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is a site on symbols called www.symbols.com
a good place to start any search on symbols
This information has been collected
from different posts
|Pentagram #1|
Triquetra - this three-pronged
knot may symbolize the Celtic philosophy that everything has 3 distinct
yet interlocked levels - physical, mental and spiritual. When the Celts
embraced Christainity they used this symbol to represent the Trinity. The
image stands for the Triple Goddess, the Maiden Mother and Crone. It represents
the eternal Celtic mysteries of the feminine.
Symbols of this type are called
triquetras, which is Latin for three-cornered. This sign is a symbol for
the Holy Trinity in Christian symbolism. The design builds upon the ancient
sign for holiness, and the Cabbalistic symbol for purity and innocence,
. Since one of the symbols for Jesus is a fish, one may also interpret
this triquetra as a Jesus symbol, composed by three conventionalized, plaited
To make it easy
the triquetra (triquatra) is a recognition of the aspects of balance and
imbalance, with 'you' in the middle - so that on one side you have your
'positive' self (the things you know and approve of about yourself) and
on the other your 'negative' self (the things you might not know or might
disapprove of about yourself) and the never-ending dance between the two,
represented by both the curve of the main symbol and the circle it sits
on .The interlocking symbolises how you and your ability to 'know' those
aspects of yourself are intertwined.
Remember - Knowing yourself
is the outcome of the study of the craft and this sign is worn by those
who claim that outcome as their goal.
info (Submitted by Beth 16/2/00)
The Pentagram (a five-pointed star
in an upright, one-point-up position) is the symbol of our religion. The
top point symbolizes Spirit (the Creator) being 'above', or ruling, the
Four Elements of Life -- Air, Fire, Water, & Earth -- which are the
four lowerpoints.
The Circle, being without beginning
or end, symbolizes the Deity. It is completely encompassing the Star within
it (which represents the out-stretched human body, reaching out in search
of its connection with Spirit). Together, they represent the Creator's
Protection & Wisdom.
Inverting the Pentagram, as is done
by Satanists, symbolizes that the Elements (the "material world") are superior
to the Creator. Unfortunately, through misunderstandings that have been
repeated by the media, the Pentagram -- in whatever position -- has become
wrongly equated with Satanism. (Please note, though, that in England, there
are several traditions that use the inverted pentagram as a symbol for
a second degree -- which obviously has nothing to do with Satanism).