You must consider this dream's varying aspects
in order to interpret this dream. Your subconscious may begiving you some
messages in regards to what needs to be kept and what needs to be let go.
Traditional dreaminterpretations say that if you are the one being abandoned
in your dream, it is a dream of the contrary and youmay experience reconciliation
or recovery from trouble or illness.
When, in your dream, you are feeling pain
or discomfort in this area or any other area of the body, make sure thatyou
are in good health. At times our subconscious knows that something is wrong,
even before we have anysymptoms. Old wives' tales tell us that this is
a dream of the contrary and that you will have lots of vigor andgood health.
However, they say that if you dreamed that your abdomen is exposed, it
may be a warning thatsomeone that you trust is not loyal or is working
against you.
A woman that had this experience is most
likely to have many dreams about it. Even though the dream may bedisturbing
or anxiety provoking, it is a healing dream. It is possible that in your
dream state you are workingtoward acceptance and are resolving any unconscious
feelings. If a man is having this dream it usually meansthat he is experiencing
guilt feelings and he may be anticipating failure in love or money. If
a woman who has nothad this experience is having this dream, it may be
a warning about her health or it may indicate that she is feelingsignificant
anxiety about her current endeavors.
Dreaming about a famous actor or actress,
may be a wish fulfilling dream. We admire them and we may wish tohave some
of their characteristics. Consider the personality traits, or any other
trait that attracts you to thatperson. By doing this you will figure out
why you are dreaming about them. If you are dreaming that someone isacting,
you may be dreaming about yourself. The dream could be pointing out some
of the roles that you play inlife. We all have many different rolls, like:
parent, spouse, lover, student, professional, etc.. We behave somewhat
differently in each of those roles. The actor in your dreams could be showing
you how well you "play" some of your roles in life, or showing you how
others perceive you.
Dreaming about old people, or your own aging
may have several different meanings. An old man may symbolizewisdom and
forgiveness, and an old woman -- life and death. In general, aging may
represent wisdom that aperson acquires through experience. The dream may
also be giving you a message in regard to life's lessons. Thismay be a
good time for you to apply some of your experience and knowledge in
a current situation. This dreammay also be
a reflection of your concerns about aging. If you are thinking
about your mortality and do notwelcome maturing
and age, the dream may be bringing out some of your worries and/or vanities.
If you are a passenger in a plane you may
be subconsciously thinking about someone or something that is faraway and
you wish to get in touch. If you are the pilot it suggest that you have
a sense of control and an
underlying confidence that you will succeed
in your endeavors.
Drinking alcohol in moderation or at a celebration,
suggests that you are feeling good about the decisions thatyou have made
and you are counting on future success. However, if you are drinking excessively
and feelintoxicated in your dreams, it suggests that you may have negative
feelings about yourself and fear beingdiscovered for what your really are.
Meeting and talking to aliens usually suggests
that many significant changes are coming into your life. If youdream that
you are the alien, it usually suggest that you are feeling like a stranger
in your usual crowd and wouldlike to find new friends.
This cold blooded animal could hold several
different meanings in your dream. It could symbolically representsomething
from your memory, your emotions, or a current situation or individual in
your life. Some think that thealligator represents verbal power, used in
a destructive way. Others think that it represents an enemy. Considerthe
details in your dream and your level of fear. This dream symbol should
encourage you to look at some of your more
"dangerous" emotions, memories and experiences. The alligators in your
dreams, will begin to loose thepower to frighten you as your understanding
In old dream dictionaries, dreaming about
an ambulance could be labeled as a dream of warning. In more modernterms,
you unconscious mind may by attempting to convey information which you
have been unwilling toconsciously deal with. Pay attention to your physical
body and see if your health is an issue. Otherwise, thisdream may be pointing
to some urgent situation in your life. Consider all of the details in your
dream, examineyour daily life and make an attempt to see if there is something
that requires your immediate attention.
This is a scary dream which may be due to
anxiety and fear. It suggests feelings of frustration, anger and
powerlessness on the part of the dreamer.
This dream may also be related to a radical removal of something fromyour
life. Some believe that you are trying to get rid of something that is
no longer desirable or necessary, or thatthe limb or the part being amputated
has lost its power. According to New
Age thinking, the right side of thebody is
usually associated with the ability to give emotionally,
psychologically and physically to yourself
and toothers, and the left with the ability to receive.
Dreams involving anchors are hints from your
subconscious that you should "stay put". Don't go shopping forthings that
you really don't need. Economize.
Some say that dreams containing angels are
good omens and suggest that you will have an increase of joy inyour life.
If you are the angel in the dream or if an angel flies over your house,
it is exceptionally good luck.However, if you are dreaming that the angels
are talking to you or you are calling upon them, it may indicate thatyou
are overly concerned about your activities and their moral implications.
This may be a carry over from your daily
life. In our dreams we can experience and express such feelings safely.Feeling
great anger in your dream may be disturbing, but pay attention to it and
attempt to deal with all of youremotions in a more appropriate and productive
For a more specific interpretation please
look up each animal by its name. If you are dreaming about wild animalsthe
interpretation depends on the circumstances in your dream and on the level
of their hostility. Wild animals aregenerally a good omen, but if there
is aggression, see how this is relevant to a current issue in your life,
bewarned and proceed with caution.
Experiencing much anxiety in your dream state,
may be related to your every day life and your current difficulties.There
may be a great gap between the way things are and the way you would like
them to be. An olderinterpretation indicates that when you dream about
anxiety the contrary is true and that your worries will be
This dream always has something to do with
friends. Friends going in and out of your life or returning after a longabsence.
Apologies make such things happen.
It could represent your defense mechanisms.
Those things that you use to protect from self and/or others. Theycould
be things such as denial and repression. Physical barriers, such as the
walls in your house, or even yourbehaviors and attitudes that keep others
away. On a more spiritual note, some believe that dreaming about armormay
be a good sign which represents a shield of protection form difficulties
and temptation.
Research shows that the content of most dreams
is more frequently unpleasant than pleasant. Most people haveexperienced
violent dreams and dreams in which they are being attacked. To understand
your dream consider allof its details and think about whether you are being
attacked or you are attacking. If you are being attacked thenmaybe you
are feeling somewhat vulnerable in some area of your daily life. If you
are doing the attacking, it maybe that you are releasing some of your frustrations
and anger. You may be
expressing negative feelings in suchways
that you are unable to do in daily life.
Any part of a house usually represents a
part of yourself (You are the house). The attic is the last thing built.Consider
the details of the dream and try to figure out what your unconscious is
trying to tell you. Some believethat the attic symbolizes the higher self,
or your best self. The self that is in contact with the eternal. Others
thinkthat the attic symbolizes the sum total of your life's work. That
it may predict how well you will do in old age. Ifthe attic is full of
"neat" stuff, it may imply that you are accomplishing
wonderful things and are living up to yourpotential
in this life time.
The material which makes up the avalanche
is snow, and snow is frozen water. Water symbolizes your emotions.Thus,
this dream is about rapidly and violently descending emotions. The emotions
which may have been held atbay, and you have not been dealing with for
a very long time, have finally been unlocked and may beoverwhelming you.
You may have this dream during emotionally turbulent times of your life,
or in your dreamsyou may be remembering and reliving some difficult emotional
experiences. Old dream interpretation books saythat if you are buried in
an avalanche that you will have good luck in the near future, thus they
think that it is adream of the contrary.
The meaning of this dream depends on what
the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies representinnocence,
great potential and new beginnings. The baby is the purest form of a human
being and its possibilitiesare endless. All the potential good of the entire
universe can usually be seen and felt in a new born baby.Superstition based
interpretation suggest that if the baby in your dream is beautiful you
may experience newhappiness and feelings of security. An ugly baby suggests
that you may not be trusting your friends and thatyou may be concerned
about their motives; sick babies indicate that you may have some very difficult
times inyour immediate future. If the baby is walking you may experience
independence (this is folklore), but if youloose
the baby through the drain while bathing you may have a fear of not being
able to live up to yourexpectations. Many babies indicate great happiness
and joy (don't they always?).
If you are baking, you may be subconsciously
thinking that you will get a promotion or will raise in social status(all
your acquaintances are thinking what a great person you are). If you are
dreaming about a bakery or aprofessional baker, you most likely feel satisfied
about you accomplishments and are looking forward to a greatyear ahead.
If in life you are not bald, but dream of
being bald you may want to get a physical checkup, as this dream usuallywarns
about poor health. If you are dreaming that others are bald, your subconscious
may be trying to tell youthat they are not as honorable or as trustworthy
as you would want them to be. Baldness symbolizes a lack orsomething, just
like those who are bald lack hair.
Freud may say that all such objects have
phallic implications. However in the world of classic dream
interpretations: eating bananas may suggest
a period of hard work but little reward. Spoiled bananas usuallyindicate
"spoiled" friendships.
Dreaming about being in bars and drinking
may symbolize a need that you have for some type of a meaningfultransformation.
On the other hand, this dream may be a form of wish fulfillment, and you
are escaping into apleasurable environment where the daily cares and concerns
are meaningless. If you rarely allow yourself to relaxand socialize, this
dream may be compensatory in nature.
The house generally represents your psychological
and emotional self. Each part of the house may deal with adifferent part
of you. The basement is built first, it is often below ground (or some
parts of it), and is essentiallythe foundation of the house. Dreaming about
a basement and understand the dream, may provide you withvaluable information
which may lead to greater self awareness. A recurring dream about basements;
being in abasement, cleaning a basement, furnishing a basement, etc., should
not be ignored. These dreams may besymbolic of your unconscious, your instincts
and intuition, and your degree of awareness in regard to a currentsituation
or a problem. The look of the basement may provide you with clues about
your current feelings andstate of contentment. If the basement is a mess,
and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you maybe experiencing
confusion and that it is a very good time to "sort" things out emotionally
and psychologically.At times, the activities which are going on in the
basement of your dream may be based on past experiences orchildhood memories.
As with all dreams, their main purpose seems to be to bring the dreamer
to higherconsciousness so that he may deal with his current issues more
effectively, rather than to dwell on the past. AlsoSee: House.
Most bats are nocturnal predators and just
thinking about them gives us an uneasy feeling . Bats may be
considered mysterious and unpredictable.
When you are interpreting this dream, look carefully at all the detailsand
also at your emotional reactions in the dream. This dream may relate to
discretion and covert behaviors. Yoursubconscious mind may be relating
feelings to you, in regard to behaviors which you or someone else prefers
tokeep a secret.
Judging by all of the e-mail that I receive,
dreaming about bathrooms seems to be common. In daily life, thebathroom
is extremely important to our functioning. In our dreams, it may be a valuable
symbol. It suggests thatthere is a need for emotional and psychological
cleansing. You may need to get rid of emotional andpsychological baggage.
It is difficult to be carefree and happy, when old issues keep bringing
you down. Thebathroom is a good dream symbol. Consider all of the details
in your dream,
make an effort to cleanse mind andspirit,
by putting useless thoughts and feeling behind you! Also See: House
Beards are usually associated with masculinity,
wisdom, strength, and the men who have them typically commandrespect. Moses,
Jesus, Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, all had beards. Old dream interpretation
books saythat dreaming of bearded men is a good omen, and good luck will
follow. On
the other hand dreaming aboutwoman with beards
is said to be bad luck. It's no wonder, a woman who is
strong, wise and commands respects isa very
threatening creature (to some). If you are a woman dreaming that you have
a beard, you may be dealingwith your own issues of power. You may be using
more masculine energy than you would like to, or that isnecessary. Also
See: Hair
Bears-See Animals
Beavers are very busy animals. They gnaw
all day and build their homes. They are generally not considered to befriendly
animals. All of their hard work is focused on isolating and protecting
themselves. When dreaming aboutthese animals, consider those characteristics
and try to see how they are relevant to you or someone in your life.Is
there isolation and "blocking" up of feelings and self expression going
on around you? Or is something"gnawing" at
you that you can no longer ignore? If you can answer these
questions, you will have a betterunderstanding
of your dream.
This is one of the most valued pieces of
furniture. It's where we sleep, rest, restore our minds and bodies andengage
is sexual pleasure. The bed is symbolic of all of these things. The bed
could also symbolize the bridgebetween awareness and the unconscious. Our
daily lives and the great unknown, our spirit and our psychologicalundercurrent.
The quality and the cleanliness of the bed in our dreams, may relate to
the way we feel aboutourselves and our relationships. In reality we "make
our own bed", so the dream may reflect that bed and remindus that we have
to either change it or lie in it. If there were things hiding under the
bed in your dream, it maysymbolize secrets that you, or others, are keeping.
Consider the details of this dream, as well
as your emotional reactions in it, as bees can have a variety of differentconnotations.
The positive symbols are that of a person that is hard working, has good
organization skills, iscooperative and creative. The negative symbolism
could be that of a follower, a busy body and of someone that"stings". If
you are working on a project in which many people need to work
together to accomplish a goal, thismay be
a topic for some of your dreams.
All vehicles symbolize our passage through
the journey of life. Since the bicycle is usually acquired earlier in lifethan
a car, it could be pointing out some of your adolescent tendencies. If
you are a teenager, then it may be aroutine way of getting around. Riding
a bicycle in your dream, may symbolize a need for balance and hard work
inorder for you to succeed in a current endeavor. Some think that the bicycle
could also represent your need forsome type of assistance. Consider all
of the details in your dream, including whether you are traveling up or
downthe road. Also See: Car, Road, Journey
In old dream interpretation books, birds
are considered lucky omens (unless it was a blackbird, in which case it
isan omen of negativity). Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols.
Your dream depends on its details, butif the birds in your dream were flying
free it may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical freedom.
Woman who are pregnant and men who are going
to be fathers, commonly have dreams about giving birth. It isnot an omen
of anything to come, but simply the mind tries to cope with an event that
is significant in magnitudeand can be anxiety provoking. If you or your
mate are not pregnant,this
dream could symbolize new beginnings.Giving
birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life. Superstition
based dream interpretations saythat giving birth in a dream is a sign of
good luck, and multiple births are omens of forthcoming material wealth.
It is the life giving, vital part of our
physiology and it may symbolize our strengths and weaknesses, our physicaland
mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time
in your life, you may have dreams withbloody and frightening images. Don't
worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you seeblood
in your dream, the distressing situation in your life, which is at the
root of the dream, has come to an endand
the worst is over. Consider the details and the relationships between of
all the symbols in your dream beforemaking an interpretation..
As mentioned in all relevant dream symbols,
bodies of water represent your unconscious, your emotions andyour accumulated
soul experiences. Depending on the content of the dream, several different
interpretationscould be made. The boat in your dream could represent you
and the way in which you navigate through youremotions. It could symbolize
the voyage of your life, an adventure and exploration of your unconscious,
or itcould connect you to the people in your dream by pointing out something
all of you have in common ("in the same boat").
When interpreting this dream consider the kind of voyage and the type of
boat. Superstition baseddream interpretation books say that if the voyage
is calm you should go forward with your plans. However, if it isa very
stormy voyage get ready for an emotional upset (or challenge).
Dreaming about your body generally suggests
that you are dreaming about your personal identity. Who we are iswrapped
around what we look like. Our self-esteem and self-worth is too frequently
dependent on our physicalappearance. This dream may be pointing out some
of the difficulties, or pleasures in daily life which are the resultof
self-identity as based on attachment to our physical bodies. The body in
general is the symbol of self and thedetails in the dream will lead you
to further interpretation. Additionally,
if you are dreaming of a specific bodyregion,
or part, consider your health status.
As a food, bread is a fundamental part of
most diets. In poverty food is the filler, and in jail the prisoner receivesfood
and water to keep from starvation. In Christianity, Christ is the "bread
of life", and in popular jargon, bread isused to refer to money. Across
cultures and in both physical and metaphysical references, food is the
basicsustenance of life. As a dream symbol is can be rich in meaning and
message. The bread in your dreams couldrepresent those positive and wonderful
things that you have learned in your life's journey. It could be symbolicof
"good" and most basic things in your life, which will yield positive
benefits in the future. The bread in yourdream
could be spiritually symbolic; it could represent a profound communion
or connection with others and withGod. Consider the details of your dream
before nterpreting, but know that bread has positive universalsymbolism
and that this dream should bring with it a level of good feelings and peacefulness.
Breasts / Breast Feeding
Dreaming about breasts can have obvious sexual
meaning. However, consider all of the details in your dream inorder to
obtain the most appropriate meaning. Breasts also represent tenderness,
love, and other matters of theheart. Breast feeding is symbolic of giving
or receiving, nurturing, and sustenance. It represents motherly love, aswell
as physical and emotional support and well being. Old dream interpretation
books say that breast feeding is asymbol of great things to come following
an extended period of hard work.
There are many meanings that you could give
to this symbol. The details in the dream are just as important as thebridge
itself. The first consideration should be given to how much you travel.
The bridge can be interpretedliterally, if it is a part of your daily commute.
On a more theoretical level, bridges can symbolize transitions.Transition
from one stage to another, from one level of consciousness to another.
Since most bridges are overwater (emotions, unconscious), this dream could
also be symbolic of you
raising above your emotionaldifficulties,
or unconscious drives.
Brown is not the most cheerful color in the
spectrum. It is a very serious color which is associated with the earth,dirt
or ground. Autumn is generally brown and it represents a season of dormancy
and conservatism. The brownis your dream may be symbolic of physical reality
and earthiness. It may represent things in their "barest" form,and its
interpretation may encourage you to add some light and depth into your
daily life. Also See: Colors
Depending on the details of the dream, this
dream symbol could have several different meanings. . The bull inyour dream
could represent powerful sexual energy, stubbornness, strength, and at
times, clumsiness. It couldalso symbolize optimism about the future and
an ability to focus on a specific goal. Bulls can represent tenacityand
a very strong will. Finally, since the bull is associated with the color
red, some believe that it symbolizes thefirst chakra -- which is the energy
center located at the base of the spine
and represents this material world.
In order to interpret the dream with a bus
ride in it, the dreamer should make associations in regard to buses. Thedream
has very specific meaning depending on the individuals experiences on school
buses, publictransportation vehicles, special family trips, etc..At times
the content of the dream may be more important thanthe actual setting.
If the setting is secondary, then examine the other details of the dream
more closely. However,if the bus and the bus ride was a focal point of
the dream consider the value that it holds for you. Does this dreamsay
something about your ability to "fit it" and join a group effort, project
or trip? Do you function well in groupsettings? Are you a leader or a follower
in such situations, and what is
your comfort level? This dream could alsoreflect
a part of your life (or the journey of your life) which involved many other
people who seemed to be on asame path. It could be your family, friends,
school mates or coworkers. Also See: Car
Dreaming about burying a dead person or funerals,
does not necessarily symbolize physical death for you oranyone else. It
could instead symbolize an ending of a different kind. You may be burying
conditions or even emotions that you no longer
need, and that are no longer conducive to your personal growth.On the other
hand this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions
that are too difficult tocope with. It may reflect a numbness or a feeling
which is the opposite of aliveness, such as depression andemptiness. Either
way, burying a person that is alive suggests some emotional turmoil. Please
consider all of thedetails in this dream to find the appropriate message.
Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming aboutburials is a dream
of the contrary. Instead of sadness the dreamer will
experience happiness and go tocelebrations,
such as weddings. Also See: Coffin, Death
Some say that the butterfly represents the
spirit or the essence of the individual. Butterflies are generally symbolsof
transformation, as in nature they go through metamorphosis. They are beautiful,
evasive, and at timesinspiring. Your unconscious mind may be pointing out
the most positive part of yourself or another.
This dream symbol suggests that you may be
experiencing inhibition and powerlessness in some areas of yourlife. Additionally,
you may be feeling restricted and have concerns about your personal freedom
(who holds thekey to the cage in your dream?). Consider all of the details
in the dream and look for possible sources of thedream. For example: your
family life, your relationships, your thoughts and/or feelings, or your
work life.
It may symbolize the sweet and pleasurable
parts of life. The dream may be interpreted according to your
interaction with the cake in the dream.
You may be experiencing anxiety and fear
as a result of a bad habit or a certain situation in your daily life. In
moretraditional interpretation, dreaming of cancer may be considered a
dream of the contrary, but also of warning.
They symbolize light and where there is light
there is hope. A lit candle suggests that you are unconsciouslyseeking
comfort and some sort of spiritual enlightenment. An unlit candle suggests
that you may be feelingrejection or disappointment. If in your dream you
watch the candle burn down to nothing, it suggest that youmay have fears
of getting older and dying. For men it may connote a fear about waning
sexual abilities.
This dream may be reflective of dark, destructive
and forbidden desires or obsessions. Cannibals literally
consume other peoples lives, and along with
it their energy. When interpreting this dream consider those thingswhich
consistently drain you and take away from your enthusiasm, and the general
quality of your life. It may beany number of things, such as career or
a relationship. However, realize that you are not a victim of life, but
ratherits creator. Thus, make changes which will increase your energies,
but not take away from others. Some believethat dreaming about cannibalism
is a dream of warning and that you should stay away from things that you
knoware destructive and less than honorable.
Calculator - See Numbers, Machinery, Money
The car in your dream can symbolize the larger
self or the physical self. Consider all of the details in the dream,including
the emotional aspects of it. Is the road difficult, going up hill or down
hill, and who is in the driversseat? Recurring car dreams usually deal
with issues of control. Some would say that you can examine whetheryou
have an internal or external locus of control. Additionally, in this dream
you can learn something veryimportant about yourself. You can get in touch
with your own perceptions in
regard to how well you arenavigating from
one stage of your life to another, whether you are assertive
and take charge, or passive.Dreaming about
traveling in a car is very, very common dream theme. By
understanding this dream we may gainvaluable
information in regard to a particular stage of our life, or a
specific part of our life's journey. Also
See:Journey, Road
Cats have both positive and negative connotations.
You need to consider all of the details in the dream in orderto obtain
accurate interpretation. The cat can be a symbol of sexuality, femininity,
prosperity and power. A cat isalso an independent animal, and in your dream
you may be associating yourself or someone else with thesecharacteristics.
Historically black cats have been symbols of evil and bad luck.
The interpretation depends on whether you
are following a map that is leading you to a particular destination andyou
feel good about it, or whether you are trying to follow a confusing chart.
A confusing chart may indicate thatyou lack a clear sense of direction
in your every day life or are in the midst of changing long term plans.Following
a good map in your dreams suggest that you are feeling confident
in your current path and pursuits.
It is a symbol of commitment and depending
on the details of your dream, you may be currently dealing with thisissue.
The commitment could be to your work, to yourself or to your partner. If
you are not married, this dreamcould simply be a form of wish-fulfillment.
They are a symbol of pretentiousness. If
you are wearing a mask, look inside and check if you are being sincere
inyour presentations, or if you are hiding something and pretending to
be something you are not. If other peopleare wearing masks, it suggests
that you may be concerned about their genuineness.
When we take medicine we usually feel better.
Medicine in your dreams may be a sign for your subconscious thatyou are
fixing your problems and will overcome your difficulties.
Hearing sounds in your dreams can be looked
at from a spiritual point of view. Nice sounds are usually seen aspositive
omens. Some may say that in your dream state you have traveled to other
higher and more spiritualplains. Traditional interpretations tell us that
if you hear a familiar melody, you may bump into old friends.Psychologically
speaking, you may have heard a song during the day and in your dream state
you are simplyreplaying it.
The interpretation of this dream can be looked
at from two very distinct viewpoints. First, milk can be a saferepresentation
of semen and you may have unconscious (or conscious) desires for sexual
relations. Second, milkis a symbol of nourishment and it suggests, depending
on the details, that you are giving or receiving anadequate amount of support
and consideration from your environment.
It is a symbol of vanity and superficiality.
You may be concerned about your image and the way you presentyourself to
the world. Some say that if you see a clear image you may be getting a
glimpse of your true self.Broken mirrors always seem to be a sign of bad
luck, or at least represent some distortions.
The moon is an interesting symbol, which
has been associated with mostly the irrational and intuitive side ofthings.
It effect the ocean tides, and it has been linked to madness or lunacy.
As a dream symbol is can representall of these things and more. As always,
pay attention to the details in the dream before making conclusionsabout
the meaning of your moon or moons. The moon could represent romance and
our earthly impulses andpassions. It could reveal things about the nature
of our soul and the unconscious. For those lucky people, themoon can reflect
their inner peace and their sense of serenity and security.
The significance money has in your waking
life is reflected in your dream state. Money is a symbol of power andwealth.
We often judge ourselves based on our ability to make it, save it, and
spend it. First consider your ownrelationship with money and your current
financial situation as this dream could be simple wish-fulfillment. Asalways,
consider all of the accompanying details in your dream because they
will help you to understand whereyour issues
lie. Traditional Dream Interpretations indicate that losing
money in your dream is a good omen, and that
most likely the opposite will happen.
The relationship that we have with our mother
is the most psychologically significant relationship of them all.Rarely
all good or all bad, our mothers always invoke powerful emotions. We may
dream about our mothers in alldifferent forms. She may be in disguise in
our dreams, and it is our job to find her in there. If you are dreamingabout
your mother, you may be addressing some issues or concerns in your dream,
or your dream may be basedon a valuable memory. The general image of "mother"
in a dream may ymbolize
a variety of feelings and ideas, including:
caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice,
martyrdom..etc. Also See: Parents
Climbing a real mountain is not always fun,
but it is always challenging and rewarding. These ideas can be
applied when attempting to understand a dream
with a mountain in it. Some say that the mountain may representspirituality
and all the lessons awaiting you. Others say that it represents mental
development and awareness.The most logical (but not necessarily applicable
to you) interpretation is that, in your dream state climbing amountain
represents attainment of your goals. If you are ascending a mountain, you
are working hard and tryingto accomplish your goals, and descending may
represent letting go of issues
and emotional baggage. Either way,this sounds
like a good dream!
Hearing music in your dreams has positive
connotations. Music is healing to the soul, and as you are listening toit
in your dream, you may be connected to the wonderful, creative spirit or
flow of life. It suggests a degree ofinner harmony and emotional expression.
Also See: Melody/song
This is a very interesting symbol. If you
are hammering you may be: a) expressing some violent feelings,or b) youmay
be reflecting on hard work and honor (depending on the content). Additionally
nails may have some sexualconnotations. A man may be expressing some repressed
anxiety about sexual potency and a woman may beexpressing her unconscious
abhorrence of sex.
Night time appears to be a very common background
to many dreams. If it is very dark in many of your dreams, itsuggests that
you are hiding something or are not willing to see things clearly. You
may the the type who likes toignore, minimize or hide your problems.
If you have nightmares try to understand
the fears and the occurrences in those dreams. They suggest that youare
holding on to very strong conflicts, which may be traumatic or guilt based.
You may have a lot of powerfulnegative feelings which need to be reconciled.
If nightmares continue for an extended period of time theindividual should
consider obtaining professional counseling services.
This dream may be encouraging you to come
forth with what's really on your mind. Your subconscious is
encouraging you to be more open. On the other
hand this dream may have many more connotations. There maybe sexual meaning
in this dream, depending on its details. Additionally, if you see yourself
naked in inappropriateplaces, your rebellious side may be coming through
and with it some fear that people may not accept you forwhat you really
This dream may be difficult to interpret.
Our subconscious mind picks up a lot of information and at times it seemsto
get muddled in our dreams. Numbers may be a reflection of a financial concern,
or you may dream aboutnumbers that are meaningful to you in daily life.
However some fun dream interpretations go something like this:
Even numbers represent the feminine Odd numbers the masculine
or the peculiar.
1 - you may consider yourself
"number one", it is also a masculine symbol.
3 - father, mother and child,
the trinity
5 - represents the life force;refers
to the five fingers and five appendages of the body.
7 - sacred number in Christianity
and Judaism.
9 - relates to pregnancy and
10 - marriage
12 - represents time
As with all interpretations, the interpretation
of this dream depends on you. You may be concerned about yourlooks and
fear fat. Be realistic in regard to this area of your life. If you are
very thin and can not stop worryingabout your weight you should see a doctor.
Psychologically speaking, obesity usually is a sign that theindividual
has issues with self esteem and personal power. The fat emotionally insulates
us from others, andisolates us physically.
It historically represents our great unconscious
mind. Look at all of the details in this dream. Is the water clear ormurky?
Is it calm or turbulent? Are you catching fish or are you stranded and
afraid? Look, listen and try tocomprehend the messages in this dream. No
one can really give meaning to your dreams, like you can.Concentrate and
learn for yourself. Also See: Water
You may say, "who dreams of an octopus?"
But people do, and a friend did just the other night. If the dreammakes
you feel happy it may imply that the person is involved in many different
activities or adventures. If thereis a negative emotional reaction to the
dream it suggests that unhealthy attachments and entanglements arepresent
in daily life. Also See: Animals
Your subconscious may be sending up symbols
regarding wealth, religion or sex. Seriously, the interpretationdepends
on the content. Traditionally oil is used in many religious sacraments.
It represents wealth for peoplewho own it, and it has also may have sexual
connotations. What does it mean for you?
Old Man/Old Woman See: Aging
The obvious symbolism is that of a womb.
You may be having some fears or anticipation in regard to havingchildren.
A warm oven is said to have "fruitful" or positive connotations and a cold
oven the opposite. Of course,an oven may simply represent housekeeping
and cooking. Also See: Kitchen
It is another symbol for the unconscious.
It usually represents wisdom and virtue, and your subconscious maybe giving
you important massages, so pay attention to the details in the dream. In
the American Indian tradition,the owl is considered to be the eagle of
the night. Dreaming about owls may indicate that changes are on the way.Some
older dream interpretations suggest that dreaming about an owl is a negative
omen, which indicates areversal in good fortune. An owl in the house predicts
family arguments, unless you chase it away, in which casethings will work
out for the best.
This dream, as all dreams, could have several
different meanings. If you are packing your stuff and storing it, orpacking
to move you may be concerned about significant changes that are going on
in your life. Otherwise, yoursubconscious may be organizing and letting
go of emotional "baggage". Some other interpretations say thatdreaming
about packing is simply a hint from your subconscious that you are involved
in too many activities andmay need to pack some of them up and put them
When considering the interpretation of feeling
pain in your dream first look at you physical health. If you arefeeling
pain in your daily life, it may carry over into your dream state. Additionally,
if the pain is emotional innature, question the painful feelings and attempt
to identify their source. The dream state is usually a safe way toexperience
negative feelings that you may not want to deal with otherwise.
The feeling of panic suggests lack of control
and confusion. If the primary emotion in your dream was panic,consider
the details and try to understand why you were panicking. Do you feel fear,
a sense of helplessness andconfusion, or were you unable to make a quick
and accurate decision? Answering these questions will enableyou to understand
the message in this dream.
Dreaming that you or someone else is paralyzed
could be a very scary thing. Depending on the details of yourdream and
your current situation in life, there are several different, but equally,
reasonable interpretations. Youmay be paralyzed with fear in your dream,
which may be symbolic of the fear that you are experiencing in dailylife.
You may feel somewhat unable to change a current situation and it has
manifested itself in your dream, in theform
of paralysis. Also, this dream could be sending you a message of caution.
It may be conveying to you tostay still and do nothing for now, in regard
to a situation that is on your mind and that may be problematic for you.
In this dream you may be expressing feelings
and concerns about your parents that you could not express indaily life.
Some believe that this dream usually has nothing to do with your parents,
but rather the male andfemale sides of personality. Others believe that
the father represents the expressive, creative and protective sideof God
and the mother the receptive and nurturing side of God. See Mother, Father
Parking Lot/Garage
These are interesting symbols and many people
have requested their additions to the dictionary. Traveling isvery common
theme for our dreams. Traveling in a car is the most common form of this
type of dream. Traveling ina vehicle generally can represent our journey
through life -- or a portion of our life's journey. If in your dream, youfind
yourself in a garage or a parking lot, two different types connotations
can be made. Please consider thecontent of your dream, the mood in it,
and your current dilemma or situation in life. The parked car couldrepresent
a period of inactivity and indecision in your life. The dream could be
pointing out that you have beenidle for a period of time and that it may
be good time to "get a move on".
The more positive interpretation of thisdream
may be that the parked car is symbolic of a reflective period or mood.
You may be in "park" for a whileso that you can rest, relax, regroup and
think things over.
If putting on pants or changing your pants,
was a major activity in your dream you may be questioning your role(at
work or/and in private life). To better understand this, just think of
the expression "who wears the pants". Ifyour were trying to cover up your
genitalia, then the dream may be bringing up sexual issues.
We have all heard the expression "as proud
as a peacock". When you are dreaming about this bird you may beconveying
a message of beauty and pride. We all know that some pride may be a good
thing, but too much prideis the opposite of humility, which for the most
part, is not good. Consider all of the details of your dream and tryto
understand the message. Is the peacock in your dream beautiful., proud
and unassuming, or is he noisy and flaunting his beauty to all that are
willing to look?
Having a pen or a pencil in your dream may
be symbolic of your need to communicate with yourself or others.Our ability
to communicate through written language is a vitally important and necessary
part of life. When wetake our pen and write a check to pay bills, it can
still be considered a form of communication! Writing is a form ofself expression
and it provides as with another way to think, and to express our thoughts.
Dreams with tools ofwriting in them, such as pens, pencils and keyboards,
may be an encouragement for you to write andcommunicate. Whether this may
be personal, professional or simply a necessity of modern life, is up to
you to determine.
The penguin is an interesting, earth bound
bird that lives in and around the ocean. As a dream symbol it mayrepresent
concrete thinking, feelings of being burdened by unwanted emotions, lethargy,
and a need to achievebalance. Penguins just never looked that comfortable
to me, and they don't seem to have a lot of fun.Additionally, if someone
called you a penguin, it would not be considered a complement. Penguins
seem to giveoff a feeling of being stuck! Think about your dream and see
if any of these ideas are relevant to you.Superstition based dream interpretation
books say that the penguin indicates that your problems are not asserious
as you may think them to be.
The male sex organ is symbolic of fertility,
power and energy. Your gender and sexual orientation play a partwhen interpreting
this dream. Are you dealing with issues of sexual orientation, power or
aggression? Answeringthese questions will enable you to interpret your
Usually our dreams are filled with people.
We dream about our families, our friends, our neighbors and ourclassmates.
We dream about strangers, colleges, famous people, teachers, and at times,
about those that weconsider to be our enemies. Each dream is very special
and carries its own unique message. When interpretingthe dream with people
in it, consider all of the details and the feelings in the dream. If the
person is known to you,think about your relationship with them and the
issues that the dream has brought up. We learn about ourselvesthrough others,
and probably our most valuable possessions are our relationships. Some
believe that thestrangers in your dreams represent different parts of yourself
and your
personality. Many people believe thattheir
dreams predict the future. When they have negative or scary dreams, they
become anxious about the future.
Alternatively , when their dreams are a form of wish fulfillment, they get very excited and are hopeful that thedream will come true. Most dreams are not prophetic. They are psychological or spiritual in nature, and theirprimary function may be to help us live better in the present moment, rather than telling us about what is to come.Also See: Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, Siblings, Child, Parents, Father
Seeing old or even unfamiliar pictures in
your dreams may be a reflection of how you remember certain parts ofyour
life. The pictures may represent longing for a time that has passes and
is a matter of memory. However, thereare several other type of interpretations
that can be made. Generally this dream may be difficult to interpret andthe
dreamer may need to put significant amount of effort into understanding
this dream. Some believe that since aphotograph is a representation of
something real, it could represent a
deception of some kind. Someone may betrying
to sell something to you and is covering up the truth, or you may be covering
up the truth from yourself.New age thinking points out that you are dreaming
of pictures because you have not learned a particular lessonin life. The
dream may be pointing out the past and reminding you that you are making
the same errors all overagain.
The piano is a symbol of music and harmony.
It represents creative expression, and all types of sounds may beuplifting
symbols of spiritual awareness. Superstition based dream interpretation
books say that the piano is anomen of a good financial period in your life,
and that moving a piano represents solid achievements on the part ofthe
dreamer. Also See: Music, Melody/Song
Having this animal in your dream forces you
to think of negative characteristics in regard to yourself or others.There
are not many positive characteristics associated with pigs. In some cultures
pigs are considered to be very"dirty" animals, and unfit for human consumption.
At times men are referred
to as "pigs" for their sexual desiresor attitudes.
Some of the other characteristics which can be associated with pigs are:
greed, stubbornness andgluttony. Gluttony is probably the most serious
negativity and you need to consider where you (or someoneimportant to you)
are being "hoggish".. Is it with money, time, food, energy or personal
possessions?Superstition based dream interpretations say that the pig in
a dream suggest a frustrating time in family affairsand success in business.
Also See: Animals
Pink usually symbolizes health and good feelings.
It is a traditionally a feminine color, and some feel that itconnotes love.
Pink is soft and fuzzy, like girls!
From a Freudian point of view, pockets may
symbolize the female reproductive organs. However, for many peoplethis
dream may have an entirely different meaning. The pockets in your dreams
could represent those things thatyou keep just for yourself, your memory,
your secrecy, your valuable possessions, or your inner resources. If you
were hiding your hands in the pockets, it suggests that you may feel a
degree of helplessness or guilt, in regard to a some situation in daily
Dreaming about the police could symbolize
many different things, thus please consider all of the details carefully.If
the police is chasing you, it suggests that you may be feeling some guilt
about something that you have done,or have been thinking of doing. The
police could be addressing Karmic Law as well as the laws in our physicalworld.
If you are feeling that you can't meet all of your obligations and are
fearing repercussions due to an unmetcommitment, the police in your dream
may be an unwelcome sight. On a more positive note and depending on thedetails
of your dream, the police could symbolize support and protection. Your
emotional response to the policewill provide you with good clues to interpreting
this dream accurately. Old dream interpretation books say thatdreaming
about police is an indication that you will obtain unexpected assistance
with a current problem.
For many people swimming pools are associated
with summer fun, vocations, rest and relaxation. Interpret yourdream based
on its content, and see if any these positive feelings are being conveyed
to you. All bodies of waterrepresent our emotions and our unconscious.
The light in which they are represented depend on the dreamer andon the
details of the dream. Also See: Water, Ocean, River.
Old dream interpretation books say the porcupine
in your dreams is a omen of good news and bad news. Goodthings may happen
to you, but they will carry with them difficulties. From a more pragmatic
point of view,porcupines are cute, but untouchable animals. As a dream
symbol it may represent a situation or a person in yourlife that fits that
If you are afraid of being pregnant, you
may dream of it often. At times woman learn about their pregnancy intheir
dreams. Your mind knows about everything that is going on in your body
even if you are not consciouslyaware of it. But, don't panic! You could
also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that for
awoman to have a dream about pregnancy is a good omen, and that an
improvement in her intimate relationship
isforthcoming. For a man, it is a warning against casual sex.
The priest in your dream could be representing
your spiritual needs, your conscience, your desire to be virtuous,your
inner guidance or your higher self. This dream could be comforting if it
reassures you that there is safetyand strength in spiritual forces. Please
remember that dream interpretation is very, very personal. Some peoplemay
have had negative experiences with clergy and in that case the dream may
have an entirely different tone.The spiritual
forces represented in this dream could be intrinsic, revealing
your own spiritual qualities, strengthsand
abilities, or they could represent the spiritual forces around you.
Puppies may represent playfulness, dependency
and carefree fun. Please look up "Dog" in order to obtain a fullrange of
possible interpretations.
Here on Earth, purple is usually the color
of royalty, high rank and dignity. It is a strong color, which can not
beignored. Likewise, most people have a strong opinion of purple, they
really like it, or don't like it at all. To somepeople, purple has spiritual
connotations. The Catholic Church uses it at funerals and around Easter
time. Itrepresents spiritual and personal transformation. Purple could
also represent higher consciousness and spiritualprotection. A version
of purple is also the color of the crown Chakra. When
interpreting this color consider all of the
details in the dream and try to make connections between the above mentioned
ideas and your current issues.Also See: Colors
If you are quarreling or arguing in your
dream you may be experiencing some inner conflict. The quarrel mayreflect
your own inability to decide on important issues, ideas or values. From
a very pragmatic point of view, youmay be experiencing difficulty with
authority figures or you may have carried an argument from your daily life
intoyour dream. Very old dream interpretation books say that quarreling
is a
dream of the contrary and that you will have
peace and harmony with your loved ones.
You may be experiencing feelings of helplessness
and an inability to get out of a situation in your daily life. Thiscommon
sense approach can easily be applied and with some effort you can examine
your feelings and actions which are symbolized in this dream.
It is usually something warm and pretty that
we cover ourselves with for comfort. The different parts of a quiltmay
represent many aspects of your life and indicate that there is harmony.
Your subconscious may becomforting you in this dream and saying, "You are
doing a good job, keep going".
Before we can nourish others we first need
to nourish ourselves. Making sacrifices is human, but when we do tomuch
for the world and not enough for ourselves, we are left feeling neglected
and weak. Martyrdom is not fun,and martyrs are at times enjoying. This
dream may be suggesting to you, that you need to prioritize. Eliminatethings
in your life that are not necessary and that continuously drag you down.
Also, consider the fact thatwhatever is continuously requiring you to make
personal sacrifices, may not be in your best interest or conduciveto your
health or happiness. Superstition based dream interpretations say
that dreaming about sacrifice is a dreamof
the contrary and that you will be enriched in the near future.
Dreaming about saints usually has spiritual
implications. You may have traveled to another plain and are having awonderful
and very meaningful spiritual experience. For those that can not accept
this possibility, yourunconscious may be relaying some feelings of pressure
or possibly the need to sacrifice on some level in yourdaily life. Also
See: Priest, God.
Is one of the most abundant chemicals on
Earth. Dreaming about it suggests that you may be thinking about, ordesiring
those things that are dependable and at the same time exciting (salt-spice
of life). If you associate anindividual with the salt in your dreams you
may be giving that person the attributes that were just mentioned.
Seeing or interacting with the devil in your
dreams may have several different connotations, depending on thedetails.
However, it almost always points to something negative and disturbing in
your personality, daily life orenvironment. You may have dark thoughts
or have engaged in negative actions, and now are experiencing guilt,fear
and anxiety. Dream interpretations based on folklore say that seeing
the Satan in your dreams may be awarning about poor health, and if the
dream persist that you should get a physical checkup.
This dream may be interpreted on several
different levels. If you are the student you may be feeling inadequate
insome areas of your life, or you may lack self confidence. School has
not always been a positive experience, but itis always considered necessary.
Ask yourself what do you need to learn more
about? If you were a teacher inyour dream,
you may be dealing with issues of authority. From a spiritual
point of view, some believe that inthe dream
state an individual may travel to the inner planes, or the
spiritual realm, and there attend classes
whichassist in spiritual growth and development.
Dreaming about a scorpion may be symbolic
of something in your environment which is hurtful, dangerous and"stinging".
It may represent bitter words and very negative attitudes. Superstition
based dream interpretationbooks say that dreaming about a scorpion is a
dream of warning. It goes further by saying that if the scorpion inyour
dream bit you, you will overcome your problems. However, if you killed
the scorpion, be exceptionallycareful around people that are not your friends,
or are false friends.
Waters generally symbolize the emotions and
the unconscious. They could also represent the collective
unconscious or your soul experiences. All
dream interpretations depend on the individuals personal belief
system. See Ocean
Seeds symbolize new opportunities and new
beginnings. Just like a seed is the beginning of a new life (or itsearliest
stage), your subconscious may be telling you that the ideas you have planted
are beginning to germinate.Additionally, your past experiences and hard
work may be leading to new opportunities or possibilities.
It is very difficult to name just a few possible
interpretations for this dream. It is complex and complicated, and theinterpretations
vary with each dreamer and with the situations in the dream. A sexual dream
may be aboutphysical pleasure, but it may also be about power, control,
manipulation, virility and effectiveness. It may be aform of wish fulfillment
or a memory. In most cases it is not a prediction of things to come in
the near future. Forsome more clues see Intercourse and People.
Please remember that the water in your dreams
may be a statement about your emotions and the unconscious.Sharks, water
dwelling animals, could reflect some unpleasant emotion or a perceived
attack on the self. You mayfeel some emotional upset and the shark could
be the symbol of the perceived emotional danger.