Name That Witch
"Merry Meet,
I've been told by others I'm good at coming up with magickal names and that I should start a column, web site or other. I've named a few witches. Someone came up with the phrase "NAME THAT WITCH" right after I named her. It seems catchy. More and more people are asking me to help them with a magick name for themselves. Below is a questionaire I made to help others with information I could use for finding their names.

        Blessed Be

        Celte Brigandarte"
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Celte's names:
For the privacy of list members, I have not included the answers to the questionair, only Celte's reply.

SaillaLoni  BreeGlamour Amethiste FaereeDragon Dellena FireKatt
Glamorgan  Caryanrod Arilonna Isys Merline StormeMoones
Ysysse DancingGiantOwl Cerbera Anuket Ayne RiverDragan
Seleana Hathaurmyt AmonShu ThorFreir ObsydyanEarth PhantomDragenQueen
WolfeBarke BlueTiger DancingMoonAngel DeerStorm AmethistRose GreenWitche
DaisyWillow WolfeDragon Obsydean Gwinevere Luena Brigantia
SafireRose FrostteFairy OrishaOyea MoonAngell Renennet CelestialPriestess

SaillaLoni  BreeGlamour

Saille, the Celtic name for willow and is pronounced (Sahl' yeh)

Hawaiian for sky, heaven

Ireland; Celtic.  Brigit, is pronounced breet.  Moon goddess. Goddess of fire, the hearth and keeper of the sacred flame. Associated with Imbolc (Candlemas) and cats.

When the Celts came to Ireland, legends tell us they found the Emerald Isle inhabited by a divine race of beings known as Tuatha De Danaan. Unable to withstand the Celtic invasion, the Tuatha went underground and became the mythic faery race of their underground burghs, appearing in deceptive guises to lead hapless humans in dangerous situations. This was known as glamoury, the veil of
illusion the Danaan wore to befuddle their human foes. This was a Celtic version of shapeshifting.

Amethiste FaereeDragon

Faerie Dragon: fair-ee drag-en

PHYSIOLOGY: Very small dragons, being only 1'-5' long, any color, with large eyes, and large butterfly-type wings. These dragons are vegetarian as they only eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, and so on.

HISTORY: These are the rarest of all the dragon, as only a few have ever been reported. Some myths might come from some large butterflies that are around the world. It is said in legend that these dragons
sometimes carry faeries from city to city. Since only a few have ever been seen, the history of these types of dragons are next to none.

Dellena FireKatt

Dellena = Demeter + Selena

Selene the moon goddess. A moonlit night brings the feeling of romance. It is said that Selene's moon rays fall upon sleeping mortals.

The Greek earth goddess par excellence, who brings forth the fruits of the earth. She taught mankind the art of sowing and ploughing so they could end their nomadic existenceAs a fertility goddess she is
sometimes identified with Rhea and Gaia.  Associated with roses.

Rose is associated with the element of water. The Deities that Rose are associated with are: Venus, Hulda, Demeter, Isis, Eros, Cupid, and Adonis. Rose is known as *THE* herb of love.

Glamorgan  Caryanrod                            top of page

Glamorgan was sacred territory of Morgan Le Fay, sister of King Arthur.   Glamorgan is also glamoury and Morgan. Glamoury from the fairies' ability to change appearances. Morgan: moon goddess, queen of the fairies, goddess of rivers, lakes and fresh water.

Cerridwen: moon goddess, King Arthur's Holy Grail symbolized her sacred cauldron of inspiration.
Arianrhod: full moon goddess, her silver wheel represented King Arthur's round table.

Arilonna Isys

Arilonna is a combination of Arianhrod and Avalon.  Arianhrod had a silver wheel. The Round Table of Britain's King Arthur of Camelot symbolized Arainhrod's silver wheel of rebirth. Pagan celebrations of the sabbats, equinoxes and solstices make up the wheel of the year.  Avalon - Apple Isle. Celtic paradise where the gods ate apples (from the plant family) of immortality.

Isys for Isis, the Egyptian goddess. Silver is the metal of Isis. Isis had a cat for a familiar.

Merline StormeMoones

Merline for Merlin because he's your hero. Merlin sacred animal was the wolf. Pictures of Merlin show him with a crystal ball.

StormeMoones for Storm Moon. This is the name of the January Full Moon. The Storm Moon is also called Moon of the winds and Moon of the Snowblind.

Ysysse DancingGiantOwl                         top of page

Ysysse for Isis, the Egyptian goddess.
Dancing Giant for Giant? '²s Dance, another name for Stonehenge.
And Owl for the golden owl.

Cerbera Anuket

Cerberus (Hellhound) Three-headed dog of Greek mythology that guarded the entrance to Hades, the abode of the dead. It had a serpentine tail, and its central head was that of a lion, one side that of a
dog, and the other side that of a wolf. Hell is associated with flames.

Anuket - Egyptian water deity.

Ayne RiverDragan                              top of page

Ayne is Celtic fairy queen and moon goddess. River for river and Dragan for dragons.

Seleana Hathaurmyt

The Greek goddess of the moon. At night, she rose from the ocean and with her chariot, drawn by white horses (or oxen) she rode through the sky.  Luna  is her Roman counterpart.

Hathaurmyt is a combination of Hathor, Auramooth and Amit - all Egyptian goddesses. Hathor was identified with the Greek goddess, Aphrodite who was the goddess of water, flowers and nature. Auramooth (Mut) closest equivalent to Gaia, mother of earth. Amit was Egyptian fire goddess.

AmonShu ThorFreir                            top of page

Amon, Egyptian king of the gods, usually associated with the wind.
Shu, Egyptian god of air
Thor, Norse god of thunder.
Freyr, Norse god of the world and god of rain. His wife, Freyja, had a chariot that was pulled by two cats.

ObsydyanEarth PhantomDragenQueen

Obsydyan for obsidian. Earth for the element of earth.
Phantom for white phantom, the meaning of Guinevere, She was a medieval queen.
Dragen for dragon.

WolfeBarke BlueTiger

Wolfe for wolves which you like. Barke from the bark of the oak tree.
The oak tree is also a fairy tree. BlueTiger represents the air element (wind). And you like tigers.

DancingMoonAngel DeerStorm             top of page

Dancing for Giant's Dance (another name for Stonehenge)
Moon for full moon and angel for angels you like.
Deer because you find them so magickal.
Storm for the element of air and wind.

AmethistRose GreenWitche

Amethist for amethyst and anything purple.
Rose for roses.
GreenWitche for green witch

DaisyWillow WolfeDragon

Daisy for daisies. Willow for weeping willow.
Wolfe for wolves and wolfdragon a type of dragon.

Obsydean Gwinevere

This way you keep Obsidian. You just change the spelling a little.
Guinevere for Queen Guinvere because you want to be a medieval queen.

Luena Brigantia

Luena for Luna the moon goddess.
Brigantia a name for Brigit the Celtic moon goddess and goddess of fire.

SafireRose FrostteFairy

Safire for the orange saffires you like and you have a strong connection to roses.
FrostteFairy for ice fairy.

OrishaOyea MoonAngell

Orisha for the orishas whorule over every force of nature and every aspect of human life. Oya is one of the 7 Orishas and is a deity of fire and a great witch.
Moon because you keep track of the cycles of the moon and angel because you're deeply into angels.

Renennet CelestialPriestess

Renenet was an Egyptian goddess associated with lions.
Celestial for the celestial connection you have.

Other names:
Poor Celte is very busy naming people now, so she can't post the whole explination of each name, but here are some of the names she's come up with.
Ayniarhod CailleachSidhe Merddin SunDancer CrystalSpring SunChild
Athame DragonWoods KrystalFairy SunOak NightSky AngelGremlin
Brunhylda Alfheim Griffith Gardner GwenBeara DragenFairy
Crystal NightOwl RedFaeree AngellButterfly Pantharess TreeMagic
Belinus DragonLord MynShu ThunderDragan GreenWillow SunshineFairee
Maera DraganFyre

Celte uses the following questions to choose a suitable name for people

1.  What tradition are you?

Do you have a strong connection to the Celtic tradition, or is it Stregheria, Native American, Norse, etc.? What is your nationality?

2.  What is your full birthdate (month, day, year)?

3.  What are your favorite magickal things? What are you fascinated with?

Do you keep track of the cycles of the moon?
What are your feelings on the sun?
What are your favorite animals? Do any animals keep popping up in your life?
What about stones or plants (trees, flowers, etc.)? Do you feel an attachment to any of these?
Are you into fairies or angels, mythological beings?
Are you into things like Stonehenge or Camelot, etc.?
Do you have an affinity to any of the elements? Which element is the most special to you?