of yourself and what you want locked in your brain. Again, DON'T WORRY. Keep the visualization light and serene. If you want, you can add details to it.

As you finally find yourself entering sleep fully, formulate these words in your mind:


* If you are uncomfortable with referring to a pagan god or goddess, please refer to whatever other form of deity or entity you are more familiar with.
** LOVE, HEALTH, MONEY, etc. Use whatever words are more fitting. Change and elaborate, it's all up to you.         top of page

Within several hours, your bladder should wake you up (thanks to the tea you drank before bed) allowing you to recall the dream. After waking, record all that you can remember, even if it's just snippets and/or fragments. Recall all that you have felt, seen, touched, and heard from your dreams. There could be some invaluable clues in your dreams that will help you find what you seek. Even if you don't remember the dream, your subconscious knows and you will be unconsciously carrying things through to their fruition.


The following are a lot of fun to make and to give as gifts.--ME

  Rose Petals two parts
  Lemon Balm two parts
  Costmary one part
  Mint one part
  Clove one part
  Lavender one part

Sew up with white or silver thread on purple cloth into a small pillow. Decorate with lace, silk, embroider with designs, etc. according to your fancy. Sleep on it to have vivid dreams. (It smells great!)

  Mugwort three parts
  Frankincense 1/2 part
  Vetivert two parts
  Sandalwood one part
  Rose Petals one part
  1 pinch of ground Orris root
  1 Vanilla bean, crushed

Make into a small pillow of blue coloured cloth with yellow cotton thread. Sleep on it to promote astral travel during sleep.

  NOTE: After six months these pillows may lose their "fresh" scent. You can reuse them by emptying out the old contents and refilling them with new herbs.

The easiest way to do this is to create a "pocket" within these pillows. Sew the pillows with an open fold that can be closed either by velcro or buttons. Also, to make it easier to sleep on, pad it with cotton or downy goose feathers. How it will look and feel is all up to you!


There's nothing like a long hot bath after a hard day's nonsense! Here's some herbal bath recipies to ease the senses and prepare the body for sleep.

  NOTE: Each herbal bath sachet can be prepared in advance and saved til needed.

  Here are the instructions:

  1. Add all ingredients into a mixing bowl.
  2. Empower the herbs with your magickal goal.
  3. Mix and grind the herbs.
  4. Place a handful of the herbs into the center of a large square of
  cheesecloth (or simply use an old washcloth).
  5. Fill up a clean tub with warm water.
  6. Place your herbal sachet into the tub and let steep until water is
  coloured and scented.
  7. Get into the tub and enjoy!

  *If you don't have a bathtub, or if you just prefer taking a shower, make up a sachet in a washcloth and scrub your body with it. These bath sachets are for external use only. Make sure you are not allergic to any of these herbs or you'll be sorry.

  (For Dream recall and awareness)
  Lemongrass three parts
  Thyme two parts
  Orange peel two parts
  Clove one part
  Cinnamon one part
  Carnation one part

  (For Divinatory Dreams)
  Thyme three parts
  Yarrow two parts
  Rose two parts
  Nutmeg one part
  Lavender one part
  Patchouly one part

  (For Peaceful Sleep)
  Catnip two parts
  Hops two parts
  Jasmine one part
  Elder flowers one part


This article is for all you Tarot readers out there. I've come up with a great way (though I'm sure I'm not the first) to interpret dreams through the use of Tarot cards. It's fun, even a bit enlightening at times. Before using the
sample spread below, you should already be familiar (or somewhat familiar)with the Tarot (if not, you'll have no idea what you're doing and may have to consult a book on Tarot interpretation first). If you're not familiar with Tarot or don't feel comfortable giving readings to yourself, have someone more comfortable and familiar with the cards do a reading for you.

  Here is the Dream Interpretation Spread and its instructions:

  1. While concentrating on the dream you wish to know more about, shuffle
  the cards and lay them out in this manner:

+AH4-Card 1 in the center, card 2 above it, cards 3-9 in a clockwise circle around card one, following card 2+AH4-

  What each card represents:

  1. Dream Message
  2. Future Influence
  3. Creative Aspects
  4. Day Residue
  5. Matters of Heart
  6. Past Influence
  7. Matters of Spirit
  8. Personal Power
  9. Lesson

  2. If laid out right (it's hard to represent it here due to lack of adequate graphics), this spread should form the shape of a circle; sort of like a clock or the pupil of an eye. Imagine that it is a manfestation of  your subconscious--you've locked on to a "hypnotic switchboard" and this is the "weird" message coming through to you (if that makes sense).

Each placement (as indicated above) covers an aspect of your dream symbolized by the various archetypes found in the imagery of the Tarot. Here are the descriptions of the placements below:

  1. Dream Message: This placement represents your dream as a whole; in other words, if it could be described by one theme, title, symbol, or word, this card is it. It's the Main Card. The one you should pay most attention to.

  2. Future Influence: This card illustrates any future anticipations you may be feeling due to the content of the Dream Message. It represents what _might_happen and what you can do to either encourage this outcome (if it's
good) or change it altogether (if it's not what you want).

  3. Creative Aspects (Inspiration): This represents the realm of fantasy, wish fulfillment, ideas, plans, perhaps even ideals which may be present in your dream.

  4. Day Residue: The card that shows you whatever left over stress, work, events, situations, etc. from the day before has "leeked" into your dream.

  5. Matters of Heart: Basically illustrates pleasures, heart aches, strong emotions like love and hate; all things close to your heart.

  6. Past Influence: Any recent past events/situations that may have an influence on your dream.

  7. Matters of Spirit: This card covers religious, mystical, and spiritual experience. It may even represent a past life influence, spirit guide information, where you're at or where you want to be at in your current spiritual path, etc. Also represents whatever divine influences/interventions or even miracles occuring in your "dream" life.

  8. Personal Power: This is the card of self-esteem issues and empowerment. Generally, how you feel about yourself and how you interact with others based on this "Self Bias."

  9. The Lesson To Be Learned: Basically what the title means. Our minds are always "on line." Sometimes we learn, even re-learn, things about ourselves and others through our dreams. This knowledge may help us to gain power over our obstacles. The lessons in our dreams are a part of our on-going learning process. There are lessons and secrets to be learned from the messages in our dreams... 

Numerology  submitted by Angel 28/9/99                                                                                        top of page

*Greek Numerology*

According to numerologists, every number has a certain power. They use a simplified alphabetical and numerical code worked out by the ancient Greeks.Numbers 1 to 9 are Primary Numbers - other numbers are reduced to these nine. According to numerologists there are good days and bad days, depending
on one's number for that day. What will your day be like today? What do your numbers tell you?
To find your primary number for the day, follow this formula:  (For an example we will use Anna Louise Burton, Born on the 2nd of July, 1982.

Step One: Birth Number: (Make sure you put the "19" infront)
Eg. 2/7/1982 = 2+7+1+9+8+2 =29 =2+9 =11 = 1+1 = 2
So the Birth Number for Anna is 2.

Step Two: Name Number: (Make sure you use your FULL name)
1+5+5+1+3+6+3+9+1+5+2+3+9+2+6+5= 66 = 6+6= 12 = 1+2= 3
So the Name Number for Anna is 3.

Use the following chart to determine a name number:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A    B C D E F G H I
J    K L M N O P Q R
S    T U V W X Y Z

Step Three: Day Number: (Make sure you put the "19" infront)
Eg. 25/9/1999 = 2+5+9+1+9+9+9 = 44 = 4+4 = 8
So the Day Number for today (for everyone) is 8.

The Birth number and Name Number are different to everyone unless you have the same name and birthday to somebody else! But if you and a friend are both doing today's, the Day Number is the same for both of you, as the date doesn't change for specific people. You can find your number for days other than today (eg. If you want to see what your prediction is for tomorrow or the next day) Some people I know do this on the 1st of January for the whole year ahead!

Step Four: Add The Composite Numbers:  This is the step where we find out your number for the day. You have to take all your composite numbers (your Birth Number, Name Number and Day Number) And add them together to get your final number.

Eg. Anna has to add:
2+3+8 = 13 = 1+3 = 4
Anna's Primary Number for today is 4.
Table Of Primary Numbers:

1. A day of action. Time to attack any problem that needs to be taken care of immediately. A good time to start something new or to ask advice. Nothing complicated should be started on this day.

2. A day to plan, to consider problems rather than acting on  them right away. This day may begin well and end badly, or begin badly and end well. Many contrasts - a day to take it easy.

3. Much can be done today, many projects can be started with help from others. A good day for meeting people, travel and fun.

4. A day to finish up small practical jobs - things that should have been done. Fun things wont work out too well on this day.

5. A day for the unexpected - excitement and adventure! Take risks, but know that the goal is worth the chance your taking.

6. A day for comfort and good will. No conflict today. Not a time for quick actions, but rather a time for family and social occasions. Not a time to take risks.

7. A day for study, invention, or art projects. A time for planning and thinking things out. You can ask advice. A good day to play your hunches. A lucky day for you.

8. A day to undertake big and important things. Complicated matters can be dealt with today.

9. Aim for big achievements. This is the day to announce big plans. It promises good work in artistic fields.

* Hebrew Numerology *

To find your personal number, use the Hebrew Numerological Code to allocate a number to each letter in your name. According to the Hebrew system, the vowels in a word are "hidden" and are not written down, as they are attributed to the heart and your inner character, which is hidden. The consonants represent your outward personality. It is up to you whether you use all the letters of your name or the vowels or consonants.

Add up all the numbers. If the total is over nine, keep adding them up until you have just one digit. For example, "John Smith" is 1+7+5+5+3+4+1+4+5= 35 = 3+5 = 8, so eight is John Smith's personal number. If your number adds to 11 or 22, do not reduce it to one digit, as these numbers represent a higher level of wisdom. 22 is the "master" number (there were 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet), and 11 represents those who experience revelations.

Once you have determined your personal number, you can use it in your magic for many ways. For example, use it to determine the best day of the month on which to perform a spell, or use your number's color association (listed at the end) to decide what color clothes to wear on the day of the spell to increase your chances of success. When using numbers in magic, attempt to visualize its attributes and direct them toward your particular need when performing your spell.


1  2  3 4  5  6  7 8
I  K G M H V Z P


1. Is the pioneer, the leader, strong willed and sometimes self-centered. 1 is also associated with material wealth, loneliness and isolation.

2. Is the number of passive, receptive people, kind and sensitive, but who often get their own way by gentle persuasion. It is also linked to psychic powers.

3. Is a potent lucky number, representing extrovert, creative, and witty people. They may be extravagant and unable to persevere at one thing for long.

4. Is for dependable, loyal, hardworking people who are good organizers. 4 people are the guardian angels, fair in all their dealings, and often pay a high price for any success they achieve.

5. Is the number of radical, fast moving people, curious and impulsive, who hate to be tied down. 5 is also the number of sex and can lead to problematic relationships.

6. Is the perfect number and represents harmony, beauty, sincerity and affection. 6 people are creative and artistic, but they can sometimes be fussy and a little conceited.

7. Is the magical number, representing the scholar and the mystic, the dignified and the self-possessed. 7 people may appear aloof, as they have difficulty putting their thoughts into words.

8. Symbolizes intuition, prosperity and organization. Solid, strong and fertile. 8 people's success is built on hard work, which can make them seem pessimistic.

9. Is for intellectuals and idealists. It is a number of great strength, self-discipline, and ambition. 9 people may seek the limelight and be jealous or fickle.

11. Is the number of people who are idealists. 11 people have a strong vocation for their work and often suffer for the sake of others.

22. Is the "master" number and incorporates the supreme qualities and attributes of all the other numbers.

Color Number Association:

1. White
2. Midnight Blue
3. Moss Green
4. Peat Brown
5. Ruby Red
6. Golden Yellow
7. Purple
8. Orange
9. Mother Of Pearl And The Color Of The Moon
10. Sea Blue
11. Silver

Days of the week and their correspondances:
Monday (Moon) - White/Silver/Gray -- White is used to build purity, sincerity, and truth; to repel negative energies and raise vibrations; balance the aura, contact spirit guides, emotional healing, protection, healing of children and pets, healing from the birth process, dreams, ancestors, instinct, memory, virginity, child bearing, and theft. White may also be used as an "all-purpose" color to substitute for any other color. Gray and silver are used to cancel and neutralize spells which no longer serve your purposes; also used to cause a stalemate in a situation. Fragrances: Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Myrrh, Sandalwood.

Tuesday (Mars) - Red -- Lust, physical desire, courage, war, aggression, enemies, pain, danger, energizing and stimulating, health, strength, vigor, (sexual love -- cherry reds). Be careful when using the darker reds, as they stand for wars, battles, blood, danger, and hate.  Fragrances: Carnation, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Pine, Peppermint.

Wednesday (Mercury) - Orange -- Energy building, success, stimulation, attraction, mental agility, attracts good luck and fortune, builds vitality, energy, and stamina, encouragement, discourages laziness, adaptability Fragrances: Bayberry, Lavendar, Peppermint.

Thursday (Jupiter) - Purple/Royal Blue -- Expansion in all forms (love, healing, wealth, etc.), magickal powers, desires, riches, honor, oaths, changeability, impulsiveness. When working with expansion, make sure you currently have the item or quality you wish to expand first. If not, use another color to first obtain that item or quality, and then use purple to expand...Fragrances: Nutmeg, Sage, Sandalwood.

Friday (Venus) - Green/Pink -- Green is used for fertility, luck, finances, and healing. It attracts success and facilitates communication with plants and faeries. Pink is for romantic, emotional, spiritual love (usually without the sexual connotation). Pink raises vibrations, facilitates spiritual healing, banishes negative vibrations and hate, and promotes honor, morality, and unselfishness. Fragrances: Cherry, Rose, Thyme, Vanilla.

Saturday (Saturn) - Black/Brown -- Black is used to absorb negativity, remove obstacles, bad habits, unwanted emotions, etc. Also used to cause confusion, discord, evil, and loss. It can be an extremely useful color, but if used improperly, it can cause disaster!!! Brown is useful to attract money by working with your hands, and can also connect and ground you to Mother Earth. Fragrances: Iris, Pansy, Black Orchid, Patchouly.

Sunday (Sun) - Gold/Yellow -- Gold is used to attract money and power, to attract happy people to your life, to heal, to rejuvenate, to charm; builds confidence, useful in persuasion; gives energy and intelligence to make proper decisions in financial affairs. Yellow is used to gain insight into problems, attract others, obtain knowledge and facilitate retention of learning. Fragrances: Cedar, Clove, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Rosemary.
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Totem animals  (Submitted by Daye 12/11/99)

BAT: Initiation, Rebirth, Changes, Blessings, Trust, Instincts,Perspective.

BEE: Community, Celebration, Organization.

BEAR: Introspection, Power, Prophecy, Intuition, Sovereignty, Instinct, Transformation, Strength, Courage, Stamina, Harmony, Healing, Visions,Leadership.

BLACKBIRD: Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call.

BULL: Wealth, Potency, Beneficence, Fertility, Strength, Power, Courage, Stamina, Sexuality.

CAT: Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Mystery, Magic, Independence,
Protection, Teacher, Confidence, Gentleness, Caution, Alertness, Spirit detection.

CHEETAH: Decisions, Swiftness, Speed, Self - Esteem.

CRAB: Sensitivity, Emotions, Loyalty.

COUGAR: Growth, Strength, Power, Opportunities, Balance.

COYOTE: Wisdom, Jokester, Tasks, Adaptations, Teaching, Demonstrating,
Communicating, Resourceful, Cunning, Discernment.

DEER: Gentleness, Love, Alertness, Camouflage, Attention, Intuition, Dreams, Communication, Serenity, Acceptance.

DOG: Guidance, Protection, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Protection, Playfulness.

DOLPHIN: Dimensions, Curiosity, Playfulness, Balance, Compassion, Understanding, Love, Calm, Eloquence, Freedom, Emotion.

DRAGON: Passion, Depth, Connection, Power, Potential, Riches, Inspiration, Insight, Vitality, Transmutation.

EAGLE: Understanding, Completion, Initiation, Power, Intelligence, Renewal, Courage, Healing, Creation.

ELEPHANT: Power, Strength, Warrior, Memory.

FOX: Cunning, Diplomacy, Wildness, Camouflage, Shapeshifting, Invisibility, Survival, Intuition, Adaptability, Observation.

FROG: Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Medicine, Sensitivity.

GOAT: Climbing, Stability, Confidence, Achievements, Loyalty, Ambition.

HAWK: Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing.

HORSE: Travel, Power, Freedom.

HUMMINGBIRD: Knowledge, Contradiction.

JAGUAR: Ferocity, Strength, Agility.

LEOPARD: Silent, inconspicuous, intuition, instincts, Perseverance, Dignity, Aggression, Confidence, Swiftness, Cunning, Strength, Boldness, Visions, Vitality, Perception, Achievements, Knowledge.

LION: Leadership, Organization, Wisdom, Enthusiasm, Assertion, Strength, Courage, Energy, Creativity, Intuition, Imagination.

LYNX: Secrets, Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Meditation, Patience, Achievements.

MOUSE: Scrutiny, Organization, Trust, Inocense, Observation, Cleaning, Hyperactivity.

OTTER: Joy, Play, Helpfulness, Sharing, Faithfulness, Feminine, Medicine,

OWL: Detachment, Wisdom, Change, Omens.

PANTHER: Ferocity, Visions, Valor, Discipline, Control, Wisdom, Sensitivity.

RABBIT: Rebirth, Intuition, Balance, Fertility, New Life, Dietary, Spirit detection, Transformation, Defense.

RACCOON: Dexterity, cleanliness, disguise, explorers, curious, secrecy, transformation, courage.

RAM: Sacrifice, Breakthrough, Achievement, Strength, Power, Courage, Battle.

RAVEN: Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation.

SCORPION: Power, Intuition, Sensuality, Leadership, Dreams.

SEAL: Love, Longing, Dilemma.

SNAKE: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Transformation, Healing, Sleep, Calm.

SQUIRREL: Activity, preparedness, awareness, sociable, playful, Balance.

SWAN: Soul, Love, Beauty.

TIGER: Power, devotion, tact, skill, adventure, passion, Courage, Sensitivity, Devotion, Endurance, Energy, Nobility, Strength, Creativity, Healing, Sensuality.

WHALE: Awakening, Creation, Movement, Imagination, Inspiration.

WOLF: Intuition, Learning, Shadow, Guardianship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, Magick, Dreams, Meditation, Wisdom, Pathfinder, Teacher, Friendship, Trust.

Finding your Totem

Animal totems are animals we tend to have an attraction to. They have qualities and behaviors that we admire and would like to emulate. They give us comfort and peace. Learning of your animal totem(s) will give you a greater sense of appreciation of your own connections to all life.

By recognizing and acknowledging your totem as you see them, the energy working in your life will increase. You will notice your animal everywhere you go, in books, magazines and postcards, in nature, in dreams and visions. Your awareness will abound. Here follows a basic guideline to finding your special animal.

- Which animals have always fascinated you, especially in childhood?
- Which animals have you always felt connected to?
- What animals do you see frequently in the wild?
- Which quality of animal best describes your personality?
- Which animals do you have around you in pictures, T-shirts or figurines?

There are a few things to note however:

- Animals usually choose the person, not the other way around.
- Lifelong power totems are usually wild in nature, not domesticated.
- Great respect / honor must be paid to the animal for a relationship to happen
- Read, learn and surround yourself with pictures of the animal. By

doing this you connect with the animal and the energy and wisdom it imparts.

From: [email protected]

Indian Totem Power Stone Meanings (Submitted by Amalthaea  12/11/99)

I got these from a nearby Indian reservation.  You can buy the stones at reservations or you can find some at the mall.  The are hand-held polished (oval) stones in different colors with animals ingraved in black on them.  They are very pretty!  Enjoy!

Totem Power Stones

Zuni Bear-good health
Hopi Hand-life, creative, healing
Cactus-nature's reservoir
Steer Skull-silent testimony
Kokopelli-fertility, joy, music
Thunderbird-caller of rain
Scorpion-defense, self-protection
Buffalo Skull-sacredness, reverence for life
Thistle-Scottish symbol
Shamrock-Irish symbol
Star of David-union, heart, love
Heart-love, fondness
Cross-redemption, salvation
Angels-guardians of hope and wonder
Yin & Yang-balance, harmony
Celtic Knot-long life, eternity
Unicorn-redemption, salvation
Dragon-wisdom, nobility
Pegasus-carrier of lightning
Smiley Face
Peace Sign
Dove-love, peace, gentleness
4 Leaf Clover-good luck
Raptor-speedy thief
Parasaurolophus-parallel crested lizard
Stegosaurus-the covered lizard
T Rex-lizard king
Mastodon-lumbering giant
Triceritops-horrible 3 horned face
Brontosaurus-harmless giant
Pterodactyl-wing finger
Bull-strength, warning
Cow-patience, stoicism
Pig-intelligence, hunger
Goat-stubborn, omnivorous
Dog-loyalty, protection
Cat-independence, grace, healing
Rhino-durability, strength
Elephant-long life, self-preservation
Zebra-family-oriebted, alert
Polar Bear-fearlessness, power
Giraffe-watchfulness, mobility
Gorilla-brute strength, adaptibility
Hippo-linking water and earth, survival
Lion-power, strength, respect
Monkey-playfulness, agility
Bobcat-fierce, loner intensity
Penguin-playful, loving
Panda-playful, kindness
Orca-focus, power
Manatee-peaceable, unassuming
Water Buffalo-enormus strength, hard working
Camel-weary, enduring
Kangaroo-feisty, funloving
Ostrich-fickle, fast moving
Pelican-ever watchful, grace
Alligator-aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant-team player, worker
Armadillo-active, nocturnal, protection
Bat-guardian of the night, cleaner
Bear-power, adaptability
Bear Paw-strength, mobility
Beaver-builder, gather
Buffalo-sacredness, life builder
Butterfly-metamorphisis, carefree, transformer
Cougar-leadership, courage
Coyote-prankster, insight, playful
Crane-solitude, independence
Deer-love, gentleness, kindness
Dolphin-kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
Dragonfly-flighty, carefree
Eagle-divine spirit, connection to creator
Elk-strength, agility, freedom
Fox-cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog-connection with water element
Goose-faithful, communicative, traveler
Grizzly Bear-hunter, nature's pharmacist
Hawk-messenger, stopper of time
Horse-stamina, mobility, strength
Hummingbird-messenger, stopper of time
Lizard-conservation, agility
Loon-solitude, song, romance
Moose-headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse-timid, secretive, sneaky
Otter-laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl-wisdom, perseverance
Pheasant-confidence, attrsction, perseverance
Quail-sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
Rabbit-alertness, resourceful
Raccoon-bandit, shy, determination
Ram-new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raven-trickster, mischievous
Road Runner-speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon-instinct, persistence, determination
Seahorse-confidence, grace
Shark-hunter, survival
Skunk-wary, conspicious, intense
Snake-shrewdness, transformation
Spider-creative, pattern of life
Squirrel-trusting, innocence
Swan-grace, balance, festive
Turkey-smart, elusive
Turtle-self-contained creative source
Whale-wisdom, power, cleanser
Wolf-loyalty, success, perseverance
Wolf Paw-freedom, success, guidance

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