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Candle Magick
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Candle colours | Instructions for Hand-Dipped Candles | Sand Candles | Handmade candles | Making candles | CANDLE POWDERS

candle magick | Candle, Crystal & Oil Combinations |

Candle colours (Submitted by Mikhalea)  26/7/99
Blue - Peace, Healing, Tranquility, Harmony, Understanding, Thoughtfulness, Patience, Element of Water, Opening Blocked Communication, Truth.

Red - Energy, Strength, Passion, Anger, Bravery, Strong Emotions, Pride, Lust, Element of Fire, Sexual Passion, Love, Power, Vitality, Health, Courage.

Green - Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Money, Abundance, Fertility, Good Luck, Balance, Change, Growth, Prosperity, Tree and Plant magic, Element Of Earth.

Orange - Business Goals, Justice, Legal Matters, Creativity, Stimulate Energy, General Success, Principles, Alertness, Creativity, Stimulation, Adaptability, Control of a Situation.

Purple - Psychic Ability, Spiritual Power, Power, Judgement, Ambition, Wisdom, Third Eye, Psychic Manifestations, Psychic Protection, Hidden Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Mysteries.

Yellow - The Sun, Intelligence, Memory, Self-esteem, Charisma, Breaking Mental Blocks, Confidence, Charm, Father Sky, Element of Air.

Brown - Protection of Household Animals and Familiars, Hesitation, Uncertainty, Healing Animals, Finding Lost Objects, Success, Common Sense, Power of the Mind.

Pink - Love, Friendship, Morality, Honor, Femininity, Affection, Romance, Caring, Nurturing.

Black - Protection, Repelling Negativity, Binding, Banishing, Pessimism, Foreboding, Reversing Negative Feelings in to Potitive Energy Mourning, Loss, Confusion.

White - Meditation, Mother Earth, Lunar Energy, Truth, Spiritual Guidance, Peace, Calmness, Purity, Truth, Consecration Rituals, a Substitute for any other color.

Gray - Neutralizing, Stalemate.

colours  submitted by Lady Leena 15/9/99

White - Purity, Truth & Sincerity
Red - Strength, Health, Vigor, Sexual Love
Lt. fuchsia - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, & Health
Dk. fuchsia - Impulsiveness, Depression, Changeability
Green - Finance, Fertility, & Luck
Gold/Yellow - Attraction, Persuasion, charm, Confidence
Brown - Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality
Pink - Honor, Love, Morality
Black - Evil, Loss, Dicord, Confusion
Purple - Tension, Ambition, Business Progress, Power
Silver/Gray - Cancellation, Meutrality, Stalemate
Orange - Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation, Attraction
Greenish Yellow - Sickness, Cowardice, Anger, Jealousy, Discord

Instructions for Hand-Dipped Candles (submitted by Leena) 8/8/99
You need to obtain the following supplies:

2-4 pounds of Paraffin Wax (the kind used in canning) or beeswax (which is usually expensive) Candle wick (available at most hobby and craft stores); oils and herbs (for scent and magickal goals); candle dye (also expensive) or crayons (for color); wax paper; a wooden spoon; a double broiler. Begin by melting the wax in a double broiler. If you don't have one, you can use a large pot filled half full of water and a large coffee tin with the wax in it, sitting inside the pot. Heat the water to boiling first and cut up your wax so it will melt quickly. Once the water is boiling, turn the heat down and place the tin of wax inside of it. Keep the water hot enough to keep the wax melted but not so hot that the paraffin catches fire (which it has been known to do over high heat). While the wax to melting, stir with a wooden spoon (never use metal) & make sure it all is completely melted. Also, while the wax is melting, mix the herbs (if more than one) in a small bowl. After the wax is completely melted and been checked, break the crayons up and put them into the wax. Keep stirring until all of the crayons have melted and the color is even and smooth, with no streaks. Keep in mind that the candle will be a shade or so lighter when dry. The more crayons - the deeper and richer the color, so experiment. Next, add the herbs to the wax. Empower with your energy and magickal intention while mixing the wax. Stir with the wooden spoon until it is thoroughly mixed. Next add 10-20 drops of essential oil (please, no synthetics when making candles for magickal or ritual use) to the wax until it smells strongly of the fragrance intended. Now your wax is ready. Start with a long piece of wick - twice the size of your desired candle length plus 3 inches (you will be making 2 candles at once). Bend the wick in the middle and hold it by the bend. Dip the wick into the wax and then lift back out. Getting started is the hardest because the wick will float on top
of the wax until it has enough wax on it to weigh it down. Allow it to get completely cold between dippings when you first start. After your candle has started to take shape you can speed up the process a little. I keep a pan of cool water nearby and dip the candles in the water after each dipping in the wax. While this speeds up the process a little, candle making is a slow process but very well worth the time and energy you put into it. Keep dipping the candles and allowing them to cool & then dip again. When you have achieved the proper size, hang them to dry until the wax has set but the candles aren't too hard. Then roll them on the wax paper to smooth out the shape. Once the candle shape is too your liking, dip 1 or 2 more times to make sure your candle is smooth. Trim off any excess wax to make a bottom with a sharp knife. Cut the wick and hang your candles to dry. You are done!
Sand Candles
Another way to make candles which is easier and quicker is "Hippie Candles" as they were called in the 60's. You need to first obtain the sand - either the beach, sandbox or you can make a box and fill it with sand just for this purpose. Size, of course will depend on how large your candle is and how many. First, moisten the sand enough to where you can make holes in it without the sand falling back down into the hole. Then Dig your hole in the sand the shape you want it. The easiest to start with are tapers but pyramids and cauldron aren't much harder. If you want legs on your candle - take a pencil (unsharpened) and poke hole for the legs in the sand. When the shape is finished - hold a piece of wick over the approximate center and gently pour the wax into the hole, making sure the legs (if any) are filled. Allow the wax to set, which can take a while. After testing wax to make sure it is ready, slip fingers into the sand under the candle and gently lift it out. Brush off any excess sand. If the legs are uneven, you can even them by sitting the candle in a hot frying pan. You are done!

Handmade candles  submitted by Rose Mist 7/9/99                                                                     Back to the top

well IM sorta lazy, but I just go to garage sales, or the good will or go to craft stores and buy damaged or mark down or really cheap candles, usually long tapered kind. I take a extremely washed out pickle jar, and I take a sauce pan fill it half way with water wait a couple minutes for it to heat up or boiling depends on my time schedule, place the wax in the pickle jar and place it in the sauce pan, and wait in till it melt I whisper some prayers stir with a knife, after a while all the wax will melt. Then when it's almost complete melted I get out a cup cake pan, and spray it with Pam or some type of oil, whatever. Then I take the pickle jar out of the water
remember be extremely beyond careful, no pets in your way no people in your way. Then just pour the wax in your cup cake tin. Then wait until the top is soft, but you can tell it's still liquid inside. Now you can force your wick down the middle, then for quick hardening, I place mine in the freezer. But this is how I make my magikal candles. They suite their purpose and I don't have to buy way expensive candles. Also instead of using a cup cake tin, you can use a coffee tin, anything metal, or at your local craft store or
Wal-Mart you can buy candle molds, of all different kinds of shapes if you want to get creative, I like my plain old cup cake shaped candles.

Making candles  (Submitted by Keltie 12/12/99

Normally I just make mine out of beeswax which is available along with standard wicking in most craft stores. You can buy the sheets in almost any colour you want and rolling your own candles is both fast and easy. Size wise you can make them in any size you feel appropriate. To scent mine, I put my essential oils onto the wicking and dip the wick in parrafin to seal in the scent until the candle burns ( that way it doesn't dissipate.) A good site to start you off here is http://www.beemaid.com/wax/candles.html

Parrafin candles ( see the two attachments below)  can be poured into whatever containers you have available ranging from baby food jars (tea candle size), to milk cartons or frozen juice cans etc. Colouring for parrafin candles can be done by adding bits of coloured crayon until the desired colour is achieved, and adding scents just before you pour the candles to avoid loss of scent through evaporation. As a rule of thumb for larger candles over 3" in diameter ... I add an extra wick for every 2 inches added in size to ensure even wax burning. - Hints.. save leftover wax from old candles and just toss them in to the
pot when you are melting parrafin to use up the bits and pieces. - Some churches will allow you to come in and clean up their old votive candles to get the leftover wax for free or you can ask friends or even
restaurants to save candle stubs for you. - Baby food jars are readily available from nursery schools, daycares and hospitals. Even some recycling groups/centers  will put them aside for you if you don't have or know someone with a baby. -Packing a milk container full of ice cubes and pouring the hot parrafin
over the ice cubes will give you a pretty lattice effect. Just make sure the candle has hardened completely before you carefully peel off the cardboard as the wax is very fragile.

CANDLE POWDERS:  (Submitted by Chandralin  6/1/00)

Candle powders are a great addition when preparing spell candles. They're easy to make, and add extra kick to spell work when the powder has been properly charged during it's making. Good bases for candle powders are:
unscented talcum powder,cornstarch, fine saw dust or baking powder. The herbs must finely ground before mixing them with the base.

To use, 1st anoint the candle with the appropriate oil, then either lightly dust the candle by sprinkliing it with the appropriate powder, or pour some of the powder out on a flat surface and roll the oiled candle in it.

HEALING: 1/4 cup base, 1/2 tspn each of rosemary, sandalwood, vervain and basil.

LOVE: 1/4 cup base, 1/2 tspn each of catnip, basil, yarrow and jasmine.

MAGICK: 1/4 cup base, 1/2 tspn each of dragon's blood, cinnamon, patchouly and  rosemary

PROSPERITY: 1/4 cup base, 1/2 tspn each of nutmeg, jasmine, cinnamon and bayberry.

BANISHING: 1/4 cup base, 1/2 tspn each of clove, frankincense, ginger and pepper.

DRAGON'S BLOOD INK: You can purchase Dragon's Blood ink, although it usually has to  be ordered from a catalog or you can make your own. The recipe is as follows:

     Combine 2-3 ounces of red india ink with 3 teaspoons of Dragon's Blood powder and 10-15
     drops Dragon's blood oil. Store in a dark bottle.

CANDLE MAGICK         (Submitted by Beth 8/2/00)

General Guide

Black...Banishing, Mourning, Loss, Meditation, Abstinence, Feminine Divine
Blue...Peace, Healing, Tranquility, Truth, Sleep, Prophetic Dreams, Friendship, Physical Protection, Hope
Brown...Animal Magick, Animal healing, Home, Locate Lost Objects
Gold...Solar Deities, God, riches
Green...Employment, Fertility, Success, Good Luck, Prosperity, Money, Rejuvenation
Orange...Creativity, Attraction, Stimulate Energy, Legal Matters, Success, New Home
Pink...Love, Honour, Friendship, Fidelity, Femininity
Purple...Psychic Ability, Wisdom, Spirituality, Success, Spiritual Growth, Power, Healing, Feminine Divine
Red...Lust, Strength, Courage, Power, Health, Energy, Vitality, Love, Magnetism, Willpower, Passion
Silver...Remove Negativity, Encourage Stability, Psychic Protection, Goddess
White...Meditation, Healing, Truth, Peace, Spiritual Strength, Lunar Magick, Purity, Protection, Happiness
Yellow...Charm, Confidence, Attraction, Wisdom, Visions, Psychic Powers, Mental Powers

Advanced Guide

To guard against accidents...purple & orange
To achieve for yourself...orange & red
To help others achieve...white & red
To be given advice...white & blue
For someone to have affection for you...white & yellow
To receive alimony...green

To have babies...pink
To release pain in your back...orange
To obtain a loan from a bank...blue & green
To see your own beauty...pink
To bring back a lost love...yellow & pink

To receive a call from a certain man...yellow
To receive a call from a certain woman...yellow & pink
To Improve where you are in your career...yellow & white
To win at the casino...Green (I have personally won Thousands doing this one!)

To protect yourself from danger...purple
To release your fear of death...white
Release your need for delay...pink & yellow
To eat a healthy diet...blue
To divorce and remain friends...White

to have energy...Red & blue
To enjoy life...blue & pink
To take and pass an Exam...blue & yellow

To be faithful...pink & purple
To have a close Family...Blue
Release the need to fight...yellow & white

To get a job...green & blue
To get a car...white & green
To get money...green
To stop gossip...white & black

To release habits...yellow & pink
To find happiness within yourself...pink & white
To have hope...Pink & purple

Release the need for an emotional imbalance...blue
To have the ability to use your imagination...pink & yellow
To improve the quality of your relationship...pink
The ability to use your intuition...orange

To find a job...green
To have joy in your life...yellow & blue

To find a lost keepsake...blue

Release your need for laziness...orange
For good luck...yellow
to have a lover...pink & yellow

To perform magic...brown & yellow ;-)
The ability to afford and move...green
To get married...yellow & pink

Release nicotine addiction...orange & brown
To release your need to be negative...pink

To have an opportunity...blue
To be outgoing...red & white

To be peaceful...blue
To get a promotion...blue & white
To be preceptive...orange

To have some peace and quiet...white

To have the truth Revealed...white

To have an increase in salary...green
To have sex...red

To pass a test...yellow
To resist temptation...white & purple
The ability to travel...Blue & yellow

To go on vacation...yellow & white
To have a visitor...blue

To get your wish...pink

To find yourself...white

Candle, Crystal & Oil Combinations  (Submitted by Chandralin 28/10/00)

1)Candle = White-For peace and spirituality.
Crystal = Clear quartz-For balance and to bring about peacefulness and spirituality.
Oil = Jasmine or Lily oil.
Blessing = "I dedicate this candle to the peace essential to my spiritual nourishment."

2)Candle = Red-For passion, love and compassion.
Crystal = Rose quartz-To aid in the development of self love and compassion.
Oil = Rose oil.
Blessing = "May my wish of a passionate, loving life be taken up in the light of this candle."

3)Candle = Yellow-For joy and friendship.
Crystal = Citrine-To bring about cheerfulness, hope, light heartedness.
Oil = Bergamot oil.
Blessing = "I dedicate this candle to emotional balance in all my friendships."

4)Candle = Green-For abundance, luck, harmony.
Crystal = Jade-For abundance, prosperity, luck.
Oil = Lemon oil.
Blessing = "May my wish to open to universal support be taken up in the light of this candle."

5)Candle = Blue-For healing and protection.
Crystal = Sodalite-To help maintain clarity, truth, creative expression.
Oil = Sage oil.
Blessing = "I dedicate this candle to the healing rays of the angels."

6)Candle = Purple-For spiritual and material wealth.
Crystal = Amethyst-For calming, healing and protection.
Oil = Cinnamon oil.
Blessing = "May my wish to allow my needs to be met be taken up in the light of this candle."