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Pagan Crafts

Make a BOS from scratch, a Pagan Snowglobe...and much more!

Goddess Snow Globe   |   Scented Rocks  |   Witch Balls  | Sachets  | Elemental bottles|Magick Mirror|Making a BOS |

Various crafts  (Submitted by Amalthaea  11/12/99)

Goddess Snow Globe

Almost any jar works for the project. Baby-food, pimiento, and olive jars are good choices.  Look for plastic or ceramic figurines or any other item (metal rusted) at a craft store, Wal Mart or other similar store.  We used unpainted ceramic figures we found at Michael's.
Synthetic evergreen tips are available at many floral-supply stores. If the jar lids are not in seasonal colors already, paint them with oil-based enamel paint. Sand the inside of the lid until the surface is rough. With clear-drying epoxy, adhere the figurine to the inside of the lid, and let the epoxy dry.  We let ours dry 3 days.  Wanted to make sure it would stay on good.

Fill the jar almost to the top with distilled water; add a pinch of glitter and a dash of glycerin (available at drugstores) to keep the glitter from falling too quickly. Don't add too much or the glitter will stick to the bottom of the jar when it's flipped. Screw on the lid tightly, being careful not to dislodge the figurine. Turn the jar over and back again-and let it snow.

Make Your Own Scented Rocks

Place rocks in a bowl or dish to scent a room. A nice alternative to potpourri! Or make them into small balls to fill sachets with.

1/2 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
1/4 teaspoon essential oil (your favorite scent)
2/3 cups boiling water
Food coloring, if desired

1. In bowl, mix dry ingredients well.
2. Add essential oil, and boiling water to dry ingred. (Scent will be strong, but will fade slightly when dry.)
3. For colored stones, blend in food coloring, one drop at a time until desired shade is reached.
4. Blend ingredients, and form balls.
5. Allow stones to dry.

Witch Balls
I have seen many instructions for Witch Balls and they do not match mine, so perhaps what I have isn't really a "Witch Ball", but lets just call it that for simplicity's sake. *smile* These balls are more of a charm for your home or room. It is up to you which one you make, they are all so easy. The hardest part about them is finding the clear glass ball to make them in. I
found mine at the craft store, but only near Yule have I been able to find them there. Perhaps at JoAnn Fabric or a store of that nature will carry them year round. In any event, on with the show.

There are basic materials needed for each ball no matter which one you make. You will need paint in color that corresponds with your intentions. (There will be colors listed with the various balls)
You will need the glass ball
You will need herbs that correspond with your intentions. (These will be listed as well)
You will need ribbon in a color that corresponds with your intentions.

Intention Herbs Needed Colors Used:
Protection Angelica, Basil, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Mugwort, Oak, Sage,Willow, Witch Hazel, Violet Black, Blue, White
Happiness Catnip, Lavender, Meadowsweet, Marjoram, Hawthorn, St. Johnswort White, Red, Pink, Blue
Healing Allspice, Apple, Cedar,Cinnamon, Elder, Flax, Oak, Onion, Pine, Sandalwood, Spearment, Thistle,Thyme, Violet, Willow Blue, Red
Luck Allspice, Cotton, Fern,Nutmeg, Oak, Orange,Pineapple, Poppy, Rose Green
Fertility Carrot, Fig, Grape, Hazel,Mandrake, Nuts, Oak, Olive, Patchouly, Peach,Pine, Poppy, Rice, Sunflower, Wheat Green

Ok first you want to take the paint, the color you have chosen to use, and coat the inside of the ball. Allow the excess to drain by placing the ball upside down in a jar or glass. Once the ball is completely dry, (this may take a day ro two depending on the type of paint you used. I use regular Tulip fabric paint.) you will want to add the herbs you have chosen. You can
use all the ones listed or you can use some or only one, it's up to you. The ribbon is for decorating and again, you can use all the colors or just one, or a couple, it matters not. You get to decorate the ball any way you want, just so long as you keep the the colors. Keep your intention in mind the whole time you are making the ball. Pour your energy into it as you pour in the herbs. Hang it somewhere special to you, where you think it will do the most good!


Sachets work the same way as the Witch Balls, you pick and choose, using the same idea. You choose the colors for the fabric and the ribbon or cord, and you choose the herbs according to your intention. Use the same chart as above. You will want a piece of fabric about 6 inches square. Place the herbs in the center of the fabric. Gather the corners up and wrap the cord around 3 times, making sure the fabric is secure and nothing is going to fall out. You can add personal things to sachets to increase their power. Such as adding a
penny to the luck sachet or adding a crystal to enhance the power as well. It is up to you. You will want to carry them with you, you could leave the cord long enough so that you could tie it up and wear it around your neck, or you could put it in your pocket. Sachets such as teh fertility sachet may not be needed at all times and you may only want to wear it when you will be using it. The Witch Balls and the Sachets are highly personalized, you really come up with the "ingredients" yourself. I just listed some that will work. The chart is by no means a complete listing of the herbs that can be used.                        Back to top

Elemental bottles (Submitted by Obsidian 24/1/00)

I was reading through some old digests from another list, and someone mentioned people who can't have altars set up, because of family members who would have a fit etc. Their idea was to take 4 of those small coloured glass bottles with the cork lids (or the ones that have a rubber seal with a metal closure, and fill them with things representing the 4 elements, such as:

Red:  (fire) Ash from a fire, matches
Green: (Earth) small stones, soil, salt
Yellow:  (Air) feathers, little toy birds
Blue:  (Water) Water (Gee... what a surprise!!), shells, sand

they said you can also add some of the essential oils for the elements.  I think you could put some of some small crystals for the elements in there too, or substitute oils for herbs...Here is a list of some of the oils/herbs and crystals for the elements...

Water:  (oils/herb) Lemonbalm, Gardenia, Jasmine,
       (stones) Aquamarine, chalecdony, jade, pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, sugilite, Amethyst, Chrysocolla, Rose
                   Quartz, coral.

Air: (oils/herb) Bergamot, Lavender, Lemongrass, Mint, Pine,
      (stones) Imperial Topaz, Citrine, Mica, Pumice, Aventurine, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite

Fire:  (oils/herb) Basil, Carnation, Cedarwood, Juniper, Calendula, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Ginger,
         (stones) Amber, Obsidian (me!), Rhodocrisite, Ruby, Larva rock,Garnet, Jasper, Pipestone, Citrine, Beryl,

Earth:  (oils/herb) Cypress, Honeysuckle, Vervain, Sage, Magnolia, Mugwort, Patchouli
           (stones) Moss agate, Emerald, Jet, Salt, Black tourmaline, Agate, Malachite, Obsidian (me again!)

I though another use for the bottles would be instead of candles for the quarters, especially if you are working outside in the wind/rain or if you are in a forest where you are frightened of setting it alight!  or inside if you are not allowed to burn candles in the house.

I guess you could even make Goddess and God bottles,  so that you could have an altar with the 4 elements and the Goddess and God out of pretty coloured bottles, and no-one would have a clue that they were really symbols of your religion!

I would make the God/dess bottles larger than the elementals... You may need to paint the bottles to get them the colour you want, a light coat of a cheap paint should make them translucent enough to still see through.  (spay cans give an even coverage -- spray from far away though, or you'll get runs)

Goddess Symbols:  moons, name of Goddess on paper, small pic. or figurine, )o( symbol
Goddess colours: Silver, White, Green, Cream, Pink
Goddess Oils/herb: Camelia, Magnolia, Olive, Lily, Lilac,
Goddess stones: Emerald, Silver, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Peridot, Pink Tourmaline, Blue Quartz, Aquamarine, Beryl, Kunzite, Turquoise (all pink & Blue stones)

(basically anything  ruled by Earth, Water, the Moon & Venus)

God Symbols:  Suns, Name of God on paper, small pic. or figurine, the god symbol
God colours:  Red, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Brown
God Oils/herb: Basil, Chrysanthemum, Clover, Lavender, Pine, Juniper,
God Stones:  Gold, Brass, Diamond, Carnelian, Ruby, Garnet, Orange Calcite,Tiger eye, Topaz, Sunstone, Bloodstone, Red Tourmaline, (all red & Orange stones)

   (Basically anything ruled by Air, Fire, Mars & the Sun)

Magick Mirrors  (Submitted by Rose 13/8/00)

 To make one, you need:
 An 8 x 10 photo frame with a removable back and  removable glass.
 Black high-gloss paint (not spray)
 Dried psychic hers: hyssop, dragons blood, orris root,  anise seed, or any type of dried moss.
 A disposable mixing container.
 A paint brush
 Collect the items during the waning phase. Mix paint  and herbs together until you have a thick tar like substance.  Chant while mixing.

 "Vision of night,
 by the moon's dark light,
 enter my art...anl evil depart."

 As you chant, imagine moonbeams entering the pain  through your hands. Paint one side of the glass with
 the paint herb mixture using long straight strokes.  Cover one surface completely leaving no  holes. When dry, re-assemble with painted side down.  Now you are done or you can add shells, stones,  feathers, mirror pieces, symbols around the edges.

Creating your own Book of Shadows  (Submitted by Rose 16/8/00)

  The purpose of a Book of Shadows is basically a book of everything you  learned and wrote about the Craft. Some people include a dream journal,  daily journal, and a personal Witch journal.   The reason it is called a Book of Shadows is because during the "burning  times" it is believed that the book must be hidden under the "shadows"
 so no one would find it. It is believed traditionally, that the student  hand-wrote his/her Book of Shadows from his/her elder teacher. This was  to protect the teacher or the coven if someone would find the book, only
 the student would be accused (there would be no evidence of anyone  else's handwriting).   No one knows when the "first" BoS (book of shadows) was actually written  because hundreds of years ago, hardly anyone knew how to read or write.  This is where the runes come in. Some believe that the Witchs learned  types of runic alphabets to write the book. Also this way, no ordinary  person would be able to read the book! Smart!   The Runic alphabets are still used today. Many believe they are powerful  written words. For example: When you inscribe something on your athame  using a runic alphabet, you are subconsciously putting more power into  the words because you are concentrating on the word itself (trying to  get it right and perfect). ----and not to mention, no non-witch will
 know what it says...which is protecting it from any negativity.

 I think making your BoS is the fun part! All you need to make yours is a  bit of creativity! It can be very simple or it can be very elaborate!  Just keep in mind that you will have to read from it while doing rituals  and whatnot. Don't make the same mistake I did when I made my first BoS.  I was so much into making it look beautiful that I couldn't read it  easily. I had many creative designs on it and even wrote some of it with  Runes (Theban Alphabet and the Seax-Wica Runic Alphabet). When I tried  to read it, I knew I had to make it simple. I still keep it for  sentimental reasons.   The best way, I think, is to put it on your computer, save it to disk  and then print it out. Then you can arrange it in a ringed binder. The  binder should be separated into as many sections as you need. The binder
 will also be easier to use so you can add and move pages around as  needed. If you want to keep in tradition, you can hand-write everything.   Make sure the print is large enough to read (remember you may only have  a candle or the moon as your light source). You also may want to attach  two strings with some kind of weigh on the ends (so that your pages  won't flip in the wind).   With the binder, you can still make your BoS interesting and beautiful  by adding pictures and your own designs on different pages from your  writings. Don't forget the cover page! That is the extra fun part! Let  you imagination go wild! You'll never know, maybe your BoS will be
 handed down to your great-great-grand children! :)

 The importance of record keeping:
 Whatever you put into your BoS, make sure you keep a record of it.  Keeping good records in the Craft will help you along on your journey.  You will be able to go back and see what works best for you in which  situation.
 Keep a worksheet in front of every new listing showing where you got the  information from, when you got it, when it was created, if you created  it, etc.   Also, create a worksheet to put in front of your spells and rituals.

 Astrological correspondences
 Moon phase
 Outside by the lake, beach, woods?
 Inside your house?
 In your backyard?
 How was your physical health?
 How was the weather conditions?
 How was your mental health?
 Were you happy, angry, sad?
 Purpose of the spell
 Purpose of the Ritual
 Was the spell written by you for you?
 Was the spell written by you For someone else?
 Was is written by someone else?
 Which deities were invoked?
 What were the tools used?
 What else was needed for the ritual/spell?
 Any herbs, oils, color of candles, etc.?
 Results of the ritual or spell:
 How long it take to work?
 What actually happened?
 Did your spell/ritual work?
 Why do you think it happened that way?
 These are just a few examples. You can add any information that you  think will be valuable in the future. The more information you write,  the better you can analyze it later.

 What do I put in my BOS?:
 Below is an example of what you can put in your Book of Shadows. This is  only an example. You may add anything that you think will be valuable.

Book of Shadows Blessing
 Principles of Belief
 What Witchcraft means to you
 A little History
 Gods/ Goddesses
 Wheel of the Year
 Suggested Books
 Pagan Humor
 Rites of Passage rituals
 Casting a circle
 Consecration of tools
 Tools, Symbols, Runes, ect.
 Chants & songs
 Dream Journal
 Daily Journal
 The Way of the Witch