by Ravensong
Here is a small list of stones and some of their magical uses. Stones that I use frequently are marked with an asterisk.
Astral projection: quartz crystal*, opal* and tourmalated quartz
Success in business: bloodstone*, malachite*, green tourmaline and yellow zircon
Centering and grounding: calcite, brown zircon, hematite, kunzite, moonstone*, obsidian* and black tourmaline
Courage: agate*, amethyst*, aquamarine*, bloodstone*, carnelian, diamond, Lapis lazuli*, sardonyx, tiger eye*, red tourmaline and turquoise
Divination: azurite, flint, hematite, jet, mica, moonstone*, obsidian* and tiger eye*
Dreams: amethyst* and azurite.
Friendship: chrysoprase, pink tourmaline and turquoise
Gardening: agate*, jade*, malachite* and brown zircon
Happiness: amethyst*, chrysoprase and yellow zircon
Healing and Health: agate*, amber*, amethyst*, aventurine, azurite, bloodstone*, calcite, carnelian, cat's eye*, celestite, chrysoprase, coral, quartz*, diamond, flint, garnet*, hematite, jade*, jasper, jet, lapis lazuli*, peridot*, petrified wood*, sapphire*, sodalite*, staurolite, sugilite*, sulfur, sunstone*, topaz*, turquoise and red zircon.
Love: agate*, alexandrite, amber*, amethyst*, beryl*, calcite, chrysocolla, emerald*, jade*, lapis lazuli*, lepidolite, malachite*, moonstone*, olivine, pearl, rhodocrosite, sapphire*, shard topaz*, pink tourmaline and turquoise
Money, wealth and prosperity: aventurine, bloodstone*, calcite, cat's eye*, chrysoprase, coal, emerald*, jade*, mother-of-pearl, olvine, opal*, pearl, peridot*, ruby*, salt, sapphire*, spinel, staurolite, tiger eye *, topaz*, green tourmaline and brown, green or red zircon
Purification: aquamarine and calcite
Travel: chalcedony and orange zircon
Wisdom: chrysocolla, coral, jade*, sodalite* and sugilite*.
Pick the stones you feel most
comfortable with. They can be used in spell work or carried on your person.
I have found either way effective. You don't need to be rich and to buy
emeralds, rubies or sapphires to use in spell work. You don't need to have
the most expensive or largest stones to work with; in fact the ruby, emerald
and sapphire I work with are not polished or cut. I think the most I payed
for them was a few dollars each. They all work wonderfully! One more stone
I use regularly is rose quartz. It is terrific
for healing, finding love and
keeping the peace (all three of my children have one). It is a good stone
for finding comfort and peace of mind. I keep extra rose quartz on hand
to give to friends and family when they are in need. One of my sisters
swears the piece I gave her helped her find her present boyfriend.
*~ More from MAGICKAL MUSINGS TripleMoon Witchware ~
January - Emerald
February - Bloodstone
March - Jade
April - Opal
May - Sapphire
June - Moonstone
July - Ruby
August - Diamond
September - Agate
October - Jasper
November - Pearl
December - Onyx
AGATE-- Calming, comforting,
useful for relieving pain.
AMBER-- Electrifying. Relieves
fear and problems, depression, tiredness,Asthma and infections. Soothing.
AMETHYST-- Protects against
excesses in all forms. Powerful blood cleanser.Excellent for meditation.
AQUAMARINE-- Keeps one young
and happy living. Calms nerves, helpsbanish fear and phobia. Excellent
for meditation. Good luck for travellers.
BLOODSTONE-- Used to balance
and calm the uneasy mind. Develops courage and caution. Augments mental
and physical vitality. Powerful physical healer.
CALCIUM-- Alleviates fear and
reduces stress. Valued as a thought amplifier,increases capacity for astral
projection. Aids kidneys, pancreas and spleen.
CARNELIAN-- Energises blood.
Aids kidneys, lungs, gallbladder and pancreas. Increases faith and repels
fear. Alleviates bad temper and brings contentment.
CITRINE-- Relieves tiredness,
brings happiness and strengthens nerves. Good for heart, kidneys and liver.
Enhances body healing energy and tissue regeneration.
COPPER-- Influences blood flow,
aids metabolism. Balances emotions. Alleviates poor memory and the ability
to retain thoughts. Eases Arthritic pain.
DIAMOND-- A master healer..Enhances
brain function. Draws toxicity from the body. Useful for anxiety, insecurity
and low self-esteem. Thought amplifier.
EMERALD-- Calms the troubled
mind and increases psychic clairvoyance. Makes one more mentally alert.
FLUORITE-- Strengthens bone
tissue, especially teeth. Eases bone tissue and dental disease. Alleviates
anxiety and sexual frustration.
GARNET-- Enhances will power
and perseverance. Comforts depression strengthens heart. Eases bad dreams.
GOLD-- Balances brain hemispheres.
Aids tissue regeneration. Eases depression and suicidal tendencies. Amplifies
thought and aids thought retention.
JASPER-- Helps morning sickness,
relieves stomach and liver and kidney diseases. Calms uneasy minds and
induces caution.
MOONSTONE-- Brings success
and contentment. Protects against accidents. Benefits pregnancy, menstrual
problems and stimulates lactation.
OBSIDIAN-- Balances stomach,
intestines and muscle tissue. Alleviates inflammation and reduces stress.
Protects soft hearted and gentle people.
OPAL-- Emotional balancer used
for radiating sex appeal. Amplifies thought, eases sexual depression. The
Friendship Stone.
PERIDOT-- Strengthens heart
and eyes. Aids tissue regeneration, reduces stress and helps personal disorders.
QUARTZ, CLEAR-- Conquers fear,
protects against loss of balance and motion sickness. Balances emotions
and stimulates the brain. Excellent for meditation.
QUARTZ, ROSE-- The Love Stone.
Aids creative thinking, stimulates creative ability. Eases sexual and emotional
unbalances. Reduces stress, enhances forgiveness and relaxation.
QUARTZ, SMOKY-- Increases fertility,
eases heart disease and neurological disorders. Aids depression, good for
TIGER EYE-- Assists thought,
mental faculties and literacy. Balances emotions and eases stubborness.
TOURMALINE-- Builds self confidence
and concentration. Good for nervousness and sadness. Vitalises and gives
The life field of a human is
the strongest of all life fields. When another person touches your crystal,
he leaves his own energy imprinted on the life field of the crystal. To
avoid this the crystal should be cleansed to remove the imprinted energy.
This can be done by covering the crystal with sea salt for 2 to 7 days.
Or, if you prefer, you may submerge your crystal in a salt water solution
of one half pound of sea salt to one gallon of water for the same period
of time.Another way to cleanse your crystal is too wash it thoroughly in
water and
leave out in the moonlight
for one night. Sunlight can have the same effect.
Hold your crystal in the palm
of your left hand. In a short while the crystal will begin to pulse or
vibrate in attunement with you. This will feel like a tingling sensation
in your hand. Some may have to wait longer for this to happen. As soon
as you feel this sensation you can begin to use it.
Make sure you are thoroughly
relaxed and in a comfortable environment. Hold your crystal in your Left
hand. Place your right hand over the pain area. If the pain is on the right
side, place the left hand with the crystal on the area, then grasp
the left arm with the right hand. Hold these positions for half an hour
if possible.
The crystal amplifies energy.
Energy flows in the left hand and out the right hand. If you place your
right hand over the pain area, youwill decrease the pain by sending energy
into that area.You can also use your crystal during meditation, simply
by holding it in your left hand and placing your right hand over
your left. You will feel the energy being circulated through your body
and this can bring an incredible feeling of euphoria
and peace.
The only known gem-Quality stone of extraterrestrial origin, Moldavite reaches out beyond earth. It expands vision and the ability to attune to those wider vibrational frequencies. Molavite takes you to endless possibilities.
Molivite= Metoritic of extraessitrial
origin. Aids communication with higher self and with extraterrestials..
Used on the crown charkra, opens to higher spirtiual energies; on throat,
communicates interplanetary messages.
Positon: place on forhead or
the crown.
MOLDAVITE - A dark green stone which is useful in healing magick. Moldavite encourages self-healing, protects spiritual healers, and gives protection during astral travel.
MOLDAVITE: A deep green, silica based tektite (meteorite) that fell to Earth about 15 million years ago. Aids alignment with Higher Self. Balancing and healing for physical body/mind. Aids in channeling extraterrestrial and interdimensional sources. Chakras: Heart, Third Eye.
Moldavite is a meteorite which fell to earth and landed in Checoslavia. It is a very powerful stone ranging in color from transulcent to dark olive green. Today it is known for its use in jewelry as well as metaphysical properties. If you wear moldavite as jewelry you have find yourself "floating". It is a very powerful stone used in healing rituals or in channeling higher consciousness. True moldavite is also expensive selling for (the last I bought) $5 a gram.
Greenish to brown-green Tektite
(fell to earth). Dull outside, deep cleargreen inside.
See also Meteorite
Fragile - Don't salt cleanse!
Use Water only ..Grounding stone. Really puts one in their body. This is
extremely strong -- you may wish to try black onyx for grounding first.
It is rumored that it helps you talk to other
sentient beings (humans and
whales and dolphins). I haven't tried this. More rare, expensive and powerful
than a plain "tektite"
Powerfully expands psychicness, channeling. On Heart CTR.Eases longing to leave earth. On pillow, brow, crown: Telepathic access to spiritual laws, info from higher regions/places to help us and Earth to be healthier and more spiritual. An intense meteorite helping people incarnating from elsewhere be more comfortable here on earth (reducing asthma, toxin sensitivity, emotional intensity, epilepsy...)(May make some too spacey; be sure to ground self after use and before driving.) . Conductive to healing, works well with the3rd eye. Aids in seeing more clearly on all levels of being.
spiritual guidence; being directed
into the right paths;calmness;becoming centered;seeing past all illusions.
Examples: quarta, agate.
courage to face a conflict
or test;energy;taking action. Examples: garnet, red jasper, red agate,
dark carnelian.
healing, true love; friendship.
Eamples: rose quartz, agate.
power of the mind; creativity
of a mental nature; sudden changes. Examples: amber, topaz,citrine.
change your luck; power; control
of a situation.Examples: carnelian, jacinth.
harmony; understanding; journeys
or moves. Examples: lapis lazuli, labradorite.
marriage; relationships; balance;practial
creativity, particuarly with the hands;fertitilty;growth. Examples: jade,
malachite, amozonite.
Earth Elemnets; sucess; amplifies
all earth magic and pyschic abilities; common sense.Examples: tiger eye,
smoky quartz.
binding; defence by repelling
dark magic; reversing spells and thoughtforms into positive power;general
defense;pessimism;feeling bound. Examples: jet, onyx, obsidian.
breaking bad luck; protection;pyschic
and spiritual growth; sucess in long range plans.Examples: amethyst, beryl,
discovering past lives; karmic
problems; balancing out karma; stopping undesirable habits or experiences.
Examples: turquoise, amethyst, beryl.
Pyrite or Fool's Gold:
money, prosperity, total success,;
sun deities.
gaining occult power; soothing
emotions; rising above problems; moon deities.
Rock Crystal:
amplifier of magicla power;
pyschiic work; help with divination; amplifies power raised during any
spell work.
Loadstone or Magnet:
drawing-power; ability to attract
what you want.
AGATE - Good for transmutation;
helps with the emotion of acceptance; gives a mellow, blended aspect; beneficial
in stomach area.
AGATE/BOTSWANA - Use with high-pressure
oxygen therapy; smoke inhalation.
AGATE/FIRE - Master healer
with color therapy; enhanceds all essences; grounds and balances; sexual
& heart chakra binder; burns energy.
AGATE/MOSS - Emotional priorities;
mental priorities; colon,circulatory, pancreas & pulses; blood sugar
imbalances; i.e. epilepsy, autism,dyslexia; visual problems; blood circulation
to the brain; apathy is eased.
ALEXANDRITE - Low self-esteem
& difficulty centering imply need; central nervous system disorders;
spleen & pancreas.
AMBER - Memory loss; eccentric
behavior; anxiety; inability to make decisions; thyroid, inner ear &
neuro-tissue strengthener; activates altruistic nature; realization of
the spiritual intellect.
AMETHYST - Headaches; blood
sugar imbalance; L brain imbalances; edginess; facilitates healing; inner
peace; psychic insight; stimulates third eye; aid for meditation, spiritual
opening & internal surrender
ANHYDRITE - Heavy metal maism
is alleviated.
AQUAMARINE - Fluid retention;
coughs; fear; thymus gland; calms nerves; problems with eyes, ears, jaw,
neck, stomach, teeth; mental clarity; meditation.
ATACAMITE - Genitals; VD; thyroid;
parasympathetic ganglia.
AVENTURINE - Eliminates psychosomatic
ills, fear; skin diseases; nearsightedness; positive attitude; creative
AZURITE - Arthritis & joints;
surfaces psychic blocks that form physical blocks; helps one let go of
old belief systems; dissolves fear & helps transform it into
AZURITE-MALACHITE - Skin diseases;
anorexia; calms anxiety; lack of discipline; powerful healing force to
physical body; emotional release.
BERYL - Laziness; hiccoughs;
swollen glands; eye diseases; bowel cancer.
all purpose healer & cleanser; stomach & bowel pain; purifies bloodstream;
bladder; strengthens blood purifying organs.
CARNELIAN - Grounding; stimulates
curiosity & initiative; focuses attention to the present moment; use
with citrine on lower 3 chakras; digestion.
CHALCEDONY - Touchiness; melancholy;
fever; gallstones; leukemia; eye problems; stimulates maternal feelings
& creativity. release.
CHRYSOCOLLA - Emotional balancer
& comforter; alleviates fear,guilt & nervous tension; facilitates
clairvoyance; arthritis; feminine disorders; eases labor & birth; thought
CHRYSOLITE - Inspiration; prophecy;
toxemia; viruses; appendicitis.
CHRYSOPGRASE - Gout; eye problems;
alleviates greed, hysteria & selfishness; VD; depression; promotes
sexual organ strength.
CITRINE QUARTZ - Heart, kidney,
liver & muscle healer; appendicitis;gangrene; red & white corpuscles;
digestive tract; cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere; creativity; helps
personal clarity; will bring out problems in the solar plexus & the
heart; eliminates self-destructive tendencies.
CLEAR QUARTZ - Transmitter
& amplifier of healing energy & clarity; balancer, channeler of
universal energy & unconditional love; all purpose healer; programmable.
DIAMOND - All brain diseases;
pituitary & pineal glands; draws out toxicity, poison remedy.
Organ rejection; heart, lung & kidney stimulation; self-esteem.
ELIAT STONE - Tissue &
skeletal regeneration; detoxification; antidepressant; karmic life
EMERALD - Radiation toxicity;
all mental illness; circulatory & neurological disorders; transmits
balance, healing & patience; increases psychic & clairvoyant
abilities; meditation; keener insight into dreams.
FLOURITE - Bone disorders;
anesthetic; hyperkenesis; ability to concentrate; balances polarities;
3rd eye center; mental capacity & intellect.
skin elasticity; protection from pre- cancerous conditions.
depression; anger; self esteem;hemorrahages; hormone imbalances; inflammations;
sexual disease.
HEMATITE - Blood cleanser &
purifier; self esteem; augments meridian flows; aids in astral projection.
dream state; helps allieviate stress; draws toxicity from physical form;
balances polarities; increases healing ability; develops ability to "give".
JADE - Kidney, heart, larynx,
liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid & parasympathetic ganglia
healer; strengthens body; lengevity.
JASPER/GREEN - Constipation;
ulcers; intestinal spasms; bladder, gallbladder & general healer; clairvoyance;
balances healer's auric field.
JASPER/PICTURE - Skin, kidneys,
thymus & their neurological tissues; betters the immune system; past
life recall; overactivity in dream state & hallucinations show a need
for it.
JASPER/RED - Liver; stomach
troubles & infections.
JASPER/YELLOW - Endocrine system
tissue; thymus; pancreas; sympathetic ganglia stimulation; etheric body
JET - Feminine disorders; teeth;
stomach pain; glandular swelling;fevers; hair loss; alignment of lower
KUNZITE - Alcoholism; anorexia;
arthritis; epilepsy; gout; headaches; colitis; retardation; memory loss;
schizophrenia & manic-depression; phobias; emotional equilibrium;
thyroid malignancy; gums; pain; self-esteem.
LAPIS - Neuralgia; melancholy;
fevers; inflammations; penetrates subconcious blockages; throat chakra;
sore throat; energy focuser for teachers, lecturers & speakers,
mental & spiritual cleanser; used on 3rd eye for meditation;
eliminates old & negative emotions; use with other healing stones;
thought form amplification; helps in creating mantras.
LAZULITE - Frontal lobe stimulation;
hypertension; liver diseases; immune system.
MALACHITE - Draws out impurities
on all levels; balances L & R brain functions; mental illness; co-ordination
and vision; radiation eliminator; evil eye protector; all purpose
healer, especially in solar plexis & good for healers.
MOONSTONE - Soothes & balances
the emotions; helps eliminate fear of "feeling"; encourages inner
growth & strength; aids peace & harmony & psychic abilities;
alligns vertebrae; digestive aid.
MORGANITE - Larynx; lungs;
thyroid; parasympathetic nervous system; major muscle tissues.
NATROLITE - Color; lower intestines;
thyroid; sciatic nerve; parasympathetic nervous system.
OBSIDIAN - Protects the gentle
from being abused; stabilizer; stomach, intestine &I general
muscle tissue healer; bacterial & viral inflammations.
ONYX - Objective thinking;
spiritual inspiration; control of emotions & passions, help eliminate
negative thinking, apathy, stress & neurological disorders; also used
as a heart, kidney, nerve, sking, capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener.
OPAL/CHERRY - Red corpuscle
& blood disorders; depression; apathy; lethargy; intuition &
OPAL/DARK - Reproductive organs;
spleen & pancreas; filters red corpuscles & aids white corpuscles;
bone marrow; depression, esp. of sexual origin; balances; amplifies creative
& intuitive thought; grounds radical emotional body.
OPAL/JELLY - Spleen & abdominal
diseases; cellular reproductive problems; helps absorb nutrients; minimizes
wide mood swings; mystical thought amplifier.
OPAL/LIGHT - Balances L &
R brain hemispheres for neuro disorders; stimulates white corpuscles; helps
bring the emotions to mystical experiences; aids abdoman, pituitary &
thymus problems.
PEARL - Eliminates emotional
imbalances; helps one master the heart chakra; aids stomach, spleen,
intestinal tract & ulcer problems.
PERIDOT - Protects against
nervousness; helps alliviate spiritual fear; aids in healing hurt feelings
& bruised egos; incurs strength & physical vitality; alligns subtle
bodies;amplifies other vibrational energies & positive emotional outlook;
helps liver & adrenal function.
PYRITE - Helps purify the bloodstream
and upper respiratory tract; upper intestines; digestive aid; nervous exhaustion;grounding.
cancer & circulatory problems; helps the psychologically inflexible.
& narcophobia; poor eyesight; extereme emotional trauma; mental
breakdown; nightmares & hallucinations; astral body; kidneys; clears
solar plexus of blocked energy; unconditional love & forgiveness;
evil eye protection; helps one utilize the creative power of the higher
energy centers.
RHODONITE - Inner ear; allieviates
anxiety; confusion & mental unrest; promotes calm, self worth, confidence
& enhanced sensitivity.
RHYOLITE - Balances emotions;
self worth; enhances capacity to love; alligns emotional & spiritual
bodies; stimulates clarity of self expression.
ROSE QUARTZ - Heart chakra
opener; love & self-acceptance healer for emotional wounds; dissipates
anger & tension.
- L & R hemisphere balance; opens crown chakra; heart expression; increases
altruism, visions & general understanding; protects against negative
vibrations; helps one gain power to balance the physical.body
RUBY - Heart chakra; balances
love & all spiritual endeavors;self-esteem; strengthens neurological
tissues around the heart; prevents miscarriages.
RUTILE - Alleviates blockages
within the psyche from childhood pressures.
SAPPHIRE - Spiritual enlightenment;
inner peace; colic; rheumatism; mental illness; pituitary; metabolic rate
glandular functions; anti-
depressant; aids psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance & astral projection;
expression; also for pain.
SARDONYX - Mental self control;
depression; anxiety & especially for grief.
SMITHSONITE - Eases fear of
interpersonal relationships; merges astral & emotional bodies; balances
SMOKY QUARTZ - Stimulates Kundalini
energy; cleanses & protects the astral field; draws out distortion
on all levels; good for hyperactivity & excess energy; grounding.
SODOLITE - Oversensitivity;
helps intellectual understanding of a situation; awakens 3rd eye; cleanses
the mind.
SPINEL - Leg conditions, when
worn on solar plexus; powerful general healer; detoxification aid.
TIGER'S EYE - Mind focuser;
helps purify the blood system of pollutions & toxins; psychic vision;
TOPAZ - Balances emotions;
calms passions; gout; blood disorders; hemorrahages; increases poor appetite;
general tissue regeneration; VD; tuberculosis; reverses aging; spiritual
rejuvination; endocrine system stimulation; releases tension; feelings
of joy.
TOURMELINE - Dispels fear &
negativity & grief; calms nerves;concentration & eloquence improve;
genetic disorders, cancer& hormones regulated; raises vibrations; charisma;
universal law; tranquil sleep.
dyslexia; syphillis; heart diseases; anxiety; disorientation; raises altruism;
deflects negativity; neutralizes distorted energies, i.e. resentment &
fertility; blances passive or agressive nature.
opens heart chakra; immune system;psychological problems with the father;
blood pressure; asthma; balancer; eliminates conflict within.
- Lungs, larynx; thyroid;parasympathetic nerves.
chakra healer; imparts sense of humor to those who need it; balancer; eliminates
guilt; nervous system; integration, security & self-containment.
TURQUOISE - Master healer;
protects against environmental pollutants; strengthens anatomy & guards
against all disease; improved absorption of nutrients; tissue regeneration;
subtle body allignment & strengthening; eye
From: "Crystal Enlightenment,
Vol.I", by Katrina Raphael
"Crystal Healing, Vol.II", by Katrina Raphael
"The Complete Crystal Guidebook", by Uma Silbey
"Gem Elixirs & Vibrational Healing I", by Garudas
"Healing With Crystals & Gemstones", by Daya Saral Chocron
"Spiritual Value of Gem Stones", by Richardson & Huett
Vibrational number: 9
Opaque,dark metallic silver-gray
with bright flecks (High iron, mercury)
Stones with an iron content
are good for people with fever or inflammation.
Iron belongs to Mars
Aquarius (Water-bearer)
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18)
Chakras: all
Hematite is a stone for the
mind.It absorbs negativity, calms the emotions and promotes optimism. Worn
as an amulet it confers strength . Considered to be a grounding stone.
Helps maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit. Also known as the
"Worry Stone". It helps one to "sort-out" things in one's mind and can
be used for mental attunement,memory enhancement, original thinking and
technical knowledge. Marcasite helps one re- evaluate life's issues in
a gentle way. It is calming and encourages one to "reach for the sun".
It is said to attract "kind" love. It brings peace, self-control and inner
happiness. This stone helps us to see ourselfs from an outside view and
produces insights that help us to painlessly correct qualities that are
unwanted. It encourages us to "shine".Stimulates the senses and intellect,
dispels the use of rash words and impatience.
Hematite--- "Recorder Stone"
records what's around it much like a video, just ask the stone to give
up its images.One of the most grounding of all stones (root CTR). Needs
cleaning often. Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity,
concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work,
sound sleep. Confidence, will power, boldness.Egyptians used also to calm
hysteria and anxiety. Yang. Helps us
adjust to being physical. Spleen,
blood, cleanse. Can deflect. Regroups after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia.
Tree Agate (also known as Black
& White Agate): Energy: Receptive, Element:
Earth. Worn as
an amulet, this stone guards against physical dangers.
Opaque white with thin dark
lines. Howlite is usually in the form of a white stone, that has grey "cracks"
running through it. There are some versions of Howlite that are a
similar colour to Turquoise, those have been dyed.
Vibrates to the number 2.
Gemini (Twins)
Howlite builds innate decency
and dispels criticalness, and cold selfishness. Gently absorbs and uplifts
stress, tension, anxiety, emotional intensity, etc. Quietly loving, calming.
Works with the heart centre, bringing greater gentleness, patience, tact.
Helps bones, teeth, and other calcium aspects of body. This mineral can
be used to calm communication, to facilitate awareness, and to encourage
emotional expression. It tends to combine the power of reasoning
with observation and patience, providing for discernment, retentive memory
and a laudable desire for knowledge, bringing progress marked with triumph.
It spurs one toward the ambition to reach ones goals and assists in eliminating
hesitation with respect to action. It dispels facetiousness, bringing
both strength and innocence to immediate confrontations. It builds
an innate decency within ones character, encouraging those attributes which
are the building blocks to spirituality. Howlite can be used to eliminate
pain, stress, and rage; hence, it is quite nice to have around. It
can help to lessen rudeness and boisterousness, and can provide for a reflection
of the offender to the offender. It discourages impertinent behaviour
and encourages subtlety and tact. This mineral can be useful in balancing
calcium levels in the body, both
stimulating increase or decrease
dependant upon the area. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders
of the teeth, bone structure, and soft tissues.
Chalcedony Quartz.- Red, orange,
yellow, browns blue greens ;
Gemini (Twins)
Solid, Grounding. For stomach,
colon, liver, spleen, kidneys,
Scientific information on the
Chalcedony family, of which Agate is a part:
The chemical formula is SiO2.
The composition is silicon dioxide. These come in every imaginable colour,
with the Agate variety being banded in many different colour combinations.
This mineral has a level 7 hardness.
Chalcedony (Agate), being a
microcrystalline variety of Quartz, does not occur in crystals. It occurs
botryoidal, mammilary, stalactite, massive, nodular, as smooth rounded
pebbles, as banded masses, and in geodes. This
mineral ranges from transparent
to opaque and has a specific gravity of 2.6 - 2.7.
The lustre of Chalcedony (Agate)
is vitreous, waxy, or dull. Some yellow or brown varieties are resinous.
Chalcedony has a conchoidal fracture and has a brittle tenacity. Many of
these specimens are fluorescent - generally the white or green. Others
are triboluminescent (spark when sawed or struck), and piezoelectric (generates
an electrical charge under stress). Scientifically, the term "Chalcedony"
refers to any type of microcrystalline Quartz. However, in the gem trade
it describes a common white or lightly coloured nodular or massive type.
Chalcedony is not really known by its name. Scientist call it "Microcrystalline
Quartz", and collectors and gem dealers call each variety by its particular
name. There are hundreds of different Chalcedony
varieties, and many have gem
uses. In the gem trade, the name Chalcedony describes only white or lightly
coloured, nodular or massive Chalcedony. The variety Agate is most varied
and popular of all Chalcedony. It is
extremely abundant and creates
unusual and stunning examples. Most Agate is ugly in a natural state. Specimens
must be trimmed and polished to bring out their full beauty. Most specimens
sold to collectors have already been treated, in the form of tumbled stones
or polished slabs. Some Chalcedony is porous, and it can be dyed different
colours. Many Agate specimens from Brazil are dyed, and are sold to the
buyer without his
knowledge of this fact. With
experience, one can usually tell by the colour of an Agate if it was dyed.
Chalcedony sometimes occurs
in geodes, lining the cavity with mammilary blobs. Agate sometimes completely
fills a geode cavity, forming an Agate nodule (sometimes improperly called
an "Agate Geode"). Most Agate on the market comes from these nodules. Chalcedony
frequently pseudomorphs after organic materials. A well-known example is
petrified wood, wood that has been completely transformed into Chalcedony
(or one of several other minerals). In the Petrified Forest National Monument
in Arizona, an entire forest was transformed into petrified wood. Remains
of this ancient forest can be seen in the huge silicafied logs that are
found in the area. Another well-known pseudomorph is Chalcedony after coral.
Underneath the Tampa Bay in Florida, much coral has been replaced by Chalcedony,
and its original form is preserved. Impurities are frequently present in
Chalcedony. They may form a moss like growth in the mineral, forming what
is known as Moss Agate. Another example is Dendritic Agate, a variety of
Chalcedony containing manganese oxide impurities that form fabrications
resembling trees. The "trees" may be strikingly realistic. Chalcedony is
an important ornamental stone. The varieties Agate, Chrystophase, Carnelian,
Sard, Tiger's Eye, Bloodstone, Jasper, and Moss Agate are all carved into
cabochons and beads, making fine gems. The apple-green variety, Chrysoprase,
has a distinct colour and commends a higher price than the other varieties.
Agate is carved into cameos and
ornamental objects, and is
sometimes sold as polished slabs. Different varieties of Chalcedony are
tumbled and polished, and sold to amateur collectors by the tons. There
are literally thousands of localities where fine specimens have come.
Only a select few are mentioned here.
The first worked Agate deposits were near Idar-Oberstien, Germany, where Agate Geodes of unique habit were found. That deposit has long since been worked out. The most abundant source of Agate Geodes is the Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, where many different sizes and types occur. These Agates are easily dyed. An interesting Agate Geode type, known as a "Thunder Egg" can be found in large amounts in Jefferson Co., Oregon. Commercial Agate deposits also exist in China, India, Madagascar, Mexico, and on the shores of Lake Superior. "Fire Agate" comes from Mexico and Deer Hill, Arizona.
History of Agate:
Agates were used for ornamentation
and physical healing amulets, dating back to Babylon. Their medicinal uses
continued throughout Ancient Greek and Egyptian civilisations, spreading
throughout Africa and the Middle East, into Russia. Folklore mentions the
use of agates as early as the 8th Century. They were often added to other
stones to secure the actions of a stone. civilisations, a pink lace agate
discovered by the Incas, was used
with moonstone or garnet ornaments
to increase the overall pink hue. The carnelian, an orange agate, was once
one of the agates most prized by the Egyptians to represent nature organised
into a building form or shape. Legends mention the power of agates to secure
the wearer from danger and to protect children from falling. They were
believed to endow their owners with strength, courage, security and even
healing of fears. Early physicians used them for abdominal organ strengthening.
Agates are found all over the world with some of the finest specimens occurring
in the south western United States. Whatever your needs, security, strength,
or support, the agates are there to serve you.
State information of Agates:
Fortification Agate with red,
black and yellow banding is the US State Gemstone of Kentucky.
Agate is the US State Gemstone
of Louisiana.
Lake Superior Agate is the
US State Gemstone of Minnesota.
Blue Agate is the US State
Gemstone of Nebraska.
Fairburn Agate is the US State
Gemstone of South Dakota.
Petrified Wood is the US State
Gemstone of Washington (and Canadian State
Gemstone of Alberta, Canada).
Fire Agate is the US State
Mineral of Arizona
Agate is the US State Gemstone
of Montana.
Prairie Agate is the US State
Stone of Nebraska.
Agate is the US State Stone
of Tennessee.
Petrified Wood is the US State
Rock/Stone of Arizona & Mississippi
Physical Aspects:
All Quartzes/Silicates consist
of silica or silica acid, the substance that is Cosmic light. They are
encountered wherever there is a striving upward, idealism, rising towards
the Sun. This substance has the property of
attracting light and driving
out evil. All agates are very grounding and balancing, opening for acceptance,
protection & abundance. Aids strength and courage. Compels truth, promotes
good manners, happiness,
intelligence, prosperity, longevity,
fertility, and good is a banded, multicoloured, variety of
Chalcedony. It occurs in an infinite amount of colours and patterns, and
no two Agates are alike. The extraordinary beauty
and uniqueness of Agate is
responsible for its great popularity. Agate must be polished to bring out
its full charm; unpolished specimens aredull and ugly. It usually forms
in rounded nodules or knobs that must be
sliced open to bring out the
internal pattern hidden in the stone. Literally hundreds of Agate types
were coined with special variety names. Most of these are hardly known,
and new ones are made up every year. Most of
these names have no scientific
support, and it is not in the scope of this guide to list all variety names.
The list below cites only the well-known and commonly used variety names.
Some varieties have two names that are equally used. Don't be surprised
when you see the same definition for two different variety names. You will
notice by some varieties that the word Chalcedony is used in the definition,
instead of Agate (this is the case in Dendritic Agate). This is not a mistake.
These "varieties" are not really Agates, as they lack banding. Although
they have the word agate in their name, they are only a variety of Chalcedony.
Metaphysical aspects of Agate:
colours: Blending and binding of energies for strength and protection.
Organisational qualities, very simplistic causing a stabilising effect.
Health Aids: Binding energies for physical endurance. Agates are the workhorse
of the stone world; slow forming, steady and reliable. Agates are like
strong medicine. When you need strength, protection, or support, there
is surely one agate that does the job right. You can find these in a wide
variety of patterns and colours. A family of variegate chalcedony
or sard, they show coloured bands, spots or markings. Some are striped,
some are speckled, some are fossilised and some are solid. For identity
purposes, agates are often named for the locales where they are found.
In ancient times, this agate was worn to placate the gods, and to give
courage. It will sharpen your sight, help the eyes, illuminate your mind,
allow you to be more eloquent and give vitality. It keeps the wearer well-balanced
and serious. Lace agate strengthens the Sun in its wearer, and improves
the ego and self-esteem. It gives you a feeling of consolation despite
the hardships of life. It has been considered symbolical of the third eye,
and the symbol of the spiritual love of good. It helps to banish fear.
It is a good general healing stone. It is said that Agate balances emotions,
discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, powerful emotional healer. Legend
has it that agate guarded the wearer from all dangers and endowed the wearer
with a bold heart, and wearing Agate was believed to cure insomnia and
thought to insure pleasant dreams. Agate facilitates grounding, but is
energetic. It is also a powerful healer. It works with the chakras and
attitudes according to colour of stone. It is
a receptive stone and has powers
over strength, courage, longevity, gardening, love, healing and protection.
Virgo (Virgin)
VIRGO (AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22)
Chalcedony with dense inclusions
of green Hornblende.Moss Agate provides healing and growth promotes Centering
while it Increases ability to ward off self-induced anger and inner bitterness..
It balances the blood sugar level and helps self -esteem and emotional
balancing.agreeability,persuasiveness and strength in all endeavors.Get
in touch with nature. Plant knowledge..Moss Agate was used by the Native
Americans as a power stone for the art of "cloud-busting" to bring rain.
Useful in the treatment of de-hydration and to relieve symptoms of colds,
infections and flu. Aids in the restoration of energy, and is widely used
in ealing.Stimulates
digestion and elimination of
toxins from the body. Moss Agate is said to help one get in touch
with nature.
BLUE LACE: Pisces (Fishes)
PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20) Taurus (Bull) TAURUS (APR. 20- MAY
Agate with light blue bands
in a lacy or wavy pattern.
Helps us to express our views
in a peaceful,patient and loving manner. This stone helps one to reach
high spiritual places through patience and peace.Helpful in the treatment
of arthritic conditions. Enhances the mending of breaks and fractures.
BOTSWAN: Agate from Botswana banded with fine, parallel lines, often with a preponderance of pink blending into white.Use for connection to plant & animal Life. Adds strength to other stones you may be using
BRECCIATED AGATE- Agate with broken fragments naturally cemented together.
CLOUD AGATE-Grayish Agate with blurry, foggy patches of inclusions.
CRAZY LACE AGATE: Swirls or yellow, red and brownish black in a lacy pattern. Agate composed of twisting and turning bands of various colours. Aries (Ram) ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) A Crazy lace agate balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels..
DENDRITIC AGATE - Chalcedony with tree-like or fern-like inclusions.
ENHYDRO AGATE - Agate nodule partly filled with water. The water can be seen from the outside of the nodule when held up to the light. Also known as Enhydritic Agate.
EYE AGATE - Agate with banded, concentric rings.
FAIRBURN AGATE - Beautiful, unique, and rare Fortification Agate from Fairburn, South Dakota. SEE FORTIFICATION AGATE
FIRE AGATE - Agate with Goethite or Limonite inclusions, which cause the stone to be iridescent.
FORTIFICATION AGATE - Agate with a pattern resembling a medieval fortress. SEE FAIRBURN AGATE
FOSSIL AGATE - Agate as a replacement of organic material.
GEODE AGATE- Chalcedony sometimes occurs in geodes, lining the cavity with mammilary blobs. Agate sometimes completely fills a geode cavity, forming an Agate nodule (sometimes improperly called an "Agate Geode"). Most Agate on the market comes from these nodules.
IRIS AGATE: Iridescent Agate exhibiting all colours of the spectrum when sliced in thin slabs.Insight, Restores nerve feeling and healing after injury/burns. Gaze into for meditation. L/Rt. brain balance. Pineal, pituitary; co-ordination.
LAGUNA AGATE - Beautiful and colourful type of Agate from Ojo Laguna, Chihuahua, Mexico.
LANDSCAPE AGATE - Chalcedony with tree-like designs closely resembling scenery.
MEXICAN LACE AGATE - Agate consisting of thin bands in a lacy or wavy pattern.
MOSS AGATE: From translucent to opaque with moss-like inclusions.
NIPOMO AGATE - Agate with Marcasite inclusions found in Nipomo, California.
ONYX - AGATE where the banding lines are straight and parallel, and consistent in band size.
OREGON SNAKESKIN AGATE - White to cream Chalcedony with a wrinkled or cracked "skin", found in Oregon.
PETRIFIED WOOD Chalcedony frequently pseudomorphs after organic materials. A well-known example is petrified wood, wood that has been completely transformed into Chalcedony (or one of several other minerals). In the Petrified Forest National Monument in Arizona, an entire forest was transformed into petrified wood. Remains of this ancient forest can be seen in the huge silicafied logs that are found in the area.
PICTURE AGATE: Gaze into for meditation. L/Rt. brain balance. Pineal, pituitary; co-ordination.
PLUME AGATE - Agate with inclusions
in feather-like patterns.Another well-known pseudomorph is Chalcedony after
coral. Underneath the Tampa Bay in Florida, much coral has been replaced
by Chalcedony, and its original form is preserved. EG Corey Plume is formed
near Coral reefs and has rust coloured feather like
patterns and is very rare.
POM POM AGATE - Agate with yellow inclusions resembling pom poms.
PSEUDO AGATE - Agate as a replacement of organic material.
RAINBOW AGATE - Iridescent Agate exhibiting all colours of the spectrum when sliced in thin slabs.
SARDONYX - Agate with straight parallel bands of brownish to red alternating with white or black bands.
SAGENITE AGATE - Clear Chalcedony containing inclusions of other minerals.
SCENIC AGATE - Chalcedony with tree-like designs closely resembling scenery.
SILVER LEAF AGATE: Brown, Gary and creamy white with interesting patterns.Silver Leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance.
SNAKESKIN AGATE - Reddish brown Agate with black concentric bands.
STAR AGATE - Agate with banding lines in the formation of a star.
SWEETWATER AGATE - Chalcedony with star-shaped patterns of manganese oxide inclusions, found in the Sweetwater River, Wyoming.
TREE AGATE: Introspection. Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint. see others above with tree like designs or from trees.
THUNDER EGG - Nodule filled with Agate in the centre.
TUBE AGATE - Agate with tube-like
formations which are sometimes hollow.
Base or Root (1st) Chakra:
Agate - Crazy lace, Agate -
Fire, Agate - Dentritic, Aragonite - Dark Brown, Barite - Brown, Bloodstone,
Boji Stone, Calcite - Red, Cassiterite, Coral - Red and Black, Cuprite,
Danburite, Diopside - Black Star, Epidote, Garnet, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond,
Jasper - Red, Jasper - Rainbow, Jasper - Irai, Lodestone, Marcasite, Obsidian
- Black or Apache Tear, Obsidian - Snowflake, Obsidian - Mahogany, Onyx
- Black, Peacock Ore, Pyrite, Quartz Crystal, Red Quartz, Ruby, Rutilated
Quartz, Sapphire - Blackjack, Smoky Quartz, Staurolite( Fairy Cross), Tektite,
Tiger Iron, Topaz - Smoky, Tourmaline - Black (Schorl)
Navel or Sexual (2nd) Chakra:
Agate - Dentritic, Amber, Aragonite
- Red/Brown, Boji Stone, Calcite - Red, Calcite - Gold or Honey, Carnelian
- Orange or Red, Chalcedony - White, Chiastolite, Citrine, Coral - Red,
Crocoite, Danburite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper - Rainbow, Moonstone - Orange
or Peach, Peacock Ore, Pyrite, Quartz Crystal, Rutilated Quartz, Sunstone,
Tiger Iron
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra:
Amber, Ametrine, Aragonite -
Gold/Yellow, Aventurine - Peach/Orange, Boji Stone, Calcite - Honey or
Gold, Calcite - Red, Carnelian - Yellow, Chalcedony - White, Citrine, Coral
- Red, Danburite, Emerald, Fluorite - Yellow, Herkimer Diamond, Jade -
Green, Jasper - Picture, Jasper - Yellow, Jasper - Rainbow, Malachite,
Mica - Golden Star, Moonstone - Orange or Peach, Obsidian - Mahogany, Peacock
Ore, Peridot, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz Crystal, Realgar (Orpiment), Rutilated
Quartz, Scapolite, Smithsonite - Yellow, Sulphur, Tiger Eye, Tiger Iron,
Topaz - Golden (aka Imperial), Unakite
Heart (4th) Chakra:
Agate - Botswana, Agate - Moss,
Apatite - Yellow and Yellow/Green, Apophylite - Green, Aragonite - White
or Cream, Aventurine - Green, Barite - Green, Bloodstone, Boji Stone, Calcite
- Green, Calcite - Pink and Peach, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Cuprite, Danburite
(especially Pink), Dioside - Green, Dioptase, Emerald, Epidote, Erythrite,
Fluorite - Green, Garnet, Hanksite, Herkimer Diamond, Jade, Jasper - Green,
Jasper - Irai, Kunzite - pink or Green, Lepidolite (also with Pink
Tourmaline inclusion), Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone - Blue/Grey, Morganite,
Obsidian - Green, Peacock Ore, Peridot, Prase, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz
Crystal, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz,
Smithsonite - Lavender and Pink, Strawberry Quartz, Tourmaline - Green,
Tourmaline - Pink (Rubellite), Tourmaline - Watermelon (Pink and Green),
Throat (5th) Chakra
Amazonite, Angelite, Apatite
- Blue, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Boji Stone, Calcite - Blue, Celestite
- Blue, Chrysocolla, Coral - White, Danburite, Gem Silica, Hanksite, Herkimer
Diamond, Kyanite - Blue, Larimar, Peacock Ore, Pyrite, Quartz Crystal,
Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire - Blue, Smithsonite - Blue/Green, Sodalite,
Topaz - Blue, Tourmaline - Blue (Indicolite), Turquoise ,,
Third Eye (6th) Chakra:
Amethyst, Ametrine, Aragonite
- purplish colours, Aventurine - Blue, Azurite, Azurite/Malachite combination,
Boji Stone, Celestite - Blue or Clear, Charoite, Chrysocolla, Danburite,
Diamond,Emerald, Fluorite - Clear, Fluorite - Purple/Blue, Fluorite - Green,
Gem Silica, Hanksite, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Iolite, Kunzite - Clear,
Kyanite - Blue, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moldavite, Opal, Peacock Ore,
Pyrite, Quartz Crystal, Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire - Blue, Smithsonite
- Blue, Sodalite, Sugilite
Crown (7th) Chakra:
Agate - Tree, Alexandrite, Amethyst,
Ametrine, Apophylite - Clear, Boji Stone, Calcite - Gold, Calcite - Icelandic
(clear), Calcite - Stellar Beam, Celestite - Clear, Cerussite, Danburite,
Diamond, Fluorite - Clear, Hanksite, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Iolite,
Kyanite, Labradorite, Marcasite, Opal, Peacock Ore, Pyrite, Quartz Crystal,
Rutilated Quartz, Scapolite, Selenite, Sugilite, Topaz - Clear
Colour Range: Various
Chakra: Depending on
Vibrational Number: 7
Zodiac Sign: Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Libra
Day: Wednesday and Saturday
Element: Earth
Planet: Earth, Mercury
and Saturn
Deity: Goddess
Keywords: Balances Ying and
Yang, Cleanses the aura, children's magick, communication, understanding,
anxiety, emotional and spiritual blockages, friendship, healing, study,
intellect, thought, inspiration, abundance, truth, strength, courage and
Blue Lace Agate
(In Addition to the general
Chakra: 3rd eye, Heart and
Vibrational Number: 5
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Deity: Goddess
Keywords: Spiritual awareness,
confidence, emotions, patience, peace, kindness, honesty, anger, wisdom,
stress, creativity, communication, inner attunement, uplifting, brings
a feeling of beauty and grace to the owner, calming, soothing, protection,
strength and healing.
Botswana Agate
(In Addition to the general
Colour range: Purplish-grey
with white circular patterns.
Chakra: Crown
Vibrational Number: 3
Zodiac sign: Aries
Keywords: Courage, creativity,
inspiration, clears past blockages, self love, self esteem, clarity, focus,
cleansing, calming, soothing,
transformation, emotions, strength,
understanding, addiction, cleansing the body of toxins and evaluation of
the soul.
Fire Agate
(In Addition to the general
Chakra: base
Vibrational Number: 9
Zodiac sign: Libra and Aries
Element: Fire
Deity: God
Keywords: perfection,
fear, doubt, protection, purification, strength, courage, eliminate unwanted
personality traits, clarity, vision, energy - both magickal and physical,
helps spark desire, Lethargy, focus, clearing both emotional and physical
blockages and understanding.
Moss Agate
Colour range: red, green, yellow
and brown, usually translucent with
inclusions resembling moss.
Chakra: Heart
Vibrational Number: 1
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Element: Earth
Deity: Goddess
Keywords: Strength, alertness,
efficiency, communication, self esteem, balances the mind and emotions,
helps one to see inner beauty, abundance, helps crops grow strong and healthy,
calms bad weather conditions, wealth, problem solving, healing body and
mind, regeneration, earth magick and eliminate spiritual and emotional
Snakeskin Agate
Colour range: Snakeskin agate
has patterns similar to those on snake's skin.
Vibrational Number: 2
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Keywords: Strength, balances
personality, understanding, inner peace, contentment, joy and a love of
life, worries, self esteem, self love, finds lost things - both spiritual
and physical, helps you to hear what you do not wish to hear (but need
to) and helps the flow of Kundalini energy.
Colour range: Chalcedony is
a member of the Quartz family. There are many different forms of
Chalcedony, including Agate, Bloodstone, Chrysoprase, carnelian, chert,
flint, jasper, onyx, sardonyx, touchstone and petrified
Chakra: Solar Plexus
and Navel
Vibrational Number: 9
Zodiac sign: Cancer and Sagittarius
Element: Water
Deity: Goddess
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