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 Full moon ritual | no time ritual|Samhain Ritualcandle rituals|The chapter of the new moonRitual to invoke Eurzulie| Money ritual|Self Initiation |A Mother's love |Invocation to the Goddess and God|Beltane ritual|Morning blessings|Wiccan Rite of Tea| Miach and Airmid |Yule Ritual|Summer Solstice|

Samhain Ritual submitted by Lady Leena  10/9/99
by Lady Ardane
http://www.triplemoon.com/muse.html  MAGICKAL MUSINGS TripleMoon Witchware

We are here tonight to celebrate the most sacred of our holidays, Samhain. A time outside of time, a time when the boundaries have been lifted, normal laws are suspended, and spirits from the other world can seek entry into ours. The doors are opened, the thresholds can be bridged. Samhain is a night for divination, the past, present and future merge.The dead and the still to be born are celebrated.

For those of you who have not been here to share our holiday before, I will explain something of our tradition. Halloween, called Samhain by the ancient Celts, and Hallowmass by the early Christians, represented the final harvest of the year for the anci ent people. A time when all of their food was stored for the coming winter, a time of abundance and plenty, a time to give thanks to their dieties. Their belief system was based on the planting and weather cycles and so, to them, this was their New Year, a time when the fields would lay fallow until the spring came again. They viewed their God in the same way. He was born of the Goddess at Yule, the time of the winter Solstice, (which, by the way is where the Christians got the idea that Jesus was born in December). At Imbolc, (now called Ground hog day by those who do not understand it's true meaning), the goddess has recovered from the birth and the God is a growing lad whose power becomes greater with each passing day. This represents the halfway poin t between winter and spring. By Ostara, the spring equinox, (also taken from the Pagans and now called Easter) mother earth is greening and the God is maturing. By Beltane (May 1) the mature God
and Goddess lie together to assure the fertility of the eart h. By the summer soltstice she knows she is pregnant and he is at the peak of his power. By Lammas, (also called Loafmass, the first harvest) he begins to weaken. By the fall equinox, (called Mabon) as the light grows less, his power grows less,
and the w orld readies itself for rest as he prepares himself to leave his aging body. At Samhain we bid the God a temporary goodbye while he goes to prepare himself for his rebirth at Yule. The wheel of life turns and turns again.

The story of the birth, life and death of the God is the story of the birth life and death of each of us. This cycle of birth death and rebirth is the basis for our belief in reincarnation. His death or sacrifice at Samhain is the foundation of All Hallow 's Eve or The Festival of the Dead. Tonight we are here to honor our beloved dead. We believe that on this night, the veil between the worlds is thin and we can call to those who have gone and they will hear us....and so...

The Circle of Power is about to be erected.Let all who stand within it be here of their own free will and accord in peace and love.  I cast this circle to be a protection against any negative energy that may
come to do us harm. We come to you ,O Ancient Ones, with open hearts and open hands to honor our beloved dead and to receive the blessings of the universe; blessings of good healt h, prosperity, and the companionship of those we love.

Protection Potion: As we anoint ourselves with this potion, may we remember that no harm can come to us within this sacred circle.

Put yourself in harmony with the elements of the universe.As we smell this incense, symbol of air, may we feel ourselves gaining in strength and power.As we light these candles, symbol of fire, may we recall how the fires, built by our ancestors, nurtured and protected them.  As we touch this salt, the symbol of the earth, may we ask the Ancient Ones to protect and heal the earth on which we live.  As we anoint ourselves with this water may it serve to cleanse our bodies and spirits of all negativity, illness, and weariness of heart.

As the Old God dies and the veil between the worlds is thin, we honor our beloved dead and ask their spirits to join us in our sacred circle.  We are Pagans...We dedicate ourselves to channelling the Spiritual energy of our inner selves to heal ourselves and others. We know that we are part of nature. May we grow in the understanding of the unity of all Nature and may we walk in balance. May we always be mindful of the diversity of Nature as well as its unity and may we be tolerant of those whose religion and culture differs from our own.  May we use the force of the Power we generate, wisely, and may we never use it for aggression or malevolence. May we always be mindful that we create our own reality and that we have the power within ourselves to create positivity in our lives. As Pagans we must pledge to always take responsibilty for our actions, both positive and negative and to be willing to accept the
consequences of those actions. We must always act honorably, being honest with ourselves and others, keeping our word when it has been given, and fulfilling our responsibilities and committments to the best of our ability. May we always remember that whatever we send out to others always returns magnified. The force of Karma will move swiftly to remind us of our pathway when we begin to stray from it. Remain strong and true to your spiritual ideals even in the face of adversity. May the force of our own inner spirit transform malevolance aimed at us into positive energy and may our inner light so shine that harmful forces cannot even approach our sphere of existance. May we grow in understanding and wisdom accepting adversity as a learning opportunity, and rejoice in the lessons learned. May we remember
that the God and Goddess dwell with us and within all beings who share this planet with us. May we live our lives so as to bring honor to them as well as to ourselves.

Hear now the words of the Witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was your destiny's pathway,
that now we bring forth into light.
The mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
and will keep silent and dare.
The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of Winter and Spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the Magickal Ring,
Four times in the year a great Sabbat
returns and the Witches are seen,
At Lammas and Candlemas,-dancing,
on May eve and Old Halloween.
When daytime and nightime are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four lesser Sabbats are summoned.
Again Witches gather in feast,
Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array,
Thirteen times at Esbat make Merry,
for each golden year and a day.
The power was passed down the ages,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and ages began.
When drawn is the Magickal circle,
By Sword or athame of power,
It's compass between the 2 worlds lies,
In the land of shades at that hour.
The world has no right to know it,
And the world of beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The great work of Magic is wrought.
For TWO are the mystical pillars,
That stand at the gate of that shrine,
And TWO are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces Divine.
And do what thou will is the challenge,
So be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment,
By Magick of old be it done.

On this night we honor those who have gone before. The Ancient Ones and other creatures who have lived and left their legacy of wisdom and experience for us to build upon; those whose strivings have made our world better for all. We honor the sacrifices made by so many to insure OUR freedom to practice our
religion without torture and fear and we pray that we continue to be safe from ignorance and predjudice and the hatred spawned by those whose lives are governed by ignorance and intolerance.  We remember our dear ones who died during the Burning Times and weep for their sacrifice. We remember and honor those who were our ancestors, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, children, and dear friends who have departed this life and who have gone to Summerland to await rebirth. We invite them to come to us this night and join in our circle of love lending their energy and essence to our circle. We ask that they watch over us and guard us as we guard their memory in our hearts. As Witches we celebrate the Immutable Wheel of Life. We know that even as the body dies, the spirit will survive to be born again. We greet death as new opportunity, even as we greet birth as that opportunity manifest. As our love rises to meet the spirit s of our dead who have joined our circle we greet them with joyful memories of the past and beautiful dreams of the future. The wheel turns and turns again. O daughters and sons of the earth, adore the God and Goddess and be blessed with the fullness of life. Know that they have brought you these admonitions for herein lies the way of the Witch. We serve and fulfill and are the
keepers of Wisdom, those who tend the sacred flame of knowledge, and those who perform the ancient rites with love and joy. Remember always that we are Witches, we walk not in the dark of doubt, but we walk in the light of wisdom and love, ever climbing out of the shadow to achieve the higher realms of the
spirit. Live fully for that is the purpose of life. Do not scorn things of the earth for from them we learn compassion and understanding, until such time as we have spiralled upward to a plane wherein we may call the God and Goddess our kin.

Let us now hold hands and meditate on the essence of those we love who are lost to us, but only for a time.

Allow the energy to build; visualize the power circling round, gathering strength. As we release the energy into the Universe let it be used to make us wise, healthy, strong, and prosperous.

We now raise the cone of power and send it off to do our bidding.

We thank the Ancient Ones, for their attendance in our Sacred Circle and dismiss them to their areas of governance harming none as they go and taking with them our love.

To our beloved dead, we say Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet again. May you return to your areas of peace and progress and taking with you our love.

And now, as our God goes to ready himself for his rebirth at the Winter Solstice, may he know we value his sacrifice, and that we, together with Our Mother, await his return with love and joy.

May the peace and protection of the God and The Goddess and of the Ancient Ones be with you, and may the love and fellowship of this circle remain in your hearts

The Circle is open                                                                              Back to the top

THE CHAPTER OF THE NEW MOON  submitted by Ravaen Celeste.

The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, in peace, whose word is truth, saith:- Ra ascendeth his throne on his horizon, and the Company of his Gods follow in his train. The God cometh forth from his hidden place, [and] tchefau food falleth from the eastern horizon of heaven at the word of Nut.  They (the gods) rejoice over the paths of Ra, the Great Ancestor [as] he journeyeth round about. Therefore art thou exalted, O Ra, the dweller in thy Shrine. Thou swallowest the winds, thou drawest into thyself the north wind, thou eatest up the flesh of thy seat on the day when thou breathest truth.  Thou dividest [it among] the gods who are [thy] followers. [Thy] Boat saileth on travelling among the Great Gods at thy word. Thou countest thy bones, thou gatherest together thy members, thou settest thy face towards Beautiful Amentet, and thou comest there, being made new every day. Behold, thou art that Image of
Gold, thou hast the unitings of the disks of the sky, thou hast quakings, thou goest round about, and art made new each day. Hail!  There is rejoicing in the horizon! The gods who dwell in the sky descend the ropes [of thy Boat] when they see the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, they ascribe praise unto him as
unto Ra. The Osiris Ani is a Great Chief. [He] seeketh the Urrt Crown. His provisions are apportioned to him- the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth. [His] fate is strong from the exalted body of the Aamu gods, who are in the presence of Ra. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is strong on the earth and in
Khert-Neter. O Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, wake up, and be strong like unto Ra every day. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, shall not tarry, he shall not remain motionless in this land for ever. Right well shall he see with his two eyes, right well shall he hear with his two ears, the things which are true, the things which are true. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is in Anu, the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is as Ra, and he is exalted by reason of [his] oars among the Followers of Nu. The Osiris Ani,
whose word is truth, cannot tell what he hath seen [or] narrate [what he hath heard] in the House of the God of Mysteries. Hail! Let there be shouts of acclamation of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, the divine body of Ra in the Boat of Nu, who beareth propitiatory offerings for the KA of the god of
that which he loveth. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace, whose word is truth, is like Horus, the mighty one of transformations.

RUBRIC: This Chapter is to be recited over a boat seven cubits long, made of green stone of the Tchatchau. Make a heaven of stars, and purify it and cleanse it with natron and incense. Make then a figure of Ra upon a tablet of new stone in paint, and set it in the bows of the boat. Then make a figure of the deceased whom thou wilt make perfect, [and place it] in the boat. Make it to sail in the Boat of Ra, and Ra himself shall look upon it.  Do not these things in the presence of any one except thyself, or thy father, or thy son. Then let them keep guard over their faces, and they shall see the deceased in
Khert-Neter in the form of a messenger of Ra.

[The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith:-] Homage to thee, O thou who dwellest in thy Boat.  Thou rollest on, thou rollest on, thou sendest forth light, thou sendest forth light. Thou decreest rejoicing for [every] man for millions of years unto those who love him. Thou givest [thy] face to the Hememet spirits, thou god Khepera who dwellest in thy Boat. Thou hast overthrown the Fiend Aapep.  O ye Sons of Keb, overthrow ye the enemies of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, and the fiends of destruction who would destroy the Boat of Ra. Horus hath cut off your heads in heaven. Ye who were in the forms of geese, your navel strings are on the earth. The animals are set upon the earth..... in the form
of fish. Every male fiend and every female fiend shall be destroyed by the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth. Whether the fiends descend from out of heaven, or whether they come forth from the earth, or whether they advance on the waters, or whether they come from among the Star-gods, Thoth, [the son of
Aner], coming forth from Anerti shall hack them to pieces. And the Osiris Ani shall make them silent and dumb. And behold ye, this god, the mighty one of slaughters, the terror of whom is most great, shall wash himself clean in your blood, and he shall bathe in your gore, and ye shall be destroyed by the Osiris Ani in the Boat of his Lord Ra- Horus. The heart of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, shall live. His mother Isis giveth birth to him, and Nephthys nurseth him, just as Isis gave birth to Horus, and Nephthys nursed him. [He] shall repulse the Smait fiends of Suti. They shall see the Urrt Crown stablished upon his head, and they shall fall down upon their faces [and worship him]. Behold, O ye Spirit-souls, and men, and gods, and ye dead, when ye see the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in the form of Horus, and the favoured one of the Urrt Crown, fall ye down upon your faces. The word of the Osiris Ani is truth before his enemies in heaven above, and on earth beneath, and before the Tchatchau Chiefs of every god and of every goddess.

RUBRIC: This Chapter shall be recited over a large hawk standing upright with the White Crown upon his head, [and over figures of] Tem, Shu, Tefnut, Keb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, [Suti] and Nephthys. And they shall be painted in colour upon a new tablet, which shall be placed in a boat, together with a figure of
the deceased. Anoint them with heken oil, and offer unto them burning incense, and geese, and joints of meat roasted. It is an act of praise to Ra as he journeyeth in his boat, and it will make a man to have his being with Ra, and to travel with him wheresoever he goeth, and it will most certainly cause the enemies of Ra to be slain. And the Chapter of travelling shall be recited on the sixth day of the festival.

APPENDIX (From the Turin Papyrus)
in the body of heaven, and is unfettered himself; Horus is made strong happily each day. He whose transformations are many hath had offerings made unto him at the moment, and he hath made an end of the storm which is in the face of the Osiris, Auf-ankh, whose word is truth. Verily, he cometh, and he is Ra in journeying, and he is the four celestial gods in the heavens above.  The Osiris Auf-ankh, whose word is truth, cometh forth in his day, and he embarketh among the tackle of the boat.

RUBRIC: If this Chapter be known by the deceased he shall become a perfect Spirit-soul in Khert-Neter, and he shall not die a second time, and he shall eat his food side by side with Osiris. If this Chapter be known by the deceased upon earth, he shall become like unto Thoth, and he shall be adored
by those who live. He shall not fall headlong at the moment of the intensity of the royal flame of the goddess Bast, and the Great Prince shall make him to advance happily. 

candle rituals  submitted by Lady Leena 15/9/99                              Back to the top

Rituals - Rituals are given for all the more frequently dealt with conditions, plus one or two which are a little more out of the ordinary. Two forms of ritual are usually given. One is the customary 'christianized' form simplified versions of which are found in the few books currently available
on candle burning, the other is a more general traditional form. The latter have been collected by the author from various sources throughout Europe and seem to reflect the early pre-christian nature worship, the 'old' religion as it's known.

Whichever ritual you use will be equally valid. Indeed the finest and most effective words would be spontaneous ones from your heart. Not all of us are able to produce the right words to match our feelings at the right time, however. Hence the rituals herein. They need not be learned by heart, they
can simply be read from here. If you make a mistake, dont worry! A small error, a fumble, a slip of the tongue will NOT negate the ritual. It is the meaning, the purpose, within you which is important!

Dress - Elaborate, ornate robes are not necessary in this practice, unless you feel happier with such trappings. It is largely psychological. The followers of the Old religion would work naked, as a symbol of freedom. Most people these days wear their ordinary everyday clothes for the rites. But
some do feel that a ritual calls for "something special" and consequently wear garments ranging from simple plain white robes to elaborate colored silken garments covered with esoteric symbols. If they feel their rituals will be more effective through the use of these "props," more power to them!
they are not, however, mandatory.

Altar Figure - Although it is not necessary to the rituals many people like to include a religious figure or picture in the altar arrangements. A crucifix, an ankh, a figure of Jesus, of Mary, or an ancient Venus figurine would be quite permissible. The figure, or picture, should be placed at the back of the altar in the center, with the censer immediately before it.

Lighting & Extinguishing - It is best to light a taper and then to light the candles on the altar from this, in the order noted. At the close of the ritual you may blow out the flames, in reverse order to that of lighting, or you may put them out with a candle snuffer. Do not pinch them out with your

Time of Rituals - Most of the rituals state the days on which they should be performed, or the number of days. The 'time' of day, unless specified, is left to you. Whatever hour gives you greatest ease, be it early morning, midday or late evening, will suffice. But choose a time when you are unlikely
to be interrupted.

Identification - It is actually possible to use candles without dressing them, but far more effective 'to' dress them. If you do not know 'how' to dress them, use a plain white candle to represent the person or event, and then visualize that as you dress it.

No time Ritual  (Submitted by Daye 29/10/99)                                 Back to the top

"I've got no time"

You say that you have no time for doing ritual, meditation, reading, going to circle or anything else. I understand where you come from but there is no excuse for not worshipping the Gods.   It doesn't happen overnight though.  First you rush past your alter positioned in your living room  off to work so you can't do a morning ritual. You tell yourself you'll do a morning ritual tomorrow. You get to work and swear you'll do a small ritual or meditate at lunch but when lunch comes around it totally slips your mind or you just don't feel like it. Quitting time arrives and you tell yourself on the way home you'll do a ritual of some type after dinner. You get in the door, check your phone messages and return the calls, saying to yourself you will do a ritual after this call which turns out to last 90 minutes. You get off the phone and realize that you have get your mail out of the mailbox and fix dinner. After feeding fluffy the cat and other things you hadn't planned on you look at the clock and it is now 10:00 PM and you still haven't done ritual yet, and you have to get up at 5:00 am the next morning, where did you go wrong?

First of all, when you do a ritual it doesn't have to be a real long one.  As long as the intent is there, you can do a short effective ritual. You probably can't get into a full scale routine of doing rituals throughout the day so you start out small. In the morning when you first wake up go outside and raising your arms greet Sol, the lamp of Odin, the sun. Say something simple like,

"Greetings lady Sol, lamp of Odin".

Simple, direct, and to the point. If you do this each day it is a ritual.

I know how hard it is to meditate in the morning after you wake up, you want to fall asleep during the meditation. Instead, assume the pentagram position then do toe touchies. Yes, it is exercise but when doing them imagine pulling power out of the earth up through your legs through your whole body when you touch your toes and when you raise up imagine sending the power up through your arms to the sky. Do how many is right for you.  Use numerology if you like to determine this.

When you are ready to eat your breakfast thank the Gods for the harvest you are about to feast on. You don't have to spend 10 minutes do a huge ritual of thanx, just a short one minute of thanks will suffice.

If you're lucky enough to be able to take a bus/train to work then you have ample time to meditate, even if it's a short 15 minute ride. Try something as simple as a chakra meditation with rhythmic breathing, or you can put up your shields or.....? If you drive a car then try pulling energy through
the steering wheel, down your arms and through your body. When you get off the bus/train and are walking to your work place you can quickly pull energy from trees and plants as you walk by them, you don't need to hug the tree but if you have time then go for it.

At work if you work in an office building then have you thought about drawing energy through the computer down your arms and through your body? I used to drive an electric commuter train and did this all day long which gave me a great deal of power. If you don't work with computers then how about
drawing energy from the overhead lights? How about right from the air?

When you go to lunch you can do a simple ritual of drawing energy from just about anywhere. What I'd like to stress, though, is to never, ever draw energy from people as that would be psychic vampirism. You should wear a quartz crystal on the outside of your clothes so that when you walk outside you can visualize it being charged by the sun, another simple ritual.

When you get home you should spent at least 30 minutes doing a ritual, yes a daily ritual. Try to make the ritual bright and happy, not dull and boring otherwise you'll not want to do them and get burned out. Create your own rituals instead of doing it from a book for many reasons but the most important reason is because it will be most powerful for you because it came from you.  I know there is a lot to do in this article but I only gave the suggestions, if you can't do all of these things at least do one, then work up to do two then three etc. Make up your own daily set of rituals, the point is to do something every day that is worship for the gods.

by Vidar Andrewson                                                                                 Back to the top

Full Moon Ritual #1  (Submitted by Chandralin 20/1/00)

This is a VERY powerful ritual. I have had great results from this. If done correctly, the presence of the Lady can be strongly felt! You will need
-two white candles
-a bell
-Wine or lunar liquid
-Your chalice (or cup)
-spell material if you are doing something afterwards

Cast your circle . Stand before the altar facing North and say:

    "This is the time of the full moon, a time of great power for positive manifestation,
    a time of increasing and gaining. The tide of Moon-power is strong.
    I am of the Goddess. I stand before You at Your altar, in love and adoration.
    Be with me Goddess. Let me feel your presence here tonight."

Go to the east with the bell. Ring it once and say:

    "Hail Selene. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my mind."

Go to the South. Ring the bell once and say:

    "Hail Cerridwen. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my spirit."

Go to the West. Ring the bell once and say:

    "Hail Athene. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence within my emotions."

Go back to the North. Ring the bell once and say:

    "Hail Aphrodite. Help me feel the Lady's power and presence in my body."

You will probably have an amazing wave of feelings come over you. Let them sink into your body and soul. When you are ready, return the bell to the altar, turn to the North, and raise your arms high above your head. Say:

    "Hail Goddess! Moon Mother, Lady of Light, Mistress of Magick and Animals.
    You are the white light of the Moon upon the Earth, the brillant rays of sun upon life.
    You are the beginning and ending, the One who creates and takes away.
    Within You, I see myself and all woman.
    In this time, You come to me and fill me with your presence."

Communicate with Her now. Tell Her your problems, wishes and anything you wish to tell her. When you are finished say:

    "All honor and love to the wonderful Goddess, for She is the power behind all powers,
    the Goddess behind all gods, the Eternal Life behind death.
    I see Her loving face within the moon and rejoice.
    All Hail Queen of the heavens and the earth, the eternal on of Wisdom!"

Raise the chalice to toast her and say:

    "To Diana and all the Goddesses!"
Now is the time for divination, meditation, and spellwork of any kind. Close the circle when done

Ritual to invoke Eurzulie (Submitted by Shakti  31/1/00)

Eurzulie is the Goddess of Sensitivity......

On a moonlit evening, fill a bath with warm water and add a cup of sea salt.Enter the bath and as you soak, use your finger to write your name on the surface of the water as you say twelve times:
    "I am a part of the waters of Life,
    Where they flow, I will go,
    Ending discord, hurt, and strife."

Feel relaxed and at ease. Float like a child in the pre-birth state. Feel your insecurities being absorbed by the healing waters. Let the water drain out and know that any negative energy that has been recently absorbed will be washed away, as tears release pain, and wash away sadness.

Money ritual  (Submitted by Chandralin 13/3/00)

Money Ritual
Perform on the three nights before the full moon, the night of the full moon, and the three nights after, using the same candles.

Ritual Bath: Use money bath salts, candlelight. Bring power through head and feet to cleanse any negativity. Get in water and focus on goal. (When you drain the tub, negativity will go down the drain).

Cast circle. Light altar candle, God & Goddess Candle. Invoke Gods.

Anoint green pillar candle with lodestone oil, visualizing putting your energy for your goal into the candle. Visualize the goal as already existent. Rub candle with cinnamon and cloves. Burn money incense.

Self Initiation (submitted by Chandralin 26/2/00)
by David Sands, (c) 1997

1. Set up your temporary alter and quarter points. The quarters can be stones or candles but stones have the advantage of not blowing out if there is a breeze.

2. Cast your circle of protection.

3. Undress - remove all jewelry, watches etc and put into a bag. with your purse and other items that are easily lost.

4. Consecrate the circle.

5. Summon the guardians with these words, and don't forget to pause to visualize the element concerned and to think upon the significance of that element for your self dedication:

"Guardians of the North, sacred spirit of Earth.
Into the stillness of your cold dark womb shall you accept my death, the death of my former self.
I bid you hail and welcome.

Guardians of the East, sacred spirit of air.
As the sun rises in the east so shall you guide my rebirth into my new life as a Witch.
I bid you hail and welcome.

Guardians of the South, sacred spirit of Fire.
You shall be my protector as I go forth from here along my new path.
I bid you hail and welcome.

Guardians of the West, sacred spirit of Water.
Cleanse my spirit and keep it ever pure from now and into the future.
I bid you hail and welcome"

6. Now for your symbolic death:
Lie on the floor on your back. You can lie with your head to the altar (North) if you wish to be close to the Goddess or to the East if the principle of rebirth is more important to you. Recite again those same words:

"I am entering the stillness before creation
I am entering the ground of the Goddess
May my body be still
May my mind be peaceful
May my heart be ready"

7. Now be at peace; feel the peace of the Goddess flow into you. Feel yourself merge with the cold Earth beneath you. Chant this slowly and quietly:

"Hecate, Cerridwin,
Dark Mother take me in
Hecate, Cerridwin,
Let me be reborn."

Keep chanting until you feel yourself melting into the Goddess.

8. When you feel the time is right get up slowly and begin to walk round the circle chanting the Goddess chant:

"We all come from the Goddess,
And to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean."

Walk gradually faster and chant faster round and round the circle. Faster and faster until you get dizzy. Don't stop even then. After a while you'll get tired but you must not stop. Go on the same time again until you drop exhausted on the floor. Why? because chanting and dancing raise power.

9. Lay again on your back as you regain your breath. As soon as you have your breath back stand in front of the altar and anoint yourself thus: Dip a finger in the oil and mark a cross : 1. on the left breast (male or female), 2. on the right breast, 3. Just above the pubic hair. This is the sigil of the first degree, the downward pointing triangle. Say

"I anoint myself priest/ess of the old religion, and I take the name (speak your magical name quietly)."

Then say:

'I, (real name), in the presence of the forces of Universe and the Divine,
do of my own free will and mind most solemnly swear
that I will ever abide by the religion and science of the Craft of the Wise.
I shall neither harm my fellow humans with the secrets that I learn nor shall I flaunt my beliefs or powers before them.
From this day on I shall be reborn as (magickal name) and shall honor,respect and cherish this oath I have taken.'

10. Kneel up in front of the altar. Pour a little wine into the goblet and place it at the front of the altar. Now take your Athame and holding it with both hands, pointing down and arms outstretched plunge the blade into the wine. Say:

"As the cup is to the female so the blade is to the male."
"And so conjoined bring blessedness"

11. Now say to yourself:

"I am reborn. I am a Witch. I am a Priest/ess."

Rise to your feet and say as loud as is safe bearing in mind that sound carries: "I AM A WITCH!"

12. Now consecrate the wine and cakes as you have already learned. Take some wine and eat a cake. Close the circle and ask the quarters if they would like to be dismissed  (never treat them like servants), remember to thank them. Get dressed and eat and drink some more and remember to keep some back for the libation which you make on the very site of your self
initiation before you leave.

A Mother's  Love  (Submitted by Brenna Rhianon 4/4/00)
By Brenna Rhianon FyreClaws and Marc ([email protected])

Set aside a night that you and your children will be able to complete thiswithout interruption.

Take your children out to a candle store and purchase the following candles-
1 Angel Candle- to represent the spirits and guardians
1 Animal Candle- to represent the animals spirits protecting you
1 Faerie Candle- to represent the faeries
1 Candle to represent the Gods and Goddesses

  Let each of your children pick out one of the candles themselves and you pick out the last two.  Also buy long wooden matches

   Once home,  relax and enjoy each others company for a while.  When you feel ready to start, take a stick or something semi pointy and on the first child's candle, both you and the child carve her name on the back.  Make sure you both share in doing this. Do this again with the second child and candle.  Then on yours, write your name but again let both of the children

   Place the candles around the three of you so that they will not be too close or get knocked over.  Thenn take tohe matches and light the candles.   Then help your children to visualize a ball of protection above their heads and also you do the same.  increase the size of the balls so that they encircle each of you.

   The say the following and have your children repeat after you-

   "The Light of God surrounds us
    The Love of Goddess enfolds us
    The Power of God protects us
    The Presence of Goddess watches over us"

    "Spirits and Guardians this night
    Be drawn to our candlelight
    Love and Protect us
    Watch over and Guide us
    Protect us from these evil harms
    Enfold us in your loving arms"

   Whe you are done with this, take your children in your arms and picture a ball above your head.  Fill that ball with your love for your children and bring the ball down and cover yourself and children in this ball.   When you feel the strength in yourself, take the candles and leave them lit in the room you are in.  Then you and the children do some activities that you al
can do together.

  I suggest maybe baking cookies and make some popcorn and sit together and cuddle while watching a movie that you all enjoy.  Spend the rest of the evening together.

  This was written because I for one believe that a mother's love for her children is one of the greatest powers and protectionns of all.  The spirits, guardians, gods, and faeries will find it hard not to join you in this sharing and love.

Invocations to the God & Goddess:  (Submitted by Chandralin 16/4/00)

Invocation to the Goddess:

"Gracious Goddess, You who are Queen of the Gods The lamp of night
The creator of all that is wild and free; Mother of women and men
Lover of the Horned God and protectress of all of the Wiccan; Descend,
I pray, With your lunar ray of power Upon my circle here!"

Invocation to the God:

"Blazing God, You who are the king of the Gods Lord of the Sun Master
of all that is wild and free; Father of women and men Lover of the
Moon Goddess and protector of all of the Wiccan; Descend, I pray,
With you solar ray of power upon my circle here!"

BELTAINE RITUAL  (Submitted by Beth 22/4/00)
Beltane should be celebrated in a natural place, such as in a forest, or even near a living tree.  If you can't do this for whatever reasosn, try to bring a small tree or living plant into the circle with you.  Adorn  the tree with a charm or token representing the marriage of the Goddess to the God.  These charms can be small bags full of Beltane herbs and flowers, beads, crystals, whatever feels right to you.  It is also good to adorn the altar with flowered garlands.  Beltane is also an excellent time for consecrating an outdoor shrine or altar, if you wish to incorporate this into the ritual.

Herbs associated with Beltane are:
Almond:  Magical wands are made of the wood from the Almond tree.  Almond is also a Greek symbol of true love transcending Death.
Belladonna: *This herb is poisonous, do not use if you don't know what you are doing, please!*  Belladonna was used by Germanic witches in "Flying Ointments", or potions of varoius psychoactive herbs, said to allow witches to 'fly' astrally by leaving their bodies.
Clover:  Clover is an herb of protection.  Clover blossoms are tinctured in vinegar for three days, then sprinkled around a dwelling to ward off unwanted entities.  Carry Clover flowers in a pouch or purse as a protective charm.  The white clover also counteracts hexes.
Frankincense:  A highly spiritual herb of purification and protection.
Hawthorn:  The classic flower to decorate the Maypole.  It is an herb of fertility used in Handfastings and weddings.
Ivy:  Equated with Fidelity, Ivy is woven into marriage wreaths and used in charms to bind luck and love to your person.
Marigold:  Sprinkled on a mattress, Marigold is said to promote prophetic dreams.  Used under the bed, it is said to make dreams come true.  Marigold can be added to bath water to attract admiration.
Meadowsweet:  Used in love spells, and also strewn about the home to bring peace and joy to all who dwell there.
Orchid Root:  Can be used in love potions, the fresh root to encourage true love, the dried withered root to abort misguided passions.  Also, burning the powdered root with musk oil is said to increase sexual passion.
Rose:  The rose is a pure herb of love.
Rowan:  An herb used for protection and healing.  The branch of the Rowan is used for making Magic Wands, and the leaf and berry are used in incense to increase psychic powers.
Sorrel: (Also known as shamrocks) An herb of health and healing, place in a sickroom.  The dried leaf is a charm for luck, and is said to allow it's wearer to see fairies.  The three-leafed shamrock is sacred to the Triple Goddess.
Woodruff:  This herb attractd wealth and victory to athletes.

Candle colors that are good for Beltane Ritual are:
   Silver- Representing the Goddess
   Gold- Representing the God
    Red- For Strength and Health
   Light Blue- For Tranquility and Health
   Orange- For Encouragement


Beltane Spell for Health and Happiness
     Adorn the Altar or Work-area with Ivy, Rowan, Hawthorn, and fresh Sorrel (Shamrocks).  Both a Silver candle representing the Goddess, and a Gold candle representing the God should be lit, as well as a red and/or light blue candle representing Health.   Also, recite this Chant:

      "Oak is the Sun Lord, Maiden is the May,
      Take away out woes and pains on this May Day.
      Oak is the Sun Lord, He will give us strength
      He will take away our fears for the Summer's length.
      Hawthorn is the Maiden, She will give us Peace,
      From the woes of aching heart, she will bring release.
      Oak Lord and Maiden, married on this Day,
      Bound in Light and Love and Hope, in the Beltane Way. "

A General Beltane Blessing Chant
    "Oak and May,
    On This Day,
    Will both Heed
    Those in Need.
    Goddess Bright,
    God of Sun,
    Bless your Children
    'Till our days are done. "

This is a Beltane Rite I have used, in whole or in part, many times.  It is from the Book 'Wicca: A guide for the solitary Practitioner' and I try to give credit where credit is due. First, set up your Ritual space.  As I have put in the 'Rituals' section of this page, try to do the Beltane ritual in a forest, or at least incorporate a living Tree.  Also, you should have a small Charm or Token, preferably made by your own hand, as an offering to the God and Goddess.  Set up your ritual in your own traditional way, Calling the Corners, Invoking the Circle, wherever your path leads.      When you have completed your preparations, Stand before your Altar, hands raised, and recite the following Chant:

     "Oh Mother Goddess, Queen of the Night and of the Earth;
     Oh Father God, King of the Day and of the Forests,
     I celebrate Your union as nature rejoices in a riotous blaze
     Of color and of Life.  Accept my gift, Mother Goddess
    and Father God, in honor of your Union. "

Place your Charm or offering onto the tree

    "From your mating shall spring forth life anew;
    a profusion of living creatures shall cover the lands,
    and the winds will blow pure and sweet.
    Oh Goddess, Oh God, I Celebrate with you! "

When complete in your ritual, release the circle and continue the Beltane celebrations!


    Traditional Beltaine food come from dairy, and Marigold Custard  and Vanilla Ice Cream are good.  There is also a tradional Oatmeal Cake that is appropriate. For meats, the Pig is concidered an animal sacred to the goddess, and was said to protect Witches on May morning.  Old lore says a pig should only be slaughtered when the moon is Waxing, and that they should not be slaughtered on a Monday, a day sacred to the moon.  A Beltane meal of pork would seem appropriate to the day. 

Morning Prayers  (Submitted by Willow FoxStone  24/7/00)

Bless this day, sun of fiery light
Bless this day, prepare me for the night
O Gracious Goddess
O Gracious God
Lend me health, strength and love
During this coming day
Assist me with the challenges ahead
Share your divine wisdom
Teach me to respect all things
Remind me that the greatest power of all is love

Wiccan Rite of Tea  (submiited by Rose 13/8/00)

The purpose of this ritual, is to thank the gods for Their blessing throughout the ending day and to ask them to be with you throughout the coming day. To meditate upon the day's activities and to prepare yourself for the coming day.

Red Candle (anointed)
Herb(s) for tea
Teapot (consecrated for this purpose only)
Cup(s) (consecrated)
Spouted Water Cup (consecrated)
Container for herb(s) (consecrated)
Pure Spring Water
Prepare by: cleansing the teapot, water cup and drinking cup(s), blending your herbs, (if necessary,) setting up a quiet, private place where you won't be disturbed, and boiling the spring water. Place the candle, herb container (with prepared herb(s) inside), Teapot and cup(s) in place in your ritual space. Bring the water to the ritual space in the spouted water cup, and begin:

Light the candle and, to the Goddess say:

    "Gracious Goddess,
    You who are the Queen of the Gods,
    The Lamp of Night,
    The Creator of all that is wild and free;
    Mother of woman and man;
    Lover of the Horned God, and Protectress of all the Craft;
    Descend, I Pray,
    With Your Lunar ray of power,
    Upon my rite here!"

And to the God say:

    "Blazing God,
    You who are the King of the Gods,
    Lord of the Sun,
    Master of all that is wild and free;
    Father of woman and man;
    Lover of the Cresent Goddess, and protector of all the Craft;
    Descend, I pray,
    With Your Solar ray of power,
    Upon my rite here!"

Then, with the tip of your Athame inserted into the cup of water, intone this blessing:

    "O Lady of the Mountain Streams,
    O Lord of The Green Glade Creek,
    I call on You to bless and purify this water
    With Solar rays and Lunar beams."

So mote it be!

With the tip of your Athame touching the Herbs, intone this blessing:

    "Thou has grown by favour of the Sun, the Moon, and of the dew.
    I make this intercession, ye herb:
    I beseech thee to be of benefit to me and my rite,
    For thy virtues are unfailing.
    Thou art the Dew of all the Gods,
    The Eye of the Sun,
    The Light of the Moon,
    The Beauty and Glory of the Sky,
    The Mystery of Terra.
    I purify thee so that whatever is wrought by me with thee may,
    In all its powers,
    Have a good and speedy effect with good sucess.
    Be purified by my prayer and be powerful!
    So mote it be!"

Place herbs in teapot and add water. While the tea is steeping, say a prayer to the gods, thanking Them for the ending day's blessings, and asking Them to bless you throughout the coming day.

Pour and drink the tea. While doing this, meditate on the day's activities and how they reflect on your life, and on your plans for the coming day. When finished, thank the Goddess and God for Their presence during this rite by saying:

    "O Mistress of the Holy Moon,
    O Master of the Sacred Sun,
    I give thy thanks for Your presence here,
    And blessings given.
    I now bid Thee farewell.

    Blessed Be!

    Hail fair Moon,
    Ruler of the Night;
    Guard me and mine
    Until the Light.
    Hail fair Sun,
    Ruler of the Day;
    Rise on the morn
    To Light my Way!

    So mote it be!"

Miach and Airmid  (Submitted by Chandralin 8/11/00)

Ritual leader - prepares the space, lighting fire and opening well, and making private invocation to the gods of the occasion.
Summoner - get people centered and brings them into the space, makes the general invocations, and at the end, gives them their charge upon leaving, then ushers them out.
Miach - lies "dead" under the cloak, meditating on the power of life and death, and the effects of the various herbs.
Airmid - tends Miach, tells story, gathers herbs, charges people.
Diancecht - scatters herbs, expresses anger at being surpassed, possibly also claiming that we should not be able to reverse or overcome death as it's part of the natural order.

Fire cauldron, well, candles for Danu and Bile', Diancecht, Miach and Airmid, summoning bell, a bracing early-spring incense for the fire, such as juniper or sage, silver for the well. Airmid's cloak, and gathering basket, pins, 18 or 36 bunches of herbs labeled with their names.

Mystery Play
Miach lies dead under the cloak and Airmid tells the story of Nuada's arm and Diancecht's jealousy and her previous attempts to heal him. Most of the herbs are in place on the cloak, and she is looking for a few last ones around the room when Diancecht, who has been waiting outside, rushes into the room and scatters them. She asks the aid of all present, to help her gather the herbs again, as patience and perseverance are among the skills of a healer. As each person brings her a (labeled) bundle of herbs, she gives
them back a sprig, telling them what it is and what it's for, and pins it on the cloak. When the cloak is complete, she lifts it to show that there are blank spots at head and heart, and enjoins the people, for the love of life and the defeat of winter's deathly despair, to go out and find the missing herbs to complete the cloak of Airmid, and bring the power of life back to the people.

Begin: Unity chant - I Walk in Beauty

Summoner: [rings summoning bell] Today you will share in a ritual of loss and renewal, of passion and awareness, of healing and the hope of rebirth. As you prepare yourself to enter sacred space, putting aside for this time all fear and sorrow, confusion and distraction, is there any need for which you would ask help from your community, any healing you would seek, or any news you would share with us? [pause for announcements] At the end of the ritual, there will be a time for healing work if it is needed. And now, center yourselves and prepare to enter the temple. [Begin chant again. Censes ritual leader, then leads off. Enter the space circling into comfortable places along the wall.]

Ritual leader: [Censes the people, entering the space last. Makes offerings to Well and Fire, then moves to altar and lights candles and lights candles to Danu and Bile', saying:] The power of creation moves from sky to sea, and back again, for ever and ever and ever. Bile', Danu, first father and mother, we honor and welcome your power here in our rite and in our hearts this day. F/ailte romhaibh, a uaisle. [And to Diancecht, Miach and Airmid saying:] Oh you who lend us grace and art, whose gift is healing and
wholeness, Diancecht of renown, whose skill attached the silver arm for Nuada and gave it motion, Miach son of Diancecht, whose great skill gave even a cat's eye to a one-eyed man and who made severed flesh to grow again, and Airmid daughter of Diancecht who knows the secret of every wholesome herb and blessed water, be welcome here and share in this rite that honours you, lend us your art and wisdom, that we may walk in your ways. F/ailte romhaibh, a uaisle!

Airmid: Here lies one of power and beauty, dead before his time. My brother Miach lies slain by his father for surpassing him in skill. Hear then the tale of how this came to be. When Nuada was king of the Tuatha de Dannan, a good and just king was he. In battle his right arm was severed, and all knew that no king could rule with such a blemish. So Diancecht my father went to Goibniu the Smith and asked him to make a silver arm as perfect as any one of flesh. That he did, and my father attached it so that it moved and worked as well as ever the original. The people rejoiced to see their king thus restores, but still it was not sure of judgment. But my brother Miach had taken the severed arm, bound it with my herbs to preserve it, and when the time came, he joined it to stump knitting bone to bone, sinew to sinew, muscle to muscle, even nerve to nerve so that the arm was well and truly healed. Then was Nuada once again a fit king before the eyes of all men and gods, but my father burned for he felt his place usurped and his stature
shamed. So it came to be that Diancecht in anger sought to kill his only son. But each time Miach was wounded, he called upon his sister Airmid, that I might heal him at the sacred well, and that I did now matter how severe the wound, until my father at last crushed my brother's head, the head wherein lies all intelligence, all virtue, all self, the very soul of a person. Sorrowing, I threw my cloak over him, and so he lies as I seek to gather the healing herbs which, each covering the part of the body it can heal, will restore him to his proper youthful vigour. Many have I gathered, the task is nearly done...

Diancecht: [Enters in fury, shaking the cloak of herbs, and says:] Never will my son be healed, though it gives me sorrow, for the power of perfect healing and eternal life must not fall to the hands of men. They will not keep it proper and sacred. Thus I scatter the gifts given too freely given, that in struggle and striving they will be slowly won instead.

Airmid: Long has been my toil, and the task now to begin again. Help me search for the healing herbs scattered here by my father. Each has many virtues, and power to heal one part of the body most particularly. Find them, bring them to me, and I will instruct you in the lore of herbs.

[The people bring the bunches of herbs. As each bunch is brought, Airmid takes it, returns to the giver a pinch of it, names it and tells one of its virtues. Then she pins it onto the cloak.] [As they search, Ritual leader begins this chant:]

She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes
She changes everything she touches and everything she touches changes
Everything lost is found again, in a new form, in a new way
Everything hurt is healed again, in a new life, in a new day

Suggested herbs:

Alehoof (ground ivy) - testicles/menstrual, bronchitis, sinus, eyes, indigestion
Chamomile - colic, teeth
Comfrey - tendons, bones
Dandelion - warts
Valerian - nerves
Violet - gums
Coltsfoot - lungs, chest
Peppermint - stomach
Calendula - skin, knee sprains
Strawberry leaf - skin
Lavender - voice, headache
Celandine - eyes, kidneys, headaches
Lady's mantle - swollen glands, bladder stones
St. John's wort - bedwetting, depression, wounds, chest colds
Tansy - astringent
Lemon Balm - fever, depression
Yarrow - nosebleed
Sage - legs, larynx, tonsils
Horehound - throat
Verbena (vervain) - liver
Marsh mallow - bones, stomach
Hops - calming
Feverfew - headaches
Basil - abdomen
Ginger - stomach and ears

Airmid: [when the herbs have all been brought back, Airmid lifts the cloak and says:] I give thanks to you for your diligent searching. Gifts of healing have you brought me, to add to the healing that love and skill can secure. Your loving prayers, too, will help to bring life back to the earth and the children of the earth. There is hope now of return. But still, this cloak is not complete. The healing herbs have been widely scattered, and those which will heal the head, the seat of the soul of all life, are not all here. I charge you, therefore, who love life and living, to go forth into the world, searching far and wide to complete the cloak of Airmid. Charge, likewise, all whom you meet, to aid you in this seeking. It is in close and loving observation of the earth that renewal and survival may be obtained. Take my blessing with the herbs I have given you, and go. [Airmid replaces the cloak over Miach]

Summoner: [leads the people out of the temple, moving sunwise around the space]

We are alive, as the earth is alive
We have the power to create our freedom
If we have courage, we can be healers, like the sun we shall rise
If we have courage, we can be healers, like the moon we shall rise...

Ritual leader: [along with Airmid, helps Miach to return to himself. First saying:] Miach, skilled surgeon, well-loved healer, long and sorrowful is your story. We thank you for your gifts and for your presence here, and as we bid you farewell to return to the realms of the gods, we offer you our blessings and love. Release, no, the body of this your servant, that he may return to the realms of me. Go with blessing. Slan leat! [Hands the cloak to Airmid to put on, then helps the person playing Miach to sit up, say his name three times, drink some water, etc. When he's ready, Ritual leader directs him to go put out the candle for Miach on the altar, with any personal words that may seem right to him.]

Ritual leader: [then does the same for the person who has been Airmid, saying:] Airmid, finest of herbalists, gentle healer, long and hopeful is your story. We thank you for your gifts and for your presence here, and as we bid you farewell to return to the realms of the gods, we offer you our blessings and love. Release, now, the body of this your servant, that she may return to the realms of men. Go with blessing. Slan leat! [Then takes the cloak from the person playing Airmid and helps her to say her name three times, drink some water, or whatever she needs. When she's ready, Ritual leader directs her to go put out the candle for Airmid on the altar, with
any personal words that may seem right to her.

[Finally, Ritual leader addresses the candle for Diancecht, saying:] Diancecht, first of physicians, we honor your skill and wisdom. We thank you for your presence here in this rite and for the gifts you share with us. Great are the lessons you teach us, even when they are not easy. As we bid you farewell to return to the realms of the gods, we offer you our blessings and love. Slan leat! [puts out the candle]

The person who was Airmid or Miach will go to see if there was a need expressed for any further work. If there was, the rest of the group will return to the temple, do the healing work, then close the fire and well, and end with a familiar chant. If not, a messenger will indicate that the rite can be finished and Ritual leader will close the fire and well, returning the space to its usual state.

Yule Ritual   (Submitted by Shahala 21/12/00)
( Winter Solstice, Longest Night, December 21st)

Tools: In addition to your usual m'jyk-l tools, you will need:
A Green Altar Cloth, A Cauldron w/Lid, or Cover Plate, Holly Sprig Wreath, Mistletoe Sprig Wreath, 12 Low Vibration Stones (flat oval river rock work well), 1 Black Votive Candle, 1 Green 12" Taper Candle, 1 White 12" Taper Candle, 1 Gold (12hr) Pillar Candle, Pine Incense, Bowl of Water w/ Pine Sprig in it, Plate of Sand, Athame, any other Personal Props.

Preparation: This ritual showed be performed right after sunset. About an hour before, sweep area moving in a deosil manner. Yule symbols such as Poinsettias, Pine Cones, and even a decorated Yule Log nearby (if too big for altar) adds to the ambiance. Place the proper candles and symbols at the four cardinal directions. Place the gold God pillar candle at right top of altar. Place the white Goddess taper candle at the top left. Place your Pentacle (or a plate with a Pentagram drawn on it) in the center of the altar. Place your Cauldron to the right of the altar, with the black votive candle, Holly sprig wreath around it , inside. Cover cauldron with lid or cover plate. Place the green taper candle and mistletoe wreath where they will be behind you at the beginning of the ritual. Outline your circle perimeter with 11 of the low vibration stones (save 12th to close circle when you enter. Place the rest of your tools and props according to personal preference. Take a shower or bath for purity. Sit quietly for a
Cast circle by envisioning flames of Yule colors red, green, and gold coming up between the stones. When all become a continuous line, step up to the altar and begin:

"From the darkness is born the light,
>From void, fulfillment emerges.
The darkest night of the year's at the threshold,
Open now the door, and honor the darkness."

Take the lid/plate off the cauldron and light the black votive candle inside. Step back from the cauldron and give silent honor to the Holly King, the ruler of the dark half of the year. Call quarters, start by lighting yellow candle in the East:

" Powers of Air, step forth from the darkness,
Enter my circle , as dark gives 'way to light.
Bring along with you the essence of pine trees,
Remind me of Springtime
As I face Solstice Night."

Light the pine incense and place on Pentacle/Center Plate. Light the red candle in the South:

"Powers of Fire, step forth from the darkness,
Enter my circle, as dark gives 'way to light,
Bring along with you the first glint of tomorrow,
Remind me of Summer
As I face Solstice Night."

Pick up the Athame and brandish it in the flame of the candle to reflect the light. Place on the Pentacle/Center Plate. Light the blue candle in the West:

"Powers of Water, step forth from the darkness,
Enter my circle, as dark gives 'way to light,
Bring along with you bittersweet memories
Remind me of Autumn
As I face Solstice Night."

Pick up the bowl of water, sprinkle water with pine sprig in Pentacle/Center Plate. Light brown candle in the North:

"Powers of Earth, step forth from the darkness,
Enter my circle, as dark gives 'way to light,
Bring along with you the land that now slumbers,
Remind me of Winter
And this cold Solstice Night."

Pick up the plate of sand, sprinkle sand in a line around the other symbols. Step back from the alter for a moment and contemplate the seasons of the past year, and how their lessons have brought you to where you are today. When ready, begin again:

"Dark my surroundings, and cold be this night
But Thy labor, Blessed Mother
Has reborn the Sacred Light.
The Child Divine, The most honored Sun
Shall return with the sunrise
Again, Two will be One."

Remove the Holly wreath from around the black votive candle. With your right hand, present it to the four elements in a deosil manner. Finally, in a clockwise motion, place it behind you, to signify the death, "passing", of the Holly King. Turn back to the altar. Then with your left hand, reach behind you, and in a clockwise motion bring forward the Mistletoe wreath and the green candle. Present them to the elements, slide the wreath over the green candle and place the candle in its holder in the cauldron.. Light the green candle with the black votive candle:

"Hark! Behold the Rebirth of the King of the Woodlands!
Behold the Oak King, strong and vital he rises!"

Snuff the black votive candle and with your right hand, place it behind you in a clockwise motion. Turn back to the cauldron, close your eyes, and silently honor the Oak King. Begin again:

"Awake now Thy Mother, Thy Lover, Thy Lady -
Awake now Thy Goddess of Life, Death, Rebirth."

Take the green candle out of the cauldron and light the white Goddess candle on the altar. Replace the green candle in the cauldron. Take the white Goddess candle with both hands and hold out at arm's length over the cauldron:

"Awaken, my Lady, look upon Thyne Divine Child,
His rebirth while You slumbered
Was subtle and silent.
The Stag King, the Green Man, Lord of Fertility,
He awaits Thy wakening
Gentle and benevolent"

Place the white Goddess candle back in its holder at the left top of altar. Step back and assume the Goddess position. In a bold voice:

"All hail the Oak King, His rebirth; a promise
All hail the Divine Child, Giver of Life
All hail the Blessed Sun, reborn to the Mother
For he retakes His throne at the end of Solstice Night!"

Now is the time for meditation and any spellworkings. Spellworkings associated with Yule include those for peace, harmony, love, and happiness. Next celebrate with the Cakes and Ale (Fruitcake* and Spiced Cider *) ceremony, saving some for the wee Folkes, outside. Thank the Goddess and snuff Her candle. Thank and release the elements:

"Carry sweet tidings, 'round the world and beyond,
I charge thee as messengers
Earth, Water, Fire, and Air
Let all rejoice loudly in the Oak King's return
Teach all that you meet, with the glad tidings you bear."

Snuff each Quarter candle in a widdershins manner. Step back and face the cauldron and the green candle still burning bright.

"Before my circle, tonight, I close
Blessings I ask for this house and my kin
Tomorrow at daybreak, when I arise
A special flame I will carry, within.
And a gold candle upon my altar I'll light
Adding my will to the Sun King's intent
To climb aloft in the vaulted skies
And for strength back to me; three times, strength I've sent."

Snuff the green candle. Take the Mistletoe wreath and place it on the other symbols on the Pentacle/Center Plate. Release the circle. Clean up, leaving the gold God pillar candle in center front to light upon rising in the morning. You are done.

Summer Solstice ritual  (Submitted by Di 17/5/01)

One thing that is done in my family tradition is to create a "Wicker Man" out of grapevines, raffia  and other burnable materials. We see summer solstice as the time when the tide changes from increasing light to increasing dark, so we do our most nessisary banishing magic at this time. The wicker man is filled with symbols of those things we desperately wish to rid ourselves of,
and it is burned in the balefire. Very spectacular !

We also make charms of rowan, red thread, StJhonswort and rue to hang on our doorways