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Herbal Information 2
Old time recipes | Herbs for fertility | herbal healing for infections | herbal healing for infections 2
incenses | Oils | Aphrodisiacs | Vegetable magick | Herbal teas | How to dry herbs | making herb teas|Herbal amulets|
Alternate plant names | Acacia | Cayenne| Neem|Herbal substitutions|Herbal healing|Sacred Herbs Of The Goddesses|Herbs for weight loss|Herbs That Can Restore Fertility|Herbal preparations|Botanical Incense|Poisonous plants|
Short spells and healing properites of the following herbs:
Ash Tree
Ague Weed
African Ginger
Blood Root
Bay Leaves
Corn Flowers
Dill Seed
Dill Seed 2
Dog grass
Dragons Blood
Elm Bark
Holy Herb
 Irish Moss
Job's Tears
John The Conqueror 
Lotus Root
Little John
Low John
Mustard Seed
Orris Root
Pearl Moss
Quince Seed
Rosemary 2
Sweet Bugle
Silver Leaf
Tonka Beans

Herbal page 1  | Herbal page 3

Old time recipes   (Submitted by Chandralin 13/1/00)

{please note:  these are old fashioned remedies, and may not be suitable for treating problems today}

ACNE: Juice from the leaves of a rose hip bush applied daily over the affected area.

APPETITE - LOSS OF: Boil two cups of dogwood bark with 2 cups of water and drink 3 times a day.

ARTHRITIS: Two tsps. of powder from a creek willow bark in a cup of water, drink morning & night.

ASTHMA: Make a pillow, about * inch thick and fill with rabbit tobacco. This helps night attacks. Or take a stick the exact length of the sufferer, store it in the attic and the asthma would go away. Or wear amber-colored beads.

BALDNESS: Rub cow dung over scalp.

BED WETTING: Make a tea out of corn silks.

BIRTH PAINS: Put a knife between the straw-tick and the feather bed.

BITES - INSECT: Place a small amount of turpentine on the bite or hold a chaw of tobacco over it. (this is still used).

BITES - SNAKE: Slice open a live chicken and leave the intestines inside. Place over the bite to draw out the poison.

BLEEDING: Put chimney soot over the wound as needed; also cobwebs were usedor a mush-room.

BLISTERS: Scrape two carrots, add 2 tbls. lard and 2 plaintain leaves. Stew & strain, apply to blister.

BLISTERS - FEVER: Put cucumber juice on them.

BLOOD - TONICS: The powdered red roots of a sassafrass bush, drink 2 tablespoons a day.

BLOOD - POISONING: Use green berries from bullnettle and boil in a quart of water; drink daily.

BLOOD - PRESSURE: Chop several onions fine and place in a quart of water for a day. Drink a cup a day for a week.

BOILS: Take out the inner skin of a raw egg and place on boil. (Used that one many times!).

BRONCHITIS: Drink a mixture of honey, lemon juice and alum. (Never heard of the alum).

BRUISES: One egg (shell included), 1 tbl. salt, * pint turpentine; one large cake of shredded camphor Gum, one tbl. coal oil or kerosene; one pint apple vinegar. Fill a bottle 2/3rds full, cork and Shake. Spread over bruise, do not bandage.

BURNS: Scrape the inside of an "arsh" potato until it is a pulp and rub on the burn.

CHIGGER BITES: Rub bacon rind over them.

COLDS: * cup molasses, 1 tbl. butter, 2 tbls. White vinegar cooked 10 minutes. Take 1 tbl. Every hour. OR 1 tbl coal oil, one tsp. turpentine, 1 tbl. lard. Heat and apply on chest as needed. Onlywear red flannel
underwear. Or, catch a sowbug and put in a bag and wear around the neck.

COLIC: 1 drop peppermint and 6 tsps hot water. Give 1 tbls. every two hours.

CONSTIPATION: 1 tbl. white mustard seed and 1/4th pint syrup; take 1 tbl. a day.

COUGHS: * pint whiskey, 2 boxes rock candy; 1 tbl. glycerine. Put in bottle and shake, 1 tbl. at a time.

CROUP: One piece of pine and wrap a piece of old bacon around it. Hold over coals and catch the Drippings. Give to baby as needed.

CUTS: Rub cow dung over the cut. (I've had that used on bee stings when I was a child.)

DIARRHEA: Boil the smallest roots of the blackberry bush in a quart of water until it boils down to 1 pint. Cool and strain, take 1-2 tbls 3 times daily. (Note, I know those who will just chew on the roots of the blackberry bush).

EARACHE: Cut a twig from a hickory tree, hold over a stove until the sweet oil runs out. Use in ear. Or: Pour warm urine in the sore ear.

EYES - BLACK: A peeled raw potato will draw the black out.

EYEWASH: Bottle March snow - save for use during rest of year.

FRECKLES: Locate a stump that has rain water standing in it and wash the face with the water.

HAIR - LOSS: One bottle of alcohol, one chopped onion, 20 white birch leaves. Bring to boil, let it Sit overnight, then rub into scalp for 15 minutes.

HEADACHE: Put camphor on a dry cloth and tie around the head.

HIVES: Mix 2 cups of sheep manure to * gallon of water to make a tea and drink a cup 3 times a day!

INDIGESTION: * ounce rhubard, * oz. Gentian root, * oz. Orange peel, 1 qt. Brandy. Drink as needed.

INFECTION: * cup epsom salts in a pan of water, soak.

INSOMNIA: 2" onion sliced up and boiled in a pint of water, strain and drink as a tea.

ITCHING: Sulphur powder mixed with lard. Cover affected area.

MEASLES. To break out use a 8 oz. Glass of whiskey and add 2-3 tbls. sugar, fill rest of glass with water. Or: use sheep dung and make a tea, drink tea. Chicken dung could be used also.

MOLES: Squeeze juice from a milkweed plant and apply to mole.

MUMPS: Mix 1 lb. Oatmeal and * pint yeast, heat and apply to swelling.

NAUSEA: Chew mint leafs.

NERVES: 1 piece rock candy in a jig of whiskey. Drink.

NOSEBLEEDS: Pour a gallon of milk on the back of the victim's neck. Or fold a piece of paper over and Place on the upper lip; a bean will also work; or soak feet in cold water.

PNEUMONIA: Mash cooked onions and put between two cloths, fasten to victim's chest.

POISON IVY: Put washed leaves of a sweet fern in boiling water and apply to affected area.

RHEUMATISM: Boil dried apple peelings, strain, drink hot 4 times daily. Or: Wear the front foot of a mole in a bag - a rabbit foot would also work. Or: turn your shoes upside down at night. Or put a Copper wire around the joint (sound familiar?), or carry sulfur in your pocket. Or break the ice and Jump into the river. Or get stung by bees. Or blind a live toad and hold it over the achingplace. Or put the entrails of a chicken on your feet. Or rub with racoon grease, bacon grease, fishing worm oil, goat grease or skunk grease. Or:
sleep with a dog or cat as the animal will take your pains away.

SHINGLES: Kill a black chicken by wringing its head off and while the body is still warm, rub over the affected area.

SINUS: 1 tsp salt and 1 cup warm water - sniff through nasal passages.

SORE THROAT: 1 cup vinegar, 2 tbls. sugar and a spinkle of black pepper. Gargle.

SPRAINS: Soak brown paper in vinegar and wrap around affected joint.

STOMACH ACHE: 2 mint leaves in 8 oz. glass cold water, drink as needed.

SUNBURN: Cider vinegar to affected areas.

TEETHING: Boil catnip, steep, 1 tsp. at bedtime.

THRUSH Let an old woman (preferably a witch) blow in the child's mouth. Or, let the seventh son or daughter blow. Even the breath of a jilted lover would work.

TOOTHACHE: Wad of tobacco on sore tools or two cloves (the latter I've always used!)

WARTS: Rub castor oil over wart. Or take 9 grains of corn and rub them over the wart. Feed the corn to one old hen. OR: Steal a dishrag, rub it over the wart, bury the rag and when the rag is rotted, wart will disappear.

MILD SEDATIVE: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 tsp. dried catnip. Cover and steep until cool.Strain and sweeten. Start with 2 Tlb. increase by 1 Tlb. until you find the right amount. Store inthe fridge.

HOP SEDATIVE: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 1/2 tsp. dried hops flowers. Let steep, covered,10 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Add lemon juice. Drink the entire pint.

FEVERFEW TEA: Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 ounce of feverfew flowers. Cover and steep until cool. Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink cool.

TO INDUCE SLEEP: Mix 2Tlb dried peppermint with 1Tlb each of rosemary and sage. Pour 1pint boiling water over the herbs, steep for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and sweeten with honey.Acne Treatments

ACNE TREATMENT: Dilute some liquid hand soap and apply a thin layer to the face. Leave on overnight and it will help to dry up eruptions. CAUTION: This can dry out the skin pretty fast, so only use this once a week.

ANOTHER ACNE TREATMENT: Make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply to the face and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with apple cider vinegar. Rinse again with clear water. Apply acoating of vitamin E oil to your face and leave on overnight.

TREATMENT OF ACNE: Clean face thoroughly. Apply fresh onion juice to the area. Leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse well. Use daily.

A COUPLE MORE TREATMENTS FOR ACNE: Pour 1 1/2 cups boiling water over 3-4 table-spoons of dried thyme. Let steep 30 minutes Strain and bottle the liquid. Keep refrigerated.Teenagers with acne problems can use this daily as a facial rinse.Rub the face with a crushed strawberry. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly withwarm then cold water. This will help to clear blemishes. CAUTION: Many people are allergic tostrawberries. Try a patch test before proceeding to use the facial treatment.

HERBAL GRIMORE'~  (Submitted by Chandralin 24/1/00)

Corn Flowers: Sprinkle in the area where you and your mate argue the most. It is purported that it will help to alleviate discord and strife.

Damiana: Let some soak in a glass of wine for three hours. Thereafter sprinkle a small bit outside your front and back doors. Do this faithfully each day for 21 days, and it is said  that before long your wandering lover will return to you.

Dill Seed: Add a few grains to bath water before going out to meet a person of the opposite sex. Said to make one irresistible (I could never get this one to work for me!).

Laurel: Worn by brides to guarantee a long and happy union.

Marjoram: To attract a husband, put a little in the corners of each room in your house. Remove and renew about once a month (how long are you supposed to do this?!).

Orris Root: A love root, carried to attract the opposite sex and  to make them love you dearly.

Rosemary: Give a special friend a sachet filled with Rosemary. This is supposed to induce warm feelings in another.

Skullcap: Supposedly if you place a wee bit in your lover's shoes it will make that person unaffected by the charms of others.

Spikenard: Brew into a tea and wet the picture of a loved one with the water so they will never leave you.

Sweet Bugle: Crush a handful and place under your mattress to attract new lovers and possibly marriage prospects.


Calendula: Sprinkle dried bits of this flower under the bed. Makes all dreams come true and protects the sleeper from evil.

Dandelion: Sew tightly in a red flannel bag and wear around the neck to make wishes come true.

Huckleberry Leaves: Burn in the bedroom before going to sleep to make all dreams come true within seven days.

Job's Tears: As you count out seven seeds, concentrate on a  wish you have in mind. Carry these seven seeds with you at all times for seven days and your wish should have come true before the week is gone (this one actually worked for me but it was a reasonable wish - I still haven't won the lottery!).

Lavender: Place some Lavender under your pillow just before retiring and think about your wish. If you dream about anything at all connected with the wish this means that it will come true.

Lotus Root: Mark one side of the root "yes" and the other side "no" and then make your wish as you toss the root into the air. You will then know if your wish was meant to be.

Spearmint: Write your wish on a piece of paper and wrap in a few Spearmint leaves. Place these in a red cloth and sew it up with red thread. Keep it in a safe and secret place. By the time the scent is gone your wish should have come true. If not, this means that it probably won't for a long time to come.


Ague Weed: This can be mixed with any incense and burned to break the power of a hex that has been placed on you.

Bay Leaves: One in the corner of each room of a house is believed to protect all who dwell there, as well as the house itself. If you carry it on your person it is reputed to protect against witchcraft.

Bladderwrack: To be carried by the traveler as a protection, especially when traveling by water.

Blood Root: Place on windows and doorways to protect against curses and evil spirits from entering.

Cinquefoil: Take an egg and cut a small hole in one end. Drain the contents and let the shell dry. Then stuff the shell with Cinquefoil and reseal the hole with tape. As long as this egg is kept in the home it will be protected from evil forces.

Clover: Soak one tablespoonful in one cup of vinegar for three days. Then strain and sprinkle the vinegar in each corner of  very room. All alien spirits will leave the premises.

Elm Bark: To eliminate slander against you bury some in a box along with a piece of paper that contains the name of the individual who is speaking adversely about you.

Pearl Moss: Sprinkle this across the front doorway of the  home to only allow good spirits to enter (this actually works well in conjunction with the below Sulphur one).

Sulphur: Burn at midnight near your back door to ward off evil.


Alfalfa: Kept in the home to protect the owner against  poverty.

Basil: Soak a heaping teaspoonful in a pint of water. This water is then sprinkled in a place of business to attract money and success. If you have a job interview coming up, you can sprinkle this outside of the building where you hope to be employed (careful though - if someone sees you it won't help your job prospects very much!).

Cascara Sagrada: Used to help win court cases when brewed into a strong tea and sprinkled around the bed the night before a court appearance.

Camomile: Brew and use as a hand wash before playing card games or gambling.

Dragon's Blood Reed: Carry in your purse or pocket for good luck. Here's a new one on me - supposedly if you place it under your mattress it aids in curing impotency.

Galangal Root: One of these carried to court is said to make the judge/jury feel favorably inclined toward you.

Irish Moss: Ah, me friends, 'tis said that if one places this under the carpets in their home that it will bring vast fortune.

John The Conqueror Root: Just before going out to play a game of chance, wash your hands in water in which it has been boiled.

Little John: Place one in Holy water to bring good luck to  everything you attempt.

Low John Root: It is said that if one wraps money around this root the money will multiply threefold.

Silver Leaf: A potent good luck charm when kept in the home.

Tonka Beans: Carry with you in a red flannel bag to attract good fortune and financial success. Particularly helpful before a business negotiation or job interview.

Violets: Sprinkle some petals in the corners of your home. It is  aid to invite positive entities that can assist with healing and bringing money and luck unto you.


            *Illness should be treated by a medical professional! None of these are meant to replace the advice, treatment or medication prescribed by a qualified physician. However, it can't hurt to  use them WITH the proper medical treatment.

African Ginger: Place under the pillow to cure a sore throat.

Ash Tree Leaves: Place one tablespoonful of leaves in a bowl of water and leave it in the bedroom overnight while sleeping.  In the morning it should be tossed out and then redone each night. Allegedly this will help to prevent illness.

Betony: Strengthens the body when worn as an amulet.

Caraway Seed: Place some in a small, white bag and sew with white thread. Hide in the crib or bed of a child (this means tape it UNDER the bed so there is no possible way a youngster has access to it!) to keep the child free from illness.

Coriander: Carry the seeds in a small bag to ward off disease and migraines.

Dill Seed: Tie some in a cloth and smell to help cure hiccups (this one didn't help me much).

Dog Grass: Sprinkle around the house to overcome depression. Do this for seven days and hopefully you will no longer despair.

Eucalyptus: Said to protect against colds if stuffed into the pillow one sleeps on.

Holy Herb: Use in bath water if you feel your sickness has  been caused by a hex.

Masterwort: When sprinkled in shoes it is supposed to prevent  tiredness and weakness. Mixed with oil and rubbed on the neck should help alleviate neck pain.

Mustard Seed: Carry with you at all times a few grains in a small bag, wallet or purse to guard against injury.

Quince Seed: When a few are carried in a red, flannel bag it will protect the wearer from physical attacks and harm.

Rose Buds: Place around sprains and bad bruises to help them heal quicker.

Rue: To relieve a headache lay down with some placed on the forehead. Wear at night next to the heart to regain health from minor illnesses.

Rosemary: Holding some while reading or completing tasks is said to improve memory.

Thyme: Burn in the home to attract good health to all occupants.

Valerian: This sewn into the pillow is supposed to calm nerves and bring about peaceful sleep.

Vervain: Worn as an amulet, Vervain is noted for its healing powers in curing fevers and poisoning.

Herbs for fertility  (Submitted by Keltie  29/1/00)

Herbs/Roots/Grains/Fruits - for Fertility
Agaric - Fertilit Carrot - Fertility, Lust
Clover - Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success
Daffodil - Love, Fertility, Luck
Dock - Healing, Fertility, Money
Fig - Divination, Fertility, Love
Grape - Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers,Money
Mandrake - Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health
Mistletoe - Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism
Mustard - Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Nuts - Fertility,prosperity, love, luck
Olive - Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Palm,Date - Fertility, Potency
Patchouly - Money, Fertility, Lust
Peach - Love, Exorcism, Longevity,. Fertility, Wishes
Pomegranate - Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility
Rice - Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money
Sunflower - Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom

The following is help for those trying to get pregnant, already pregnant, or about to experience the blessed event. Once again, please seek the assistance of a qualified person before taking these herbs. Use at your own risk.


The first place to start is at the beginning. Below are some things that will help to improve your fertility when the decision is made to go from a couple to a family.

First, you need to check with a physician to determine where the infertility problem lies. Many things can affect fertility for both the man and the woman. A few tests will go a long way to preventing a lot of hair-pulling and finger-pointing. If sperm count is low, a quick solution is to wear boxers instead of briefs. Sperm needs to be cooler than the body temperature to form properly.

Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, stress, age - all have a factor in fertility for women, and these situations need to be addressed and treated before embarking on an herbal treatment for fertility. You should not be in such a hurry to get pregnant that you put yourself or your fetus in any kind of danger.

Fertility Tonic

2 parts ho shou wu
1 part astragalus root
1 part dong quai root (substitute ginseng for men)
2 parts false unicorn root
3 parts wild yam root
1 part vitex berries
1 part squaw vine
1 part cinnamon

The tonic may be used in tincture (3/4 teaspoon daily), capsule (3 capsules twice per day), or tea (one cup three times per day) form. Use daily for up to 3 months. During this time, change your lifestyle to include plenty of exercise, rest, and above all, a healthy diet. Take a multivitamin every day, as well as bee pollen, propolis, and/or royal jelly. Your life is a direct reflection of what is going on in your body, both male and female. Take stock and change what you should to aid in overcoming the infertility. And remember - sometimes trying too hard can make it difficult to conceive!

Herbs During Pregnancy

These are herbs that will help the mother and baby in the early development

Black Haw - used in the early stages of pregnancy to help prevent miscarriage

Blessed Thistle - used in the latter stages of pregnancy as a liver tonic and builder, as well as a stimulant of blood flow to the mammaries, and used to increase milk production; also reduces hemorrhaging during childbirth

Burdock Root - has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals and is a liver booster

Chamomile - lifts the spirits and calms the nerves, used for digestive disorders during pregnancy, is combined with ginger to help morning sickness, and has a high calcium content as well as an anti-inflammatory aid

Cramp Bark - a remedy to have handy in case of spot bleeding during early stages of pregnancy, and helps prevent miscarriage due to stress and anxiety

Dandelion - greens and root - a high source of vitamins and minerals, aids digestion, nourishes and tones the system, diuretic, useful for fatigue and exhaustion, liver booster

Ginger Root - used for morning sickness and digestive problems, safe during pregnancy for treating colds, sore throats, and congestion

Kelp - high in vitamins and minerals, aids thyroid

Nettle Leaf - rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially iron, so it is very useful for those suffering from chronic fatigue and exhaustion due to low iron, aids in enriching and stimulating flow of milk; good for use
throughout all stages of the pregnancy

Red Raspberry Leaf - tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, rich in vitamins and minerals, enriches and increases milk flow, restores the system after childbirth; good for the entire pregnancy

Spirulina - high in vitamins and nutrients

Bee Products - many nutritional benefits

Always remember to eat a very healthy diet when pregnant and/or nursing!


Many herbs contain steroids that can affect the baby's development during pregnancy and/or nursing. Others may be of a mild toxic type, and others may be strong uterine stimulants. Please read this section carefully and take heed.

Angelica - stimulates suppressed menstruation

Black Cohosh - uterine stimulant - mostly used during labor

Blue Cohosh - a stronger uterine stimulant

Borage oil - a uterine stimulant - use only during the last few days of pregnancy

Comfrey - can cause liver problems in mother and fetus - use only briefly, externally only, for treating sprains and strains -

Dong Quai - may stimulate bleeding

Elder - do not use during pregnancy or lactation

Fenugreek - uterine relaxant

Goldenseal - too powerful an antibiotic for the developing fetus, also should not be used if nursing

Henbane - highly toxic

Horsetail - too high in silica for the developing fetus

Licorice Root - can create water retention and/or elevated blood pressure

Motherwort - stimulates suppressed menstruation

Mugwort - can be a uterine stimulant

Nutmeg - can cause miscarriage in large doses

Pennyroyal Leaf - stimulates uterine contractions (NOTE: Pennyroyal essential oil should not be used by pregnant women at any time!) - do not handle if pregnant or nursing

Rue - strong expellant

Saffron - can cause miscarriage and other problems

Shepherd's Purse - used only for hemmorhaging during/after childbirth

Uva Ursi - removes too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing

Yarrow - uterine stimulant
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herbal healing  (Submitted by Obsidian 31/3/00)

for puss:
Onion sliced and placed over the wound will bring out puss.... onion acts like a drawing cream and will suck out impurities (also good to bring out splinters), which is why you should never leave onions uncovered in the fridge!

Cabbage leaves, dipped in warm water for a moment, placed onver the wound helps to relieve swelling and infections.

Boil and mash carrots, and apply the mush to the wound... (I read that somewhere... don't know if it works)

Grate a potato, add some ginger, and apply this to the wound (good for infections and warts)

Echinacea is apparently good for infections,

Yarrow makes a good poultice for inflamations, insect bites, swellings and wounds.

Garlic powder on wounds is meant to help them heal...

Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic

Herbal healing for infections (Submitted by Seraphina 1/2/00)

Bread soaked in milk and then applied, and bandaged over of course.  As the bread dries, it will draw the infection out.

Slices of raw potatoe or onion will do the same as the above.  Remember to bandage them so that the slices don't fall off. 

USES OF INCENSE    (Submitted by Beth 8/2/00)

LOVE...Rose, Musk, Lavendar, Jasmine, Vanilla, Thyme, Cinnamon
MONEY...Cinnamon, Honeysuckle, Allspice, Clove, Sage, Pine, Ginger, Basil
PROTECTION...Sandalwood, Sage, Frankincense, Anise, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Lilac
PHYCHIC AWARENESS...Frankincense, Sage, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Rose, Bay
PROPHETIC DREAMS...Jasmine, Marigold, Camphor, Rose
PEACE...Cumin, Lilac, Pennyroyal, Magnolia, Lavendar
PURIFICATION...Sandlawood, Thyme, Musk, Bay, Lavendar, Lime, Anise

Adrel....This oil brings happiness, use it as a perfume of use an anointing oil A
gainst Harm....This oil will give you protection from your enemies
All Saints....This oil will assure success in your work and endeavors.
Ambrosia....To attract love
Apricot....an aphrodisiac

Banana....Use this oil to rid of a situation that is holding you down
Basil....Use basil to have prosperity in business (put a few drops in the doorway of the business)
Bayberry....A money attracting oil
Beneficial Dream....For a good night sleep (also, if you want to remember your dreams, put this oil on your temples before going to sleep)
Blue Cohosh....Eases emotional pain

Canola....Cleanses your home of negativity (sprinkle the oil in corners of the house)
Cashew....Helps rid of stress (you may rub this oil on your throat or wrists)
Cherry Blossom....Opens opportunities for you (when looking for a job, rub this oil on the soles of your feet and behind the ears)
Cinnamon....An uncrossing oil

Desire....An aphrodisiac to arrouse passion
Double Luck....Gambling (rub it on your palms before playing any games of chance)

Easy....Helps a situation to go smoothly
Eucalyptus....A healing oil (great for headaches and colds)
Evil Eye....Protects your from curses and negative energies sent to you
Eyebright....Enhances your psychic power

Fairy....Call on the aid of the Fairy (anoint your palms, heart and the middle of your forehead)
Fast Money....Self explanatory :)

Ginger....This is a good oil to use for workings in rituals or magick.
Goddess....This is an oil that will enhance respect and admiration from others when worn by a woman.

Hazelnut....To gain wisdom, anoint your third eye. This oil is also connected with the deities Diana and Thor.
Heart....Anoint your heart with this oil for your wishes to come true.

Irresistable....Wear this oil to attract the opposite sex
Isis (the Goddess of love in ancient Egypt).... Heighten a relationship that is "dying" or start a new one by wearing this oil

Jasmine....The oil is an all purpose oil. Use it to bring love, sex, and money.
Job....Wear this oil to get a job or to keep the one you have.

Keep away Evil....To keep away enemies and evil spirits.

Lavender....This oil has many uses. You can use it for peace of mind, To promote love, attract men, purification (when added to your bath) and to sleep well.
Lemon Blossom....This is a good oil to find options for tough situations.

Marigold....This is a powerful oil used for protection Memory....Anoint your forhead to help remember important information.

Nervous....Use this oil when you are tense and nervous. Add it to your bath water or a white candle.
Notre Dame Oil....Use this oil to keep sickness at bay and protection from evil.

Orris Root....This oil is used to attract friendship and money.

Patchouli....This is an oil used to attract love and money. It is also used to keep "urking" people away. This oil is very powerful in works of magick.

Red Thyme....This oil is used to give you courage in any situation.
Rose....To attract love and friendship, annoint yourself or a candle. You may also add this oil to a bath for a good affect.

Sandalwood....This oil is very powerful in magickal workings or rituals. It is a healing oil as well as an oil to heighten your psychic abilities.
Seduction....Nuff' said :)

Ti....This oil works well by sprinkling some under your bed for while you sleep. It will protect you while you sleep.

Vanilla....This oil brings good luck. It is also used to attract love and lust.

Walnut....This oil when put on your forehead prevents headaches. It also helps to increase mental clarity.

APHRODISIAC'S  (Submitted by Beth  13/2/00)

Africa Evergreen Tree: A tree native to Cameroon has a powerful aphrodisiac in its bark.

Cinnamon: Sticks can be chewed like tobacco, or grated cinnamon can be put in eggs as an aphrodisiac that arouses women.

Cloves: Edible or aromatic aphrodisiac.

Cockroach: Many cultures say this is an edible aphrodisiac, grind one common cockroach and mix with cinnamon, add to coffee for a powerful love potion. Yuck.

Damiana: A plant from Mexico which is used to stimulate sex drives. The leaves and heads of the plant are mixed with minor amounts of plantain or pennywort and mixed with food three to four times a day.

Deer Antler: Chinese herbal remedy for male impotence.

Eggplant: A common edible aphrodisiac.

Eggs: Chicken eggs are said to be a good aphrodisiac if eaten raw before sex.

Fo-ti-tieng: Chinese herb for sustaining sexual stamina.

Frankincense: Another popular aromatic aphrodisiac. Not for ingestion.

Garlic: Edible aphrodisiac, cook or use in salad.

Ginseng: A well-known chinese herb for sexual stamina, can be used through
traditional methods or by ginseng vitamin pills.

Goto Kolo: Chinese herbal aphrodisiac.

Gypsyweed: An aphrodisiac for creating romantic thoughts, best taken heavily distilled (diluted at least three times) thrice a day, ten drops each time.

Jasmine: An aromatic aphrodisiac. Women can place jasmine essential oil on the back of the neck or behind the ears to stimulate their partner. Jasmine incense can be burned in the bedroom as well.

Licorice: Edible and aromatic, excellent aphrodisiac.

Mushrooms: Considered a powerful aphrodisiac, cook mushrooms bought raw into food or serve them raw in a salad to stimulate and arouse.

Milk: Some say it is "does the body good" in more ways than one. Edible aphrodisiac.

Oysters: Often considered a great addition to a romantic meal, this shellfish is a popular edible aphrodisiac.

Okra: Prepare and serve with lemon juice as an effective aphrodisiac.

Onions: Vadalia onions are known for their aphrodisiac properties, can be served fried or preferably raw, very sweet unlike other types of onions.

Rosemary: An easy to find kitchen herb that can be used in a meal for a lover, or in the form of an essential oil can be rubbed along the back of the neck or stomach as an aromatic aphrodisiac.

Sage: Aphrodisiacal kitchen herb, edible or effective as a topical aphrodisiac (placed on the skin or used in bath water).

Sandalwood: Aromatic aphrodisiac. Sandalwood essential oil is a popular aphrodisiac that women often use around men.

Truffles: The fruit of a fungus that is found at the base of Oak and Beech groves in France, Italy and throughout Europe. If you are fortunate enough to obtain a supply of fresh Truffles, choose them firm, undamaged and medium sized. Eat them with a lover as an edible aphrodisiac.

Wild Asparagus Root - A difficult to obtain aphrodisiac. The raw root is soft and has a jelly bean consistency that is sweet tasting.

Ylang Ylang: The essential oil of ylang ylang is considered a good aromatic aphrodisiac.

Veg-O-Magick   (Submitted by Beth 13/2/00)

For: male sex magick, celebrating the Mysteries of Demeter/Ceres

For: warding off Lilith (preventing wet dreams)
Planet: Venus

Avocado (technically a fruit)
For: beauty spells, love spells, sex magick

For: reconciliation, protection, exorcism, resurrection, celebrating Female Mysteries
Symbolize: the spiral dance of immortality
Red beans for good luck; throw black beans at ghosts to drive them away
Beans that bloom with white flowers are sacred to the White Goddess

For: love spells
Planet: red beet = Saturn, white beet = Jupiter

For: fertility, profit, good luck, money spells, lunar magick
Planet: Moon

For: good luck, male sex magick
Planet: Mars

For: lust, fertility
Planet: Mercury

For: psychic power, male potency and fertility; with chamomile and rosemary for mental steadiness in psychic work
Planet: Mercury
Quality: hot and dry

Corn: (technically a grain)
For: protection, divination, good luck

For: fertility, healing, lunar magick
Planet: Moon
Quality: cold and moist in the 2nd degree

For: love spells, sex magick

For: victory, eloquence, clear vision, healing, purification, protection
Language of Flowers:
Worthy of all praise. - I do not believe your promises.
Symbolizes: victory, heroism, flattery, strength, praiseworthiness
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Virgo; has antipathy to Pisces

Garden Cress
For: sex magick, to encourage desire
Language of Flowers: Stability - Power

For: protection, love spells (strengthen love)

For: divination, fertility, sleep, protection, lunar magick, love spells, male sex magick
Language of Flowers: Coldheartedness
Planet: Moon
Zodiac: Cancer

For: peace, fertility, healing, protection, sex magick
To invoke or worship: Athene, Minerva

For: protection, exorcism, healing, prophetic dreams Attracts and absorbs negativity Counter-charm to the lunar magic of Hecate
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

For: male sex magic
Planet: Venus

For: money spells, love spells

Hot Peppers
For: fidelity, breaking hexes, heating up love or attraction that has gone cold, charms against spells
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire

For: healing, image magick, making poppets
Language of Flowers: Benevolence

For lunar magick
Planet: Moon

For: protection, sex magick (lust)
Planet: Mars

Sweet Potato
For: image magick, making poppets

Tomato (technically a fruit)
For: love spells

For: protection, to end a relationship

For: lunar magick, sex magick
Planet: Moon
Element: Water

Zodiac: Gemini

More Things From the Kitchen:

For: fertility
To invoke or worship: Isis, the White Goddess, Ceres, Demeter, Kore/Persephone/Prosperine;  Adonis, Min, Osiris

For: attraction, solar magick
Planet: Sun
Sacred to Cybele as Queen Bee

For: exorcism, purification
Planet: Mars

Maple Syrup (must be 100% real maple syrup)
For: long life, love spells, money spells

For: protection, mental powers, accepting something that is hard to take

For: wisdom, breaking love spells

To invoke or worship Brighid

For: exorcism, protection, adding spice to a relationship that has grown stale
Planet: Mars
Quality: hot and dry

For: blessings, rain, security, money spells, fertility charms
Element: Earth

For: purification, neutralizing empower objects such as amulets; with water
for: asperging, sea spells, consecration, casting circles
Element: Earth
Sacred to: Aphrodite, the Goddess, sea god/desses, Sulis

sea salt:
For: purification rituals; with garlic and rosemary to banish spirits
Element: Water
Sacred to: ocean deities

For: love spells, sex magick

For: strength, courage, money spells

For: love spells

For: banishing, binding, averting

Herbal teas  (Submitted by Beth 17/2/00)

BRAIN TEA- ginkgo, gotu kola, peppermint, skullcap, ginger
CLEAN TEA- hibiscus, red clovers, alfalfa, chamomile, slippery elm bk, rosehips, licorice, burdock, dandelion
DIGESTION TEA -papaya lf, catnip, fennel, ginger, peppermint
INSOMNIA TEA -chamomile, skullcap, catnip, wood betony, spearmint
PIMPLE TEA -burdock root, dandelion, licorice, sarsaparilla, cloves, cinnamon, yellowdock, ginger, orange peel
RASPBERRY/NETTLE TEA- raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, spearmint, lemon grass, lemon peel, rosehips, cinnamon
SNIFFLE TEA-peppermint, elder flwr, raspberry lf, hyssop, yarrow, ginger, ephedra, rosehips, blue vervain, echinacea hb
SORE THROAT TEA -slippery elm bk, licorice, wild cherry bk, cinnamon, marshmallow rt, fennel seed, orange peel

{Obsi's note:  I assume that "lf" stands for Leaf, "bk" = Bark, "flwr" = Flower, "hb" = Herb and "rt" = root}

How to dry herbs  (submitted by Beth 17/2/00)

There are many ways for you to dry herbs. You can air dry them, oven dry them or even microwave dry them.

Air drying: Simply tie them in bunches (about 5-6 flowers in every bunch) and hang them upside-down in a dark and dry place, about 70 F.Depending on what kind of herb you are drying it can take a few days and up to weeks for them to dry completely. For thicker Parts or heavier roots it may take more than a year.

Oven drying: Put the herbs on a sheet in a thin layer and place them in a low setting oven.

Microwave drying: Put the herbs on a plate and set the microwave on low. According to your microwave and how much herbs you have in it, it can take about 2-5 minutes.

To dry leaves and flowers: Spread the leaves and flowers in a basket. This will take about 1-2 weeks before it's dried.

To dry seeds: Hang bunches of flowers inside a paper bag. The dried seeds will fall down to the bottom of the bag.

The herbs are ready when they are as dry as paper and they crumble when you rub them between your fingers.Once the herbs are dry, store them in ceramic containers or in dark glass jars with tight-fitting lids because herbs will deteriorate when they get exposed to oxygen.Don't forget to put labels on your containers! Keep the herbs in a dark and cool place like a closet or a cupboard.Dried herbs can retain their medicinal value for years.

Some herbs can also be frozen. Specially herbs with soft leaves like Comfrey, Basil, Borage, Fennel, Dill and Parsley.

How to make herb tea:

Making herb tea is very simple. Put one tablespoon of the kind of herb that you prefer in a tea ball and put it in one cup of boiling water. Let it simmer for about five to fifteen minutes and it's ready to drink. (If you are making Comfrey tea, prepare it the same way but you need to use cold water).Sweeten the tea with honey.Drink a cupful three times a day for chronic conditions

Alternate plant names (Submitted by Daye  14/3/00)

Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap.
Blood Leather: Reindeer Moss/Rock Tripe/Caribou Lichen
Bloodwort: Yarrow
Bread and Cheese Tree: Hawthorne.  Also known as: Whitethorn, Hazels,Gazels, Halves, Quickset, Albespyne, L'Epine Noble. The buds are called Ladies' Meat; the blossoms are known as May Flowers. The fruit are known as haws.  See Hawthorn
Sopewort: Soapwort/Bruisewort.  See Figwort and Comfrey and Daisy,Common
Burning Bush: Fraxinella, otherwise known as Bastard.  More commonly known >as False or White Dittany.
Candelmas Maiden: Snowdrop.  (What Snowdrop is, I haven't figured out,yet.)
Capon's Tail: Valerian.
Christ's Ladder:  Centaury, Centaury Gentian. Century. Red Centaury.Filwort. Centory.  or Feverwort
Queen of the Night:  Night Blooming Cereus.  AKA: Vanilla Cactus.Sweet-scented Cactus. Large-flowered Cactus, Deer-Horn Cactus
Cheeses:  Marsh Mallow
Chocolate Flower:  Wild Geranium
Christ's Eye:  Vervain Sage
Clear-eye:  Clary Sage
Click:  Goosegrass
Clot:  Great Mullein
Corpse Plant:  Indian Pipe.  (Actually a saphrophyte fungus)
Crowdy Kit:  Figwort
Cuddy's Lungs:  Great Mullein
Weed:  Ox-Eye Daisy
Daphne:  Laurel/Bay
Priest's Crown:  Dandelion leaves
Swine's Snout: Also Dandelion leaves.
Devil's Plaything:  Yarrow
Dew of the Sea: Rosemary
Dragon Wort: Bistort
Earth Smoke: Fumitory
Black Sampson: Echinacea.  Also sometimes known as (excuse the word)>Niggerhead.
Elf's Wort: Elecampane
Enchanter's Plant:  Vervain
Englishman's Foot:  Common Plantain
Erba Santa Maria:  Spearmint
Everlasting Friendship:  Goosegrass
Eye of the Day: Common Daisy
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eye Root:  Goldenseal
Eyes:  Aster, Daisy, Eyebright, etc.  (any similar flower, it seams.)
Fairy Smoke: Indian Pipe
Felon Herb: Mugwort
Hair of Venus: Maidenhair Fern
Moonwort: and actual Fern. :)
Osmund the Waterman:  Royal Fern
Heart of Osmund: Also the Royal Fern
Black Maidenhair: Black Spleenwort (another fern)
Five Fingers:  Five-leaf grass or ginseng (I haven't narrowed this down yet)
Fox's Clote:  Burdock
Poor Man's Treacle:  Garlic
Crow's Foot: Wild Geranium
Dove's Foot:  Wild Geranium
Old-Maid's-Nightcap:  Wild Geranium
Shameface:  Wild Geranium
Man's Health:  Ginseng
God's Hair:  Hart's Tongue Fern
Golden Star: Avens
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Graveyard Dust: Mullein
Great Ox-eye:  Ox-eye Daisy
Hag's Taper: Great Mullein
Hagthorn: Hawthorn
Hare's Beard:  Great Mullein
Herb of Grace: Vervain
Hind's Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Holy Herb: Yerba Santa
Holy Rope: Hemp Agrimony
Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa
Horse Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern
Horse Hoof:  Coltsfoot
Innocense: Bluets
Jacob's Staff:  Great Mullein
Joy of the Mountain:  Marjoram
Jupiter's Staff: Great Mullein
King's Crown: Black Haw
Knight's Milfoil: Yarrow
Lad's Love: Southernwood
Lamb's Ears: Betony
Little Dragon: Tarragon
Love in Idleness: Pansy
Love Leaves: Burdock
Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth or Anemone
Love Man:  Goosegrass
Love Parsley:  Lovage
Love Root:  Orris Root
Cucumber Tree: Magnolia
Maiden's Ruin: Southernwood
Master of the Woods:  Woodruff
May:  Black Haw
May Lily: Lily of the Valley
May Rose:  Black Haw
Maypops:  Passion Flower
Mistress of the Night: Tuberose
Torches: Great Mullein
Mutton Chops: Goosegrass
Nose Bleed: Yarrow
Tanner's Bark:  Common Oak
Old Man's Flannel: Great Mullein
Old Man's Pepper:  Yarrow
Oliver: Olive
Password: Primrose
Pucha-pat: Patchouli
Peter's Staff: Great Mullein
Cuckoo's Bread: Common Plantain
White Man's Foot: Common Plantain
Queen of the Meadow:  Meadowsweet
Queen of the Meadow Root:  Gravelroot
Ram's Head: American Valerian
Red Cockscomb:  Amaranth
Ring-o-bells: Bluebells
Robin-run-in-the-grass: Goosegrass
Clear Eye:  Clary Sage
See Bright: Clary Sage
Scaldhead: Blackberry
Seven Year's Love: Yarrow
Silver Bells: Black Haw
Sorcerer's Violet: Periwinkle
St. John's Herb: Hemp Agrimony.  (No, this is not St. John's Wort.)
St. John's Plant:  Mugwort (See last disclaimer)
Star Flower: Borage
Star of the Earth: Avens
Starweed: Chickweed
Sweethearts: (You guessed it)  Goosegrass
Tarragon: Mugwort
Tartar Root:  Ginseng
Thousand Weed: Yarrow
Thunder Plant:  House Leek
Tongue of Dog: Hound's Tongue
Unicorn Horn: True Unicorn Root
Wax Dolls: Fumitory
Weazel Snout:  Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel
White: Ox-eye Daisy
White Wood: White Cinnamon
Witch's Asprin: White Willow/Willow Bark
Witch's Brier: Brier Hips

Acacia  (Submitted by Chandralin  16/3/00)

Acacia senegal
Common Names: Cape gum, Egyptian thorn, gum arabic tree.
Medicinal Part: Gum.

Description: Acacia is a small, spiny, leguminous tree or shrub which grows in sandy soil, mostly in tropical Africa. After the rainy season ends, the stem begins to exude gum, which is collected from December to
June for marketing as gum arabic. The acacia has alternate, bipinnate leaves and axillary racemes of yellow flowers arranged in globose heads. The fruit is an oblong pod.

Properties and Uses: Demulcent. Gum arabic's main effect is to form a protective, soothing coating over inflammations in the respiratory, alimentary, and urinary tracts. In conjunction with various astringents,
it is helpful for coughs, sore throat, and catarrh, as well as in cases of diarrhea and dysentry. The sweetened mucilage has sometimes been used to treat the early stages of typhoid fever. The mucilage also makes a good vehicle for other medicines, in addition to having nutritional value in its own right.

Preparation and Dosage: Gum arabic is usually dissolved in water to make a mucilage.
Mucilage: A dose is from 1 to 4 tsp.
Syrup: Mix 1 part mucilage with 3 parts of a syrup. A dose is from 1 to 4 tsp.

Herbs  (Submitted by Beth 12/4/00)
Capsicum spp.
MEDICINAL: Cayenne, also called capsicum, is very effective added to liniments for all sorts of arthritis and muscle aches. Internally it benefits the heart and circulation when taken alone or added to other remedies. It is also used to stimulate the action of other herbs. Capsicum is also used to normalize blood pressure. It will stop bleeding both externally and internally, making it excellent for use with ulcers. It is used in antibiotic combinations, for menstrual cramps, and as a part of treatment for depression. Sprinkle a small amount into socks or shoes to warm the feet during the winter months. It can be taken safely with NSAIDS, and may help you to reduce your dosages of these common arthritis drugs.

Azadirachta indica
MEDICINAL: This plant, known as "the village pharmacy" in India, has been used for at least 4000 years for its medicinal qualities.All parts of the plant are used. Neem has been used to treat a wide range of ailments, including wounds, burns, sprains, bruises, earache, headache, fever, sore throat, food poisoning, shingles, colds, flu, hepatitis, mononucleosis, fungal infections, yeast infections, sexually transmitted diseases, acne, skin diseases, heart diseases, blood disorders, kidney problems, digestive
problems, ulcers, periodontal diseases, nerve disorders, malaria, fatigue, and a host of others. It is being closely studied for use in battling AIDS, cancer, diabetes, allergies, and as birth control for both men and women. Neem should not be used for more than two weeks at a time. For chronic ailments, it should be used on a schedule of two weeks on, one week off, or as directed under the guidance of a health practitioner. It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, and strengthens the body's overall immune reponses. It should not be used by internally by pregnant women. 

Herbal healing  (Submitted by Victoria 23/4/00)

ALFALFA - Aids in healing allergies, arthritis, morning sickness, peptic ulcers, stomach ailments & bad breath; cleanses the kidneys & removes poisons from the body; neutralizes acids; is an excellent blood purifier & blood thinner; improves the appetite and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium & other nutrients.

ALOE VERA - Helps alleviate constipation, aids in healing burns & wounds, canker sores, cold sores, ulcers, acne and digestive disorders.

BLESSED THISTLE - Helps strengthen the heart & lungs; aids in healing urinary, pulmonary & liver disorders; increases circulation to the brain; aids digestion, reduces fever, expels worms, helps alleviate menstrual cramps.

BURDOCK ROOT - Is an excellent blood purifier and cleanser; aids in healing skin blemishes, arthritis & rheumatism; promotes healthy kidney function.

CAPSICUM - Promotes cleansing of the circulatory & digestive system; reduces fever, purifies the blood; helps prevent muscle aches, tiredness, skin blemishes, headaches, rheumatism, ulcers & sore throats; helps in regulating your blood pressure and pulse rate.

CASCARA SAGRADA - Stimulates the secretions of the entire digestive system; helps prevent nervous disorders, colon & constipation problems.

CHAMOMILE - An excellent cleanser & toner of the digestive tract; aids in calming the nerves; expels worms & parasites; Improves the appetite & helps eliminate dandruff.

CHAPARRAL - Aids in healing skin blemishes, acne, arthritis & allergies; promotes hair growth; acts as a natural antibiotic within the body with no side effects.

COMFREY - Aids in healing respiratory ailments, anemia, arthritis, fractures, mucous membranes, lungs & wounds; it is soothing to the gastrointestinal tract; aids in cell proliferation; helps the pancreas in regulating blood sugar level; helps promote the secretion of pepsin & is a general aid to digestion.

ECHINACEA - Is the most effective blood & lymphatic cleanser in the botanical kingdom; its acts as a natural antibiotic and works like penicillin in the body with no side effects; aids in reducing fever, infections, bad breath & mucous buildup.

EUPHRASIA - Aids in reducing skin blemishes, clears bloodshot eyes, and helps with impotence.

GARLIC - Is extremely effective in dissolving and cleansing cholesterol from the blood stream; it stimulates the digestive tract; it kills worms, parasites and harmful bacteria; it normalizes blood pressure and reduces fever, gas & cramps; it used by athletes for increasing physical strength & energy.

GINGER - Aids in fighting colds, colitis, digestive disorders, flu & gas; it helps increase the secretion of saliva; is excellent for the circulatory system and helps increase stamina.

GINSENG - Aids in increasing endurance, longevity & vitality; aids in balancing hormonal activity; acts as a sexual stimulant, mental & physical stimulant; normalizes blood pressure levels; helps protect the body against stress; strengthens the endocrine glands; stimulates the activity of RNA & DNA in your cells, thus helping retard the aging process.

GOTU KOLA - Is an excellent "brain food" which promotes memory & helps alleviate mental fatigue; excellent for the eyes, impotence, endurance, energy & normalizing blood pressure; considered to be an excellent nerve tonic.

HAWTHORNE BERRIES - Strengthens the muscles and nerves to the heart; aids in relieving emotional stress; regulates high & low blood pressure; helps combat arteriosclerosis, hypoglycemia and heart disease.

HYSSOP - Regulates blood pressure, purifies the blood & promotes circulation, excellent aid for the eyes, hoarseness, lungs, mucous buildup, nervous disorders and skin problems.

LICORICE - Expels mucous from the respiratory tract aids in healing hoarseness, hypoglycemia, coughs & constipation; promotes healthy adrenal glands; acts as a sexual stimulant; helps increase endurance & vitality; helps in reducing skin blemishes (age spots).

MA HUANG - A stimulant of the adrenal glands; helps increase energy level; aids in healing asthma, bronchitis, lung, coughs & congestive disorders.

MULLEIN - A bone, flesh and cartilage builder; aids in healing respiratory ailments, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhea, sinus congestion; soothing to any inflammation and relieves pain; acts to relieve spasms & clears the lungs.

ROSE HIPS - Used to fight infection & curb stress. It is the highest herb in Vitamin C content and contains the entire C-Complex.

SARSAPARILLA - Helps cure impotence; relieves inflammation & gas and will increase the flow of urine; an excellent blood purifier; aids rheumatism, heartburn, hormones, gout, fever ad mucous buildup; also used to promote perspiration.

SPIRULINA - Is an algae containing 65 - 70% protein; it contains 26 times the Calcium of milk; also contains phosphorous & niacin and is far more nutritious than any known food; used for rejuvenation & weight reduction; an excellent blood and colon cleanser; very high in Vitamin B12 content.

YELLOW DOCK - A nutritive tonic, high in Iron and useful in treating anemia; also nourishes the spleen and liver, thus, being effective for the treatment of Jaundice, Lymphatic problems & skin eruptions; strengthens, cleanses & tones the entire body; excellent for boils, ulcers, wounds, and cleansing the blood.

Sacred Herbs Of The Goddesses  (Submitted by Chandralin 25/4/00)

APHRODITE: olive, cinnamon, daisy, cypress, quince, orris (iris), apple, myrtle
ARADIA: rue, vervain
ARTEMIS: silver fir, amaranth, cypress, cedar, hazel, myrtle, willow, daisy, mugwort, date palm.
ASTARTE: alder, pine, cypress, myrtle, juniper
ATHENA: olive, apple
BAST: catnip, vervain
BELLONA: belladonna
BRIGIT: blackberry
CARDEA: hawthorn, bean, arbutus
CERES: willow, wheat, bay, pomegranate, poppy, leek, narcissus
CYBELE: oak, myrrh, pine
DEMETER: wheat, barley, pennyroyal, myrrh, rose, pomegranate, bean, poppy, all cultivated crops.
DIANA: birch, willow, acacia, wormwood, dittany, hazel, beech, fir, apple, mugwort, plane, mul-berry, rue
FREYA: cowslip, daisy, primrose, maidenhair, myrrh, strawberry, mistletoe
HATHOR: myrtle, sycamore, grape, mandrake, coriander, rose
HECATE: willow, henbane, aconite, yew, mandrake, cyclamen, mint, cypress, date palm, sesame, dandelion, garlic, oak, onion.
HEKAT: cypress
HERA: apple, willow, orris, pomegranate, myrrh
HINA: bamboo
HULDA: flax, rose, hellebore, elder
IRENE: olive
IRIS: wormwood, iris
ISHTAR: acacia, juniper, all grains
ISIS: fig, heather, wheat, wormwood, barley, myrrh, rose, palm, lotus, persea, onion, iris, vervain
JUNO: lily, crocus, ashpodel, quince, pomegranate, vervain, iris, lettuce, fig, mint
KERRIDWEN: vervain, acorns
MINERVA: olive, mulberry, thistle
NEFER-TUM: lotus
NEPTHYS: myrrh, lily
NUIT: sycamore
OLWEN: apple
PERSEPHONE: parsley, narcissus, willow, pomegranate
RHEA: myrrh, oak
ROWAN: clover, rowan
VENUS: cinnamon, daisy, elder, heather, anemone, apple, poppy, violet, marjorem, maidenhair fern, carnation, aster, vervain, myrtle, orchid, cedar, lily, mistletoe, pine, quince
VESTA: oak

Herbs for weight loss  (Submitted by Chandralin 4/5/00)

Kelp and bladderwrack, both seaweeds, have a high mineral content and are able to help regulate thyroid imbalence in some users.
Licorice root is an important addition in formulas for adrenal support.(do not use licorice root on a long term basis as it can
aggravate high blood pressure).

Ephedra (Ma huang)-stimulate that increases blood flow and Greatly increases heartrate.Use in low doses of 400-1200 mg per day.
Avoid use with nutmeg and yohimbe. Do not take after 3pm as it will keep you up all night.

Guarana- natural thermogenics, energy booster

Korean Ginsing- adapts itself to your bodys needs. Helps support Adrenal funtion and regulates blood sugar.

Chickweed- diueretic. It also has the enviable ability of being able to break down fat deposits including cellulite. Activates the
kidneys while suppressing appetite. Available in capsles as well as tea. Dosing for tea is- one teaspoon dried herb or two teaspoons of the fresh herb in eight ounces of hot distilled water. Steep for 10-15 minutes and drink one cup 10-15 min. before the midday and
evening meals.

Cleavers- very effective lymphatic drainer. Allows the body to pumpunwanted toxins from the lymph glands, cleansing the bloodstream and evacuating it form the body via  the kidneys and bladder. Do not use boiling water to make tea as it will decrease the medical effectiveness of the plant.

Dandelion-Drink one to two cups a day of the tea for up to four weeks and incorperate the fresh uncooked leaves in salads or

Cascara Sagrada- use in small amounts as cramping may result. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT.

Psyllium-20 grams of seeds with 200 mL of water three hours before ameal... repeat right before the meal. Cut fat by 15 grams a day
for maximim effect.

Herbs That Can Restore Fertility   (Submitted by Beth 1/6/00)

Here is a list of herbs (some are often recommended by herbalists) to help restore fertility and to promote healthy reproductive systems.

BLACK COHOSH (Cimicifuga racemosa)  Antispasmodic, used for menstrual cramping, relieves hot flashes in menopausal women;mild sedative.

BLACK HAW (Viburnum prunifolium)  For menstrual cramping, prevents miscarriage and excessive flow at menopause.

BLESSED THISTLE (Cuicus bcncdictus) Increases lactation.

BLUE COHOSH (Caulophyllum thalictroides)  Uterine tonic, for use in last trimester only.

CAYENNE (Capsicum frutescens)  Equalizes circulation; for cold hands and feet; strengthens heart; stimulant.

CHASTE TREE BERRY (Vitex agnus-castus) -  Stimulates and normalizes pituitary function of  the release of  luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland in the brain and promotes ovulation.  For PMS, menstrual cramps,  menopause, post birth control pill rebalancing. May restore normal periods in women  with amenorrhea (lack of menstrual periods).

CHAMOMILE (Matricaria chamomilla)  Sedative, calms nerves and muscles.  Great for relaxing before bed.

CRAMP BARK (Vlburnum opulus)  Relaxes muscle tension and spasms, ovarian pain and uterine cramps. Used to  prevent threatened miscarriage.

DONG QUAI (Angelica sinensis)  Female hormone regulator, alleviates cramping and pre-menstrual distress.   Dong quai can tone a weak  uterus by promoting metabolism within the organ, regulating hormonal control and improving the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.

ECHINACEA (Echinacea angustifolia)  Powerful immune stimulant; antiseptic; anti microbial; anti-viral; used for sore  throats, flu, colds, infections, allergies.

FALSE UNICORN (Chamaclirium luteum) Reproductive tonic, used for delayed menses, leukorrhea, ovarian pain, female  infertility, male impotence. Contains estrogen precursors.  Helps prevent threatened miscarriage.

GINGER (Asarum canadense)  Used for nausea.

GINSENG (Panax quinquefolium)  Adaptogenic, decreases the effect of stress. Increases capillary circulation in
brain; reproductive tonic

LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)  Specific for adrenal gland insufficiency.  This plant contains hormonally active compounds categorized as saponins. A Japanese study found  licorice-based medicines improved menstruation in women with infrequent periods. The study also found that licorice helped women with elevated  testosterone and low estrogen levels, as commonly occurs in polycystic ovary disease.

MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca)  Sedative, useful in transition labor. Eases false labor pains. Emmenagogue; antispasmodic; cardiac tonic; reduces tension and anxiety.

NETTLES (Urtica diocia) Nutritive herb, specific for childhood and nervous eczema. Rich in iron, silica  and potassium.

PASSIONFLOWER (Passiflora incarnata)  Sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anodyne. Relieves nerve pain, promotes restful sleep. Has been used for seizures and hysteria.

RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) Blood cleanser; nutritive; analysis shows that the herb is rich in coumestans and isoflavones, estrogenlike compounds that may promote fertility, particularly in women who are  deficient in estrogen.

RED RASPBERRY (Rhubus idaeus)  Pregnancy herb; nutritive; relieves nausea. Uterine tonic, eases painful menses.

SAW PALMETTO (Serenos repens)  Tones and strengthens male reproductive system, used for prostate enlargement and infection; enhances endurance. Female fertility aid; galactagogue.

SIBERIAN GINSENG (Eleutherococcus senticosus): This and other tonic  botanicals can improve fertility by enhancing overall health and vitality. Siberian ginseng also acts on the brain to promote regulation of reproductive hormones.

SQUAW VINE (Mitchella repens)  Uterine tonic; promotes easy labor, eases menstrual cramping, mild nervine, improves digestion.

UVA URSI (Arcostaphylos uva-ursi) Urinary antiseptic; anti-microbial; for cystitas, urethritis, prostatis, nephritas. Antilithic, used for kidney and bladder stones.

VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis)  Powerful nervine, used for tension, anxiety, insomnia, emotional stress, intestinal colic, menstrual cramps, migraine headache and rheumatic pain.

WILD YAM (Dioscorea spp.) Antispasmodic; For painful menses, ovarian and uterine pain.

Basic Herbal Preparations  (Submitted by Chandralin  21/7/00)

Tea or tisane: 1 tsp. of dry herb to 1 cup of boiling water, steep for 5 to 10 minutes. The best way to brew the herb is in a teapot or covered kettle, leave the herb loose, pour the boiling water over the top, and strain the tea when putting it into a cup. Tea balls or spoons can be used also, although the water is not able to circulate around the leaves as well. Convenience is the determiner. Tea bags, that you prepare yourself or commercially filled, are another way to make herb tea. Always put a cover over your tea brewing container, otherwise you can loose the essential oils into the air with the steam.

Infusion: 1 pint of boiling water poured over up to 1 ounce of dry leaves or flowers, steep for up to several hours. Always use a covered container, preferably of ceramic, glass, stainless steel or enameled other metal; never aluminum or iron. If you are drinking the infusion on a frequent basis you may want to make a large quantity and then refrigerate the extra to drink as desired. You can make enough for about three days.

Decoction: Simmer up to 1 ounce root, seed or bark in l pint of water for 15 minutes to an hour. Then let the kettle sit off the heat for an hour or more. Strain to drink. This preparation can also be made into quantity and the extra refrigerated.

Note: There are some roots and seeds that should be infused instead of decocted. These are the fragrant ones, which would loose their essential oil while boiling. The essential oils are an important medicinal part of the remedy. Examples are anise, fennel and fenugreek seeds and valerian and elecampane roots.

Cold infusion: Cold water can be used if the volatile compounds of the herbs are such that they may be lost in the steam or for the mucilaginous slippery elm bark. A sun tea is a cold infusion that is allowed to set in the sunshine to infuse, usually in a glass jar.

Elixer or Syrup:

1 cup honey or sugar
2 cups herbal infusion or decoction
¼ cup ethanol alcohol or 1 cup vegatable gycerine
The alcohol or glycerine is supposed to preserve the preparation, but this should still be kept in the refrigerator to maintain freshness. This makes a cough syrup or just a tasty elixer, on the principle that a "little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down."
Tincture: Alcohol: Conforming to the standards recommended by the International Protocol as adopted at Brussels, 1902.

Dried toxic/intense botanical, 1:10 w/v (1 ounce herb to 10 ounces alcohol.
Dried non-toxic botanical, 1:5 w/v (1 ounce herb to 5 ounces alcohol).
Fresh botanical, 1:2 w/v (1 ounce herb to 2 ounces alcohol).
The prefered alcohol used for tincturing is 190 proof grain alcohol, which is in turn diluted with distilled water to the correct percentage of alcohol. If you are in a state in which you cannot buy this strong of alcohol, you may have to resort to vodka.
The best method to determine the alcohol content to use is to look it up in an old pharmacopia, printed before 1920 or so (really difficult to find). Here is a list of percentages of alcohol that will disolve the chemical constituants. I was given this list many years ago in a class and have worked with it ever since. These are not absolutes, but can be a help if you are in doubt.

Tannins and glycosides 25%
Alkaloids 45%
Volatile Oils 60%
Gum resins 90%
Macerate (soak) the finely chopped herbs in the alcohol for 14 days, shake daily. Strain and press all alcohol from herbs. Bottle this and you have your own tincure.
Vinegar: Pour full strength vinegar over finely chopped dry herbs, at a ratio of 1:5, or 1:2 for fresh herbs. Macerate for 14 days, shaking daily. Strain and press all vinegar from the herbs.

Vinegars are facinating to use. The information for preparation above is intended for medincial use, but vinegars are very versatile and useful. Depending on the herbs used you can have a medicine, a salad dressing or a cosmetic preparation. They can be used straight for cooking in any way that you would use a plain vinegar. The cosmetic vinegar is best diluted in half with water before use on your skin or one tablespoon to a cup of water for a hair rinse.

Oil: This is a basic oil preparation, used for massage, bruise, cosmetic and medicinal oils and lip balms, salves and ointments. The choice of oil used depends upon the final product. If it is going to be for healing, such as a salve or ointment, my preference is a good quality olive oil. If it is to be used for massage or cosmetic purposes, I like almond oil. Use a good quality, preferably cold pressed vegatable oil.

Preserving the oils: Cold press oils can become rancid fairly quickly, depending upon the oil, and should be refrigerated. Another aid in maintaining freshness is to add 1/4 teaspoon of benzoin tincture to one cup of oil or 500 I.U. of vitamin E to one cup of oil.

No-cook method
All herbs should be ground or chopped finely. Put the herbs in a clear glass jar. Just cover the herbs with good quality vegetable oil (olive, almond safflower, avocado, etc.) Make sure that the herbs are completely submerged in oil, or mold may occur. Let the jar sit in a warm, sunny place for 10 to 14 days. Filter and press using muslin or some type of filter. Refilter if necessary. Discard herbs.

Cooked method
Put herbs and oils into a heavy pot. Heat at a low heat until herbs are crispy. Watch carefully and stir often.Carefully filter and press oil.

Crock Pot
Put herbs and oils into a crock pot. Heat for 2 or 4 hours. Carefully filter and press oil.

Salve: Reheat the basic oil gently and add the beeswax and any other additives. 1 ½ cup oil to 1 ounce beeswax.

Lip balm: Same as for salve, only use 1 cup oil to 1 ounce beeswax.


Apply the fresh, crushed herb to the part due treatment or bandage. Prepare standard decoction or infusion and add to slippery elm bark until a thin paste is obtained and bandage. Dip a clean cloth into a strong infusion or decoction and wring it almost dry. Apply this to the afflicted area.

Bolus: A suppository for rectum or vagina, made by adding powdered herbs to cocoa butter until it forms a thick, firm pie-dough consistency. Roll into strips about three-quarter of an inch thick and cut into segments one inch long. Place in refrigerator to harden.

Capsules: Caps can be purchased at most herb or health food stores and filled by hand or with a small cap machine. Always drink at least a full glass of water with capsules. These do not work well for the very young, old or digestion-impaired.


Rowan Fairgrove

Botanical and other incense are a tool which can be tailored to the user's desire. At their simplest they may be used to stimulate the sense of smell and bring enjoyment to those nearby, alternatively, they can be a suble compilation designed to create a specific ambiance for a ritual or magical operation.

The following guide contains some botanical (and a few other substances) and their uses when burned. The attributes have been derived from a great many sources, both published and personal communication, and like most magical properties they are most effective when tailored to the individual or group using them. So sit down and burn some and see if they work for you. Try
combinations. I have included some recipes which have worked for myself and others in the hopes that you will find them useful. Happy Censing!

A Scheme of Things: The botanicals which I will discuss fall into several broad categories:
1) EVOCATIVE - used to get the attention of divinities or to summon spirits
2) DIVINATORY - used to foretell the future or to see hidden secrets
3) PURIFYING - used to purify the purpose of a rite or the action of a given object
4) ENHANCING - used to intensify the purpose of a rite or the action of a given object
5) PROTECTIVE - used to shield the user or area from harm
6) BANISHING - used to drive out unwanted influences or spirits
7) HEALING - used to promote wholeness in mind, body or spirit
8) SPELL CASTING - used to promote a purpose, e.g., love, fertility, money, luck, fortune, concentration, etc.

Many botanicals fall into several categories, for example: Wormword (Artemesia) can be used 1) to evoke Artemis and call the dead 2) to promote divination 6) when consecrated to Mars in banishing 6) & 7) it was used to banish the Black Plague fleas 8) when consecrated to Mars, in works of anger.

Some Examples:

 Evocative: Almond, Lotus, Ash, Mandrake, Basil, Myrrh, Bay, Olive, Blessed Thistle, Patchouli, Damiana, Rowan, Dittany of Crete, Rue, Elm, Thyme, Frankincense, Verbena, Henbane, Vervain Blue, Life Everlasting Flowers, Wormwood, Yarrow
 Divinatory: Ash, Linseed, Bay, Mugwort, Cinquefoil, Rowan, Clove, Thyme, Elm, Wormwood, Frankincense, Yarrow
 Purifying: Angelica, Mastic Gum, Bayberry, Myrrh, Burnet, Olive, Cinnamon
 Enhancing: Anise Seed, Lotus, Angelica, Mandrake, Celery Seed, Mastic Gum, Cinnamon, Mugwort, Cinquefoil, Orris Root, Cloves, Peppermint, Damiana, Sandalwood, Dragon's Blood, Styrax, Frankincense, Uva Ursi, Henbane
 Protective: Alfalfa, Juniper Wood, Basil, Life Everlasting Flowers, Blessed Thistle, Mastic Gum, Bay, Mistletoe, Camphor, Mugwort, Cinquefoil, Orris Root, Elder, Rosemary, Five Finger Grass, Rowan, Frankincense, St. John's Wort, Garlic, Vervain Blue
 Banishing: Agrimony, Lavendar, Ash, Pine, Camphor, Rowan, Dragon's Blood, Vervain Blue, Juniper Wood, Wormwood
 Healing: Balm of Gilead, Myrrh, Lavendar, Rosemary, Life Everlasting Flowers, Wormwood
 Spell-Casting: Basil, Patchouli, Bayberry, Peppermint, Bezoin Gum, Rosemary, Camphor, Rowan, Cinnamon, Rue, Damiana, Sandalwood, Dragon's Blood, Tormantil, Frankincense, Uva Ursi, Lavendar, Vervain Blue, Lemon peel, St. John's Wort, Life Everlasting Flowers, Wormwood, Mandrake, Yarrow, Mistletoe, Ylang Ylang, Orris Root

POISONOUS PLANTS  (Submitted by Chandralin 14/8/00)

Any poisonous plant gathered at midnight during a full moon has strong magickal connections.

Belladonna also known as Deadly Nightshade was originally introduced as a drug. All portions including the leaves, berries and especially the root system, are extremely poisionous. Belladonna is Italian meaning "beautiful woman". During the Renaissance women applied an extract of this plant to their eyes to dialate their pupils, giving them a wide ad beautiful gaze. Nightshade can be used in a poppet to enhance beauty. In banishing, keep in mind it's toxicity level, belladonna's reaction time is several hours to
several days. At one time it was used medicinally to treat ring worm and running sores, or to cool inflamations. It is not recommended for this sort of use today. Astrological correspondence: Saturn

The black locust is very poisonous and messy tree with a reaction time of one hour, it is found from Georgia through the Ozark mountians and into Pennsylvania. Legend says that the black locust is the burial place for all things evil. If someone has wronged you, bury that person's name a the foot of the tree and let the black locust take care of the situation.

A poisonous plant used in magick to break hexes. It is deadly and has a reaction time of approximately fourteen hours. Celandine is still used medicinally by herbalists. There are two types of celandine, greater and lesser. Greater celandine is associated with the Sun and Leo, lesser celandine is associated with Mars.

Although cooked elder berries are fine, the leaves, bark, roots and raw berries are considered poisonous. The American Medical Association has documented cases of poisoning from this plant. Reaction time is several hours. Elder berries are great for Elder magick (times you wish to call the Ancients). An offering of elder berries on the Altar is an appropriate form of Elder magick. There is a difference between the elder and the dwarf elder the latter is most poisonous. Astrological correspondence: Venus

This plant grows along the road side in the U.S. All parts of hemlock, especially it's fruits are considered lethal. It works to paralyze muscles, therefore in magick, if you wish to paralyze a situation, a bit of hemlock could be used. Hemlock's reaction time is a few hours and is a fast acting banishing plant. At one time hemlock was used as a sedative but is no longer recommended for domestic use. Astrological correspondence: Saturn

This beautiful spring plant is actually a deadly beauty found in North America, Canada and Britian. Reaction is immediate, causing intense irritability. It is used in magick to stop harassment. Lilly of the Valley is used by drug companies for medicinal purposes and was at one time used extensively in medical cures. Couples plant lilly of the valley in their first garden to promote the longevity of the marriage, it is also recommended for use in a bridal bouquet. Astrological correspondence: Mercury

All parts of this plant are poisonous, and has the nick name of "devil's guts". Morning glories come in a variety of colors and are fairly drought resistant. Legend has it that you can wrap the morning glory vine around a poppet nine times to banish someone. This is especially effective if done three days before the New Moon. In magick the morning glory can be used to bind, banish or promote attraction to someone or something. Astrolgical correspondence: The Moon

Although poisonous straw flowers are a plant of longevity, these plants like sunny dry spots and hold out untill last frost. Want something to last? Use straw flowers in your magick. At one time this plant was used medicinally but is not suggested for domestic use today. This is the flower of Samhain, the flower of the dead, signifying the transition from one type of life to another. Astrological correspondence: The Sun

Wolfsbane is also known as Moonkshood, several varieties are found in the U.S. and in Canada. The entire plant is poisonous, especially the leaves and roots. When drying the roots give off fumes that cause giddiness, it is suggested to use only the flowers in magick. Wolfsbane is excellent for redirecting predators that may come after you. When Wolfsbane blooms on a full moon beware.. It is a very magickal plant, old werewolf movies featured it's legend. Astrological correspondence: Saturn


You can find these plants everywhere, these bushes have a reaction time of six hours. The Greeks found that honey from bees that fed on Azaleas and Rhododendrons to be poisonous. Astrological correspondence: Venus
Herbal Information can also be found in "Obsidian's Book Of Shadows" and is also found in Obsidian's Herbs booklet and   Obsidian's Classes. 
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