Peace, Healing, Tranquility, Harmony, Understanding, Thoughtfulness, Patience, Element of Water, Opening Blocked Communication, Truth.
Energy, Strength, Passion, Anger, Bravery, Strong Emotions, Pride, Lust, Element of Fire, Sexual Passion, Love, Power, Vitality, Health, Courage.
Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Money, Abundance, Fertility, Good Luck, Balance, Change, Growth, Prosperity, Tree and Plant magic, Element Of Earth.
Business Goals, Justice, Legal Matters, Creativity, Stimulate Energy, General Success, Principles, Alertness, Creativity, Stimulation, Adaptability, Control of a Situation.
Psychic Ability, Spiritual Power, Power, Judgement, Ambition, Wisdom, Third Eye, Psychic Manifestations, Psychic Protection, Hidden Knowledge, Clairvoyance, Mysteries.
The Sun, Intelligence, Memory, Self-esteem, Charisma, Breaking Mental Blocks, Confidence, Charm, Father Sky, Element of Air.
Protection of Household Animals and Familiars, Hesitation, Uncertainty, Healing Animals,Finding Lost Objects, Success, Common Sense, Power of the Mind.
Love, Friendship, Morality,
Honor, Femininity, Affection, Romance, Caring, Nurturing.
Protection, Repelling Negativity, Binding, Banishing, Pessimism, Foreboding, ReversingNegative Feelings in to Potitive Energy Mourning, Loss, Confusion.
Meditation, Mother Earth, Lunar Energy, Truth, Spiritual Guidance, Peace, Calmness, Purity, Truth, Consecration Rituals, a Substitute for any other color.
Neutralizing, Stalemate.
More colours:
Red: Sexual Love, Good Health, Strength, Danger, Stamina, Charity
Yellow: Joy, Comfort, Persuasion, Charm, Confidence
Green: Money, Luck, Fertility, Energy
Orange: Stimulation, Encouragement, Attraction, Kindness
Blue: Tranquility, Devotion, Understanding, Health, Sincerity, Truth
Indigo: Depression, Impulsiveness, Ambition, Dignity
Violet: Tension, Power, Piety, Sentiment
White - Purity, Truth & Sincerity
Red - Strength, Health, Vigor, Sexual Love
Lt. fuchsia - Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, & Health
Dk. fuchsia - Impulsiveness, Depression, Changeability
Green - Finance, Fertility, & Luck
Gold/Yellow - Attraction, Persuasion, charm, Confidence
Brown - Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality
Pink - Honor, Love, Morality
Black - Evil, Loss, Dicord, Confusion
Purple - Tension, Ambition, Business Progress, Power
Silver/Gray - Cancellation, Meutrality, Stalemate
Orange - Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation, Attraction
Greenish Yellow - Sickness, Cowardice, Anger, Jealousy, Discord
1 - White
2 - Midnight Blue
3 - Moss Green
4 - Peat Brown
5 - Ruby Red
6 - Golden Yellow
7 - Purple
8 - Orange
9 - Mother Of Pearl And The
Color Of The Moon
10 - Sea Blue
11 - Silver
12 - Gold
Easy New Way to See Auras
All colours have a uniquely
coloured aura of their own that are of a completely different colour. These
auras, given off by colours, are denser and far easier to see than any
other aura. Using this as a basis, I have designed a simple, graduated
training method that has most people seeing an aura the first time they
try it.The auric colours you will see building up from coloured objects
are similar in appearance to the after images generated by staring at a
brightly coloured
shape and then quickly looking
at a neutral coloured wall. The similarity in the colours, rather than
contradicting the validity of the auric colours of colour, confirms them.
Why would they be any different?You can, in the early stages of learning
to see auras, cause an after image that is still seen when you look away.
This is caused by staring too hard,
and for too long, resulting
in colour depletion of the rods and cones in the eyes. With practise, much
less effort is needed and no after images are seen, only the aura.The way
the aura builds up is totally unlike the way an after image appears.
If, while an aura is building
up, you shift focus slightly, or blink, it disappears instantly. An after
image does not.I have been able to see the human aura for many years. I
was not born with this ability but taught myself. It took me several years!
I know the problems inherent in learning this and the new training method
is designed to overcome them.
What is an Aura?
The human aura is an energy
field that reflects the subtle life energies within the body. These energies
make us what we are and in turn are affected by our surroundings and life
style. The aura reflects our health, mental activity and emotional state.
It also shows disease - often long before the onset of symptoms.Close to
the skin is the etheric aura. It is seen as a pale, narrow band that outlines
the body, usually no more than half an inch wide. It looks like pale smoke
clinging to the body. This is the visible part of the etheric body in it
's contracted state. During sleep the etheric body expands greatly and
opens to absorb and store cosmic energy. The etheric is better named the
vitality sheath or energy body. After sleep it contracts, forming a dense
sheath around the body close to the skin.
The main aura is banded around
the body - strata like. Imagine a person with thick, coloured hoops of
light dropped over them and you get the idea. These colours emanate from
the chakras. Basic energy is drawn up from the planet
through the feet and fed into
the chakras, much like a plant does with water. Each chakra is a transformer
that generates energy of a different type and colour. The strength of each
chakra depends on the person's nature and life style. Together these chakras
generate the dominant hue of the aura.The main aura is photo-sensitive,
it reacts and expands in light. The aura's chakra system can be likened
to a tree. Energy/nutrient is drawn up through the feet/roots and fed through
the body/trunk to the chakras/leaves. Many experts suggest people can be
classed by the basic hue, or the dominant colour, of their aura. For example,
Blue means a highly spiritual person, trustworthy, honest. Orange means
an emotional type of person etc... I have found this to be misleading.
The aura is a complex and changeable engine and
cannot be judged so simply.The
aura is sensitive to colour. It reacts to the colours of clothing and to
that of its surroundings. This accounts for our natural likes and dislikes
when it comes to choosing the colours that surround us.
The effect of colour on the
emotions is well known and are they widely used in hospitals and institutions
to calm agitated people and put them at ease. Pink is the most frequently
used colour for this. It is the emotional colour of love and happiness.
Watch a mother's aura when she first looks into the eyes of her new baby,
and falls head over heels in love. At that special, happy moment, you will
see this most lovely of auras in all its glory.There is a whole science
devoted to the use of colours. This is called Colour Healing or Colour
It is impossible to get a clear view of the aura through clothing. The auric colours of the clothes react with the person's aura, causing interference that blocks and changes it. For example: A Blue shirt will flood the natural aura with Yellow. Even neutral coloured clothing will block and dim the aura making it difficult to see.
This shows up in the aura in
many different ways, sometimes weeks before any physical symptoms. An ear
infection, for example, will show up as a shadow over the side of the head
before any symptoms appear. This shadow will gradually change into a murky,
khaki Green. As the infection takes hold, it will become shot through with
Red and Orange flecks. Khaki and murky Green with Red and Orange flecks,
is commonly seen with any infection.
When a person is dying the
aura changes dramatically. I have observed the auras of people with terminal
cancer in the weeks prior to death. First the aura fades and weakens, and
then, a week or so before death it expands, changing into a beautiful pale
Blue shot through with Silver sparks.
Why most people fail to see
the Aura
The most common reason people
fail to see the aura when they first try is simply the way they go about
it. The human aura is not a good training ground for beginners.This is
what usually happens: Your volunteer sits and waits, for a long time, while
you strain for a glimpse of their aura. You are trying to relax and
concentrate and master a tricky visual technique, all at the same time.
You subconsciously worry about what they are thinking of you. Are they
bored or impatient? Do they
think you foolish, a failure, or both? This kind of pressure causes tension
that effectively negates the relaxed state needed to see the aura. Trying
to get results under this kind of pressure, as a beginner, is next to impossible.
Email letters from a young man. It shows a common problem encountered when trying to see the aura:
David: "I was sitting in Economics class when I started to see a faint white glow (not really though, I can't really describe it), it was surrounding the sides of his head. And I could also see a similar one coming from one of the students sitting in front of him, except the student's had a sort of bluish tinge to it. Then I started to see the same thing coming from some of the computer monitors that sit on the desk. At first, I was hoping that I could see auras but then when I saw it on the monitors, I had my doubts."
My Answer: Every living, and non living thing has an aura, including monitors. The reason you saw them when you did is {let me guess} You were very relaxed, maybe day dreaming a little. Your eyes were tired, relaxed, and these are the PERFECT conditions for seeing the aura.
David: "That's exactly how I
was. The discussion sort of went off topic and wasn't all that interesting
to me."
David: "Anyway, I was wondering
if you can tell me if I actually did see their aura. I tried staring at
myself in the mirror to see my aura but it didn't work and I haven't been
able to see their auras since that day a week or two ago. As for some of
my questions. I was wondering what colours non-living objects give off
(is it white?), how come it was brighter on their heads?"
My Answer: You did see the aura! The colours given off by non-living objects vary with the colour of the object. The human aura is brighter around the head area for two reasons: 1. Clothing blocks the aura. 2. The head area is usually bare and is where the YELLOW of intellect is most active. This yellow varies in intensity according to the degree of mental activity. Maybe the student you observed was really on the ball that day.
How to see the Aura
To see the aura you have to
be able to relax and concentrate, at the same time, and there is a trick
to focusing the eyes in a special way.
1. You need soft light to train
in, not dim, but good soft light. No harsh light shining or reflecting
in your eyes! Get a book and cover it in Blue or Red paper. Stand it upright
on a table several feet from you. Experiment with
the distance until you find
what is best for you. Make sure you have a plain neutral background. If
the wall colour is wrong, hang a sheet of neutral coloured paper or cloth
as a backdrop.
Note: The auras of the colours
Blue and Red are the brightest and easiest to see. Blue has a Yellow aura
and Red has a Green aura. The brightness and tone of the aura varies with
the shade and tone of the colour used, so use bright
primary colours.
2. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. When you are calm, look at the book. Focus your eyes on nothing, a little to the side and past it. Gently hold and get used to that focus but don't strain your eyes or tense your eyes or forehead. Concentrate! you need a gentle, steady un-focus, similar to day-dreaming.
Note: When you need to blink,
do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense and water. Blink normally and
quickly without changing focus, and do not become preoccupied with it.
It may cause the aura to disappear for a second, but it
will reappear quickly if you
stay relaxed and hold your focus.After a while you will see a pale narrow
aura coming from the book. Hold the focus, don't look AT it, soon a bright
Yellow or Green aura will start building up from the object. Don't change
focus or look directly at it or the aura will disappear.
There is a reason for this strange un-focus. Your outer field of vision is many times more sensitive than the focused area is. Have you ever seen a movement, out of the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing there? What you may have seen is an aura building up from something and your outer field of vision has detected it.
3. Once you have completed the first step, gather several books and cover them, each with a different coloured paper. Study these one at a time and write down the auric colour for it. Next try using two at a time, and watch how the auric colours affect each other.
4. Get a pot plant or some flowers and study it. The aura you will see emanates from the living plant and also from the colours of the petals. The Orange hue comes from the green of the stems and leaves. You will also see a more distinct etheric and a shimmering optical effect around them. This shimmering is the energy field or living aura of the plant.
5. For the next step use an animal, dog or cat etc, if you have one. Try and observe them when they are resting.
6. Observe your own aura. This can be done both inside and outside in the sun. Hold your arm out and study it against the sky or clouds. Alternatively, lie down and look at your legs. Make sure the skin is bare when you do this, and remember, grass will give off an Orange hue.
7. When you feel proficient enough, try it with a human subject. Just remember not to try too hard. Do it exactly the same as in the original exercise with the book. Get your volunteer to remove some of their clothing and study the bare skin area against a neutral background.On a human subject, again, the first thing you will see is the etheric aura, like pale smoke clinging to the skin. Next you will see the shimmering optical effect in the air extending from several inches to a couple of feet deep, depending on the strength of their aura. Keep trying and the aura's colour will build up, and out from, the etheric. It will first appear as a narrow band of colour next to the etheric. This will expand slowly, if you hold your focus, until it is several inches or more thick.
8. The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with how they feel. If they feel happy and full of life their aura is stronger, larger and brighter. Try playing their favourite music, this will help to energize their aura and make it easier to see.
9. Try it on your volunteer outside. Make sure the sun is behind you and use clouds as a backdrop.
Note: The basic auras of colours are as follows:
* Blue = Yellow aura
* Red= Green aura
* Green =Orange aura
* Yellow = Pale Blue aura
* Orange = Pale Green aura
* Violet =Pale Gold aura
* Indigo =Gold aura
* Pink = Iridescent
These colours will vary slightly according to the shade and tone of the colours you use.
It takes practise to see the human aura, so don't be disappointed if you fail, or see very little, the first few times you try. If you managed to see the auric colours of the books, you CAN learn to see the human aura. Using this training method stimulates the forehead chakra, which is responsible for this ability. With use, it will grow in strength, and become progressively easier to do.
I have taught many people to
see the aura using this method. The fast results build confidence and keep
interest high. This ensures enough work and effort is put in to get the
desired results... seeing the human aura.
Seeing and Reading the Aura
Have a friend lie or sit in
front of a white or black background, preferably naked (or skyclad), the
lighting should be very dim, so that shadows dance upon the walls or scenery,
and colors are not absorbed by the presence of light.They should remain
perfectly still, unmoving and undisturbed. While they do this, your or
the member of the circle should center and enter a light form of trance,
be open to astral energies around the area.- Let your eyes relax, your
thoughts fade, loosen your muscles and be open to what you will try to
percieve. See the person on the still form of your subject, and try to
see or to feel any energy they may give off. Is there a glare around them,
a slight line of blurred or foggy color, lighter or darker than those surrounding
them; is there a wave like heat being given off. Concentrate and trust
in what you see. Look closely into any bright spots, which may appear as
light or just dim variations within the astral body (or aura), the changes
or patterns may be subtle at first but with practice and time you will
begin to perceive these colors more easily.
Colors of the auras can mean many different things, an emotion, a character, a quality of the person who exudes them, note how you feel; does it attract you, unease you; are you comfortable around the person, does the sight offer you any changes within yourself, take turns letting each person try to view and each person be viewed - find which ones are bright, easiest to perceive, or seen by the most. Also see which ones hold brighter variations of the same color, and try to find out why there is the similarity.
Once this has been practiced and used effectively, try these exercises to further advance uses of the astral mind and body...... Under usual circumstances we are surrounded by the aura on all sides, it extends just beyond the mortal flesh and is bonded to the physical body. Blindfold one person, and let another walk to within about three feet of the person, see if they can tell when you are near, try to feel it change in the surrounding air, or in your own inner feelings to tell when they have entered the perimeter of the aura, change and try it yourself.
Take a pendulum, and hold it
over your hand- (a pendulum may be anything upon a string, preferably light
weight, which is free to move or swing in any direction.)- Try to move
energy through your arm and out of the hand, move the pendulum to within
about three inches of your fingers, and see if you might raise enough power
to cause the pendulum to tilt or swing when it touches the outer layers
of your aura. Use the pendulum to check others, to find where the perimeter
of the aura lies, tell them to meditate on expanding the aura, and see
if it moves earlier than before, or if the movement is less subtle. Sit
facing each other, legs crossed, knees touching, eyes transfixed upon the
person before you - each persoon should use their hand to "feel" where
the aura is strongest or the weakest, if a person is ill then there may
be a
location where it seems the
aura has no color, or may even hold more color than other parts of the
body, the color in this case is the feel you get from being in contact
with the other persons astral form.Now sit in the same way, still facing,
yet in different rooms, with a wall between you, or farther away than before.
One should be the "sender" and the other the "reciever", the sender should
try to visualize a one of four elements
For earth- the sender might visualize a dark cave about them, might feel the weight of the world literally on their shoulders, cool , moist, shadowed, centered
For water- deep flowing silk of the sea, drifting them into their own thoughts, cool, moist, healing and emotional.
For fire- exploding rifts of a volcano, filling the spirit with passion and light, warm, dry, and active.
For air- the passing clouds, of a bird in flight, carried swiftly upon the four winds, warm, dry, imaginative and vivacious. The receiver should try to feel which one of these is being exuded by their parter, feel the change in temperature, or the shifting patterns of thought as you contemplate to answer, feel the emotional qualities it offers you and compare what you think with the other, notice any keys which may lead to your decision.
Color meanings in Auras back to top
Red - Often seen in Athletes and in young children. Denotes an inner vitality and is usually indicative of good health. These people enjoy lots of social interaction and have a very strong sex drive. Dark reds can indicate touchy tempers, and paler reds have more in common with Pink. Example : Dancers
Orange - Very outgoing, but often have knee jerk reactions to stimuli, both positive and negative. Generally healthy, but can indicate a need to reduce stress. Darker indicates somone living under extreme pressure, an overly aggressive personality, or too much time in the public eye. Example : Politicians
Yellow - Color of the intellect. Teachers and serious students.
Deep yellow bordering on orange indicates someone who uses his intellect to hurt and cheat others.
Green - a loving and trusting nature. People who prefer their home life to any other and around happy parents. Also artists. Lighter green can mean an inflated ego, and deeper to deceitful nature of a con artist. Nature lovers too.
Blue - Natural healer and often seen around herbalists and good doctors. Extremely concerned for the welfare of others and often in jobs and activities that aid others. Paler means deeply spiritual or musically gifted and blue shafts of light rising from the heads of creative people.
Indigo - Highly clairvoyant, gifted in magick and often spiritual. If lover on body, indicates need to change ones outlook on life.
Violet - Rarely seen. The type we'd all like to be. Profound understanding of spiritual matters, empathic.
White - Rare too. Idealistic, dreamy, disconnected.
Pink - romantic nature, at peace with themselves, strong sense of justice.
Olive - Encased in his own negative emotions, petulant often, always searching for gold instead of enjoying the now.
Aquamarine - Sedentary, a little lazy, too much time meditating.
Peach - Rare. Lots of compassion and understanding.
Lavender - Lead a double life, dishonesty, not usually malicious.
Blue-Green - Dreamy person, emotional, thinker rather than a doer.
Turquoise - Less common shade. Deeply analytical, insightful, good counselors.
Red-Violet - Highly driven toward goals with often conflicts with ethics. Stress related.
Beige - Indicates mediocrity and slow intellect. Not mean bad.
Green-Brown - Often a person afrain of life can become obsessivein a dangerous way.
Brown - Obsessive-compulsive in a miserable or frightening situation. Usually has given up trying to fight their problem and has slipped into a depression that requires medical intervention. In small patches can mean an illness beginning in that region.
Silver - Indicates a person interested in spiritual attainment. though they often only get it in superficial doses. Also the color of wisdom and often around elderly persons.
Gold - Very negative in an aura. If localized it indicates a serious illness in that part of the body, otherwise it means a negative personality. One who is violent, dangerous and best avoided.
Black - Rare also. An
evil, sick mind devoid of human warmth. Seen in sociopathic people or localized
in life threatening illness areas.
Planet: Saturn - waning Moon
Direction: North
Element: Water
For: binding - restriction
- limitation - retribution - hexing
Sacred to: Babalu-Aye - Osiris
- Demeter - Elegba - Eleggua - Exu - the Great Goddess - Kali, the Black
One - Maman Brigitte - Moon goddesses - Ogum - Ogun- Ogou-Feraille - Oya
- Papa Legba - Yansa
Black candle: to bind an enemy
- for indrinking spells
Symbolized resurrection and
eternal life in ancient Egypt
Death color in western countries,
and in ancient Greece.
Symbol of wisdom to the Aztecs
Sacred to: the Graiae, the
Gray Ones - the Grey Goddess
For: loneliness
Planet: new Moon
For lunar magic
Sacred to Moon goddesses
Symbolizes Life-in-Death
Direction: West
Element: Air
Sacred to: Aphrodite - Batala
- Cerridwen, White Lady of Inspiration -Chango- Elegba - Gauri, Brilliant
White - the Great Goddess - Moon goddesses - Obatala, Chief of the White
Cloth - Shango - the Triple Goddess - the White Goddess - White Tara -
Xango - Yemaya - Yemonja
For: purity - protection -
love - innocence - healing - rain - flood -ecstasy - uncrossing - indrinking
- cosmic consciousness - fallow periods - male energy - the spirit world
- work for small children - calm, unbiased judgment
William Blake referred to the
"white light of reason."
Symbolizes death in China
Dress in white for creation
or recreation
Element: Air
Symbolizes the Spirit World
Planet: Saturn - Jupiter
Element: Water
Sacred to: Aphrodite - Mary
- Oshosi - rain deities - sky goddesses - Yemana- Yemaya - Yemonja - Zeus
For: communication - organization
- peace - truth - justice - administration- tranquility - removing bad
vibrations - authenticity of
expression - the female, magnetic
Blue candle to: make a safe
space - bless a new home - know your inner child- for healing image spells
Heavenly color
dark blue:
Planet: Jupiter
Sacred to: Anu - the Triple
Goddess - Vishnu
Symbolizes infinity
Wear dark blue for fertility
Sacred to Venus
Planet: Jupiter
For: wisdom - prophecy - divination
Sacred to: Babalu Aye - Maman
Brigitte - Oya - Yansa
Symbol of royalty
Planet: Mercury
For: spirituality - intuition
- insight - clarity - the astral plane - the Akashic Principle
Sacred to: Tzu-Ku-Shen, the
Violet Lady
Sacred to: Maman Brigitte -
Oya - Yansa
Planet: Earth - Venus
Element: Water
Direction: East
For: growth - love - money
spells - prosperity - youth - nature - emotion -acceptance - faith - instinct
- intuition - envy - Death-in-Life
Sacred to: Agayu - Allah -
Al-Uzzah, the Great One - Aphrodite - Demeter -Ogum - Ogun - Ogou-Feraille
- Orule - Orunmila - Osiris - Green Zeus
Fairy color
Green and yellow are jester
Green candle to: attract money
- make a safe space - know your inner child
Symbolized youth and vegetation
in ancient Egypt
Male symbol in China
Sacred to Olokun
Sacred to: Aphrodite - Venus
For: happiness - attracting
new love
Angelic color, according to
William Blake
For: love - youth
Planet: Mars, the Red Planet
- full Moon
Element: Fire
Direction: South
For: passion - romance - finding
love - keeping love - mercy -brazenness -female power - organic healing
- sexual energy - the male, electric principle
Sacred to: Agayu - Ares - Chango
- Elegba - Eleggua - Exu - Mars - the Great Goddess - Moon goddesses -
Ogou-Feraille - Ogum - Ogun - Papa Legba - Red Tezcatlipoca - Set - Seth
- Shango - the Triple Goddess - Typhon - Xango
Red animals and red-haired
strangers were sacrificed as fertility charms for grain in ancient Egypt.
Hathor, Set/Seth/Typhon, the
Morrigan and Odysseus/Ulysses all had red hair.
Some people consider red hair
a witches' mark.
Dress in red to combat evil.
Symbolized wisdom to the Aztecs,
sacrificial blood to the Hebrews.
Celtic color of the Otherworld.
Red was the color of death
in ancient Greece and Bronze Age Britain, where red ocher was used in burials.
It was taboo for commoners to eat red food like lobster, bacon, red berries,
fruit or mushrooms except at feasts to honor the dead. Red toadstools,
apples and rowan berries were all considered foods of the gods.
Sacred kings had their faces
stained red, often with alder dye.
Sacred to Aphrodite
Planet: Earth
Element: Earth
For: earth energy - earth magic
Sacred to: Agayu - Babalu-Aye
- Oya - Maman Brigitte - Yansa
Planet: Sun
Direction: Center
For: power - happiness - solar
magic - jealousy - the creative, feminine power
Sacred to: Orula - Orunmila
- Oshoshi - Oshun - Shakti - Sun gods
Symbolizes bile, in the sense
that Baudelaire used the word
Yellow candle: to make a safe
space - for joy
Mayan death color
Associated with Judas, and
with the Spanish Inquisition.
Convicted murderers once wore
yellow gowns for execution.
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Sacred to: Oshun - sun gods
For solar magic
Planet: Mercury
Element: Fire
For: intellect - success -
travel - strength - balance - communication
Element: Air