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Female names  Male names      Names for Both sexes

"Name that Witch" - Personalised names by Celte
Female Names:

Sive: (see-vuh) Irish, sweet
Fellella: Gaelic, fair
Xylona:(zigh-loh-nuh) Greek, from the forest
Aerius: (airy-uhs) Latin, airy
Awenita: native american: Fawn
Marlon: french: Little falcon
Leandra: latin: Lioness
Ghazala: persian: Gazelle
Cygnea: latin: Swan
Ryba (righ-bah): czech: Fish
Merle/Merrly: latin: Blackbird (8)/(1)
Parvaneh/Parvana: persian/turkish: 1)Butterfly, 2)Night moth
Zandra: greek: Helper of Humankind
Zena (zah-nah): ethiopian: Fame
Zena: persian: Woman
Zena: hebrew: Stranger
Nazima: muslim: Poetess, matron
Emine: turkish: Confident
Gulbadan: persian: Rose body
Orial: french-latin: Gold
Jamila: muslim: Beautiful, elegant
Aleris: greek: Ancient name
Gabi: hebrew: Pet form of Gabriella, name of an angel
Wakanda: native american: Inner magickal power
Mana: hawaiian: Supernatural power
Melek/Melik: turkish: Angel
Rashiqa/Rashieka: arabian: Descended from Royalty
Urania: Muse of Astrology
Syrinx: greek: A nymph changed into a reed
Aurnia: celtic: Historic name
Parthenope (par-then-oh-pee): greek:A siren
Hero: greek: Priestess of Aphrodite in Sestos; beloved by Leander of Abydos
Hamadryas (hah-mah-dree-ahs): latin:Wood-nymph
Euterpes (yoo-terp-ees): latin:Muse of lyric poetry
Clotho: greek: One of the Fates
Saga: latin: Witch
Aideen: Irish, Legendary lover of faery men
Felan: Irish, wolf
Melantha: Greek, dark flower
Felan: irish: Wolf
Faline: latin: Catlike
Sanura: Kenyan: Kitten
Paka: Kenyan: Pussycat
Hafsa (hahf-sah): muslim: Cub, young lioness
Formica: latin: Ant
Panthera: latin: Panther
Leaena (lee-ay-nah): latin: Lioness
Rachel: hebrew: An ewe
Leola/Leona: latin: Lion
Damara: greek: Gentle
Roshni: indian: Light
April: latin: Opening
Nayyirah (nay-yeer-ah): muslim: Luminous, shining, brilliant
Kelly: irish: Warrior
Dunya: muslim: World
Zuhairah: muslim: Blossom, radiant, shining
Hanifah: muslim: True, upright
Aisha (ah-ee-sha): swahili-arabic: Life, alive
mina: muslim: Trustworthy; faithful, honest
Radhiyah (rahd-hee-yah): swahili: pleased, agreeable, contented
Esma/Esmer: turkish: brunnette
Nabila: egyptian: Noble
Ayperi: turkish: Moonfairy
Althea: greek: Healing
Murdachan (Mer-dock-an): scottish: Mermaid
Hayal (hay-yahl?): turkish: Dream
Kachina (kah-chee-nah): native american: Sacred dancer
Hydra: greek: Seven-headed serpent, killed by Hercules
Galatea: greek: A sea nymph
Alecto: latin: A Fury
Corinna: greek: poetess
Yseult: Gaelic, the fair
Silvanos: Greek, forest
Luna: Latin, myth
Elsu: native american: Falcon flying
Kimama: native american: Butterfly
Lulu: native american: Rabbit
Mascha (mahs-chah): native american: Owl
Capra: italian: goat
Vacca: latin: Cow
Eruca: latin: Caterpillar
Shika: japanese: Deer
Ophelia: greek: Serpent
Harika: turkish: Marvelous, wonderous
Yseult: gaelic: The fair
Shanti: indian: Peace
Audentia: latin: Daring
Iona: greek: Purple jewel
Rafiyyah (rah-fee-ah): muslim: High, lifting up
Geela: hebrew: Joyful
Durriyyah (doo-ree-yah): muslim: Brilliant, glittering
Gemma: latin: Jewel
Nahiyah (nahd-hee-ah): muslim: Lively, pretty
Dalila: kenyan: Gentle
Iye (ee-yeh): native american: Smoke
Ra'eesah (rah-ee-sah): muslim: Leader, princess, noble, a wealthy lady
Ebediyet (ehb-eh-dee-eht): turkish: Eternity
Valentine: latin: Healthy
Shiri/Shirili (sher-ee-lee): hebrew: My song
Mariyah: muslim: Lady with fair complexion
Iona: greek: Purple colored jewel
Satinka (sah-teen-kah): native american: Magic dancer
Tatiana: Russian: Fairy queen
Lelia: swahili: night
Malaika (mah-lah-ee-kah): kiswahili: Angel
Luighsaech: irish: Bringer of life
Sirena: italian: Siren
Jannah/Jannat: muslim: Heaven, garden
Terpsichore (terp-see-chor-eh): latin: The Muse of dancing
Parca: greek: "One of the Fates"
Riona: celtic: Queenly
Sunita: indian: A daughter of Dharma
Peri: turkish: Fairy
Nusta: inca: Princess
Ella/Elle: english: Elf, beautiful fairy woman
Ganymedes (gahn-nah-mee-dees or gah-nah-meeds): Jupiter's beautiful cupbearer
Daphne: greek: Daughter of the River god Peneus
Anastasia: Greek, one who will rise again
Daya: hebrew: A bird
Meral: turkish: Gazelle
Cerva: latin: Doe
Rae: anglo-saxon: Doe
Paloma: spanish: Dove
Merla/Merle: latin/french: A bird
Parvaneh/Parvana: persian/turkish: 1)Butterfly,2)Night moth
Sivia/Sivya: hebrew:A deer
Shahla: afghani: Beautiful eyes
Zayn: muslim: Beautiful, graceful
Ziva: hebrew: Bright,radiant
Talora: hebrew: Dew of the morning
Osran: scottish: Peace
Latifa: african: Pleasant, gentle, good humor
Musherrah (moo-sher-rah): muslim: Counselor
Ashaki (ah-shah-kee): african: Beautiful
Arella: hebrew: Angel, messenger
Anastasia/Stacia: greek: One who will rise again
Hulya (hool-yah): turkish: Daydream
Haimi (hah-ee-mee): hawaiian: The seeker
Peneope: greek: The weaver
Sybil: latin: Prophetess
Delia: latin: An inhabitant of Delow, birth place of Artemis and Apollo
Leda: greek: Mythology, a spartan Queen, Mother of Helen of Troy
Rawiyah (rah-wee-yah): Narrator, storyteller
Lachesis: latin: One of the three Fates
Sappho: latin: Lyric poetess of Mytilene
Echo: greek:A nymph who fell in love with Narcissas, but was only able to repeat his words
Shannon: irish: Little wise one
Pixie: anglo-saxon: Sprite; small fairy
Clio: greek: Muse of History
Sapientia: latin: Wisdom
Ducissa: latin: Duchess
Ursa: greek: She-bear
Anadil: arabian: Nightingales
Yoninah/Yonina: hebrew: Little dove
Devra: hebrew: A bee
Lupa: latin: She-wolf
Alauda: latin: Lark
Viverra: latin: Ferret
Calum: celtic: Dove
Sher: japanese: Lion
Mai: native american: Coyote
Melanie: greek: Black
Mira: latin: short for Miranda/Miriam;  "strong, wonderful"
Kayla/Kelia: hebrew: Crown, laurel
Chantla: latin: Song, chant
Emma: greek: Grandmother
Neimah: hebrew: Pleasant
Vivienne: french: Lively
Kerry/Keriann: irish: Darked-haired
Zohar (zoh-har): hebrew: Shining, brilliant
Etana: hebrew: Strong
Macawi (mah-kah-wee): native american: Motherly
Sadiqah: muslim Truthful, sincere
Nazirah (nah-zeer-ah): muslim: Leader, vanguard
Mahira: hewbrew: Energetic
Lubina: muslim: Flexable
Selima: hebrew: Hope
Nafeesah: muslim: refined, pure, exquisite
Noita (Noi-tah): finnish:Witch
Meda: native american: Prophet
Sanjna: indian: Wife of the Sun
Rhea: greek: Daughter of Heaven and Earth
Sarafinah: hebrew:Ardent, like the angel who protects God's throne in Christian Mythology
Shazadi: persian: Princess
Shirin: persian: Sweet, a legendary beauty
Megaera: greek: A Fury
Enid: gaelic: The spirit or soul
Polythymnia (pah-lee-theem-nee-ah): latin: Muse of the pantomimes; also of lyric poetry
Harpy/Harpyiae: greek: Half woman and half bird
Vedis: celtic: Sacred spirit of the forest
Erato: latin: The Muse of lyric amatory poetry
Atropos: greek: One of the three Fates
Nympha: latin: Fairy, nymph, nature spirit
Sheridan: Irish, sweet
Litonya: native american: Hummingbird darting
Andalee: muslim: Nightingale
Melissa/Melita: greek:Honeybee
Sivia/Sivya: hebrew: A deer
Lacerta (lah-sert-ah): latin: Lizard
Anquilla: latin: Eel
Laraine: latin: Sea bird
Lark: english: Songbird
Corinne: greek: A maiden
Zarifah: muslim: Graceful
Kirvi: gypsy: Godmother
Pandora: greek: All gifted
Thalia: greek: Joyful
Ih-tedda: apache: Young girl
Ihsan (igh-sahn?): muslim: Charity
Akilah: arabian: Intelligent
Adira: herbrew: Mighty/strong
Hana: arabian: Happiness
Ahava (ah-hah-vah): hebrew: Beloved
Ilona: greek: Light
Priya: indian: Loved one, darling
Amira: hebrew: Speech, words
Aquilah: muslim: Intelligent
Hilal: turkish: Cresent
Ditza: hebrew: Joy
Rayyah: muslim: Aroma, fragrance
Hadara: hebrew:A dorned with beauty, splendid
Valene/Valora: latin:Strong
Hafiza: turkish: Memory
Hana: muslim: Happiness, peace of mind
Larisa/Larissa: latin: Cheerful
Nadima: muslim: Companion, friend
Hasina: swahili-muslim: good; beautiful lady with attractive face
Bilquees (bill-kwees): muslim:Queen of Sheba
Amira: muslim: Princess, ruler
Aldora: greek: Winged gift
Kalevi (kah-leh-vee): finnish: Hero
Alena: russian: a form of Helen
Sapna: indian: Dream
Panthea: greek: Of all the Gods
Nidawi (ni-dah-wee): native american: Fairy girl
Layla: swahili: Famous beauty in Leyla and Majnun
Parijan: persian: Fair soul
Parikhan: persian: Fairy queen Jini:kiswahili:A genie
Shabanna :muslim: Belonging to the night; young lady
Afsana (ahf-sah-nah): persian: Tale/story
Maia: greek: Mythology: Daughter of Atlas: Mother of Hermes
Thalia: latin: The Muse of Comedy
Penthesilea (pehn-theh-sil-ee-ah): greek: Queen of the Amazons
Harmonia: roman: Daughter of Mars and Venus; Harmony
Nola: celtic: Noble
Palla: inca: Noble Lady
Rhiamon: anglo-saxon: Mythological; A witch
Gratidia: greek:Cicero's Grandmother
Nymphamarina: latin: Mermaid
Geneulene: Magick sighs
Fabula: Latin, myth
Nezumi: japanese: Rat; mouse
Gala: native american: Wolf
Tabitha: greek/aramic: Roe, a gazelle
Jemina: hebrew: Dove
Shaheena: muslim: Falconess
Luscinia: latin: Nightingale
Mavelle: gaelic: Songbird
Rudi: teutonic: Famous wolf
Panya: swahili: Mouse
Rafiqa (rah-fee-kah): muslim: Sweetheart, companion
Zel: turkish: Private, special
Jalilah: muslim: Great, exhalted
Vidya: indian: Wisdom, knowledge
Johari (joh-hahr-ee): kiswahili: Jewel
Amara: greek: Eternally beautiful
Najah: muslim: Safe, rescued
Kadir: arabian: Green
Siran: armenian: Lovely
Rajaa (rah-jay or rah-juh): muslim: Hope
Alika: egyptian-swahili: Most beautiful
Baird: scottish: Poet; storyteller
Aneesh: muslim: Companion, affectionate friend
Nara: celtic: Happy
Talia: hebrew: Dew
Gulperi (gool-peh-ree): turkish: Rose fairy
Helenus: greek: Soothsayer
Orra: scottish: Charm,amulet
Kahire (kah-heer-reh): turkish: City of Cairo
Kala: arabian: Fortress, castle; also listed as a Buddhist saint's name it is pronounced 'cha-lah'
Fabula: latin: Myth
Amara: abyssian: Legend="paradise
Sesha: indian: Symbol of time
Nahimana: native american: Mystic
Noelani: hawaiian: A princess, means "Beautiful one from heaven"
Samira: muslim: One who narates stories in the night; storyteller; entertainer
Tisiphone: latin: A fury
Guinevere/Gweneth: celtic: White or fair lady
Ellette: welsh: Little elf
Erinna: latin: Lesbian poetess
Amalthea: latin: A Nymph; nurse of Jupiter
Cantilena: latin: Old song
Aretha: Greek, Nymph
Nita: native american: Bear
Haukka: finnish: Hawk
Lukela: hawaiian: Like a fox
Merle/Merrly: latin: Blackbird
Huraiva (hoor-ah-vah): muslim: Kitten
Civia/Tzevi: hebrew-russian: Deer
Merla/Merle: latin/french: A bird
Kiyiya: apache: Howling wolf
Tori: japanese: Bird
Simba: swahili: Lion
Emel: turkish: Ambition
Abda: muslim: Slave girl
Zeenat (zee-naht): muslim: Beauty, elegance, adornment
Karima: middle eastern: Generous
Trina: greek: Pure
Farhannah (fahr-hah-nah): muslim: Glad, joyful
Zemirah: hebrew: Song of joy; hospitable
Ardella: latin: Wealth
Allegra/Alegra: latin: Lively
Zikiyah (zah-kee-ah): swahili: Smart, intelligent
Nuha (noo-hah): muslim: Wisdom,prudence
Peni: hawaiian: Weaver
Gulrukh: persian: Rose face
Felicity: latin: Happiness
Justine: latin: Just
Amitola: native american: Rainbow
Pazia/Paz: hebrew: Golden
Raziya: swahili: Sweet, agreeable
Sidona:herew: Enticing
Manzuma: egyptian: Poem or song
Laurel/Laureen/Laura: latin:Honor
Merle/Merrly: latin: Blackbird
Talib: arabian: Seeker
Aretha: greek: Nymph
Cassandra: greek: Prophetess to whom no one listened
Aretha: greek: Nymph
Mahstai (mah-sah-tee): persian: Moon lady
Nona: greek: latin: One of the three Fates
Perizada: persian: Born of the fairies
Kahina: african: Berber leader, prophetess and warrior princess. Died in Tunisia A.D. 703
Talibah: muslim: Seeker of knowledge
Rya: turkish: Dream
Veleda: german: A virgin and prophetess
Melpomene(s): greek: The Muse of tragic poetry
Eryn: latin: A Fury
Shay/Shea: celtic: Fairy place
Culinasaga(cuhl-ee-nah-sah-gah or cuhl-ee-nah- sah-jah): latin: Kitchen witch
Wynne: Gaelic, fair
Venilia: Greek, a nymph
Vanessa: greek: Butterfly
Fawna: latin: Young deer
Leola/Leona: latin: Lion
Calandra: greek: Lark
Orianna/Oria: jewish-latin: orient or the East
Hazine: turkish: Treasure
Melina: greek: Song
Milena: german-jewish: Mild, peaceful
Suad: muslim: Good fortune
Najibah (nah-jee-bah): muslim: High-born, excellent
Lina: muslim:T ender
Aymelek: turkish: Moon angel
Ariel/Ariella: hebrew: Lioness of God; air or water spirit; etherial
Una: irish: Unity
Nila/Nyla:egyptian:An ancient Egyptian princess; the river Nile; Egyptian
Satu (sah-too): Fairytale
Ramla: swahili: Fortune-teller or prophet
Tania/Tanya: russian: Fairy queen
Venilia: greek: A nymph
Phaon/Phaonis: latin: Beautiful Lesbian youth beloved by Sappho
Scylla: latin:A sea-monster; daughter of Phorcus
Morag: gaelic: Princess
Niamh: gaelic: Irish mythical princess of the land of promise
Egeria (eh-jeer-ee-ah): latin:A nymph
Elvina: welsh: Befriended by elves
Lamia: latin: Fairy
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Male Names

Bubonis: latin: Owl
Marlon: old french: Little Hawk
Falco/Falconis: latin: Falcon
Damon: greek: A goatherd
Sahen: hindu: Falcon
Cornix/Cornicis: latin: Crow
Corvin/Corbin/Corbett: latin: Crow
Accipiter/Accipitris: latin:Hawk
Brendan: irish: Raven
Bovis: latin: Ox
Broin (bree-ahn): irish: Raven
Alces (ahl-sees): latin: Elk
Felan (feh-lahn) or Faolan(fah-oh-lahn): irish: Wolf
Aper: greek: Boar
Vulpes (vool-pehs): latin: Fox
Leo/Leonis: latin: Lion
Quillan: gaelic: Cub
Artur: irish: Noble, bear man
Shea (shay): irish:Hawk-like, stately
Catulus: latin: Fox-hound
Falco/Falconis: latin: Falcon
Passeris: latin: Sparrow
Todd: middle english: Fox
Larus: latin: Seagull
Lupus: latin: Wolf
Grillus: latin: Grasshopper
Cygnus: latin: Swan
Paco: native american: Bald eagle                                                                   Top of Page

Names that Could Fit Both

Gusaleh (goo-sah-leh): persian: Calf
Urdak: persian: Duck
Quah: aztec: Eagle
Kabutar (kah-boo-tahr): persian:Dove
Felan (feh-lahn) or Faolan(fah-oh-lahn): irish: Wolf
Feles/Felis: latin: Cat
Coatl (koh-tal): aztec: Serpent
Raven: old english: Like the raven
Gav: persian: Cow
Aquila: latin: Eagle
Ocelot (oh-see-lot): aztec:Jaguar
Gurbeh: persian: Cat
Mush (moosh): persian: Rat or mouse
Bulbul: persian: Nightingale
Tuti: persian: Parrot
Gurg: persian: Wolf
Sag (sahg or say-g): persian: Dog
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Magickal Names Information can also be found in Obsidian's Magickal Names booklet and  Obsidian's Classes. 

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