If you believe that something contained on this site belongs to you, is wrongly credited, or you would like it removed,  e-mail me  and I will remove it.  Please note that I did not write all of these spells, I merely gathered the ones posted to the mailing list and put them on this webpage.  Therefore may not be able to answer your questions regarding them, however I will do my best, or pass your question on to the original author..  Do not e-mail me to complain that they don't work, for more info go here. Or see the FAQ.  We offer no guarantees that any spells on these pages will work.  Spells require more than just words on a page to be successful.

This page contains spells submitted from the 21/11/99 to the 7/12/99

Spell Page 1|Spell page 2|Spell page 3|Spell page 4|Spell Page 5|Spell Page 6|Spell Page 7|Spell Page 8|Spell Page 9|Spell Page 10|Spell Page 11

A Bit of Weather Magick  | Collection of Money spells|Book of Shadows Blessing | Spell for Protection| Psychic Protection Spell|A collection of Love spells  | Freezer Binding Spell|Attraction spellReduce the Appearance of Stretchmarks| Waxing Moon Blessing Invocation|Animal Healing spell | Full Moon Blessing Invocation|
House Protection |Waning Moon Blessing Invocation|Blessing of a Baby

The Spells on these pages are copyrighted by their authors, please do not take them without permission
A Bit of Weather Magick  (submitted by Beth 21/11/99)

Sprinkle rice clockwise while another person or a musical tape plays slowly increasing drum beats.  This sympathetic magic can work to bring rain or snow; for rain, I suggest dyeing the rice blue.  This type of rain magic was common in the ancient Far East.

Alternative tools here include shaking a rattle or rain stick (an African tradition), turning on a sprinkler, or even using a spritzer bottle. In European folklore it is said that hitting wet rags against stone or shaking a wet broom upon the ground can similarly encourage precipitation.

 Spell Usage
Moderating or changing certain weather patterns.

 Spell Timing
November and December. Waxing moon to bring a specific type of weather, waning moon to stop it. Water signs and Wednesday to encourage precipitation, fire signs and Sunday for dryness. Earth Day.

  [email protected]

Book of Shadows Blessing  (submitted by Beth  21/11/99)

 "Hearken as the Witches word,
 calls the All, a gulf to ford,
 Bridge the vast realities.
 An it harm none, do as you please."

 "Elements, protect and guard this book,
 from wandering eyes and prying look
 and fill it with thine ancient power,
 In this right and ready hour."

 Powers of the North, the earth below.
 Help me to live, to learn, to grow.
 Lend your strength and stability,
 To practice the Craft, and with love be free."

 "Powers of the East, the wind ,the sky,
 watch over these pages with thine eye.
 Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask.
 That this book be worthy, the Craft and its task."

 "Powers of the South, fire and the hearth.
 Help these shadows to prove their worth.
 Infuse them with your healing and passion,
 So only good comes from the work that is fashioned."

 "Powers of the West, the water and sea.
 Change and growth are granted thee.
 Bless these pages with all you know.
 That righteous readers may learn and grow."

 "To the unschooled eye let see,
 confusing words and sophistry.
 Lead them from these sacred pages,
 and bless their passage through the ages.
 For free will of all, and harm to none.
 As I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be!"

A Collection of Love spells  (submitted by Obsidian 23/11/99)

attracting love recipe
Love Powder
Come to Me Spell
Attraction spell
Lucky in Love
Spell to attract love
Fiery Love
The Simple Irresistible Spell
YIN YANG Witch Love Spell
To make yourself known to another
Animal Healing Spell

attracting love recipe.

You will need:
One piece of red velvet,
One red ribbon,
Red cotton and a needle,
One small heart cut from cloth,
Seven pins,
A clove,
Dried orange rind,
Dried rose petals,
A small rose quartz

Create this powerful little charm on a Friday, the day devoted to Aphrodite. Ask for her blessings for this charm. After dedicating its working to her, and for the good of all, take your cloth heart and imagine it is the heart  of your/her soulmate. Then take each pin and pierce the heart, invoking Aphrodite and the good of all each time. When you have finished this, place the heart and pins at the centre of the velvet cloth.  Then cover the heart with the remainder of the ingredients, leaving the rose quartz until last. When you have completed the task, gather up all the ends of the fabric and twist then sew it into a little pouch. Finally, secure the opening with the red thread and needle, then tie the pouch firmly with the red ribbon.Hang the magical pouch over your/her bed, or under the bed if discretion is important. Do not place this pouch under your pillow as you may get pricked by the pins. When you/she smells the delicious aromas wafting from the pouch, remember that Aphrodite is helping you to conquer your longing and bring you and your perfect partner together. Remember not to think of a particular person while making this as that will most likely not be the perfect match for you/her.

From: "Gem Lesley" [email protected]
An Attraction Spell

You will need a pink ribbon, a mirror, some honey, pen, paper, and a candle. Burn some sweet smelling incense...heather or violet is perfect for this.  Pass the ribbon through the smoke three times saying:

           "Ribbon be thou the bearer of love.
            Ribbon be thou the bearer of happiness."

Now put a dab of honey on the ribbon and then on your tongue. As you taste the honey, say:

           "Honey, bring me the sweetness of love."

Repeat three times. Now hold up the mirror and look into it. See yourself reflected there. Now say three times:

   "I am Goddess and Goddess is me.
    She is beautiful. So Mote It Be."

Now dab a bit of honey on the candle and wrap the ribbon around it. Hold it between your hands as you say (again three times)

                "From ribbon to candle
                The magic shall go
                From candle to astral
                The flame makes it so."

Remove the ribbon and light the candle. Let the candle burn down. While it is burning you will be writing what you want in a partner on a piece of paper. Be specific...say "likes kittens but hates frogs" if that is what you want. Don't specify any person or it will backfire badly. When you have finished your list (and you can make mistakes and scratch out or start over), fold the list three times. Tie it up with the pink ribbon. Snuff out the candle if it is still burning. Put the list between your mattress and your box springs.

Each night for the next week you must look at yourself in the mirror and repeat the mirror charm.

         "I am Goddess and Goddess is me.
          She is beautiful. SoMote It Be."

At the end of the week, you can stop the mirror charm or continue it. That is your choice. Your spell will bring you love within 7 weeks.

From: [email protected]


Fiery Love

You Will Need: a charred stick (you can either find it or make it yourself, a few dried rose petals, a piece of paper.

Ritual: Using the charred stick as you would a pencil, draw to inter-linked hearts on the paper as you visualize
yourself enjoying a satisfying relationship.  Draw with power.  Hold the rose petals in your projective hand and
send fiery, loving energies into them.  Sprinkle the petals over the linked hearts.  Do this with power.  Wrap the
package around the petals and throw it into a fire (or you can light it with a red candle and throw it into a
heat-proof container to burn).  As it burns, the power is released.

From: [email protected]


"YIN YANG" Witch Love Spell

This is one of the most delicate spells that exists. The first rule of order with any spell is not to manipulate anyone. This spell will not work if you have anyone specific in mind. It is utterly important that you perform this spell with a pure heart, and mind. Karma can be a charming, generous friend, or a wicked beast. It is all up to you! This is
not a 'sex' spell, this a spell for someone who wishes to begin a loving relationship, with a compatible mate.

The Ingredients:

One light colored candle to represent the male. (yang, suggested color, white.)

One dark colored candle to represent the female. (yin, suggested color, black.)

One pink candle for the magic. (must be pink!)

At least one flower. (roses, gardenias, daisies, tulips.)

Some kind of food offering. (apple, berries, sugar, cinnamon)

A chalice of wine, or juice. (red wine, red grape juice)

A crystal. (rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz)

Herbs: Lavender, cardamom, spearmint, yarrow, aloe, catnip, clove, lotus, mandrake, chili pepper.
(use at least three of the herbs suggested.)

A red or pink cloth as big as your hand, and a white string.

The Spell

Gather together your tools in a dark quiet space. Follow the beginning meditation on the Spell Craft page. Make sure you are comfortable and your candles are at a safe distance from flammable materials.

At this time address your 'spiritual power', what you may call god, and or goddess. Ask 'it'/'them' to come into your space, and assist you with this magical rite. Address them verbally, from your hearts center. At this time, carve a heart symbol in the pink candle, and any other symbols that represent love to you. On the candle (male or female) that represents you carve your astrological symbol and your initials. On the other candle carve a Venus or mars symbol (O+,0->). Conjure love in your heart as you light the pink spell candle. Think of yourself in a happy
relationship as you light the candle that corresponds to you. Envision a loving mate as you light the last candle. Pause for a moment and drink in the wonderful scene you have created. Mix your herbs in a mortar, or in a
bowl with your hands. Meditate on your new partnership, the feelings of love, the activities you will share, things that make you joyous. This should take you at least 15 minutes. If you are untrained at meditation, please be patient, and take your time. It is also good to chant as you do this.

    "Candle Glow, Night wind blow, Moon light show, My love to flow."

When you are finished, wrap your herbs in the cloth, and tie it with the string. This string should have 6 knots (the number of Venus). Draw the symbols of Venus and mars on the 'sachet' you have just made.

Now is the time to give your offerings to 'spirit'. Hold the vessel that contains your offerings above your head. With enthusiasm verbally give your thanks, and offer up your gifts, with sincerity. Drink half thewine (juice) out of your chalice. You may wish to do the chanting again, or continue with the closing of the rite. Thank the 'spirit' for assisting you in this rite, and say "Go if you must, stay if you will. I release you." Then pinch the candles out. See the Spell Craft page for the closing. After the rite is done, leave your offerings outside, in a grassy area. If this is impossible wrap them in a paper bag, and lay them in a garbage can outside. May your magic be fruitful!

"May love enter your door, and reside evermore."

it was posted by someone who "lifted from another list" so I don't know the true author :)


To make yourself known to another

If you love another and they don't seem to notice, then this can bring you to their attention.

You need to find their footprints in the earth. You then dig up the footprint, (more correctly the earth in which it is impressed) Take the earth to the nearest willow tree and , making a hole in the ground at it's base, put the footprint into the hole, filling it over with the original dirt. As you are burying the footprint this way, say:

    "Many earth's on earth there be,
    I make my love known unto thee
    For He is the flower and I the stem
    He the cock and I the hen
    Grow, grow willow tree!
    Sorrow not for the likes of me.

From there on in you will find that the person you yearn for will indeed start to notice you. Where it goes from there, of course, it up to you.

Attraction spell   (Submitted by Beth  25/11/99)

Things you will need:
Pink ribbon
a mirror
some honey
pen and paper (unless you are as picky as I am, you may need a few sheets! LOL)
A candle
Sweet smelling incense like heather, violet or rose

Pass the ribbon throught the smoke 3x, say:

      "Ribbon be thou bearer of love. Ribbon be thou
      bearer of happiness."

Put a dab of honey on the ribbon and on your tongue and say:

      "Honey bring me the sweetness of love."       Repeat 3x

Hold up the mirror, look deep into your eyes and say 3x:

      "I am Goddess, Goddess is me. She is beautiful.
      So mote it be!"

Now dab a bit of honey on the candle and wrap the ribbon around it. Hold it between your hands and say 3x:

      "From ribbon to candle the magic shall go.
       From candle to astral, the flame makes it so."

Remove the ribbon and light the candle. Let the candle burn down. While it's burning you will be writing what you want in a partner on the paper. Be specific..."likes classical music, but hates hard rock"  And please don't specify any one person.  When you are done, you can make mistakes and scratch out, fold the list 3x towards you. Tie it with the ribbon, and snuff your candles. Put the list between your mattress and box springs. Each night for the next week you must do the mirror part of the spell..."I am Goddess, Goddess is me..." At the end of the week you can stop or continue the chant. The spell yields within 7 weeks.

Animal Healing Spell   (Submitted by Amalthaea  29/11/99)

    "Spirits of the Forest, an animal is dying, take the Life force of this spell and save it."

This spell requires no ritual, but it can only be used on hurt animals and you must be touching the animal (not suggested use for rabies). This is an ancient spell, it might not work, but don't let that discourage you. believe in the power sent to the animal by you.

House Protection  (submitted by Beth  3/12/99)                                                                   Top of page

This should be done on the waning moon, as close to the New Moon as possible.  Raise athame in salute to the Goddess and God, asking their assistance in your "house cleaning". Now, beginning at the front door, walk throughout your home, doesil [clockwise]. At each window, door or other opening make an invoking
pentagram with your athame [invoking, because it is invoking protection]. You may wish to chant as you mark these pentagrams. The one I use is:

     "Lord and Lady of the day, Keep all harm far away, Set your guard ever near,
     Let no evil enter here."

After you have gone through your entire living space, visualize the three-dimensional outline of your home being completely made of, and sealed with, white light. Thank the Lady and Lord for their aid.

Blessing of a Baby  (Submitted by Beth  3/12/99)

 Either one or both parents can do this.

     "Little person who comes from beyond ourselves,
    welcome to this, the only world we have.
    Welcome to the warmth of our bodies.
    Welcome to the songs and feasts of people you do not know.
    Our blessings is a touch, a friend you will know as your darkness turns to light."

The baby is then passed around among everyone present, each person calls the baby by name *and* speaks his/her own name to the baby and says anything else s/he feels is appropriate. And why not make it a pary and invite lots of people over!

Waning Moon Blessing Invocation   (submitted by Beth  7/12/99)
 - Firestorm Weaver of PhantomFire Coven

    "As we gather here,  we summon the power of the Waning Moon to carry away from this (item),
    any energy that will keep potential from being reached.
    We ask that the dissapearing Orb lend us the power to clear this (item)
    and  purify it to best meet the need for which we now consecrate it."

Full Moon Blessing Invocation   (submitted by Beth  7/12/99)
 - Firestorm Weaver of PhantomFire Coven

    "We stand in this circle,
     linked in the fullness of the Universe
     and call the cool light of Night to bless our Venture.
     Full in its glory
    we tap the power of the Glorious Orb
     Drawing the Light of the Lamp of Night
     and reveling in the wholeness with which
     we bless this (project, thing, person)"

Waxing Moon Blessing Invocation   (Submitted by Beth  7/12/99)
  - Firestorm Weaver of PhantomFire Coven - 1996

    "We reach before us, into new beginings
     and seek to bring Energy and Growth to flourish here...
    As the Moon shows new-born in the sky
     we wake the power within us to nurture this beginning
     and call the waxing Moon's light to ever more illuminate
     the purpose and beauty for which we consecrate this (item)"

Reduce the Appearance of Stretchmarks   (Submitted by Beth  7/12/99)

You will need:

*   Olive Oil. The Olive tree is affiliated with Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Olive oil is also great for your skin.
*   A small, clean, preferably glass, bottle to keep the oil in.

After Full Moon when the Moon begins to Wane.
1. On a night after the Full Moon, fill your bottle with the olive oil. Cover  with lid.
2. Go outside under the moon. Hold the bottle in your hands, close your eyes, and visuallize yourself rubbing this oil on your stretchmarks and reducing their appearance.
3. Now say this or something similar:

"Lady Luna, as you grow small, Reduce my stretchmarks one and all."

4. Set the bottle down outside in a safe place overnight under the waning moon.
5. Next morning, bring the bottle in. Use the oil by rubbing it on your stretchmarks. Visualize as you do so your stretchmarks reducing in appearance.

 [email protected]

Freezer Binding Spell  (submitted by Beth  7/12/99)

Best done on the Full Moon or on a Saturday during the Waning Moon.  Write the name of the person you wish to prevent from harming you on a piece of paper. Gaze at the paper and visualise the face of the person in question;
see their face vividly imprinted on the paper. Then, fold the paper three times. Tie it up with black thread or string, and put it into a small watertight container. Fill the container with water, and place in a nook of
the freezer where it's unlikely to be disturbed, saying:

    "Stay there and freeze, for as long as I please."

To reverse this spell, take the container out of the freezer and let it thaw in the sink for the day/night. Empty the water and paper down the drain or into the toilet.


Psychic Protection Spell  (Submitted by Beth  7/12/99)                                                           Top of page
Tools you will need are:

*   Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also)
*   Black 8" Taper Candle

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open.

This spell is used to protect yourself from mental attacks. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle. Love or protection incense is recommended (herbs or oils can also be used). While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work.  Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind.  After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light some incense.   Envision a large, white ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle.  Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

    "This candle represents protection over me in all things"

Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

    "As the light of this flame grows,
    I can feel the light and positive energy around me.
    As this candle burns, everything around me is blessed with light and love.
    I am blessed with light and love.
    Negative energy is being banished."

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Keep visualizing the white ball of light and protection around you. Envision your Higher Power blessing you and protecting you from harm. See yourself blessing whoever or whatever it is
that brings harm to you. Bless them so that they may be happy and will no longer wish to cause you harm. Feel the peace and love.  When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say:

    "As the flame of the candle is extinguished--evil, negativity,
    and harm towards me is banished"

and blow out the candle.  Repeat this for two more nights. On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled, discard the wax in the garbage to symbolize throwing away that which causes you harm. You have been blessed with Light, Love, Peace, and Protection. Whatever was causing you harm will no longer do so.

Submitted by: Lady Dolphina

Spell for Protection  (Submitted by Beth  7/12/99)

Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames(or flame if using a candle). Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you. If you wish, say the
following words:

    "Craft the spell in the fire; Craft it well; Weave it higher.
    Weave it now of shining flame; None shall come to hurt or maim.
    None shall pass this fiery wall; None shall pass No, none at all."

repeat this every day if needed.

Collection of Money spells   (Submitted by Beth  7/12/99)                                                       Top of page

To gain Money
Money Spell
Lottery Chant
A Money Candle Spell
Money Spell
Money Simmering Potpourri
Money Powder
Potato Money Spell
Another Money Spell
Chant/ritual for the full moon money spell
Another Money spell
Money Spell
Another Money Spell
To Banish Debt
Waxing Moon Spell For Prosperity
Money Spell
Money Spell

To Gain Money
Fill the cauldron half-full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position  the cauldron so that light from the Moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this, say:

    "Lovely Lady of the Moon, Bring to me your wealth right soon.
    Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you can give, my hands to hold."

Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth. This is best done at the Full Moon.


Money Spell
1. On a green candle, write the names of all who are two be included in this spell. I have found that if you use a sewing needle you can get a lot of names on a very small candle. This is important as you need to let the candle burn down completely. The bigger it is the longer it will take.
2. On a piece of paper or parchment write a list of the things you need money for. I recommend not giving amounts. Too many times people limit themselves by saying I need this amount. That is usually all that they can get because they have limited it when the universe may have wanted to give them much more.
3. Make sure that you have a safe place to burn the list during the ritual.

    "Now is the time for the magic of the universe to be ours.
    As we honor the Gods and Goddesses in all of their forms, know also that we too are God.
    Know that we are made from the energy of the universe.
    Know that this energy flows through us and obeys our will".

Light your green candle. Visualize energy flowing through you and into the candle. Please let the energy around you flow through you instead of using your own and draining yourself. Know that the universe will provide all you can ever need for your use.

    "As the New Moon is the beginning of the cycle of the mother,
    so this night is the beginning of a better time for us.
    This candle we charge with the magic of our needs and wants.
    As it burns it releases not only the energies we can see,
    but the energies unseen to carry out our wishes.
    Because of our knowledge that we are deserving
    we know that all of the deities and spirits will lend their aid in adding power to our intent".

Hold the piece of paper to the flame of the candle and light it. As it burns visualize yourself receiving the money you want. Again, don't limit yourself by giving an amount. Just see yourself having the money to pay all of your bills and still being able to afford anything you want. Remember, there is no limit. What's wrong with being rich? You deserve it as much as anyone else.

    "As the flame burns away these words,
    so the energies released take away our need for the money to do as we need and wish.
    Let the power of fire become ours as we direct it to do our bidding".

    "Money needs I have today, And wish to send them on their way.
    And extra should be left you see, That I can spend on you and me.
    My needs fulfilled, plus more you see, And harming none, So Mote it be!!!"

Lottery Chant:

    "Balls of white, and sometimes red.
    Numbers dancing, in my head.
    Elves of light, good dwarves too, mighty Frigg, I call to you.
    As the numbers dance around, let my choices fall right down.
    So give your blessing, good luck to me.
    Help me win the lottery.
    Good luck now, Is mine You'll see, with harm to none, So Mote It Be!"
                                                                                                                                                       Top of page

A Money Candle Spell

In the center of a large fishbowl, place a green candle marked with symbols and words that are personally meaningful for financial abundance. Anoint the candle with mint extract before affixing it to the bottom of the bowl. Every day for a month, beginning on a waxing moon, toss a coin into this magic well (the bowl) and light the candle for a few minutes. Add a brief incantation such as:

    "Saving for a rainy day will help more money come my way."

Have this bowl nearby and the candle lit when you balance your checkbook against your bank statement at the end of the month. When the bowl is filled, or the candle burns too low, put the funds to charitable use so the universe can return your kindness.

General Uses:
Financial improvement or stability. Improved cash flow and resources. Prosperity.

The month of April. Full and blue moons. Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, or Pisces. Sunday.

                                                                                                                                                        Top of the page
Money Spell
On a green candle write the names of the people taking part. If you wish annoint it with oil. I like Pachouly or Sandlewood.

    "Now is the time for weaving our wills.
    As the Gods and Goddesses lend us their strength, we draw it into for our use.
    We cast our energies into the universe to create our destinies as we would have them be."

Light your candle. Focus on the energies being sent into it and transformed as they escape through the smoke and flames into power to do our bidding.

    "Full moon bright, full moon's light, grant to me, my wish tonight.
    Bring    wealth into my life to stay, let all my problems melt away.
    Let money come forth now to me. With harm to none, so mote it be."

Money Simmering Potpourri                                                                                                   Top of Page

To Use:
Fill a pot with 2 cups water,add appropiate money drawing herbs of your choice,stir 9 times,clockwise while saying the spell.simmer on lowest heat sitting or in a simmering potpourri pot till evaporated . Chant the following while stirring:

    "Money flow in from everywhere. By the free will of all. To the harm of none."

Money Powder

Mix equal amounts of the following herbs together:
Chamomile,marigold,hyssop,jasmine,cinnamon,cloves,ginger,nutmeg,cinquefoil.  Combine all herbs with your hands empowering them with your energy and your need. Sprinkle in your purse,wallet,mailbox,anywhere you might expect to receive money. Rub It on your money before you spend it to call it back to you.create a money spell,using green candles and this money powder on your altar.

                                                                                                                                                            Top of Page
Potato Money Spell

What you need:

*   Raw potato OR turnip
*   knife
*   9 toothpicks
*   3 money herbs
*   (pine needles, rice, shamrocks - clover found in the grass)

Empower your items (hold them while visualising the outcome) and the potato in half. Hollow out enough room (both pieces of potato) for you to place the three herbs in. Put the potato back together with the 9 toothpicks and go to a place that has really good black dirt. Visualise the need for money try to have a specific goal in mind like to pay the mortgage or a bill etc.. Bury the potato and draw an invoking pentagram over the earth where you buried it.  An invoking pentagram: When you draw and invoking pentagram the starting place is at the top of the star going down (you may have to practice this first.

                                                                                                                                                    Top of the Page
Another Money Spell
Utilities Needed:
*   A green candle (for good fortune, money, wealth, and success)
*   A magenta candle (to make the spell work fast)
*   A large spoon

Write your name on the green candle with a pen, write it lightly because you only need an inscription, not an acual ink mark. Turn the lights out, light the two candles with a LIGHTER, not matches because theres a certain chemical in matches (I forget which chemical it is) that disturbs the vibrations. Let the candles burn untill its past your name, then take the magenta candle while still lit, and poor some wax into the spoon, to fill it HALF WAY, then take the green candle and fill the rest of the spoon with the green candle wax. DONT mix the wax together. Take the wax out of the spoon, and carry the wax around whenever you need good luck with money, ex: Bingo, Job Raises/Promotions, or even the horse races.

Chant/ritual for the full moon money spell
Write a list of people in green ink on a piece of paper, the piece of paper should be relativly small, and should hold about 5 names. Light 2 green candles on a full moon at around 10pm, then burn the piece of paper while chanting:

    "Take these names and do them no harm, instead bring them luck, money and charm.
    So Mote It Be!"

Do the same ritual for all of the names, 5 names at a time.

Submitted by Smoo                                                                                                                    Top of the Page

Another Money spell
An extremely simple yet effective spell for obtaining fast money when needed is the following:
On a Friday during the Waxing Moon annoint a green candle with an appropriate money-drawing oil, such as Patchouly, Jasmine, or Cinnamon. Charge the candle and place in a holder on your altar. Place a brand new shiny penny in front of the holder, and then surround the holder with three green aventurine gemstones. Repeat the
following chant 3 times:

    "Money, money come to me, $100 (or whatever you need) is what I need!!!
    With harm to none and help to many, multiply now this shiny penny!!!"

Now light your candle and gaze into its flame, strongly visualizing the needed money coming to you. Continue with this visualization for as long as possible. After the candle has burned down completely, bury any remaining wax on your property and carry the penny with you to reinforce your magickal intention.  Please note that spells to obtain money seem to work better when used for a true need, rather than for greed. For example, if you are having trouble meeting your monthly bills, this spell will help; however, if you are performiing this spell because you just want to go out on a spending spree, your results may not be as successful. Please also note that when doing a spell to obtain money, it is imperative that you state somewhere in your chant that no harm shall come to any through the working of your spell. I have heard of several cases of people doing a ritual to obtain money, and
then obtaining that money through an insurance policy because their favorite aunt died an untimely death, or because they were involved in a serious automobile accident. Better safe than sorry!!!

Money Spell
A green candle would work, but I would use a red candle in conjunction with it, as red will help speed up the magick. Start by cleaning the candle, simply take a paper towel or rag, and wipe from the middle of the candle, to
the top, away from you. Turn the candle clockwise and do the same thing from the middle to the end, away from you.  Then carve the candle, all the while concentrating on your objective, namely getting money, in a speedy fashion. You can carve money signs ($), runes (I always put the futhark R for Rowan on my candles, and I also use the futhark symbol for strength, which is an upward pointing arrow), the god and goddess symbols [god - circle with a half circle at the top for horns, goddess - half moon, full moon, half moon - )O( ], and any other symbols you feel work for you.

After carving, annoint the candle, again concentrating on your purpose. Use whatever essential oil you like, I prefer cinnamon or sandalwood, and circle the top of the candle clockwise. Then, starting at the top of the candle,
pulling the strokes *toward* you (because you want the money to come to you), with the oil. Circle the bottom of the candle clockwise with oil also. You only need a few drops of oil for the annointing. If any oil is left on your
fingers, you can make a pentagram on your forehead, and over your heart, thanking the Lord and Lady and asking them to grant your magickal request.

When done, take a drop of honey and put it on the bottom of the candle, as an offering to the L&L, and lick the remainder off your finger. Light the candle, and leave it burn till it won't burn anymore. If you have to go out, put the candle in your kitchen sink, in a container with sand in it (to absorb the heat). If you *must* extinguish the candle, don't blow it out (it'll scatter the energy), wave or snuff it out. When you re-light it, concentrate again on your purpose.

Another Money Spell
1. At midnight on the night of the full moon, stand facing the moon and hold out either an empty wallet or purse and turn to the right three time.
2. When you face the full moon again hold out the empty wallet/purse and open it and say Money, repeat this step three times. This spell will not work it you have credit cards, money (of any kind), or bank cards in the wallet or the purse. They have to be completely empty.

Money Spell
If you need money and are willing to wait for this spell to work then do this:  Place one of each coin (a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar coin (if you can get one) under a rug at an entrance door. Now this is the
door you come in the house through. Put the rug over the coins. Say something like:

    "Money, money, on the floor Money, Money, come in my door."

Be specific. Direct your energies to money coming IN the door.

If the rug is kicked aside.And the coins are picked up. The spell is broken The money will stop coming in. Nothing bad will happen. It might sound stupid because it's so simple but sometimes simple works best.....

Money Spell
Below, are the directions to make a spell bottle for money. You can make this on the evening of the New or Full Moon. Gather the following by finding:

*   5 quarters
*   5 dimes
*   5 pennies

You'll also need:

*   Small glass jar
*   5 kernels of corn
*   About one tablespoon of whole wheat flour
*   5 cloves, whole
*   A tablespoon of cinnamon (or three cinnamon sticks)
*   A teaspoon of nutmeg

Place the coins in the jar. Add the rest of the ingredients. Hold the jar in your hands and visualize the energy going into the jar. See yourself smiling and saying how well the jar has worked. Put the cap on the jar. Hold it in
your dominant hand and shake the jar saying this or some other preferred chant:

    "Money, money come to me,
    Money, money set me free!
    Money troubles worries and woes,
    Shall all end, and go, go go!
    When you need money, just shake the jar."                                                                       Top of the Page

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