Stars twinkle in the night
Waning moon cresting burning bright
Count the hours down one by one
A moment of revelry
Kisses and hugs
Finally off to get some sleep
Our minds open to our wishes
To dreams and schemes
The deepest dark of midnight's dream
What may be
What might be
What may yet come
For the coming year
To be heeded?
To be heard?
To be held true?
Warnings disregarded
Encouragement unheard
The path chosen will decide
Becca '2001
The Passage of time
Dances on it's own rhythm
I feel the beat, hear the tune
Three decades and nine years
Seems like yesterday
That it just all began
My how time does go by
Memories flowing
Thoughts and ideas growing
Things that are done
Those yet to do
Is there time enough?
Time to start teaching?
Get the young ones learning
Get them yearning to do
The waning of this life
Growing into its fullness
As the moon goes from new to full
From full it waxes to dark
And the process starts over again
Becca R 1/28/2001
The power of the witch comes within,
Of earth, sun and the moon,
The power to seek wisdom,
The power to seem doom.
In the connection, of air and fire,
To change at will, to feed the desire.
The mightiest tools that I have to find,
Come from within and from my mind.
Of herbs and bark, stem and tree,
Of land and sky, the ecstasy.
The dark shadows that fall behind,
The light in front, seek and ye shall find.
Riding on the mystical broom,
String the cauldron of life and death,
From the air I take a deep breath.
I ground myself, in the inner knowledge.
To plant the seed, to see it grow.
With the suns light, fast or slow.
I am that seed, I reach for the sky,
The breath I take in, I shall ride high.
In touch with the balance,
Forever in sway,
It can be either given or taken away.
I stand on the terminus of light and dark.
So in the shadows I may stay for a while,
Giving birth to my own inner child.
The life force of the blood that pulses within,
The power of the witch that lives within.
By Violet Shadow
Since I had a blissful dream
The other side of things I've seen
A star shines brightly above the clouds
I walk the beach with calming sounds
No more questions for answers why
A realisation comes from the sky
Lapping waves cover my feet
I feel my life is now complete
I make my wishes as I look above
I am joined in thoughts by mother love
Expanding thoughts encompass time
The dream catcher sees my loving sign
Restful thoughts on a forest walk, energy flowing, there
is no talk.
A mystical morning amongst the trees, the butterflies
dance, the buzz of the bees.
A feeling of comfort magically born, one with nature
at the break of dawn.
I hear a voice from times long gone; a ghostly echo sings
her song.
A joyful message she imparts to me, a love of nature,
a reality.
Folklore tales from her loving face, a wondrous beauty
from the spirit of place.
I have to listen to those words I hear, they gently flow
into my ear.
Reflections of the days gone past, the love of those
that I hold dear.
A special feeling that is all mine, transfixes me to
this place in time.
I really am engulfed in awe, in what I heard and what
I saw.
I know I have a bond of love, for that voice I hear above.
I take another step along, the pathway as she sings her
Mother Nature has her ways, to show us how to live our
The beauty of the sky above, the tending hand of Mother
The wisdom of the silent trees, they know of course,
all our needs.
The sleeping bird that's just awoke, the ivy hanging
from the ancient oak.
All these things reach out to me, from their place in
I sit and watch the waterfall; I remember well, the forest
The Willow
The weeping willow magically
seen, I feel her comfort, it comes to my dreams.
The sunlight catches the
angles of the leaves, the hanging branches blowing in the breeze.
The misty morning speaks
to the trees, the willow tree in awe at what she sees.
Birds pecking the insects
from her branches, faery folk performing their ritual dances.
Voices like echoes come
from the trees, they speak to each other, always at ease.
The gift of nature is
shared by their hand; their wisdom renown is born in the land.
Their image reflects in
the water below, it reminds them of life and the seeds that they sow.
The times that have past,
and the times to come, their love of the land and their love of the sun.
Their majestic poise, their
charm and their grace, their compassionate knowing flows from their face.
I worship the ground as
they grow from the earth; I share in their joy as I witness their birth.
Man has always shared
all with the trees; they support us in life and know all our needs.
Reflect on your life as
the willow tree grows, as she shares all our joys and shares all our woes.
The stone circle stands like a portal to the earth.
Civilisations worshipped inside it since their birth.
The stone circle with one side not quite right
was built that way for the angled light.
The stone circle, a place to perform rites,
A system that's lasted, a system that's right.
The stone circle, that's magically seen,
When you step inside it, it feels like a dream.
The stone circle, majestic at night,
Spirit of place, power and might.
The stone circle, temple of the god of sun,
Druids at Summer Solstice gather as one.
The stone circle, witnessed all that was true,
It captured the light and the facts that they knew.
The stone circle, life's regeneration,
Peace, health and meditation!
Strange how my mind thinks, as I walk beside the trees.
The ancient oak trees forming links, with their breath
of wisdom reaching me.
Their lineage is unbroken in the vastness of time.
How do I respond as I walk past their line?
My thoughts are of sharing in their wisdom and dark.
Sensations of floatation as my hands clasp around the
Knowledge of ancient wisdom transcends the calm thoughts
of time.
A warmth deep inside forms as I acknowledge his sign.
Energy flows upwardly from below my knees.
Awareness takes over me, it comes from the Trees.
Thoughts of yesterday's anger begin to fade.
As the pieces of broken lives are being re-made.
My mind is with the leaves as they float down to the ground.
My pain has all gone without but a sound.
Who can tell me better than the trees?
How to live life, like the birds and the bees?
Knowing always that everything comes in three's,
The words, the wisdom, and The Lord of the Trees.
The vibrations of the stones
Call out to me their tones
Emitting their energy
Which resonates within my bones
The vibrations of the stones
Tells of magical perception
An ancient source of wisdom
Welcomes my reception
The vibrations of the stones
Relate the seasons that have past
A constant evolving
On a time scale that's so vast
The vibrations of the stones
Confirm the memories of old
A witness to the ancestors
They share a story told
The vibrations of the stones
Reveal their colours o so bold
Projected from the prism
Is a light that turns to gold
The vibrations of the stones
Brings comfort to me alone
As I sit amongst the circle
I feel a warming of the soul
The vibrations of the stones
Gives me a feeling that is real
For I am no longer thinking
As my senses start to feel
The vibrations of the stones
Have caught me in their zone
For I am their friendly captive
As I sit within their home
The vibrations of the stones
Spiral outwardly from within
A completion of a process
Tells of where I've been
I am Herne the hunter and you are a leaf driven by the
wind of change.
My home is within nature; I'm from a long distant age.
Visions of hunting are what I see,
As I walk through the forest of the ancient trees.
My hunting skills sharpen as I stalk the wild boar.
That's what I do best in the old forest lore.
I carve my tools with my woodcraft skills.
I meditate alone with the sternest of will.
King Richard did favour the words that I spoke.
As my fellow hunters made trophies carved from the oak.
These are a few words taken from my forestry life.
Protect yourselves wisely from troubles and strife.
Long ago in the South West of England a folklore tale
I'm standing in the castle ruins in Tyntagyll as my imagination
A flood of ancient mysteries as I look out across the
I wonder how much truth I know as the sea spray lands
on me.
I've heard so many wondrous stories about this mystically
inspiring land.
Many of them must be true as I connect with nature's
The wind whistles its tune of wisdom as it brushes through
my hair.
I have the same feelings of the people that used to live
Nothing here has changed for centuries as I sit down amongst
the stones.
I have a very special feeling here that chills me to
my bones.
I look across the other side as I see the waters still.
The blue sky reflects down on the water from this magic
land of Tyntagyll.
I need healing, more than I need love
I've got a feeling, a feeling from above
I've gone crazy, lost all my calm
I'm reassured, I'll come to no harm
Mother Nature, the Goddess above
Has given her blessing, a blessing of love
She will not fail, with her guidance of hand
All her wisdom, is spread through the land
Verse 2
I feel better, I've listened again
I have energy, I won't be the same
I'm so vibrant, so full of strength
Life is no longer, such a big wrench
Mother Nature, the Goddess above
Has given her blessing, a blessing of love
She will not fail, with her guidance of hand
All her wisdom, is spread through the land
She will not fail, with her guidance of hand
All her wisdom, is spread through the land