Correspondences for Spell Casting

I have taken down the ones I had before (as they came from a Patricia Telesco book) .
So I have added items that sumbolise different powers for me.

These are symbols that you can use in writing spells.  For example the symbols for love might be love hearts, pink, red, roses, satin sheets etc.  So your spell could include red and pink candles, rose petals and a nice relaxing sleep in new satin sheets.  You might have different correspondences for your spells, but these are what the different spells represent for me.

 Money – Green, Gold, Silver, Purple, Yellow, Coins, Money (real of fake), $ sign, Purse/Wallet, Cheque book, Bank books, Bank Statement (showing a big balance preferably), Moneybox, Money attracting gemstones, Money attracting Herbs, Pot of Gold, 3 legged frog (of the Chinese culture), Wishing well, Shells.

Abundance -  Green, Green plants with lush foliage or flowers, Weeds, Plants that grow well in your garden, Groups of things (such as lots of candles or flowers), Containers that are overflowing (ie. The cup runneth over), The Sun, Herbs and Crystals for abundance.

Love – Pink, Red, Love hearts, Res roses, Satin sheets, Beds, Valentine cards, Kisses, XOXOXO, Cupid, Heart with an arrow through it, Cassinova, Bunches of flowers, Love potions, Wedding rings, Doves, Love birds, Chocolate, Herbs and crystals for love.

Change – Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Modelling clay, Ice, Butterfly, Tadpole, Ash, Caterpillar, Anything that changes or changes shape, Seeds, Phoenix, Herbs and crystals for change.

Anger – Red, Bulls, Fire, Objects that have been broken in anger.  To relieve: White flag, Calm water, Blue, Flowers, Meditation, herbs and crystals for anger/calm.

Creativity – Red, Yellow, Orange, Paint, Paintbrushes, Easel, Pencils etc (All Art tools), Poems, Song lyrics, Herbs and crystals for creativity.

Balance – Green, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Scales, Yin and Yang symbol, The “Balance” man, Equilateral triangles, Hourglass, Stilts, Unicycle, Bicycle, Balance beam, Number 2, Pairs of anything, Herbs and crystals for balance.

Banishing – Black, White, Purple, Soap and water, Correction fluid, Eraser, Reversed items (Clothing, mirrored images etc.), Stain remover, Herbs and crystals for banishing.

Beauty – Pink, Grey, Mirror, Makeup and other beauty products, Jewellery, Hair accessories, Swan, Ballerina, Beautiful artwork/sculpture etc, herbs and crystals for beauty.

Choices – Coins, Pendulum, Different length straws, “Enie menie miny moe”, The choices written down on paper, Herbs and crystals for choices.

Cleansing/Purification – Soap and water, Smudge stick, Shower, Holy water, Herbs and crystals for cleansing/purification.

Communication – Blue, Telephone, Mobile phone, Paper and pens, envelopes, letters, Mouth, Computer, Typewriter, Stamps, Cue cards, Herbs and crystals for communication.

Courage – Yellow, Green, Red, Lions, Tigers, other courageous animals, Swords, Knights, Herbs and crystals for courage.

Divination – Black, Silver, Mugwort, Divination tools (Crystal ball, tarot cards etc.), Flying ointment, Herbs and crystals for divination.

Employment – Green, Money, Newspaper, Advertisements for jobs, Old pay slips, Symbols of the work you would like to do (desk, etc.), Herbs and crystals for employment.

Energy/Power – Red, Orange, Yellow, Black, Batteries, Children and puppies playing, Herbs and crystals for energy/power.

Fear – Black, White, Images that you fear that have been broken or cut in half (Spiders, Dogs, High places, Water etc.), Herbs and crystals for fear.

Fertility – Green, Soil from a well growing garden, Stork, Rabbit, Eggs, Symbols of children (ie. Bottles, rattles, nappies etc.), Herbs and crystals for fertility.

Friendship – Blue, Pink, Brown, Picture of people holding hands or looking friendly, Celtic knots, Herbs and crystals for friendship.

Foundations – Brown, Plant roots, Soil, Pictures of house foundations, pictures of your first family home, anchor, Herbs and crystals for foundations or stability.

Goals – Soccer/Football goal, Dartboard, Target, Bow and arrow, Steps, Ladders, pictures or items that you have achieved something in, Herbs and crystals for goals.

Healing – Green, Red Cross, Bandaids, Bandages, Antiseptic, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lavender, Orange juice, Chicken noodle soup, Bed rest, Crutches.

Fun – Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Fool Tarot card, Clown, Fairy floss, Bright colours, dress up clothes, children’s toys, balloons, jelly, birthday cake, Herbs and crystals for fun/happiness.

 Knowledge/Wisdom – Blue, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Books, Owl, Glasses, Library cards, Notebook, Light bulb, Computers, Crone Goddess, Diplomas, Mortar board (hat), Herbs and crystals for knowledge/wisdom.

Luck – Green, Gold, Rabbit’s foot, 4 left clover, Number 13 or 7, Found money, “Find a penny pick it up”, Lucky charms, Herbs and crystals for luck.

New Beginnings – Blank paper, Open windows, Clean blackboard, Eraser, Correction fluid, Starting line of a race, Babies, Seeds, Small plants, Herbs and crystals for new beginnings.

Protection – Black, White, Shield, White light, Black cape, Fence, Guard dog, Holy water, Herbs and crystals for protection.

Memory/Intellect – Yellow, Elephants, Books, Photo albums, Things from the past, Herbs and crystals for memory or intellect.

Travel/Movement – Vehicles (cars, bikes, trains etc.), Train/bus/plane tickets, Sneakers, Hiking boots, Clouds, Fast flowing rivers, Blenders, Suitcase, Map, Camera, Hotel brochures, Cheetah, Birds, Fan, Wooden spoon, Herbs and crystals for movement or travel.

More Spellcasting information is found in  "Obsidian's Book Of Shadows" and is also found in Obsidian's SpellCasting booklet and  Obsidian's Classes. 
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