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Aromatherapy lessons by Obsidian:
Basic Principles, Synthetic oils vs Natural oils, Aromatherapy vs "normal" medicine, Aromatherapy explained, Methods for use, Medical complaints and their oils

Aromatherapy posts:
Aromatherapy | How to use Essential oils | Safety issues | The Essential oilsTea Tree oil uses
Aromatherapy for depression | Bay | Benzoin | Blends | Therapeutic uses of essential oils | Aromatherapy recipes| Oil blends for anxiety | 50 uses for essential oils |Essential oils|

Aromatherapy    (Submitted by SsPaRrKkLe  7/12/99)

 What is Aromatherapy?
 Aromatherapy, sometimes also referred to as aromatic or scent medicine, is the art of healing the body using naturally distilled essences from different  parts of plant to improve and enhance your everyday emotional, physical, and  spiritual well-being. These essences are known as essential oils.

 What are essential oils?
 These oils are the concentrated essences of the aromatic plant. They can be  used as an analgesic (to alleviate pain), an anti-inflammatory (to reduce swelling), an anti-bacterial, an anti-fungal, an anti-viral (to prevent infections).  Since scent stimlates the part of the brain that effects your emotions,  essential oils can also sooth and calm....or energize and arouse. These essential oils are highly concentrated and are measured in drops. They  should be housed in dark colored air tight bottles in a cool area, out of  direct light. Unless noted, they should not be applied directly to the skin,  but instead placed in a carrier oil such as almond oil, so as to avoid  irritation.

 How does aromatherapy work?
 Our sense of smell is about 10,000 times stronger than our sense of taste,  but it is truly underappreciated. The olfactory system of your brain has a  memory of scents and the longest recall of all the senses.  Just think... does the smell of baking bread bring back vivid memories of  visits with a relative in your childhood.. ever catch a whiff of the
 cologne/perfume of an old lover? Memories that are attatched to sent are  stronger!!!!
 Scent also stimulates the limbic system of the brain which responds by  releasing neuro-chemicals. Such as Seratonin and Endorphins. These chemicals  calm us.. arouse us... alleviate discomfort.

How can I use Essential Oils?

 Swish 10-12 drops of a single oil or a blend into your bath water. Close your  bathroom door to help retain all the scent, sink into your bath inhale and  relax......

 Place 3-5 drops of essential oil on a tissue. Breathe Deeply!

 Replace those aeresol air fresheners. A few drops in a diffuser, you can buy  electric devices, candle warmed, ceramic rings to place on lightbulbs, or  just use a bowl of warm water. A few drops is all you need.

 Place 3-5 drops of essential oil into a basin of water. Dip a clean folded  facecloth into the water, squeeze and gently apply.

 Blend 15 drops of essentail oil per ounce of carrier oil (Almond, Apricot,  Jojoba) and indulge in the power of touch.

 Facial steams, foot soaks, insect repellant, household cleaning.... and much  more... use your imagination.

 * Always decrease the drop amount when using Lemon or Peppermint in any  application.*


 Since essentail oils are 100 times more potent than their plant sources, care  must be taken in how and when they are used.

Do not ingest oils by mouth
Keep out of eyes
Most essential oils cannot be applied directly to the skin
Research any  essential oil in reference books, for specific precautions, warnings, etc.
As with any natural substance, the possibility exists for allergy... start with very small amounts and watch for reactions, then increase dosage, within the  given guidelines

 The following oils should be avoided during pregnancy: basil, birch, cedar,  clove bud, clary sage, cypress, fennel, jasmine, juniper marjoram,  peppermint, rosemary, sage, thyme

Skin Irritants
 These oils may irritate the skin, and should be diluted in a carrier oil  before applying to the skin or used in a bath : basil, cinnamon, clove bud,  fennel, Siberian fir, lemon, lemongrass, melissa, peppermint, thyme, tea  tree, verbena

 These oils can cause skin sensitivity in the presence of ultraviolet light  and should NOT be used beofre exposure to direct sunlight: angelica,  bergamot, mandarin, lemon, lime, petitgrain, St. John's Wort, verbena

 High Blood Pressure
 The following oils should not be used by anyone with high blood  pressure:hyssop, rosemary, sage, thyme

Skin Allergies
 If one is suffering from dermatitis or other allergic skin conditions then  these oils should be avoided: benzoin, rose geranium, jasmine, pine, ylang  ylang

 Toxic oils
 These oils should be avoided: bitter almond, mugwort, mustard, pennyroyal,  rue, sassafrass, southernwood, tansy, wintergreen

The Essential Oils

 Basil (P, SS)
 Eases mental fatigue, stimulates poor memory and enhances alterness....  beneficial as a digestive aid.... relieves headache pain

 Bergamot (SS, S)
 Great for nervous/depressed emotions.... antiseptic for skin conditions...  regulates appetite...assists convalescence

 Cedar, Himalayan (P, SS)
 A very calming oil...eases bronchitis and respiratory ailments...combats  cellulite

 Chamomile, Roman
 Aids skin conditions... eases migraines...relieves  insomnia..soothing..anti-inflammatory use as a compress for ear-aches

 Clary Sage (P)
 Avoid if epileptic avoid alcohol, it may exaggerate the effects Produces  vivid dreams ...eases migraines balances female hormones....eases menstrual  discomfort /PMS/ menopause... retards excessive perspiration

 Eucalyptus (P)
 Stimulating...anti-viral.. eases respiratory ailments...soothes sore muscles  and sunburn pain... anti-bacterial properties inhibit spread of infection  when used in a diffuser

 Meditative.. tightens and tones skin... anti-aging.. stimulates cell  regeneration... sooths and calms nerves... treats urinary tract infection..  anti-bacterial

 Geranium, Rose
 Regenerates and rejujinates skin cells and tissue.. anti-cellulite....eases  stress.. balances hormone problems during menopause..relieves PMS

 Ginger (SS)
 Relief from arthritis pain, sprians, muscle aches and pains... keeps sport  muscles supple... eases motion sickness, hangovers, jet lag... sexual tonic

 Grapefruit (S)
 Reduces cellulite & water retention ... helps obesity.... relieves hot  flashes and PMS ...antidepressant

 Jasmine Absolute (P)
 Aphrodisiac.. long-lasting scent.. elevates spirits.. decreases  depression/nervous tension.. strengthens male reproductive system ... aids  impotency... physically/ emotionally relaxing

 treats insomnia... anti-bacterial for skin rashes and burns.. eases pain of  insect bites and stings... relieves headaches and migraines.. calming .. mild  enough for children

 Lemon (S)
 refreshing stimulant.. astringent and anti-septic.. tonic to the lymphatic  and digestive systems... conditions skin and nails... anti-aging agent

 Lemongrass (SS)
 energizes... great for exhaustion.. beneficial in treating digestion and  stomach gas.. good for stimulating, deoderizing foot baths .. insect repellant

 anti-anxiety.. antidepressant... gentle sedative for insomnia... eases  palpitaions ...hypnotic/ euphoric.. smooths skin, stretch marks and scar  tissue.. anti wrinkle... anti-spasmotic

 Orange (SS, S)
 mild sedative for anxiety and depression... plumps up aging and dry skin..  calming to overcome sadness...

 sensual rejuvinator.. prevents wrinles and chapped skin .. anti-aging..curbs
 appetite ..anti-bacterial

 Peppermint (P, SS)
 do not use before bedtime very awakening and stimulating... treats nasea and  indigestion ... eases travel sickness

 Rose Absolute
 heart warming aphrodisiac... relieves sexual debilities..  frigidity/impotency.. treats anorexia.. elevating to the mind.. confidence  improving.. creates a sense of peaceful well-being

 increases sensitivity...increases creativity.. lifts exhaustion... awakens  your heart

 aphrodisiac... aids awareness and meditation... peaceful and inspiring

Tea tree (SS)
 strengthens the immune system... powerful anti-viral.. anti-bacterial..  anti-fungal

 good for stress and nervous tension... calming and balancing... treats dry,  mature, irritated skin... aids in rheumatism.. circulation tonic

 Ylang Ylang (SS)
 most euphoric aphrodisiac..sexual energy .. relaxes body, mind and spirit...
 aniti-depressant... relieves palpitations and anxiety

 Key to symbols:

 *   P - avoid during pregnancy
 *   S - may iritate sun-exposed skin
 *   SS - may irritate sensitive skin

Tea tree oil  (Submitted by Keltie 9/12/99)

Tea Tree, or melaleuca alternifolia is just one of those wonder oils!  This, along with lavendar are the only essential oils which can be used neat on the skin, however with all things, some people may be sensitive to this.  It's right up there as an anti fungal/bacterial/septic, fights any bugs, and also helps to strengthen the immune system.  I like to make room-sprays for different parts of the house - we gotta do something with all those spray-bottles now, don't we.  Simply (with any oil) dissolve a bit in some oil dispersant (I use a small amount of methylated spirits as it's cheap!!), top up the bottle with water, and spray, spray, spray.  If possible, glass is best, but be aware that essential oils can eat into plastic, so the sprayers sometimes give-up. Tea tree, eucalyptus and those "camphory" smelling type ones are great at disguising those yukky toilet smells, even for those lucky enough to have a toilet-smoker in the house (erk - I used to, and it does work).  You can make small or large amounts, just vary the drops.  Copious amounts of different mixes for different occasions, but tea tree is predominantly good for freshening and cleansing.  Even just a few drops in some water and shake, shake, shake will achieve the same effect.  These mixes cannot be stored for any length of time, though, as they lose their active constituents when exposed to air, some evaporating more than others.  Anyway, on with some remedies!!!

Dab some neat with a cotton-bud to mouth-ulcers, insect bites, fungous growths, warts, zits, cold sores and blah, blah, blah!  Basically any type of abrasion/abhesion/thingywatsit that needs healing.  My partner felt the tinglings of a cold-sore a while back, dabbed some on, and it didn't even break-out!   Instant relief from "itchy-bites", too, this is something I can testify first-hand.  I have part-time care of two 5 year olds who are very versed in the uses of Tea Tree, ooops, Tea Twee!  Infact, the tea tree ointment is now within easy reach of them, with Brette administering first-aid to her father unattended the other night when he scratched his leg.  She felt so important!  Apparently she was so attentive to Mark's needs that she was actually pushing the ointment into the wound!  He could only wince and smile, she did such a good job.  Infact only a few weeks ago I was chatting with the twins and there was an evil witch on the telly.  As their mother is a bitch (oops), I mean not very nice person sometimes, it was a good opportunity to herald the witch-thing in me!  We were talking about different things associated with being a "witch", and as I've been described as a green one, we got into magic, broom-riding, and the like, so I likened using tea tree and essential oils and herbs to doing witchy-things - they know how good this stuff is, so witches can't be bad (hope you get my drift, here, back on track).  Anyway, later on that day, Brette ever so slightly grazed her hand, we wacked on the tea-tree (half the time I think they invent having itchy-bites!!) and later on that day she was absolutely amazed that the graze had disappeared!  Magic!  Hey, their kids, let their imagination go, huh?  Anyway, back to the "bits"!

Tea tree can also be used for nits, few drops on a fine comb, or add some to your shampoo or conditioner, likewise for dogs and cats.  Even some drops in some water and shaken up a lot will get the oils dispersed through it. Spray around furniture, animals, etc.  Tea tree (usually) does no harm.  For those unfortunate enough to get thrush, 5 ml tea tree in 15 ml carrier oil, put about 5 drops onto a tampon and use for a few hours can get rid of it, or a hip(or sitz)-bath (couple of inches of warm water, few drops of oil, sit for a while!!) also helps thrush or cystitis.  Dilute down and spray onto sunburn, rub into scalp neat oil for getting rid of dandruff and controlling oily glands, or mix equal parts of oil with witch-hazel (which is another excellent thing to have on hand, even used neat on haemorrhoids will shrink them instantly - hey, it happens!!) and rub onto oily skin. =20

I think that's covered it!  You can sweeten anything with essential oils.  As I mentioned previously, put a bit of metho and a few drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil in the softener dispenser-thingy on the washing machine when washing towells, sheets, pillows, dog-blankets, to both disinfect and soften them. It's also a good flea-repellent, and I use nothing else but eucalyptus oil and a bit of washing-up liquid, diluted in water in the garden to get rid of the aphids, caterpillars and bugs.  I also hail the use of lavendar!  Some people do not like the smell of tea tree as it can be a bit overpowering, whereas lavendar is very familiar.  You can basically use lavendar for the above as well.  Eucalyptus shouldn't be used neat, but a few weeks ago I pulled a muscle on my chest wall and it made things very uncomfortable, especially breathing!  I rubbed on some eucalyptus oil in the shower, needless to say my air-ways were extremely clear, but for the rest of the day I had a very cool feeling where the pain inside my chest and side was, much more comfortable than cramping!  Eucalyptus is also excellent for getting off those greasy marks that kids/stickers/work-clothes get/leave, even removes nail-polish, no joke, and you footy-players will just thrive with a tea-tree or eucalyptus rub-down -whoooo-ee!  cools the cockles just thinking about it!  So next time you have a sprain, cork, boil, rhoid, reach for the tea-tree!  Hope you enjoy!

Aromatherapy for depression  (Submitted by Obsidian 12/3/00)

These oils have been recommended by a variety of books, and Usenet posts on alt.herbs.folklore and alt.Aromatherapy.

Clary Sage

"Therapeutically, this scent does have a potent antidepressant effect and may be used, via face and body massage, skin care, baths, or vaporisers to treat nervousness, sadness, or long-term stress."

"The balancing properties of lavender can correct emotional problems and feelings of instability. Its calming effect will induce a restful sleep  try a drop of lavender oil on your pillow or into an evening bath."

NEROLI (oil of the orange blossom):
"Neroli ... is one of the most suitable essential oils to use for nervous tension, insomnia, and stress-related illnesses as it has a very positive calming influence on mind and body."  My book urges caution when using the oils as they are very potent and May therefore cause a skin rash (it does say, however, that lavender is
"the only oil that can be safely applied undiluted to the skin"). It is suggested to put a drop or two into 3 tablespoons of carrier oil (such as a neutral odor light vegetable or nut oil) for a massage, or else 2 to 4 drops
of oil(s) to a warm bath and soaking for 10 minutes. Another suggested use is as a room freshener - use a clay or ceramic vaporiser to heat water with, or near, the oil. An easy way to make a room freshener with essential
oils is to wet a cotton ball with the essential oil and place it in a room or cupboard to scent the area. (For maximum effect, place somewhere warm such as behind a heater or fireplace.)

Bay and Benzoin  (Submitted by Chandralin  23/2/00)

Properties: Stimulant, antiseptic, tonic, expectorant, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antineuralgic, antirheumatic and astringent.

Respiratory System: Bay's antiseptic quality is useful inbronchitis, colds and flu.
Skin: A good tonic for the hair and scalp, bay stimulates hairgrowth and also helps to clear dandruff.
Emotion: Bay is slightly euphoric, lifting the spirits. Itstimulates imaginative decisions, is distinctive and inspiresconfidence.Promotes courage in the submissive.


bay 5 drops
benzoin 4 drops
eucalyptus  3 drops
bay 5 drops
cedarwood 5 drops
rosemary   3 drops
bay 5 drops
grapefruit 4 drops
ginger  2 drops
benzoin 7 drops
celery  4 drops
niaouli 2 drops
benzoin 7 drops
marjoram    4 drops
juniper 3 drops
benzoin 6 drops
eucalyptus  5 drops
thyme   3 drops
benzoin 5 drops
myrrh   2 drops
chamomile  2 drops
benzoin 6 drops
sandalwood  3 d
bergamot   3 drops
benzoin 6 drops
rose    4 drops
clary sage  2 drops


Colour and Odour:
Benzoin resinoid is thick and dark goden-brown in colour, having a most pleasant aroma resembling vanilla. It is one of the heavier oils and is an excellent fixative.

The benzoin tree grows in tropical Asia, where it is also cultivated. The natural gum is collected from deep incisions made in the tree trunk; it hardens on exposure to the air.

Long used in antiquity as an incense. Known in Europe during the Middle Ages when it was used as a compound tincture for inhalation. It was then called 'Friar's Balsam'.
Benzoin is a resinoid and cannot be obtained as a pure essential oil. The resinoid is the natural extract from the tree, which is then diluted with a sovent (benzyl alcohol). This makes it easier to pour and
handle, as the natural product is very thick and difficult to use.

Warming, energizing, circulatory stimulant, sedative, decongesting, expectorant, diuretic, carminative.
Urinary System: Antiseptic property good for cystitis.
Respiratory System:Tonic to the lungs. Effective for colds, flu, bronchitis and asthma, clearing and expelling congested mucus. Also good for coughs, sore throat and loss of  voice.
Reproductive System: Excellent for leucorrhoea.
Muscular System: Good for rheumatism. (wondering if this is good for Fibro as well?!)
Skin: Soothing for conditions where there is redness, irritation and itching, such as cracked skin or chapped hands, chilblains and dermatitis. A good remedy for wounds and sores.
Emotion: Calming and comforting for crisis states involving sadness, loneliness, depression and anxiety. Especially good for dispelling anger. In times of great exertion, benzoin eases emotional exhaustion, is
energizing and increases physical strength. The scent of benzoin stimulates the conscious mind and counteracts indifference. Benzoin is protective against life's crisis. It also releases past tensions and resentments.

Oil to Symptom List  (Submitted by Obsidian 16/3/00)

The following oils may assist in alleviating the complaints featured. This is not a comprehensive list nor is it considered to be a prescription for the named complaint.

Angelica --Herb Seeds Roots-- Cough, Cold, Fever, Flatulence Indigestion.
Aniseed-- Herb Seed Pod-- Indigestion, Coughs, Bronchitis, Catarrh.
Apricot-- Kernel- Oil --From the kernel premature skin aging, inflammation, dryness use 100% minerals and
Avocado Pear Oil-- From the fruit dry skin, eczema Add 10% to base oil vitamins, protein, lecithin, fatty acids.
Basil Herb:- Whole Plant-- Bronchitis, Fatigue, Colds, Loss of  concentration, Migraine, gout, Aches & Pains Depression, Fainting, Mental Fatigue, Migraine, Nausea, Nervous Tension Stimulating.
Bay --Tree, Leaves-- Sprains, Colds Flu, Insomnia, Rheumatism, Antiseptic, Decongestant, Tonic.
Benzoin- Tree, Trunk --Coughs, Itching, Arthritis, Colds, Sedative.
Bergamot-- Peel of fruit-- Fevers, Acne, Tension, Wounds, Coughs, Stress,  Antidepressant Uplifting.
Birch-- Tree, Bark-- Gout, Rheumatism, Eczema, Ulcers.
Black Pepper- Vine, Berries-- Colds, Aches, Influence, Flatulence, Rheumatism.
Bois de Rose-- Tree, Wood-- Tonic, Coughs, Headaches, antidepressant.
Borage-- Seed, Oil-- PMT, MS Menopause, Heart disease, Psoriasis, Eczema, premature aging, regenerates skin 10% dilution gamma acid, vitamins, minerals.
Cajeput -Tree-- Antiseptic, Pain Reliever, Lung Congestion, Neuralgia, Acne.
Carrot --Root-- Seeds-- Gout, Ulcers, Flatulence, Eczema, Psoriasis, Diuretic.
Carrot Oil-- Carrots-- Premature Aging, itching dryness psoriasis 10% in base oil vitamins, minerals, beta-carotene.
Cedarwood --Tree,Wood-- Bronchitis, Catarrh, Acne, Arthritis, Diuretic Lung Congestion, Eczema, Encourages Sexual Response.
Chamomile-- Nervous conditions, Insomnia, antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory teething, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, hay fever, diarrhea, sprains, nausea, fever, depression Contain azulene (Uplifting),
Chamomile Mataricaria --Chamomile Herb, Flowers, Leaves-- Nerves, Migraine, Acne, Inflammation, Insomnia, Menstrual Problems, Dermatitis Eczema, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Diseases, Burns, Nervous Tension, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Contains Azulene.
Chamomile Roman --Athemis Nobilis Herb Flowers Leaves Nerves Migraine, Acne Inflammation Insomnia Menstrual Problems, Dermatitis.
Champhor-- Tree ,Wood --Coughs, Colds, Fevers, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Stimulating .
Cinnamon-- Anti-viral Antiseptic, Circulatory, Heart, Digestive, Respiratory Stimulant. Antispasmodic, Aphrodisiac, anti-venom  eugenol--antiseptic.
Cinnamon-- Tree, Twigs Leaves Flu, Rheumatism, Warts, Coughs, Colds, Viral infections
Citronella-- Grass, Insecticide, Deodorant, Tonic, Stimulant.
Clary-sage-- Herb, Flowering Tops-- Depression, Nerves, Sore Throat, Aches and Pains, Debility, Sedative Uplifting.
Clove-- antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, toothache, digestive problems, muscular disorders, asthma, nausea, sinusitis, sedative, nerve tension, general weakness, Antispasmodic do not use undiluted on skin.
Clove Tree - Flower, Buds-- Nausea, Flatulence, Bronchitis, Arthritis , Rheumatism Toothache, Diarrhea, Infections Analgesic, Antiseptic.
Coriander Herb - Seeds of ripe fruit, leaves --Indigestion, influenza, Fatigue rheumatism Flatulence Nervousness Analgesic.
Corn Oil-- Corn-- Soothing on all skins 100% protein, vitamins, minerals.
Cumin Herb - Seeds, Fruit --Indigestion, Headache, Liver Problems, Stimulant.
Cypress-- Leaves & Shoots-- anti-viral, Astringent, antispasmodic, Coughs, rheumatism, Flu, Wounds, Muscle Nerve Tens Veins.
Cypress-- Tree , Leaves Twig-- Menopausal Problems, circulatory Conditions, Rheumatism, Colds, Whooping Cough, Nervous Tension, Hemorrhoids, Wounds, Astringent.
Dill Herb - Seeds, Fruit --Flatulence, Indigestion, Constipation, Nervousness, Gastric Upsets, Headaches.
Eucalyptus--distilled Cooling, protecting, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, diuretic, analgesic, deodorizing, coughs, cystitis, candida, diabetes, sunburn.
Eucalyptus-- Tree ,Leaves, Twigs-- Sore Throats, Coughs, Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Skin Infections, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism Aches & Pains, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory .
Eucalyptus Lemon-- Tree ,Leaves, Twigs-- Dandruff, Scabs, Sores, Candida, Asthma, Fever, Fungal infections, Skin Infections Sore Throats.
Eucalyptus Peppermint --Tree ,Leaves, Twigs-- Ulcers, Sores, Coughs, Colds, Fever, Respiratory Problems, Viral Infections, Headaches, Flu, Rheumatism, Arthritis.
Eucalyptus Radiata --Tree, Leaves ,Twigs-- Viral Infections, Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Rheumatism, Muscular Strains. Antiseptic.
Evening Primrose Oil-- PMT, MS, menopausal problems, heart disease, psoriasis, eczema, prevents premature aging 10% gamma lineolenic acid, vitamins, minerals.
Fennel Herb - Seeds-- Digestive Problems, Menopausal Problems, Obesity, Constipation, Kidney Stones, Nausea Diuretic.
Frankincense-- Tree , Bark --Sores, Wounds, Fevers, Coughs, Colds, Stress, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Nervous Conditions,
Geranium ---chilblains, cosmetic, endometriosis, menopause, diabetes, throat infections, nerve tonic, sedative, uterine & breast cancer, frostbite, infertility, antiseptic, astringent, skin Skin toner, Adrenal
Hormones, Relaxing, Uplifting, Moisturizing, Toning.
Ginger-- Root-- Stimulating, Rheumatism, Muscular Aches, Pains, Sprains, Broken Bones, Colds, Nausea, Diarrhea, Alcoholism, Digestive Disorders.
Grapefruit-- Tree -- Rind Lethargy, Tonic, Obesity, Kidney & Liver Problems, Migraine, Antidepressant, Aid in Drug Withdrawal Treatment .
Grapeseed Oil-- all skins 100% base oil vitamins, minerals, protein.
Hazelnut Oil-- from the kernel-- slight astringent base oil 100% vitamins, minerals, protein.
Hops Plant -- Buds & Flowers --Neuralgia, Bruising, Menstrual & Menopausal Problems, Rheumatism, Nerves, Diuretic, Sedative Analgesic.
Hyssop Herb - leaves & Flowering Tops-- Bruises, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Viruses, Blood Pressure Circulation, Nervous Tension, Asthma, Tonic.
Immortelle Flower - Flowering Tops-- Bacterial Infections, Rheumatism, Muscle Aches, Weakness, Lethargy, Depression, Respiration, Colds, Flu, Fever, Fungicide.
Inula odorata --anti-viral.
Jasmine --Bush, Flowers-- Nervous Tension, Depression, Menstrual Problems,Laryngitis, Anxiety, Lethargy, Relaxant.
Jojoba Oil-- from the bean-- inflammation, psoriases, eczema, acne, hair care, penetrates 10% protein, minerals, waxy collagen like substance.
Juniper Tree/Bush - Berries-- Tonic for nervous system, digestive stimulant, Diuretic, Acne, Coughs, Ulcers, Fatigue, Rheumatism, Sores, Urinary Infections.
Lavender-- Burns, prevents scarring, antibiotic, antidepressant, sedative, immunoactive, Wounds, relaxing, Moisturizing, Antiseptic, Toning, Eczema, Tension, Insomnia, Asthma, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Bacterial Conditions, Headaches, Dermatitis, Fainting.
Lemon Grass-- Grass, Whole Plant, Antiseptic, Infections, Headaches, Sore Throats, Respiration, Fevers, Tonic, Insect Repellent .
Lemon Oil --Tree ,Rind of Fruit-- water purifier, antiseptic, antibacterial oil, verrucas, insect bites, tension headaches, lymphatic tonic, digestive stimulant, disperse cellulite, slimming, anti wrinkle Diuretic,
Stimulating, Anxiety, Astringent, Antiseptic, BP Vitamin C, Carotene (A) Bioflavonoids.
Lime-- Tree ,Rind-- Fevers, Rheumatism, Sore Throats, Headaches, Anorexia, Alcoholism, Depression, Anxiety Astringent, Tonic.
Mace Tree - Peel of Fruit-- Indigestion, Weakness, Bacterial Infections, Gout, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Circulation.
Mandarin-- Tree, Rind-- Insomnia, Nervousness, Liver Problems, Digestion, Anxiety, Tonic, Tranquilizer. Marjoram Herb -- Flowering Tops-- Relaxing, Sprains, Bruises, Colds, Rheumatism, Intestinal, Cramps, Menstrual Problems Anxiety, Asthma, Bronchitis, Insomnia, Circulation, Muscular Disorders.
Melissa --Herb ,Leaves --Relaxing, Nervousness, Bacterial & Fungal Infections, Diarrhea, Eczema, Sedative Cardiac Tonic.
Myrrh-- Tree, Bark/Resin-- Antiseptic, Astringent, Tonic, Healing Agent, Dermatitis Coughs, Mouth and skin ulcers, Bacterial & Fungal Infections.
Neroli-- Blossoms--Bitter Orange Tree-- Antidepressant, Aphrodisiac,Antiseptic, Digestive Aid, Sedative, Bacterial Infections, Bronchitis,Diarrhea, Fungicide, Insomnia, Relaxing, Moisturizing.
Niaouli --Leaves and stems- Melaeleuca Tree Antiseptic, Soothing Agents,Pain Reliever, Decongestant Gomenol Bush - Leaves, Twigs Anti-viral,Wounds, Infections, Bacterial Disease, Sore Throats, Burns, Respiration,Acne.
Nutmeg-- Tree ,Seed--- Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle Aches, Rheumatism,Arthritis, Nervousness, Insomnia, Cardio Stimulant.
Olive Oil-- rheumatic conditions, hair care, soothes 10% protein, minerals,vitamins.
Orange Tree - Rind of Fruit --Depression, Anxiety, Constipation, NervousConditions, Muscular Spasm, Tonic, Sedative Antiseptic.
Oregano-- Herb ,Leaves & Flowering Tops-- Anti-viral, Bronchitis,Rheumatism, Respiration, Muscle Pain, Digestion.
Palma Rosa-- Grass-- Skin infections, Anorexia, Tonic.
Parsley --Herb , seeds --Nervous Conditions, Kidney Problems, Menstrual andMenopausal Problems, Sedative, Diuretic.
Patchouli --Plant-- Antidepressant, Sedative, Aphrodisiac Anxiety, Acne,Eczema, Herpes, Ulcers (Skin) "Tired Skin" .
Patchouli-- Plant ,Leaves-- Skin Inflammations, Fungal infections, Acne,Eczema, Dandruff, Antiseptic, Diuretic Insecticide.Peanut Oil 100% base oil protein, vitamins, minerals.
Peppermint --Herb , Whole Plant --Inflammation, Nausea, Indigestion,Fevers, Flatulence, Headaches Migraine, Liver Problems Arthritis, Stimulant.
Peppermint-- digestive, respiration, circulation, anti-inflammatiory,antiseptic, gas, flu, migraine, Fatigue, Migraine, Asthma, Bronchitis,Stimulating.
Petitgrain-- Tree ,Leaves, Twigs --Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression,Antiseptic, Tonic, Aids Convalescence. Pimento-- Tree ,Berries, Twigs--Flatulence, Indigestion, Cramps, Intestinal Problems, Colds, Rheumatism,
Muscular Strains, Depression, Tonic, Tranquilizer.
Pine-- Needles, Bark, Berries-- Antiseptic, Diuretic, Stimulant adrenalglands, Bladder, Kidney, Chest infections, Infections, Fatigue, Rheumatism,Gout, Flu, Bronchitis, Muscle Pain, Diuretic, Respiration Sore Throats,Colds, Circulation, Muscle pain Turpentine.
Ravensara-- Bush ,Leaves-- Viral Infections, Liver Infections, LungInfections, Respiratory Problems, Antiseptic.
Red thyme-- anti-viral.
Rose-- Flower--Depression, aphrodisiac, Female organ regulator, astringent,Sedative, Heart tonic, Stomach Liver, Uterus, Nausea, Headache, Insomnia,Skin Care, Relaxing, Toning Moisturizing, Antiseptic.
Rose Bulger(Bulgarian) Bush - Flowers Petals Anxiety, Depression, CirculatoryProblems, Menopausal Problems, Antiseptic, Tonic.
Rose Maroc (Morocco)- Bush, Flowers, Petals-- Menstrual Disorders,Depression, Stress, Tension, Circulatory Conditions, Tonic, Sedative.
Rosemary-- Herb -- Physical & Mental stimulant, muscular conditions,antiseptic, sprains, arthritis rheumatism, depression, fatigue, memoryloss, migraine, flue, diabetes, hair care, Antiseptic Stimulating, Toning.
Sage-- Herb ,Plant --Tonic, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Blood Pressure, FemaleReproductive System, Sores Fatigue, Nervousness, Asthma, Bronchitis, LowBlood Pressure, Bacterial Infections, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Sprains,
Fibrosis, Astringent.
Sandalwood-- Tree-- Antiseptic, Tonic, Aphrodisiac, Fatigue, Impotence, Relaxing, Uplifting, Acne, Cystitis, Moisturizing, Menstrual Problems, Skin Infections, Fungal & Bacterial Infections, Sedative.
Sesame Oil --psoriasis, eczema, rheumatism, arthritis 10 % dilutionvitamins, minerals, proteins, lecithin, amino acids.
Soya Bean Oil-- 100 % base oil protein, minerals, vitamins.
Spearmint-- Herb ,Leaves, Flowering Tops-- Flatulence, Indigestion,Intestinal Cramps, Fevers, Nausea, Colic, Hemorrhoids.
Sunflower Oil --base oil 100 % vitamins, minerals.
Sweet Almond oil --From the kernel-- itching, soreness, dryness,inflammation use 100% Glucosides, minerals, vitamins, protein.
Tagetes --Plant ,Flowers-- Fungal Infections, Skin Infections, Cuts,Sprains, Strains, Wounds, Circulation Antiseptic.
Tangerine --Uplifting.
Tea Tree-- Tree, Leaves, Twigs-- anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial,Antiseptic, Colds, Influenza, Cold Sores, Warts Verrucas, Inflammation,Acne, Burns, Candida, Shock, Hysteria.
Thyme Red (Vulgaris)-- Herb ,Leaves, Flowering Tops-- Bacterial Infections,Urinary Infections, Rheumatism, Lethargy, Sores, Wounds, Stimulant Tonic,Raises Immunity .
Thyme Red (Vulgaris)-- Thyme linalol anti-viral, eliminates toxic wastes,whooping cough, warts, neuralgia, fatigue, acne, Hair & skin care, cooking,antiseptic powders, Fatigue, Skin Inflammation, Antiseptic Only diluted,overuse causes thyroid problems.
Valerian Plant - Roots --Sedative, Calming, Nervous Conditions, Trembling,Neuralgia, Insomnia, Palpitations Sedative, Tranquilizer .
Vetiver-- Roots of Grass-- Calming, Anxiety, Nervous Tension, Insomnia,Rheumatism, Muscle Relaxant, Antiseptic, Tonic.
Violet-- Leaves, Plant - Inflammations, Kidney Problems, Obesity, SkinInfections, Fibrosis, Rheumatism Analgesic and Liver Decongestant.
Wheat germ Oil-- eczema, psoriasis, premature aging, 10% dilution protein,minerals, vitamins.
Wintergreen-- Herb - Stimulating.
Yarrow --Herb,Leaves, Flowering Tops-- Inflammations, Cramps, Constipation,Circulation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Menstrual Problems Astringent.
Ylang-Ylang --Tree,Flowers-- Sedative, Antiseptic, Aphrodisiac, High BloodPressure, Intestinal Infections, Impotence Uplifting, Moisturizing,Anxiety, Depression, Sedative, Tonic.

{part 2}

Therapeutic uses of Essential oils.

Symptoms to Oil List
Physical. Mental, Spiritual and Emotional

ABCESSES Lavender, Tea Tree
ABDOMINAL CRAMPS Lavender, Clary Sage
ACCUMULATION OF TOXINS Birch, Carrot Seed, Juniper
ACNE Bergamot, Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa , Patchouli,Sandalwood, Tea Tree
AGEING SKIN Frankincense
ALLERGIES Chamomile, Lavender , Melissa, Patchouli
AMENORRHOEA (Missing or scanty periods) Basil, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Myrrh
ARTHRITIS Benzoin, Birch, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Ginger,Juniper
ASTHMA Clary Sage , Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender , Marjoram
ATHLETES FOOT Tea Tree, Myrrh BOILS Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender
BRONCHIAL INFECTIONS (Including Colds, Flu & Bronchitis) Basil, Benzoin,Cajeput, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Frankincense , Ginger, Immortelle,Lavender, Marjoram, Myrtle , Peppermint, Pine Needle, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme
BRUISES Fennel, Lavender , Parsley Seed
BURNS Lavender
CATARRH Eucalyptus, Lavender , Pine Needle, Thyme
CELLULITIS Birch, Fennel, Geranium,Grapefruit
CHILBLAINS Black Pepper, Lemon, Marjoram
COLD SORES Bergamot , Eucalyptus, Tea Tree
COLIC Black Pepper, Chamomile, Marjoram , Peppermint
CONGESTED SKIN Geranium, Grapefruit
COUGHS Benzoin, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus , Ginger, Immortelle, Marjoram, Myrtle , Pine Needle,Tea Tree , Thyme
CRACKED & CHAPPED SKIN Benzoin, Myrrh, Patchouli
CUTS Benzoin, Chamomile , Lemon
CYSTITIS Bergamot, Lavender, Sandalwood
DANDRUFF Lavender , Patchouli
DERMATITIS Birch, Chamomile , Immortelle, Lavender, Palmarosa
DIARRHOEA Griping pains:-Cardamon Seed, Peppermint
DRY SKIN Geranium (esp. with oily patches), Sandalwood
DYSMENORRHOEA (Painful periods/menstrual cramps) Basil, Chamomile, ClarySage , Cypress, Lavender, Marjoram
DYSPEPSIA Basil, Lavender, Marjoram
ECZEMA Bergamot , Birch, Chamomile , Immortelle, Lavender , Melissa,Patchouli
FLATULENCE Cardamon Seed, Lime GOUT Benzoin, Carrot Seed, Juniper , Lemon,Rosemary
GREASY SKIN Lemon, Sandalwood, Tea Tree
HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Cypress , Parsley Seed
HAIR CARE Birch, Rosemary
HEARTBURN Cardamon Seed HERPES Tea Tree
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (Hypertension) Lavender, Marjoram, Ylang Ylang
INDIGESTION Cardamon Seed, Chamomile, Orange
INFLAMMATION Benzoin, Chamomile, Lavender
INSECT BITES & STINGS Basil, Chamomile, Lavender, Tea Tree
LARYNGITIS AND SORE THROATS Benzoin, Ginger, Lavender , Thyme
LEUCORRHOEA(White vaginal discharge) Bergamot, Lavender, Myrrh LUMBAGO Marjoram
MENOPAUSAL PROBLEMS Cypress, Geranium MENORRHAGIA (Heavy periods) Cypress
METRORRHAGIA (Bleeding between periods) Frankincense
MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS Basil, Black Pepper,Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Ginger,Grapefruit , Immortelle, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosemary
NAUSEA Cardamon Seed,Chamomile
OBESITY Birch, Fennel
OEDEMA/WATER RETENTION Birch, Carrot Seed , Fennel, Grapefruit
PMT/PMS Geranium , Juniper, Lavender , Melissa
POOR CIRCULATION Black Pepper, Ginger , Pine Needle, Rosemary
PRURITIS Bergamot, Myrrh, Tea Tree
PSORIASIS Bergamot , Birch
RASHES Chamomile
RHEUMATISM Benzoin, Birch, Chamomile, Eucalyptus , Ginger, Juniper,Lavender, Marjoram, Rosemary
SCARS Frankincense , Petitgrain, Lavender
SKIN CARE Carrot Seed, Cedarwood, Palmarosa, Rosewood
SORES Eucalyptus, Lavender
SPOTS Lavender, Tea Tree
SPRAINS & STRAINS Chamomile, Lavender
STOMACH CRAMPS Clary Sage, Peppermint
STRETCH MARKS Mandarin, Lavender
TOOTHACHE Cajeput, Chamomile
URETHRITIS Cedarwood, Tea Tree
CORNS & WARTS Lemon, Tea Tree
WOUNDS Chamomile , Lemon, Myrrh, Tea Tree
ANXIETY Bergamot , Petitgrain
BOREDOM Lemongrass
DEPRESSION Basil, Bergamot , Immortelle, Lavender , Lime, Sandalwood
DULL DAYS Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Lime , Orange
GRIEF Melissa
HEADACHE Chamomile, Lavender
NERVOUS EXHAUSTION & FATIGUE Basil, Peppermint, Rosemary
INSOMNIA Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram
NERVOUS TENSION & STRESS Benzoin, Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage,Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Sandalwood, Vetivert.
VERTIGO Lavender, Peppermint
SHOCK Peppermint , Petitgrain
FEVERS Eucalyptus , Lemongrass
INSECT REPELLENT Lemongrass; Citronella, Lavender

Aromatherapy recipes  (Submitted by Rose 12/8/00)

 Frankincense Boswellia carterii, also known as Olibanum  A small tree or shrub native to north east Africa. It produces an oleo gum   resin which is collected by making incisions into the bark. This is the   steam distilled. The fragrance is warm,calming, balsamic, with a hint of   camphor.It is often used in meditation and ceremonies and improves with age.  Anti-inflamnatory and wonderful for skin care, especially aging skin and
 scars. Rejuvenates and tones while softening wrinkles and stretch marks.  Good for nervous tension,and stress relief.Relaxing in a massage with  Lavender. As an expectorant helpful for bronchitis, coughs and other
 respiratory disorders. Regulates and deepens respiration.  Try blending with Lavender, Citrus oils, Sandalwood,Myrrh, Cedarwood,  Patchouli.Spice oils like Cinnamon, Clove.

 Neroli fleur sur Petitgrain
 Botanical name Citrus aurantium / Reg./Spain
 This wonderful oil is a blend of the Orange blossom, the twigs and the  leaves of the Orange.A floral, slightly woody scent. Softer and not as sweet  as Neroli with many of the same qualities yet more subtle. Uplifting yet
 calming, helpful for depression and grief.

 Botanical name Eucalyptus Globulous
 There are other varieties but this is the most common and is usually the one  if not specified. Steam distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. One of the universal oils. Has a strong camphorus odor due to its 80%
 eucalyptol content. Antiseptic, helps defend against cold and flu. Diffused  for two hours per day will keep colds and flu away. An effective remedy for  all respiratory ills. It relieves cough, is an expectorant and a
 decongestant, an excellent treatment for sore throat and sinus problems. Use  as a chest rub ,an inhalant, or in the bath. A first rate disinfectant. Uses: Colds and Flu, muscular aches and pains, neuralgia, cold sores, insect
 repellent, insect bites and stings

 Here are some blends to try. Create a massage oil or add to a diffuser.

 To entice and arouse the senses
 Sandalwood 4 drops
 Ylang Ylang 2 drops
 Neroli 4 drops

 To set the mood
 Clary 3 drops
 Sandalwood 3 drops
 Ylang 4 drops

 To relax and bring about a meditative state
 Sandalwood 3 drops
 Frankincense 5 drops
 Myrrh 2 drops
 Neroli 4 drops
 Sandal 3
 rose otto 3

 Recipe for colds and flu.
 Tea Tree 2 drops
 Eucalyptus 3 drops
 in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil .
 Massage into whole body and go to bed.

 Try this for over exercised muscles.
 Eucalyptus 5 drops
 Peppermint 5 drops
 Ginger 5 drops
 In 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil.

 Here's a recipe for a hangover (just in case):
 Rosemary 1 drop
 Lavender 3 drop,
 Peppermint 2 drops.
 Blend and inhale.

 Blend for a bath
 Lavender 4 drops
 Marjoram 2 drops
 Rosemary 2 drops

 Massage into temples and back of neck
 Lavender 1 drop
 Peppermint 1 drop
 in Jojoba or other vegetable oil.

 To pamper yourself:
 Rose 3 drops
 Neroli 3 drops
 Lavender 3 drops
 Use in Bath, add to Massage Oil, or Diffuse in Aroma Lamp

 To Revive you after a shopping trip:
 Blend Lemon 2 drops
 Peppermint 2 drop
 Pine 2 drops
 Use as above.

 Stress Blend
 Lavender 3 drops
 Bergamot 3 drops
 Sandalwood 2 drops
 Use as above.

 Monster Kid blend
 Lavender 4 drops
 Roman Chamomile 1 drop
 in Sweet Almond Oil for baths and Massage

 Here is a room spray recipe to try.
 1 drop Frankincense
 3 drops Pine
 1 drop Cinnamon
 2 drops Orange
 add this to 1 1/4 C. water , use plant mister.

 Essential Oils may be added to unscented candles. Light candle,  wait until wax starts to melt, add 1 drop essential oil to it,  just by the wick.

 Essential oils can be added to fireplace logs before burning .  Use only 1 drop per log, be sure to prepare logs ahead of time.  Use only 1 essential oil log per fire.

 Make your gifts extra special.
 Scent wrapping paper, a couple drops on a cotton ball ,  seal in plastic bag with wrapping paper and leave overnight

 Add essential oils to the cardboard of a paper towel roll or  toilet paper roll. The room will be clean and fragrant.  Remember all essential oils are antiseptic so you'll help keep  colds and flu bugs away.

 Pine Bath Salts
 Layer Pine Needles in a jar with sea salt and/or epsom salt.  Add a drop of Pine essential oil if you wish.
 Cover and let sit for 1-2 weeks. Use 1-2 T. per bath.

 Did you know?
 The disinfectant properties of Eucalyptus essential oil improves with age.  Use in the kitchen or bathroom to wipe down countertops.  Use 2 drops on a sponge or cloth.  Other bacteria busters include: Lemon, Pine, Lime, Grapefruit, Lavender

OIL BLENDS FOR ANXIETY  (Submitted by Chandralin  25/8/00)

Anxiety Diffuser Blend
15 drops clary sage oil
10 drops bergamot oil
10 drops geranium oil
8 drops chamomile oil
8 drops marjoram oil
5 drops ylang ylang oil
Drop the essential oils into a small glass bottle and gently turn the bottle upside down a few times or roll it between your hands to blend. Add some of the mixture to your diffuser or lamp bowl. run your diffuser or lamp as necessary to prevent or reduce anxiety.

Anxiety Bath Blend
2 drops frankincense oil
2 drops geranium oil
2 drops neroli oil
2 drops patchouli oil
Disperse the essential oils in a bathtub filled with warm water. Enjoy a calming soak for twenty to thirty minutes.

Quick-Fix Anxiety Inhalant
3 drops neroli oil
2 drops benzoin resin
2 drops geranium oil
2 drops rosewood oil
2 drops ylang ylang oil
1 drop frankincense oil
1 drop rose oil
Drop the essential oils into a small glass bottle with an airtight cover and blend. Inhale directly from the bottle to prevent or alleviate an anxiety attack. Repeat as often as needed.

50 Uses for Essential Oils  (Submitted by Obsidian 13/9/00)

1. For good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying. Add 5 drops essential oil to 1/4 cup fabric
softener or water and place in the center cup of the washer.

2. Potpourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil.

3. Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.

4. Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot.

5. To enjoy a scented candle, place a drop or two into the hot melted wax as the candle bums.

6. To dispel household cooking odors, add a few drops of Clove oil to a simmering pan.

7. For tired aching muscles or arthritis aches, mix 1 part Cinnamon, Sage and Basil oil to 4 parts Sweet Almond or other vegetable oil and use as a massage oil.

8. Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil onto the back of your neck.

9. To blend your own massage oil, add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 oz. Sweet Almond or other skin- nourishing vegetable oil.

10. Add 10 drops of essential oil to a box of cornstarch or baking soda, mix very well, let set for a day or two and then sprinkle over the carpets on your home. Let set for an hour or more, then vacuum.

11. To make a natural flea collar, saturate a short piece of cord or softn rope with Pennyroyal or Tea Tree oil, roll up in a handkerchief and tie loosely around the animal's neck.

12. Shoes can be freshened by either dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes. Athlete's foot? Tea Tree is great!

13. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. Lemon and Pine are nice. Rose Geranium helps with pet odors.

14. To fragrance your kitchen cabinets and drawers, place a good scent dabbed on a cotton ball into an inconspicuous comer.

15. Are mice a problem? Place several drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place at problem locations.

16. The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous places, or sprinkle oils directly onto silk or dried flower arrangements or wreaths.

17. Apply true Lavender oil or Tea Tree oil directly to cuts, scrapes or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing.

18. Homemade soaps are pleasant and offer therapeutic effects when scented with essential oils. Use soaps which contain pure essential oils.

19. Homemade sachets are more fragrant when essential oils are blended with the flowers and herbs.

20. An essential oil dropped onto a radiator scent ring or light bulb will not only fill the room with a wonderful fragrance, but will also set a mood such as calming or uplifting. (Don't put essential oil in the socket.)

21. A few drops of your favorite oil or blend in the rinse water of your hand washables makes for pleasant results.

22. Anise oil has been used by fishermen for years. Use a drop or two on the fingertips before baiting up. Anise covers up the human scent that scares the fish away.

23. Essential oils or blends make wonderful perfumes. Create your own personal essence! Add 25 drops to 1 oz of perfume alcohol and allow to age for two weeks before using.

24. To dispel mosquitoes and other picnic pests, drop a few drops of Citronella oil on the melted wax of a candle or place a few drops on the Bar-B-Q hot coals.

25. 1 drop of Lemon essential oil applied directly to a wart is an effective means of elimination. Apply the essential oil daily until the wart is gone.

26. Rosemary promotes alertness and stimulates memory. Inhale occasionally during long car trips and while reading or studying.

27. Selling your home? Fragrance sells! Fill the kitchen area with the aroma of spices such as Clove, Cinnamon and Vanilla. Simmer a few drops of the essential oil of Cinnamon, Nutmeg and other spices. Geranium oil sprinkled throughout the home creates a warm, cheerful and inviting mood. Add Cinnamon oil to furniture polish and wipe down the wood.

28. Add essential oils to paper mache. The result is the creation of a lovely aromatic piece of art.

29. Infuse bookmarks and stationery with essential oils. Place drops of oil on paper and put them in a plastic bag. Seal it and leave overnight to infuse the aroma. Send only good news in perfumed letters.

30. Nock pillows, padded and decorative hangers make more memorable gifts simply by putting a couple of drops of essential oil on them before giving.

31. Overindulge last night? Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. Make your own blend of these oils and use a total of 6-8 drops in a bath.

32. Essential oils of Vetivert, Cypress, Cedarwood, Frankincense and Myrrh all make wonderful firewood oil. Drop approximately 2-3 drops of oil or blend of your choice on a dried log and allow time for the oil to soak in
before putting the log on the fire.

33. Flies and moths dislike Lavender oil. Sprinkle it on the outside of your window frames.

34. Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep.

35. When moving into a new home, first use a water spray containing your favorite essential oils and change the odorous environment to your own. Do this for several days until it begins to feel like your space.

36. Ideal scents for the bedroom are Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender or Lemon.

37. One drop of Lemon essential oil on a soft cloth will polish copper with a gentle buffing.

38. When washing out the fridge, freezer or oven, add 1 drop of Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Tangerine or Orange essential oil to the final rinse water.

39. For bums or scalds, drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area.

40. Place 1 drop of Peppermint oil in 1/2 glass of water, sip slowly to aid digestion and relieve upset stomach.

41. Use 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve teething pain in children.

42. Six to eight drops of Eucalyptus oil in the bath cools the body in summer and protects in winter.

43. Add 1 drop Geranium oil to your facial moisturizer to bring out a radiant glow in your skin.

44. Place 1 or 2 drops of Rosemary on your hair brush before brushing to promote growth and thickness.

45. When the flu is going around add a few drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove.

46. To bring fever down, sponge the body with cool water to which 1 drop each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender oils have been added.

47. The blend of Lavender and Grapefruit oil is good for the office. Lavender creates a calm tranquil atmosphere while Grapefruit stimulates the senses and clears up stale air.

48. A blend of Geranium, Lavender and Bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression. Use in a room diffuser or 6-8 drops of this blend in the bath.

49. A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil.

50. 1 drop Peppermint oil diluted in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil rubbed on the back of the neck helps to relieve headaches

Properties of some Essential Oils  (Submitted by Obsidian 20/12/00)

digestive weakness, liver stimulant, children, pregnant women and the elderly, stress, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, skin tonic, acne, oily skin, fluid retention, obesity, hiccups, restlessness.

Neroli (Orange blossom)
relaxing, uplifting, stress, skin, stretchmarks, scars, thread veins, dry skin, sensitive skin, colitis, diarrhoea, insomnia, PMS, sedative, anxiety, tension, stress, heart palpitations, shock, colic, sensitive skin, mature
skin, wrinkles, poor circulation, flatulence, spasms, nervous dyspepsia (dyspepsia = difficulty with digestion associated with pain, flatulence, heartburn, nausea etc.), depression.

Petitgrain (Orange leaf)
depression, anxiety, insomnia, oily skin, digestive system, dyspepsia, flatulence, skin problems, apathy, irritability, acne, excessive perspiration, insomnia, stress.

Tea Tree
Antiseptic, disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, infections, immune system problems, colds, flu, bronchitis, asthma, verrucae, warts, burns, inflammation, thrush, mild shock, hysteria, acne, sunburn, dandruff, mouthwash, cuts, insect bites, candida.

Ylang Ylang
Antiseptic, antispasmodic, nervous system, relaxing, depression, mild shock, anger, stress, tension, high blood pressure, digestive upsets, sedative, anxiety, tachycardia (what I have), intestinal infections, acne, insect
bites, oily skin, irritated skin, Frigidity, hypertension.

Soothing, mental focus, balancing, headaches, lice, fleas, sunburn, athletes foot, abscesses, antispasmodic, burns, scalds, wounds, sores, varicose veins, antiseptic, insect repellent, whooping cough, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, respiratory problems, flu, digestive complaints, genito-urinary problems, cystitis, flatulence, shock, vertigo, dysmenorrhoea (painful periods), PMT, gangrene, facial ulcers, spider bites, tuberculosis, insecticide, migraines, insomnia, carminative, eczema, scars, acne, indigestion, earache, scabies, cholesterol, diuretic, high blood pressure, leucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea (Lack of or scanty periods).

Dandruff, urinary and respiratory infections, antiseptic, skin/throat/mouth infections, scalp and skin, psoriasis, acne, ulcers, stress, depression, cold sores, shingles, insomnia, anxiety, depression, bad breath (Halitosis), deodorant (for excessive perspiration/cleaning wounds), worms, intestinal parasites, colic, vaginal infections, flatulence, boils, cold sores, eczema, varicose ulcers, wounds, tonsillitis, loss of appetite, colds, , fever, flu, slow digestion.

digestive weakness, liver stimulant, children, pregnant women and the elderly, stress, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, skin tonic, acne, oily skin, fluid retention, obesity, hiccups, restlessness, laxative.

Eucalyptus  (there are several types) - all are highly toxic

lemon  - athletes foot, fungal infections, candida, cuts, dandruff, herpes, insect repellent, scabs, sores, wounds, asthma, laryngitis, sore throats, colds, fever, infections, skin conditions, chicken pox.

Peppermint - cuts, sores, ulcers, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sports injuries, sprains, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh (runny nose), coughs, throat and mouth infections, colds, fever, flu, infectious
illness, measles, headaches, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, sciatica.

Blue Gum - (most common) - Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, wounds, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, throat infections, cystitis, leucorrhoea (white discharge from the vagina), chicken pox, colds, epidemics, flu, measles, debility, headache, neuralgia, fever, worms, builds scars, rheumatism, asthma, laryngitis.

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Essential oils and Aromatherapy classes available from: