Well...I have a wonderful recipe for a three fold chocolate cake. (it is very tasty and a vegan recipe for those of you who are vegetarian :-) )
I am giving the recipe I use for it, I make it into a three layer cake so this recipe is triples. You can also make it in small individual sized cakes. (For Sabbaths I usually shape it into a triple moon in honor of the Goddess, birth , life and death). Magickally this cake boosts fertility, bring prosperity, helps in verbalization, creativity, and represents the joy of living.
Three fold Cake
4 1/2 cups flour
3 cups sugar
9 tablespoons cocoa
3 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoons salt
12 tablespoons oil
3 teaspoons vanilla
3 tablespoons vinegar
3 cups cold water
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Mix dry ingredients together.
3) Make three indentations
in the dry ingredients, to one add the oil,
to one add the vinegar and
the other add the vanilla. Mix for three
4) Slowly stir in the water.
Continue to stir for three more minutes.
5) Pour even amount into three
9inch round pans (make sure the pans are
greased and floured so the
cake wont stick).
6) Bake in the oven for 30
minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
1/2 cup Sea Salt
1/2 cup Epsom Salts
1/2 cup fresh herbs leaves
or flowers
1/4 cup Baking Soda
few drops essential oils
Blend the above ingredients in a food processor or blender. Some oils to try: Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Patchouli, High John, Rose, Geranium & Grapefruit. Place 1/4 cup of the mixture under running warm water for fragrant herbal bath.
1.Be sure all herbs,spices,peels,and
flowers are completely dry.
2.All dry ingredients must
be ground into a fine powder.
3.Mix all ingredients in a
small glass container with a clean stick or your fingers.
4.Let the incense stand over
night to dry.
5.Store any unused incense
in a tightly capped glass jar,away from light.
6.These incenses need self-igniting
charcoal. Check the classified ads.Or,in a pinch,you might try to smolder
some in a small,heavy pan on top of your stove.
7.Most important,for best results,try
to blend your energies with the incense as you prepare and use it.
Pagan Power Incense
House blessing Incense Solstice Citrus
For Ritual Energy
2.Tab. dry lemon peel
1.Tab. dry orange peel
1.Tab. cinnamon
1.Tab. rosemary
1.Tab. dry grapefruit peel
1.Tab. anise seed
1.Tab. almond extract
1.Tab. dry lemon peel
1.Teas. nutmeg
1.Teas. cinnamon
1.Tab. dry tangerine peel
1.Teas. ginger
1.Pinch. garlic skins
1.Teas. orange extract
1.Teas. lemon peel
1.Teas. anise seed
1.Teas. lemon extract
1.Teas. lemon extract
1.Teas. allspice
1.Teas. peppermint extract
1.Teas. coconut extract
Dry petals of 3 white roses
1.Pinch. salt
To honor your Personal
Deity Help
Thank You Incense
Dry peel of one Orange
2.Tab. cinnamon
2.Tab. rosemary
1.Teas. nutmeg
2.Tab. vanilla extract
1.Tab. cinnamon
1.Teas. vanilla extract
1.Tab. rosemary
1.Teas. sage
1.Teas. almond extract
1.Tab. thyme
1.Teas. allspice
Petals of one carnation
1.Teas. clove
Dry peel of one lemon
Petals of one rose
1.Teas. ginger
Dry petals of 3 roses
1.Teas. allspice
1.Tab. almond extract
Sacred Space
1.Pinch. salt
4.Tab. cedar chips
1.Tab. thyme
White Light Delight (Use when invoking the white light of
1.Tab. sage
1.Tab. rosemary
1.Teas. almond extract
2.Teas. rosemary
1.Tab. ginger
1.Teas. coconut extract
1.Teas. cinnamon
Dry peel of one lemon 7.crushed
bay leaves
1.Pinch. salt
Dry petal of 2 white roses
1.Pinch. tobacco
1.Teas. vanilla Extract
Back to the top
Altar Incense
*used to consecrate circles, altars and tools.
5-6 small myrrh resin stones
2 tsp. red sandalwood chips
2 tsp. yellow sandalwood powder
1 handful lavender
1 handful juniper berries
20 drops pine oil
20 drops sandalwood oil
1 tsp. benzoin
1 tsp. ginger
1. Grind myrrh
2. add sandalwood chips
and grind lightly
3. add yellow sandalwood
powder and stir
4. remove ingredients
and place in a bowl
5. Add lavender to mortar
and grind lightly
6. Add juniper berries
and grind
7. Add first mixture
to juniper berries and lavender
8. add pine oil and sandalwood
oil and stir
9. Add benzoin and stir
10. Add ginger and stir
Place the mixture in front of the Goddess candle for a few moments. Place mixture in the container you plan to store it in and hold it over your Third Eye while chanting:
When you feel you have empowered
the incense, place the mixture in front of the Goddess candle again and
leave it there until the candle burns out.
My grandmother got this recipe from a family friend in Ireland and she has been using it for about 40 years now. Back to the top
This is for anointing candles when you do a banishing spell...
Banishing oil
1/2 oz olive oil
15 drops pine oil
12 drops rue oil
7 drops pepper oil
10 drops peppermint oil
crushed black peppercorns
obsidian or black onyx
Some of these oils are volatile. Do not anoint yourself with Banishing oil. You could burn yourself. Wash your hands after using.
From: "Christine Cover" [email protected]
Boil water and remove from heat add rose petals and leave in until the petals turn white. Remove the petals and store in the fridge this is good for about 48 hours.
Goddess (for calling the Goddess)
1 Tsp. Basil, 2 Tsp. Rpsemary, 1 Tsp. Vervain, 1 Tsp. Fennel
Night (a spirit recipes)
1 Tsp. Cloves, 1 Tsp. Mugwort, 1 Tsp. Thyme, 1 Tsp. Poke Root, 1 Moonstone
Wicca (another spirit recipe)
3 Tsp. Wormwood, 2 Tsp. Lavender, 1 Tsp. Dog Grass, 1 Tsp. Damiana, 1 Tsp. Hemp
Blessing (for blessing tools, objects and people)
2 Tsp. agar agar, 1 Tsp. Ash leaves, 1 Tsp. Angel's turnip, 1 Tsp. Lovage, 1 Tsp. Quince seed
Angel (use on white candles for luck)
3 Tsp. Myrrh, 1 Tsp. Frankincense, 1 Tsp. Laurel, 1 Tsp. Rosemary
Psychic (use on purple candles to increase psychic ability for scrying)
1 Tsp. Mint, 2 Tsp. Frankincense, 1 Tsp. Wormwood, 1 Tsp. Sage, 1 Tsp. Sandlewood
Dream Oil
Place a few drops on your pillow before going to sleep. Anoint your forehead, throat and below the heart when used in rituals to being about prophetic dreams or astral projection. Mix equal parts of grated lemon peel or lemon flowers, frankincense and myrrh. Use ywo tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. OPTIONAL: place a bit of five-finger grass in each bottle of oil made.
Anointed on charms designed
to protect the home from evil. Sprinkled about
the home to keep evil influences
away. Use equal parts of the following; five-finger grass, sandalwood,
gardenia petals and purslane herb. Add two tablespoons of this mixture
to two ounces of oil. One pinch of blessed salt is put in each bottle of
oil made.
Said to help attract a lover. As a perfume anoint on the forehead, heart and genitals. Use two tablespoons of any one of the following: jasmine, red rose or lavender to two ounces of oil. A small piece of orris root is added to each bottle of oil made. -OR- Mix together two parts of red rose petals to one part of cinnamon. Use two tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. A small piece of orris root is added to each bottle of oil made.
This oil is useful in rituals to bring about peacful thoughts. Anoint on the forehead and temples. Useful when beginning meditation. Use equal parts of the following; lavender, rosemary and wintergreen herbs. Two tablespoons of this mixture is added to two ounces of oil.
From: [email protected]
From: The Rubricant <[email protected]>
Well, I have worked on it for more than three months, but I finally have perfected my latest project:
"Rubricants Celebrated lchemical Formula for Magickal Weight Loss and Bodily Improvement"
or, as I call it, the Body Potion.
I will post this formula on the list in the following space to serve several
1)It shall allow
others to try the formula and share their results
2)It shall allow
a forum for which I can share my new formula
3)If I don't digitize
this sucker I'll forget to put it in my lab notes
4)It shall exhibit
my ability to post almost anything I want :)
I did not take a exact count of parts (by the end I had begun adding to the point where my notes were too cluttered) But the herbs are listed in order of amount and importance
Senna Leaf
(whole and partial)
Star Anise
(crushed and pulverized)
or Marjoram (a light touch)
Cumin or
Cayenne or Mace (extremely light touch! Barely enough to see!)
Blend all of these herbs together
in some type of container. Make as much as possible at one time.
Your going to have to be creative with your placements, make sure it looks
somewhat balanced, more Senna than Basil, more Basil than Mint, more Mint
than Ginger. Anise, Caraway, and Cinnamon are about equal, one part
each is what I used. The last too were somewhat spur of the moment,
but they worked in the formula. You will use a tall, fullsized
glass for this formula. It is best if the glass is clear and can
be used as a reflective (not frosted). Fill the glass with scalding
(not boiling...but close) water, pouring the water OVER the herbs (they
have already been spooned into the glass) Stir the mixture together, saying
some form of impromptu chant, whatever fits your need best, mentioning
the manifestation of your desire.
Vizualize the body you wish
to obtain in the glass as you stir, also drawing energy with a chant.
Place at the bottom of another glass two teaspons of honey (clover is excellent)
and strain the potion into that
glass. Clean out any
residual herbs from the other glass and strain it again, back into the
original glass.
Another chant
can be inserted anywhere in the formula, I said one after doing EVERYTHING!
I did the spiral dance around the kitchen while stirring the herbs (chanting),
I chanted as I heated the water, I
chanter when I opened the cabinets
to my herbs.....my parents must think I'm quite Daft...
The formula should be somewhat diluted, you don't want to burn yourself or OD on the ginger (heh heh). One teaspoon to a glass is what I used, and it was the color of pale golden honey. Please, feel free to experiment with the formula, but remeberer what you did to it, so I can try to replicate your experiment. Enjoy!
Romantic Blend
* 2 drops Grapefruit,
* 2 drops Rose
* 2 drops Patchouli,
* 1 drop Lavender.
This is a very musky, heavy floral blend.
From: Soror Erisekgal
Vision oil can be premade and purchased through most occult suppliers. Or you can go through the fun process of making it yourself. Here are two recipes for oils that will give you the "vision". These are my own recipes, if it doesn't feel right to you..by all means..change it.....
Vision Oil
8 Drops of Jasmine Oil (once
again synthetic is fine, as the true oil is very expensive)
4 Drops of Rose Oil (synthetic
is fine, as long as the scent is correct)
2 Drop of Honeysuckle Oil
Psychic Vision Oil
6 Drops of Rose Oil
2 Drops of Cinnamon Oil
Keep in mind that most of the
oils that are commercially available (from $2-5.00 a dram) are synthetic.
I have found that in my workings the synthetic oils work much better as
they are the true chemical
composition of the original
essential oil (translation into simple talk = they are the same).
I know that there are some out there who insist and demand that you use
only genuine essential oils, but true Rose oil is around 40 dollars or
so a dram, true Jasmine oil close to $80 or so. And that is for one
small bottle, so you can see, unless you can really afford the true oils,
the synthetics are much more cost effective, especially if you accidentally
spill half of your oil on the floor...
Here is a way that you can make your own scented oils at home, but this takes a long time as the herbs need time to seep into the base oil.
Take some of your herbs, make
sure they are dried first (whatever flower, plant or seed pod) Grind up
the dried herbs in a mortar and pestle (if you don't have one,use a spoon
in a bowl) and put them into a container that is airtight and can be sealed
for a while (IE: 6 months or longer) then cover them with mineral oil (available
at any drug store) Seal the bottle and shake the contents. Then put
the bottle in a dark,cool area and let it sit for about 6 months or more.
When your time is up, you will have an oil that is scented with the item/s
that you placed inside. I recommend using baby food jars, as these
can be relabeled.
Vision Oil
4 Drops
2 Drops
1 Drop Nutmeg
From: LdyRazaln
Holy Water Recipe: (drinkable)
Spring Water
2 Tsp Sea Salt (Fine grain)
7 Drops of Rose Water
Mix on a new moon, place on alter for 1 lunar cycle for charging.
It is water that has had salt added and has been charged
The way I was told to do it and have used is
Taking a small handful of new salt and casting it into a bowl of fresh water, breath these words onto the water's surface, mentally visualizing - and this is the important thing - with all the faith, will, and imagination you can muster, a dim bluish light beginning to hover over it as you do.
"Water and earth
Where you are cast
No spell nor adverse purpose
not in complete accord with
As my word, so mote it be!"
This is now your charged salt and water
1 part sage
1 part thyme
1 part marjoram
1 part camomile
Blend ingredients and place inside a tea ball, place in a mug of hot water and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Or, for larger quantities you can place the herbs inside a pot of water (make sure you don't overdo the amount of herbs you use in proportion to the amount of water...) and heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain to get rid of the herb pieces. Drink up and enjoy the soothing effects!
Healing Bath Recipe (Bath Salts)
Color: Dark blue
3 parts Niaouli
2 parts Eucalyptus
1 part Sandalwood
Protection Bath Recipe (Bath Salts)
COLOR: White
3 Parts Rosemary
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Lavender
Love Bath Recipe (Bath Salts)
3 parts Rosemary
2 parts Lavender
1 part Cardamon
1 part Jasmine
Divine Spiritual Bath Recipe (Bath Salts)
COLOR: Purple
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part frankincense
1 drop Cinnamon
Bath Salt recipes:
I use 30 ml= 2 tablespoons
of carrier oil ( I like sweet almond oil), and approx 10-20 drops of essential
The following recipes are from the web. I've tried them and like them! The amount of oils are for a lot of salts! So I just adjust mine according to how much I'm going to make of one scent! Most of the fun just comes from experimenting with the different scents!
1. Muscle Soak: For soothing tired, aching muscles.
32 Drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
4 Drops Lemongrass (Cymbopogon
4 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
2. Adonis: For a sensual, luxurious bath.
16 Drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
16 Drops Sandalwood (Santalum
8 Drops Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)
3. Make Some Waves: For a bright, cheerful bath.
28 Drops Rosemary (Rosemarinus
6 Drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
6 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
4. Cheer Up: For a quick pick me up when your feeling blue.
24 Drops Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
16 Drops Tangerine (Citrus
5. Summertime: For a gentle bath to lift your spirits.
16 Drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
16 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
4 Drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
4 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
6. Peaceful Woods For a rustic, calming bath.
16 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
16 Drops Rosemary (Rosemarinus
4 Drops Cedarwood (Juniperus
4 Drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
7. Endymion: For removing everyday cares and tensions.
14 Drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
14 Drops Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
6 Drops Lemongrass (Cymbopogon
6 Drops Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)
8. Tranquility: For a restful soak.
20 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
12 Drops Grapefruit (Citrus
4 Drops Sage (Salvia officinalis)
4 Drops Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
9. Aurora: For relieving anxiety and depression.
12 Drops Sage (Salvia officinalis)
12 Drops Nutmeg (Myristica
8 Drops Tangerine (Citrus reticulata)
8 Drops Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)
10. Rest Easy For soothing a tired mind.
16 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
16 Drops Rosemary (Rosemarinus
8 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
11. Spring Rain: For a relaxing, cheerful bath.
28 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
6 Drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
6 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
12. Breathe Easy: For a soothing, medicinal bath.
12 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
12 Drops Camphor (White) (Cinnamomum
8 Drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
8 Drops Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
13. There, There: For a gentle bath to comfort grief or depression.
12 Drops Lavender (Lavendula
12 Drops Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)
12 Drops Marjoram (Thymus masticina)
4 Drops Cedarwood (Juniperus
14. Starburst: For a vibrant, stimulating floral bath.
12 Drops Geranium (Peiargonium
12 Drops Black Pepper (Piper
8 Drops Tangerine (Citrus reticulata)
8 Drops Ylang Ylang (Cananga
15. Joi de Vivre: For a refreshing, lively bath.
24 Drops Juniper (Juniperus
16 Drops Grapefruit (Citrus
16. Apollo: For a purifying bath to cleanse your system.
20 Drops Juniper (Juniperus
12 Drops Peppermint (Mentha
8 Drops Lemon (Citrus limonum)
Here are a few recipes of my own creation to get you started. Don't forget to charge them by focusing your intent when you make them! Generally, some good bases to use for magickal oils are: Almond oil, Olive oil or Safflower oil.
HEALING OIL: 1/4 - 1/2
oz. base, 3 drops each of the following oils: Eucalyptus, rosemary, gardenia
and sandalwood.
Add 1 pinch of each of the
following herbs: Rosemary, peppermint, goldenseal leaf.
Add 3 juniper berries and one
small turquoise. This oil does really well when it is allowed to
sit in the Full Moonlight and absorb her light for a few hours.
BLESSING OIL: 1/4 - 1/2
oz. base, 6 drops carnation oil, 3 drops each of frankincense and amber
oil, 1 drop rosemary oil.
Add 1 small peice of amber,
1 small carnation blossom and 3 rosemary leaves.
oz. base, 3 drops patchouly oil, 1 drop cedar oil, 2 drops clove oil, 2
drops Dragon's blood oil, 2 drops frankincense oil.
Add to this: 1 frankincense
tear, 3 cloves, 1 cedar chip, 1 sliver of mandrake and 1 small piece of
obsidian or onyx. Make this
oil during the waning moon.
oz. base, 2 drops lavendar oil, 3 drops each of frankincense, sandalwood
and myrrh oil.
Add: 1 Bay leaf, 1 copal tear,
1 frankincense tear and 1 pinch of rock or sea salt. Make on the Full Moon
MAGICK OIL: 1/4-1/2 oz.
base, 3 drops each of the following oils: frankincense, lavendar and Dragon's
Add: 1 piece of ginger, 1 clove,
1 pinch caraway and 1 small bloodstone. Make and charge the oil, then bury
for three days in the Earth.
SUCCESS OIL: 1/4-1/2
oz. base, 6 drops bayberry oil, 3 drops cinnamon oil, 3 drops Dragon's
blood oil, 3 drops red sandalwood oil.
Add: 1 pinch bayberry, 1 pinch
red sandalwood, 1 cinnamon chip and i small peice of marble or citrine.
Charge this oil in the sun
PEACE OIL: 1/4-1/2 oz.
base, 3 drops each of the following oils: Lavendar, violet and rose, 2
drops jasmine oil.
Add to this: 1 pinch each of
jasmine blossoms and lavendar buds, 1 pink rosebud and 1 small amethyst.
When making this oil, make sure that you are in a calm peaceful state,
or it won't charge properly. Store in a cabinet or room away from the major
activity in the house, so that it's charge stays pure.
1/4-1/2 oz. base, 8 drops bayberry oil, 4 drops patchouly oil, 3 drops
orange blossom oil, 2 drops Frankincense oil.
Add to this: 1 sliver of pomegranate
peel, 1 pinch orange peel, 1 Frankincense tear, 1 small jade. Make this
on the Full Moon and after making it, let it sit in the Full moon light
for at least 3 hours.
FULL MOON OIL: 1/4-1/2
oz. base, 3 drops each of the following oils: camphor, lavendar, jasmine,
Add to this: 1 eucalyptus leaf,
1 pinch jasmine, 1 pinch lavendar and 1 small moonstone
DARK MOON OIL: 1/4-1/2
oz. base, 3 drops each of patchouly and Sandalwood oil, 6 drops african
violet oil.
Add to this: 1 violet blossom,
1 sandalwood sliver, 1 pinch wormwood, 1 small black onyx. Make this oil
three nights before the new moon, then allow it to sit outside at night
during those three days. Do not allow any sun light to touch this oil.
oz. base, 3 drops each of dragon's blood, patchouly and cinnamon oils.
Add to this: 1 cinnamon chip,
1 bay leaf, 1 pinch of rowan, 1 small quartz crystal
NEW MOON OIL: 1/4-1/2
oz. base, 3 drops each of lavendar, jasmine and white sandalwood oil, 1
drop white champhor oil.
Add to this 1 pinch of lavendar,
1 pinch of jasmine, 1 white sandalwood sliver and 1 fresh water pearl.
VISIONARY OIL: 1/4-1/2 oz. base,
6 drops Lavendar oil, 3 drops honeysuckle oil, 1 drop each of rosemary
and champhor oil.
Add to this: 1 pinch each of
mugwort and wormwood, 1 frankincense tear, 1 small quartz point.
POWER OIL: 1/4-1/2 oz.
base, 3 drops each of Carnation, Frankincense, jasmine and rose oil.
Add to this: 2 frankincense
tears, 1 pinch each of vervain and jasmine blossoms, 1 quartz crystal.
Moon Oil (The Magick of Aromatherapy,
lily of the valley (main)
sandalwood (minor)
jasmine (minor)
camphor (trace)
Moon Oil (Formulary and Spellbook,
1/2 oz. light vegetable oil
1/2 oz. camphorated oil
1/2 oz. palmachristi oil
1/2 oz. wisteria oil
1/2 dram myrrh oil
1/2 dram lotus oil
color: lavender blue
Full Moon oil
3 parts rose oil
1 part jasmine oil
1 part sandalwood oil
Full Moon Oil
4 parts gardenia oil
2 parts lotus oil
1 part jasmine oil
Full Moon Ritual Incense (Incense,
Oils and Brews, Cunningham)
2 parts sandalwood powder
2 parts frankincense resin
1/2 part gardenia petals, dried
1/4 part rose petals, dried
few drops ambergris oil
Full Moon Ritual Incense (ibid.)
3 parts gardenia petals
2 parts frankincense
1 part rose petals
1/2 part orris root
few drops sandalwood oil
Full Moon Incense
2 parts orris root
2 parts lavender
2 parts myrrh
2 parts calamus
3 drops jasmine oil
3 drops rose oil
3 drops gardenia oil
Moon Bath Salts (Galenorn)
1 cup salt
8 drops sandalwood oil
8 drops lotus oil
1/8 tsp. powdered orris root
Mix. Use 1/2 cup per bath.
Moon Brew (Cunningham)
Set a silver bowl filled with
water out on the night of a full moon just as it rises (which will be at
sunset). Allow the water to soak up Lunar rays all night. Just
before dawn, arise and retrieve the water. Place in an eathen jug
and cork tightly. (Never expose to the rays of the sun). Add to baths
for love, to attune with spiritual planes or prior to Lunar rituals; anoint
money to increase wealth; touch to brow to promote psychic awareness.
Moon Goddess Ointment (Cunningham)
5 drops sandalwood oil
3 drops lemon oil
1 drop rose oil
1/4 cup grated beeswax
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Melt oil and wax together,
slightly and stir in essential
Pour into a heatproof container.
Anoint yourself to attune with
the Goddess of the Moon and during Full Moon rituals.
13 drops of sandalwood essential
9 drops of vanilla essential
oil or extract
3 drops of jasmine essential
1 drop of rose essential oil
Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon. Use to annoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moons energy
Imbolc Incense
3 parts frankincense
2 parts dragon's blood
1/2 part red sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
a few drops red wine
To this mixture add a pinch
of the first flower (dried) that is available in your area at the time
of Imbolc.
Imbolc Incense
1 part willow wood
1 part rowan berries
2 parts benzoin
1/2 part lily of the valley
1/2 part periwinkle
Imbolc Oil
1/4 oz. almond oil
10 drops orange oil
9 drops siberian fir oil
5 drops frankincense oil
5 drops carnation oil
5 drops primrose oil
5 drops ginger oil
5 drops lavender oil
4 drops nutmeg oil
To the bottle add: dried orange
flowers, garnet
Imbolc Oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops rose oil
2 drops chamomile oil
2 drops lemon oil
2 drops lavender oil
1/8 oz. base oil
Imbolc Potpourri
1 cup oakmoss, dried
2 cups dried heather
2 cups dried wisteria
1 cup dried yellow tulip petals
1/2 cup dried basil
1/2 cup chopped bayleaves
45 drops musk or myrrh oil
Imbolc Incense
5 parts wormwood
4 parts cinnamon
2 parts goldenrod
3 parts acacia gum
10 ml musk oil per 8 oz. dry
Candlemas Oil
1/2 dram pine oil
1/4 dram lavender oil
4 to 5 drops cinnamon oil
1/4 dram sandalwood oil
1/4 dram frankincense oil
1/4 dram myrrh oil
Imbolc Oil
10 parts clove oil
20 parts dragon's blood oil
5 parts wisteria oil
5 parts lotus oil
5 parts musk oil
Imbolc Oil
3 cinnamon sticks, broken
1 tb. rowan berries
1 tb. saffron
2 pinches basil
Cover with oil and steep.
Imbolc Oil
6 drops frankincense oil
3 drops sandalwood oil
3 drops lavender oil
2 drops cinnamon oil
5 drops Jasmine
5 drops Rose
2 drops Ylang Ylang
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Patchouli
Place in 4ozs. of your favorite carrier, such as:
Sweet Almond OIl
Jojoba oil
Fractionated Coconut
Rub sensously on each other at your leisure
NOTE: Please be very, VERY careful when taking these teas! These are powerful herbs, meant to be used by more or less experienced herbalists and witches.
To use, put in a tea ball and steep for 5 or 6 minutes.
Birch Moon: Matters of beginnings
and children; purification.
3 parts ginger
1 part lemongrass
pinch of dill
splash of lemon juice
Ash Moon: Matters of the intellect;
magick, healing.
2 parts angelica
1/2 part sage
1/2 part black cohosh
pinch of rosemary
Do not use black cohosh during
pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage. Black cohosh is a sedative and
not to be taken in large amounts.
Willow Moon: Matters of the
Otherworld; healing, love, water magick, feminine mysteries.
2 parts willow bark
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 part dried apples
pinch of rosemary
Hawthorn Moon: Peace, sleep,
dreams, prosperity, happiness.
1 part hawthorn
1 part catnip
1/2 part rue
1/2 part champagne
Do not use rue during pregnancy,
as it can cause miscarriage. It can cause
sensitivity to the sun and
is toxic in large amounts.
Oak Moon: Lust, strength, energy,
endurance, fertility, fire magick, male mysteries.
1 1/2 parts white oak bark
1/2 part mint
1/2 part orange peel
pinch of cinnamon/nutmeg
Holly Moon: Matters of animals;
magick, prophecy.
1 part kelp
1/2 part rose petals
1/2 part raspberry
pinch of yarrow
Do not use kelp during pregnancy,
as it can cause miscarriage. DO NOT use kelp if you have a thyroid problem.
Do not take raspberry during
first or second trimester of pregnancy.
Hazel Moon: Manifestations,
protection, healing, fertility.
1 parts ginseng
1/2 part mugwort
pinch of savory
splash of any non-citrus juice
Note: Mugwort is a hallucinogen!
(Legal, though. But if you start seeing pink elephants and purple snakes,
don't blame me :)
Vine Moon: Earth, sex magick,
overcoming difficulties.
1 part blackberry
1 part dandelion
splash of grape juice
pinch of hibiscus
Do not take blackberry during
first or second trimester of pregnancy.
Ivy Moon: Healing, cooperation,
1 part mullein
1/4 part wintermint
1/2 part barberry
Reed Moon: Fertility, love,
1 part red clover
1 part hyssop
1 part boneset
pinch of slippery elm
Boneset is toxic in large doses
or if taken over long period of time.
Elder Moon: Exorcism, prosperity,
astral travel, finding faeries.
1 part ginko
1 part mugwort
1 part valerian
1 part spearment
pinch of anise/anise extract
pinch of allspice
Valerian is a sedative, and
shouldn't be taken in large amounts. (Also attracts cats like catnip, so
keep it in a safe container if you don't want it to get chewed up)
1 oz. Sandalwood
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. sweet basil
1 tsp. myrtle
1/2 dram Frankincense oil
3/8 dram Jasmine oil
1/8 dram Patchouli oil
4 oz. Talc
Blend together all the ingredients.
Be sure to add Talc last. You will find many good uses for your powder
in sachets or sprinkled in the right places to attract love.
In a base of about a tablespoon
of vegetable oil (I prefer somethng cold-pressed, but wesson will do in
a pinch); mix a few drops of patchouli essential oil, heliotrope oil, a
healthy pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of patchouli dried herb (fresh would
be better), basil. Mix and charge during spell.
In a teaspoon of woodbase, mix 10 drops of patchouli oil, 5 drops of heliotrope, some ground cinnamon (preferably hand ground), dried patchouli, dried basil and a pinch of dried peppermint.
Useful in spells for harmony, love, etc.
1 pt. dragonsblood
2 drops cinnamon
2 drops bay
10 parts alchohol
1 part gum arabic
2 drops rose oil.
There is more to having a clean
house than just the physical absence of dust and debris. By using magical
potpourris your house will not only be clean, but the vibrational field
around it will be purified, and the
area surrounding it well protected
from both human and astral invaders. Each potpourri you wish to make will
require a small amount of dried or fresh herbs and/or flowers in pleasing
combinations of scents; a
small square of cotton or cheesecloth
fabric, cut in a circle about eight inches in diameter; and a few inches
of colored ribbon with which to tie the bags shut. The color of the bag
can be any which appeals to your inner senses. The ribbon tie can be of
the same color, or of any other which catches your fancy. The potpourris
should be infused with your magical intent as you mix and make them. Mix
all ingredients well, trying to "marry" the scent of the oils to the solid
matter as much as possible. Continue visualizing as you stuff and tie the
bags. They can then be hung above doors or windows, or placed discreetly
in drawers around your house. Each time you catch their gentle scent, know
that their magic is at work. You can revive lost odor by adding a bit more
oil, or by emptying the contents onto a cookie sheet and heating for a
few minutes in a lukewarm oven.
Protection Potpourri #1
2 dozen cloves
3 drops cinnamon oil
3 bruised cinnamon sticks
4 sprigs fresh rosemary
small handful fresh pine needles
Protection Potpourri #2
3 dozen peppercorns
3 drops ginger oil
6 drops nutmeg oil
scant 1/4 cup dried orange
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
Purification Potpourri #1
1 tablespoon solid myrrh gum
1/4 cup dried sage
3 drops lemon oil
2 tablespoons fresh lavender
1 drop eucalyptus oil
1 drop frankincense oil
Purification Potpourri #2
3 drops ylang-ylang oil
6 bruised vanilla beans
1/4 cup dries or fresh rose
4 drops rose oil
6 drops vanilla extract
The following will be useful in making up your own incences, if you are so inclined. However, there are several reputable Pagan businesses that can provide you with the correct formula. If you use oil on the charcoal, only use a drop or two at a time.
1.anointing-acacia, angelica, carnation, rose, cinquefail, frankincense, jasmine, lavendar, lily of the valley, lotos, myrrh, rosemary, andvervain.
2.balance- jasmine, orange, and rose.
3.banishing.releasing- cedar, cloves, cypress, patchouli, rose, rue, violet, bentony, elder, fern, mugwart, St.Johnswort, vervain, and yarrow.
4. binding- apple, cayenne, dragon's blood, cypress, pine, pepper, rowan, and wormwood
5. blessing/consecration- carnation, cypress, lotos, rue, rosemary, elder, frankincense.
6. changes- peppermint, dragon's blood, and woodruff
7. claivoyance/divination- cinniman, lilac, acacia, laurel, eyebright, honeysuckle, marigold, mugwort, nutmeg, rose, thyme, wormwood, yarrow, hazel, rowan, moonwort, and dittany of Crete.
8. Creativity- honeysuckle, lilac, lotos, rose, vervain, savory, and wild cherry.
9. cursing- blacktorn, elder, pepper
10. determination/courage- allspice, musk, mullein, rosemary, and dragon's blood
11. energy/power/strength- allspice, bay, carnation, oak, holly, lotos, musk, thyme, verbena, cinnamon, cinqufoil
12.Exorcism- bay, frankencense, lavander, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, ceder, fern. mullein, pepper, rue, St.Johnswort, wormwood, yarrow
13. new beginning- birch oil
14. good luck/fortune/justice- ceder, lotos, mint, vervain, violet, nutmeg, bayberry, cinniman, cinquefoil, honeysuckle, chamomile, jasmine, yellowdock
15.happy/harmony/peace- appleblossom, basil, ceder, cypress, fir, jasmine, lavendar, lilac, lotos, orange, patchouli, rose, rosemary, lily of the valley, purple loostrife, valerian, vervain.
16.healing- carnation, cinnimon, cliqufoil, clove, lavendar, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sandlewood, apple, laurel, wildcherry, hazel, hops, orange, peppermint, rowan, savory.
17. inspiration/wisdom- cinquefoil, acacia, clove, cypress, fir, hazel, laurel, reed, rowan, rue, lilly of the valley, oakmoss, rosemary.
18 love- apple blossom, birch, cinquefoil, gardenia, homeysuckle, jasmine.
19. meditation- acacia, angelica, bay, cinnimon, myrrh, jasmine, nutmeg.
20. protection/defense- angelica, bay, cypress, jasime, dragon's blood, feverfew, thistle.
21. psychic opening- nutmeg, wisteria, mugwort
22. purification/cleansing- bay, laurel, frankincense, oak, woodruff.
23. reincarnation- lilac, sandlewood
24. visions- bay, laurel, dittany of Crete, marigold
25. willpower- rosemary, St.Johnswort.
1/2 oz. goldenseal root powder
1/2 oz. echinacea root powder
1/2 oz. black walnut hull powder
1/2 oz. myrrh powder
l pint rubbing alcohol
Mix the powdered herbs together and place in a wide-mouthed jar. Pour the rubbing alcohol over the herbs and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Place the mixture in a warm spot in the house and shake once a day to keep the herbs from packing together at the bottom of the jar. Let sit for two to three weeks. Then strain and rebottle. Do not shake the herb mixture for a couple of days before strainiing. this allows the herbs to settle on the bottom of the jar and makes straining easier.
Pimple Juice does not need to
be refrigerated and will last indefinitely. Be sure to mark "FOR EXTERNAL
USE" only. To make it even more effective, add a drop or two of tea tree
oil (an essential oil available at natural food and herb stores) to the
finished juice.
-Rosemary Gladstar
At Dark Moon, in a mortar and
pestle, grind together:
1 part Fern leaf, dried .1
part Poppy seeds
2 parts Slippery Elm powder
.1 part Myrrh .1 part Marjoram, dried .3 parts Dillweed, fresh if possible
Grind all together, mixing well.
Add 9 drops almond tincture (almond cooking extract is great.) with
enough spring water to make
everything barely moist, and mix in well. Place in a ceramic bowl, spreading
as thinly as possible, and dry themixture over low heat, stirring it occasionally,
until it seems lightly
browned. Pour back into mortar,
and grind again, enchanting:
"Things Seen,
and Things Not Seen:
Let me walk
here in between."
When finely powdered, store in a clear glass container. It will keep its power for years. Sprinkle, just a little bit, on yourself, objects, or in a place to be made invisible.
Pagan Power Incense (For Ritual Energy)
1 T cinnamon
1 T anise seed
1 t nutmeg
1 t ginger
1 t dry lemon peel
1 t lemon extract
1 t peppermint extract
Dry petals of 3 white roses
Riches and Favors Incense (Burn when you need favors and wealth)
2 parts benzoin
1 part wood aloe
1/2 part pepperwort
1/2 part clove
Love Incense (To attract love, strengthen love you have, to expand your ability to give and receive love)
2 parts sandalwood
1/2 part basil
1/2 part bergamot
a few drops rose oil
a few drops lavendar oil
Kitchen Witchen Incense (House Blessing)
2 T dry lemon peel
1 T rosemary
1 T almond extract
1 t cinnamon
1 pinch garlic skins
1 tanise seed
1 t allspice
1 t coconut extract
1 pinch salt
House Purification Incense (For
once-a-month house cleansing; burn in new home before moving in)
3 parts frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1 part myrrh
1 part sandalwood
1 part wood betony
1/2 part dill seed
a few drops rose geranium oil
Business Incense (To attract customers)
2 parts benzoin
1 part cinnamon
1 part basil
Altar Incense
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cinnamon
Altar Oil
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
1 part Galangal
1 part Vervain
1 part Lavender
1/2 oz. Carrier Oil
Circle Bath Salts
Color: Purple
3 parts Rosemary
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Sandalwood
1 part Frankincense
Bathe in before any form of
magickal working to strengthen, purify and prepare yourself for ritual.
Circle Incense
4 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Sandalwood
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose
1/4 part Vervain
1/4 part Rosemary
1/4 part Bay
Circle of Protection Incense
1 oz. Sandalwood
1/2 oz. Cinquefoil
1/4 oz. Frankincense
1/4 oz. Orange peel
1/4 tsp. Saltpeter
3/8 tsp. Gardenia Oil
1 tsp. Tincture of Benzoin
Concercration Incense
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Mace
1 part Gum Arabic
1 part Benzoin
Burn to purify and consecrate
magickal tools and circle.
Consecration Incense2
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Cypress
1 part Ash
1 part Bay
1 part Valerian
Burn to consecrate.
Consecration Oil
8 drops Frankincense oil
8 drops Myrrh oil
3 drops Cinnamon oil
A bay leaf
1/2 oz. Carrier Oil
High Awareness Bath
Color: Purple
3 parts Cedarwood
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 part Frankincense
Bathe in this mixture to direct
your consciousness toward higher things, to promote spirituality &
to combat earth--obsessions such as uncontrolled spending, overeating,
sluggishness & all forms of
unbalanced materialism.
Initiation Oil
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Myrrh
1 drop Sandalwood
1/4 oz. Base Oil
Wear for iniation ceremonies
and to increase spiritual awareness.
Magickal Power Incense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
2 parts Ginger
1 part Allspice
1 part Vanilla
1 part Orange
1 part Frankincense
1 part Saltpeter
Burn to increase own magickal
Magickal Power Oil
6 drops Dragon's Blood
4 drops Ginger
4 drops Tangerine
3 drops Allspice
2 drops Frankincense
1 drop Vanilla
1/2 oz. Carrier Oil
Spiritual Bath Salts
Color: Purple
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
1 part frankincense
1 drop Cinnamon
Use to increase your awareness
of the Divine, especially before religious rituals.
Temple Incense
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
A few drops Lavender Oil
A few drops Sandalwood Oil
Burn in magick room to increase
Temple Oil
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Rosemary
1 drop Bay
1 drop Sandalwood
1/4 oz. Base Oil
Wear during religious rites.
Universal Incense
3 parts Frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
1 part Myrrh
1 part Sandalwood
1 part Rosemary
Burn for all positive magickal
3 parts frankincense
1 Part Mace
1 Part Cardomon
1/2 Part Balm f Gilead
1/4 part pulverized Pomegranate rind
1 pinch saffron
few drops Ambergris oil
Another like the above.
1 Part clove
1 Part Nutmeg
1 part Cinnamon
1/2 Part Lemon Balm
1/2 Part Citron peel
(or = parts dried lemon & orange peel)
4 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Benzoin
2 parts Gum Mastic
2 Parts Myrrh
1 Part Cedar
1 Part Galangal (or ginger)
1/2 part Calamus (or vetivert)
1/2 part Cardomom
7 raisins
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 Part Cassia
1/2 part Juniper berries
1/2 part orrris
1/2 part Cypress
few drops Lotus bouquet
few drops wine
few drops honey
Mix the ground dry ingredients thoroughly. Let sit in
an airtight container two weeks. In a separate bowl, mix together the oil,
wine, honey & raisins. Add to the dry ingredients & blend with
the hands. Let
sit another 2 weeks. Then, if desired, grind to a fine
powder. Kyphi is used in night rituals, to invoke Egyptian Goddess &
Gods & as a general magickal incense.
.KYPHI 2 (simplified)
3 Parts frankincense
2 parts Benzoin
2 Parts Myrrh
1 part Jumiper berries
1/2 part Galangal
1/2 part Cinnamon
1/2 Part Cedar
2 drops Lotus bouquet
2 drops Wine
2 drops Honey
few raisins
Mix, Burn, use as the last.
2 Parts Gum Mastic
1 Part sandalwood
1 Part Juniper berries
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
2 Parts sandalwood
1 part thyme
few drops Rose Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Juniper berries
1 part Vetivert
1/2 part Cumin
To guard your home from thieves: During the day smolder
this mixture in a censer before the front door, then move it to each opening
in the house (doors, windows, cellars, etc.) through which thieves may
Visualize it's smoke forming an invisible but impenetrable
barrier. Move in a clockwise circle throughout your home, replenshing the
incense as necessary. Repeat monthly at the time of the Full Moon, if possible,
or, use as needed. This is designed to "lock" your home against unwanted
- but don't forget to bolt the doors as well.
2 parts Sandalwood
1/2 part Basil
1/2 part Bergamot
few drops Rose oil
few drops Lavender Oil
Burn to attract love, to strengthen the love you have,
& to expand your ability to give & receive love.
2 Parts Dragon's Blood
1 part Orris
1/2 Part Cinnamon
1/2 part rose petals
few drops Musk oil
few drops Patchouly oil
Another like the above.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 part Heather
1 Part Apple Blossoms
1 pich Blackberry leaves
few drops Ambergris oil
Burn during Wiccan rituals on Aug 1 or 2, or at that
time to attune with the coming harvest.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Cypress
1 Part Juniper
1 Part Pine
1/2 Part Oakmoss
(or few drops of Oakmoss Bouquet)
1 Pinch Pulverized oak leaf
Burn during Wiccan ceremonies on Mabon or at that time
to attune with the change of the seasons.
.MARS INCENSE (Planetary)
4 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Pine needles (or resin)
a scant pinch Black pepper
Burn to attract its influences, or during spells involving
lust, physical strength, competetions, ritua; concerning men, etc.
2 Parts Galangal
1 Part Coriander
1 part Clove
1/2 Part Basil
A scant pinch Black Pepper
2 Parts Dragon's Blood
1 Part Cardamom
1 Part Clove
1 Part Grains of Paradise
2 Parts Sage
1 Part Sweetgrass
1 part Pine resin or needles
1 part Osha root (or Angelica)
scant picture Tobacco
Burn during rites revering American Indian deities &
spirits, & to attune with the energies of this land.
1 Part Gum Acacia (arabic)
1 Part Sandalwood
Burn a small amount prior to meditation to relax the
conscious mind.
2 parts benzoin
1 Part Mace
1/2 part Marjoram
few drops Lavender oil
Burn to invoke its powers, or during spells involving
intelligence, travel, divination & so on.
2 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Frankincense
1 Part Mace
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Gum Mastic
1/2 Part Lavender
few drops Lavender oil
2 Parts Copal
1 Part Frankincense
1 Part Rosemary
Smolder during Mexican - American folk magic rituals
& spells.
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Mugwort
1 Part Camomile
1 Part Gardenia petals
few drops Rose oil
few drops Lavender oil
few drops yarrow oil
Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer Solstice or at that
time of the year to attune with the seasons & the Sun.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Dragon's Blood
1 Part Thyme
1 Part rosemary
1 Pinch Vervain
few drops Red Wine
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part sandalwood
few drops Eucalyptus oil
few drops Jasmine oil
few drops Camphor oil
Burn to attract its influences, & also during psychic
workings, love magick, healing, rituals involving the home & dream
4 Parts Sandalwood
2 Parts Wood Aloe
1 Part Eucalyptus
1 Part Pul. Cucumber seeds
1 part Mugwort
1/2 Part Ranuculus blossoms
1 Part Selenetrope
few drops Ambergris oil
May substitute Gardenia or jasmine for selenetrope.
2 parts Juniper berries
1 Part Orris
1 Part Calamus
few drops Spirits of Camphor-or- Camphor Tincture or
1/4 part genuine camphor few drops lotus bouquet
2 Parts Myrrh
2 parts Gardenia petals
1 part Rose petals
1 Part lemon peel
1/2 part Camohor
few drops Jasmine oil
1 Part Rose
1 Part Orris
1 part Bay
1 Part Juniper
1 part Dragon's blood
1/2 part Potassium nitrate
Burn for divination, love & harmony. The saltpeter
is included to make it sparkle & glow. Don't add too much though -
it'll explode!
Lay incense coals on a bed of sea salt. When the coals
are hot, toss on a
mixture of:
1/2 tsp myrrh gum
11/2 tsp copal resin
1 tbsp sandalwood chips
1 tsp dried Irish moss
3 drops oakmoss oil
Rowan Wood (or Sandalwood)
Dogwood, Popular, Juniper, Cedar, Pine, Holly Branches,
elder (or oak) Take sawdust of each, mix together & burn indoors on
charcoal when a ritual fire is necessary or desired but not practical.
the incense emits the aroma of an open campfire.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Myrrh
1 Part Cinnamon
1/2 part Rose petals
1/2 part Vervain
Burn while honoring the Goddesses & Gods, & as
an offering.
1/3 tsp Mastic
1/3 tsp Amaramth
1/3 tsp yarrow
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Benzoin
1 Part Dragon's Blood
1/2 Part Nutmeg
1/2 part Violet flowers
(or few drops violet oil)
1/2 Part Orange peel
1/2 Part Rose petals
Burn during Wiccan rituals on Ostara or to Welcome the
Spring & to refresh your life.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 part Dragon's Blood
1 Part Red Sandalwood
1 Part Orange peel
1 Part Cinnamon
few drops Clove oil
Burn while honoring Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes.
When needing additional strength for any ritual; when you feel manipulated
by others, or for Fire spells in general. Burn when you wish to be fulfilled
with the power of Pele.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Eucalyptus
1 Part Lemon Peel
few drops Sandalwood oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
1 part Heawort seed
1 Part Violet root
1 part parsley
1 part Hempseed*
Burn for divination & psychic work.
1 Part Myrrh
1 Part Gum mastic
1 Part Costus
1 Part Oponax
1 Part storax
1 Part Thyme
1 Part Frankincense
1 part camphor
1 Part red Sandalwood
1 Part Wood Aloe
1 Part Euphorbium*
For general magickal workings. The baneful substance
euphorbium, can be replaced w/tobacco. Gum Arabic can be used in place
of the Storax. Gum oponax is unobtainable - use an oponax oil or gum arabic.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Buchu Burn before bedtime to stimulate the psychic
mind to produce future-revealing dreams, & to ensure that the conscious
mind remembers them in the morning.
2 parts Frankincense
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Nutmeg
1 part Lemon Balm
1 Part Citron
Burn to attract wealth.
2 parts Frankincense
1 Part Dragon's Blood
1/2 part Betony
Burn for both physical & psychic protection while
2 Parts frankincense
1 Part sandalwood
1/2 Part Rosemary
1 Part Frankincense
1 part myrrh
1/2 part Clove
2 parts Frankincense
1/2 Part Cumin
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Copal
1 Part Dragon's Blood
4 parts Frankincense
3 parts Myrrh
2 Parts juniper berries
1 Part Rosemary
1/2 part Avens
1/2 part Mugwort
1/2 part yarrow
1/2 part St. John's Wort
1/2 part Angelica
1/2 Part Basil
3 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Bistort
Smolder to sharpen psychic powers.
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Gum Acacia (or Arabic)
1 Part frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Nutmeg
few drops Orange oil
few drops clove oil
4 Prtas Frankincense
2 Parts Bay
1 part camphor
1 pinch finely pwd salt
1 pinch Sulfur*
Burn to purify the atmosphere of a disturbed home. Leave
the windows open & do not inhale the sulphurous fumes!
2 Parts sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
Leave windows open
3 Parts frankincense
1 part vervain
.RAIN INCENSE (caution)
4 parts Heather
1 Part fern
1/2 part Henbane*
Burn out of doors on a deserted hill to attract rain.
do not inhale fumes!
1 part Pepperwort
1 Part Red Storax
1 pinch Saffron
few drops Musk oil
Compound & fumigate about the tombs & graves
of the dead. This will cause spirits & ghosts to gatehr, at least according
to ancient writings.
2 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Wood Aloe
1/2 Part Peppermint
1/2 Part Clove
Burn when you need favors & wealth.
4 parts frankincense
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Benzoin
1/2 part Fennel
1/2 part Bay
1/2 part thyme
1/2 part Pennyroyal
1/2 part Solomn's Seal
1/4 part Rue
1/4 part wormwood
1/4 part Camomile
1/4 part Rose petals
Burn at Wiccan Sabbats.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Myrrh
1 Part Clove
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your own powers.
2 Parts Copal
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Rosemary
1 Part Sage
1 part Lemongrass
1 part bay
1/2 part marigold
1/2 part Yerba Santa
For ancient Aztecan rituals & all Mexican-American
folk magic. Also use as a general purification incense. It's a famous incense
in contemporary Mexican folk magic.
2 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Poppy seed
1 Part Gum Arabic
1 Part Myrrh
1/4 Henbane Seed *
1/4 Part Mandrake *
few drops Olive oil
Burn for Saturn influences; also for spells dealing with
buildings, studying past lives, banishing illness, pests & negative
habits. This incense can be hazardous to your health; for a recommended
incense see formula #3 below or substitute 1/2 part Tobacco
for the Henbane & Mandrake.
2 Parts Cypress
2 Parts Ash Leaves
1 Part Alum
1 Part Gum Scammony
1 Part Asafoetida *
1 Part Sulphur *
1/4 Part Black Nightshade *
Another like the above, but not recommended. By omitting
the black nightshade, the incense is fairly innocuous but still smells
incredibly foul!
2 Parts Sandalwood
2 Parts Myrrh
1 Part Dittany of Crete
few drops Cypress Oil
few drops Patchouly Oil
This is the recommended Saturn incense formula. If you're
going to use one of the four, use this one.
1 Part Pepperwort
1 Part Mandrake
1 Part Myrrh
few drops Musk Oil
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Galangal
1 Part Pine resin (pitch)
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
1 Part Mugwort
1 part Wormwood
Burn a small amount prior to scrying in a quartz crystal
sphere, in flames, water & so on. Warning - smells bad!
2 Parts Gum Mastic
2 Parts Juniper
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Calamus
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Patchouly Oil
Mix, empower & burn to promote psychic awareness.
This is another version of the recipe; others contain Hemp.
4 Parts Coriander
1 Part Smallage
1/4 Part Henbane *
1/4 Part Hemlock *
Burn outdoors to draw spirits together. As usual, do
not inhale fumes!
.SPIRIT INCENSE # 2 (caution)
Root of the weedy herb Sagepen
Juice of Hemlock *
Juice of Henbane *
Tapsus barbatus
Red Sandalwood
Black Poppy seed
Fume to make spirits & strange shapes appear. To
make them flee, add parsley to this mixture, as this chases away all spirits
& destroys all visions.
1 Part Anise
a Part Coriander
1 Part Cardamom
Smolder to cause spirits to gather.
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Lavender
Burn on the altar to invite good energies (or spirits)
to be present during magical rituals.
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Willow Bark
Burn out of doors at night during the Waxing Moon.
3 Parts Wood Aloe
1 Part Costus
1 Part Crocus
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Musk Oil
.SPIRIT INCENSE # 7 (caution)
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Coriander
1 Part Fennel Root
1 Part Cassia
1/2 Part Henbane *
These incense (Spirit) are only included for traditional
purposes. They are not recommended!
1 Part Calamint
1 Part Peony
1 Part Mint (Spearmint)
1/4 part Castor Beans *
Burn out of doors to drive away all evil spirits &
vain imaginings. Castor beans are poisonous!
2 Parts Fennel seed
2 Parts Dill seed
1/2 Part Rue
another like the above.
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Lavender
pinch of wormwood
3 parts Frankincense
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Benzoin
1 Part Cinnamon
few drops Patchouly oil
Burn during Spring & Summer Sabbat rituals.
2 Parts Gum Mastic
1 Part Rosemary
Smolder to strengthen the conscious mind for study, to
develop concentration & to improve the memory.
3 Parts Wood Aloe
2 Parts Red Storax
1 Part Nutmeg
Burn for success in all undertakings. Since red storax
is unavailable, substitute Frankincense or Gum Arabic.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Myrrh
1 Part Wood Aloe
1/2 part Balm of Gilead
1/2 Part Bay
1/2 Part Carnation
few drops Ambergris Oil
few drops Musk Oil
few drops Olive Oil
Burn to draw the influences of the Sun & for spells
involving promotions, friendships, healing, energy & magickal power.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Bay
1 pinch Saffron
few drops Orange Oil
Another like the above.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Galangal
2 Parts Bay
1/4 Part Mistletoe *
few drops Red Wine
few drops Honey
A third like the above.
Gum Scanony
Asafoetida *
Sulphur *
Black Hellebore *
Ash leaves
Burn in an earthen dish & hold the talismans in the
smoke. Not recommended.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Cypress
1 part Ash Leaves
1 Part Tobacco
1 pinch Valerian
1 pinch Alum
1 pinch Asafoetida *
Recommended - but smells!
2 parts Sandalwood
2 Parts Benzoin
few drops Rose Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Myrrh
few drops Lavender Oil
few drops Sandalwood Oil
Smolder in the temple or "magic room", or as a general
magickal incense. Also increases spirituality.
.THIEF INCENSE (to see a thief)
1 Part Crocus
1 pinch Alum
In ancient Egypt this mixture was placed on a brazier
& the seer stared into the coals.
3 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Clove
1/2 Part Red Sandalwood
1/2 Part Sandalwood
1/4 Part Orange Flowers
3 pinches Orris
Burn for Solar influences.
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Orris
few drops Patchouly oil
Burn for love.
3 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Myrrh
1 Part Sandalwood
1 Part Rosemary
Burn for all positive magickal purposes. If used for
neghative magickal goals, it will cancel out the spell or ritual.
.VENUS INCENSE (Planetary)
3 Parts Wood Aloe
1 Part Red rose petals
1 pinch crushed Red Coral (opt.)
few drops Olive Oil
few drops Musk Oil
Few drops Ambergris Oil
Mix well & burn for Venusian influences, such as
love, healing, partnerships & rituals involving women. Coral should
be omitted.
1 part Violets
1 Part Rose petals
1/2 Part Olive leaves
another like the above.
2 Parts Sandalwood
2 Parts Benzoin
1 Part Rosebuds
few drops Patchouly Oil
few drops Rose oil
A third like the above.
1 Part Mace
1 Part Cypress
few drops Patchouly Oil
Use as a personal altar or household incense to increase
your powers.
3 parts Cinquefoil
3 Parts Chicory Root
1 Part Clove
3 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Bay
1/2 part Damania
Burn small amounts prior to psychic workings.
.VISION INCENSE 3 (caution)
1 Part Calamus
1 Part fennel Root
1 Part Pomegranate skin
1 Part Red Sandalwood
1 Part Black Poppy seed
1/2 Part Henbane *
Another like the above but not recommended.
.WATER INCENSE (elemental)
2 Parts Benzoin
1 part Myrrh
1 Part Sandalwood
few drops Lotus bouquet
few drops Ambergris oil
Burn to attract the influences of this element, as well
as to develop
psychism, to promote love, fertility, beauty and so on.
1 part Nutmeg
1 Part Pepperwort
1 pinch Saffron
Burn to attract Wealth.
2 parts Pine needles or resin
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Galangal
few drops Patchouly OIl
another like the above.
2 Parts Frankincense
1 Part Cinnamon
1 Part Nutmeg
1/2 part Clove
1/2 Part Ginger
1/2 part mace
a third like the above.
Gum mastic
few drops Musk oil
few drops Ambergris oil
For Tarot readings, crystal ball readings, meditating.
2 Parts Frankincense
2 Parts Pine needles or resin
1 Part Cedar
1 Part Juniper Berries
Mix & smolder at Wiccan rites on Yule or during the
winter months.
2 1/2 oz clear base
1oz Palma cristi (castor oil)
1dr. Heliotrope
1dr. Lotus
color: Natural
1dr. Honeysuckle
1dr. Vetivert, white musk,
or Oak moss
2 1/2oz clear base (sesame/safflower)
1oz palma cristi
1dr. Frankincese
1dr. Myrrh
1dr. Lotus
Color: Yellow
1dr. Rose
4oz herbal base
1/2 oz Magnolia
Color: murky red
2dr. Peppermint
Sunflower oil base
scented with Allspice
4oz. clear base
1/2dr Verbena
1/2dr Jasmine
1/2dr Rose
1/2dr lilac
1/2dr Myrrh
Color: sky blue
1/2dr Lavender
1/2dr Violet
1/2dr Honeysuckle
DOUBLE XX (Hexing oil)
3oz base
Color: Black
3dr Lemon
Plus all other odds and ends
from spent bottles of blended formulae.
3oz clear base
4dr Cinnamon
2dr Allspice Color: Red
2dr Vanilla
2oz Safflower base
1oz Patchouli
1dr Myrrh
Color: natural
1dr Narcissus
Keep devil's shoesring root
in master bottle
3 1/2oz safflower base
2dr Cinnamon
2dr Verbena
Color: Golden Yellow
Keep mustard seeds in master
3oz clear base
3dr White musk
2dr Bayberry
2dr Sandalwood
1/2dr Verbena
Color: Musky brown
1/2dr Patchouli
Keep a Jalep root in master
These blended oils are very
powerful. When you are not sure which oil suits your intentbest, you can
use this oil. However you need to focus on a specific purpose if you use
it in this manner.Use as a scent on a light ring or for candle annointing.
It gives a pleasant feeling to a room. Good for consecrating ritual tools,
candles, altars and work rooms..
Annoint your altar once a week,
especially on a Sunday or your holy day. Place in an open dish in a room
to heighten spirituality and call in the assistance of positive spirits
and to create a holy atmosphere.
One of the black arts oils
which creates discord, tension and havoc wherever it is used. Sprinkle
on enemies, but NOT on yourself. Use it annoint parchment paper on which
evil pacts or wicked desires have been inscribed. A black Voodoo doll,
labeled with a foe's name, and sprinkled with this oil will almost surely
cause distress. Place the doll at the enemy's doorway so that it will be
discovered as he enters or leaves the house or apartment..
To get another to do your bidding,
rub some on the palms and touch the person to be commanded, looking intently
into their eyes and concentrating on your desires. Use in ypour bathwater
to surround your entire body with the royal aura. To cause others to tremble
before the words you speak; secure a seventh pentacle of saturn design,
annoint it with the oil around the outer edges, and hold in the right hand
when you speak.Sprinkle in the path of others to gain control and get them
to comply.
Gain power for yourself. Use
this oil to change things so they go in your favor. It will compell others
to give in to your desires. To induce someone to pay you money that is
owed to you, write the of the debtor and the ammount of money due on a
piece of parchment. Place it beneath a purple candle which you have dressed
with compelling oil. Burn for fifteen minutes dailiy until the debt is
Confuses enemies. Wear behind
your knees, ankles and inside your elbows. Use at business meetings with
unethical people, it will turn the situation in your favor.
Annoint your body with this
oil to make others do as you wish. You will have the ability to dominate
a situation with power and confidence.
Annoint a white candle and
burn to recieve help from the holy spirit. To Make someone go away; Annoint
a doll representing the person you want out of your life with the oil.
Write the person's name on a white piece of paper; also write the following:
"We both go to our higher good separately, in different directions, thru
divine power." on a sunday, wrap the doll in the paper. Every sunday thereafter,
take the doll out and annoint it once again. Continue until your nemesis
finds fit to get out of your life..
Use this oil and luck will
come to you in a hurry. Mix it with water for a floor wash to bring business
success. It will attract cusomers and clients. For love, annoint a red
mojo bag filled with equal parts of rose, lavender, and orris root. Carry
near your body daily and place by your bedside at night. To gain fast luck
in gambling, annoint your palms and a botswana agate and carry when you
play. For mighty forces to come to your aid when your luck seems to be
fleeing, lay a buckeye between two candles. A green to the left and a white
to the right. Annoint the candles and buckeye with the oil. Light the candles
and let them burn out completely. Then place the buckeye in a red flannel
bag along with a seal of magick which is designed to bring magical assistance
to one's wishes, desires, needs, or requests. Carry the bag with you at
all times, annointing it every seventh day with the fast luck oil.. It
is said to bring material wealth into the enviornment of the wearer..
A very powerful oil. This oil
makes you unstopable and enables you to accomplish anything. Annoint a
high john root and carry with you always. It is a strong good luck oil,
very effective when gambling. Rub your palms with the oil before engaging
in games of chance. To obtain money, love, and health, perform the following
ritual for seven consecutive nights, beginning on a sunday. Annoint a green
candle with high john the conqueror oil and burn it completely..
An antiseptic salve that aids in speedy healing and helps to prevent scarring. Use on minor cuts and other skin problems. Most effective if made during the Full Moon in the hours of Mercury!
- 2 stainless steel 1/2 quart
pans or 1 cup size.
- 10 one ounce tins.
- 1/8 oz Goldenseal Root Powder
- 1/4 oz Asian Yellow Ginger
Powder (Absolutely Necessary)
- 10 fresh crushed cloves
- 1/4 oz powdered myrrh
- 1 oz Olive Oil
- 1/8 oz powdered Comfrey Leaf
- 8 to 10 oz. petroleum jelly
or Beeswax
Place oil in pan and set on very low heat. When it's near hot-add goldenseal. Stir well then add cloves. Continue stirring. Let the mixture set on very low heat for 5 minutes. Place petroleum jelly in a second pan and heat it at medium until hot (but not close to smoking). (A drop of water will pop and spatter across the surface when ready.) When hot - add myrrh. Stir well (remember to check on first pan-it shouldn't cool too much). Let myrrh heat in very hot oil for 10 minutes or longer (preferably15 to 20) at low heat. Add ginger. Let heat for 5 minutes and add comfrey leaf powder. Stir well. Add oil from first pan to the second. Stir and strain the entire mixture into either the first pan or another container. Now you are ready to fill your tins. Salve will set up and be ready to use in a couple of days.
The left over material in the strainer may be rolled up and set for a few days and burned as an incense stick!
Submitted by Jay from Crescent
City, CA.
- 1 quart apple cider vinegar
- 1/8th cup rosemary (whole)
- 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
- 1 tablespoon rose petals
- 2 bay leaves (shredded)
- 1 pinch genuine saffron (may
be ommitted)
Place the rosemary into a bowl. Empower it. Separately add each ingredient, empowering the growing mixture each time you add an herb. Pour the vinegar into a larger jar. Add the herbs. Tightly cap the jar, shake and let stand for 1 to 3 days. Strain the resulting liquid through a coffee filter. Bottle, label and add 6 tablespoons to every bath to speed healing.
Recipe submitted by Elizabeth
- [email protected]
- Vanilla
- Ginger
- Sap
- Soil
Add together and mix. Spread on inside arm from elbow to wrist. Chant details of your crush. Rinse.
Submitted by Michaela - [email protected]
Using a mortar and pestle or
a spoon, crush Marigold petals. Mix Salt, sugar, and spices together.
Scald milk with the vanilla and the Marigolds. Remove the Vanilla
bean and add the egg yolks and dry ingredients. Cook on low heat.
When the mixture coats a spoon, add the rose water and let it cool.
Serve in bowls, garnished with Whipped Cream and fresh marigold petals.
Salve for Itching and Rashes
Put 1 ounce of dried chickweed
and 1 ounce of dried comfrey into 1 pint of olive oil and follow
the instructions for the "Basic Salve Recipe." This salve is handy to have
for treating diaper rash or for the itching caused by poison oak or poison
Pain Reliever Salve
Mix together 1 ounce of chickweed
(reduces inflammation and aids in healing), 1 ounce of wormwood (a great
pain reliever), and 1 ounce of yarrow (an anti-bacterial agent that also
helps to relieve pain). Add the mixed herbs to 2 pints of olive oil and
simmer 3 hours. Strain and add 3 ounces of beeswax and 1 teaspoon of tincture
of benzion. Test for consistency before pouring into wide mouth containers.
Aloe Vera Salve
Pour 1 cup of boiling water
over 1 teaspoon of pekoe tea and 1 tablespoon of irish moss. Allow to sit
until cool. Add 3 tablespoons of aloe gel. Mix well and store in labeled
jar. This salve can be used to heal burns, including sunburns.
Chickweed Salve
Add about 1 pound of chickweed
to 1 pint of olive oil. Heat for 3 hours in an oven set at 150 degrees.
Strain and add 1 and a half ounces of melted beeswax to the mixture. Stir
mixture while it is cooling, as it will thicken. Place in a wide mouth
jar and label. Great for healing cuts, burns, and abrasions.
Balm of Gilead Salve
Place 1 ounce of the buds in
1 pint of hot olive oil and allow to simmer, covered, 3 hours. Strain and
add 1 and a half ounces of beeswax and a half teaspoon of tincture of benzion
to the strained mixture. Test for consistency and place in sterile jar.This
is a good salve to use on burns, scratches, and swelling injuries.
Sedative Tincture
Place 1 and a half ounces of
chamomile and 1 and a half teaspoons of powdered peppermint into a half
quart of vodka. Allow to steep for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Strain and bottle.
Use as a sedative for adults Dosage is half a dropperful under the tongue,
as needed.
Valerian Root Tincture
Although this tincture is a
great sedative, it is also use to clean sores, clod sores, poison ivy rash,
and a host of other skin ailments. It is wonderful for certain tension
headaches and for sinus headaches. It is truly a great relaxant. Since
it is a great muscle relaxant, it would be helpful to take orally for sore
muscles or when suffering from back injury. Dosage for adults would be
half a dropperful every 4 hours or so for muscle spasms due to back pain.
The smell is awful, so I place the liquid in #00 capsules and give the
dosage that way. Skullcap is a good substitute if valerian is not
available. Both have a sedative effect. Just add 4 ounces of valerian (or
skullcap) to 1 pint of vodka or other alcohol and allow to sit 2 weeks.
Strain and bottle.
Rosemary Tincture
This tincture is good to take
internally to prevent colds or to fight infections. Because of the antibiotic
nature of this tincture, it is
also good to use to clean cuts
and scrapes. It removes bacteria and prevents infections. Add 4 ounces
of rosemary needles to 1 pint of vodka and allow to sit for 2 weeks. Strain
and use a half a dropperful every 2 hours for a couple of days. Then cut
back to 2 times daily for about 2 weeks to treat infections and colds.
Tincture for Teenagers
Place a half a cup of chopped
onion in 1 cup of olive oil and allow to steep for 2 weeks. Strain and
bottle. Use on pimples to help dry then up. Allow the liquid to stay on
the spots for 15 minutes before rinsing off.
Earache Tincture
Fill a small jar with mullein
flowers and cover with olive oil. Allow to strand in the sun for 1 week,
shaking daily. Strain and place in sterile jar. Apply 3 - 4 drops to affected
ear as needed and cover with a warm cloth.
Clove Oil
Clove oil is great to use for
toothaches. You can make your own by mixing together equal amounts of whole
cloves and vegetable oil and allowing it to sit for several weeks. Cinnamon
oil can be made the same way.
Liniment for Colds and Chest
Add 1 cup of finely chopped
garlic to 1 cup of boiling lard. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for 2 hours.
Remove from heat and strain the garlic fro the oil. Place in a container
with a tight-fitting lid.
Rheumatic Pain Ointment
Place a half cup of rosemary
leaves and 1/2 teaspoon oil of cloves in 1 cup of vegetable oil. Simmer
gently for 20 minutes. Strain well and bottle. Make a poultice and use
as often as necessary for rheumatic pain.
Wormwood Liniment
To 1 gallon of white vinegar,
add 4 ounces wormwood herb and seed. Let sit for 2 weeks. Strain, bottle
and label. When the time comes to use this remedy, beat 4 egg whites. Slowly
add 1 quart of the wormwood mixture and 4 ounces of pure turpentine. Keep
tightly capped. Shake well before using. Saturate bandages and wrap around
the legs when needed. This is good to use for arthritis and stiffness.
Liniment for Aching Body
Add 2 ounces of powdered golden
seal to 1 quart of rubbing alcohol. Let set for 2 weeks, shaking daily.
Use as a massage for aching muscles..
Horehound Cough Drops
Simmer 1 cup of horehound leaves
and 1 tablespoon of balm of gilead in 1 pint of water for about 15 minutes.
Strain and add 2 cups of sugar. Boil until the mixture spins a thread as
it comes off of the spoon. Drop by the teaspoonful into cold water to form
the cough drops. remove the cough drops from the water immediately. You
can roll the cough drops in powdered sugar after draining off the water.
This will keep them from sticking to each other. Place is a tightly sealed
Blood Pressure Capsules
Mix together in the blender
or food processor 1 tablespoon of each of the following dried herbs:
Stinging Nettle
Elder Flowers
Powdered Valerian Root
This make enough capsules to
last about 1 and a half months if taken on a daily basis.
Memory Retention Capsules
Try this recipe for memory
retention caused by poor circulation. Take the herbal capsule along with
a multiple vitamin B complex tablet. Mix together in the food processor
1 tablespoon each of the following herbs:
Butcher's Broom
Apple Pectin
Cayenne Pepper
Place in #00 capsules. Take
2 capsules morning and evening. For the first month, take a B complex tablet
with the morning capsule. Thereafter, take 2 capsules daily and continue
taking 1 tablet of the B complex vitamins daily.
Flu Capsules
This is a good capsule to take
to lessen the length and severity of colds and flu. Mix together in the
blender 1 tablespoon each of the
following dried herbs:
Elder Flowers
Powdered Valerian Root
Place the herbal mixture in
capsules and take 2 capsules every 3 to 4 hours until symptoms are relived.
Feverfew Tonic
Pour 1 pint boiling water over
1 ounce dried feverfew. Let steep 15 minutes, covered. Strain and sweeten.
Drink in 1.2 cup doses for 1 day. This is a stimulant for the nervous system
Tonic Mix
Mix together 1 ounce of each
of the following dried herbs:
Licorice Root
Marsh Mallow Root
Add 2 pint of water. Simmer
until the liquid is reduced by 1/4. You should have about 1 an 1/2 pints
of the tonic. Strain and dose with 1/2 cup of the liquid every couple of
hours for 1 day of every week for a month. This tones up the respiratory
tract and also stimulates and nourishes the adrenal glands.
Wine Tonic
Put 1 cup of Sage in the blender
and add 1 pint of burgundy or claret. Blend until sage is in very small
pieces. Allow to age for several weeks and strain. Take during times of
stress or as a general tonic but the tablespoon as needed.
A Good Stimulant
Add 3 tablespoons of angelica
to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and steep 10 minutes. This really perks
you up. Take when you feel the need to add "get up and go" to your system.
Aids in loosening and eliminating the catarrhal discharges from the urinary
and bronchial systems. Good expectorant to use during colds and to treat
chest complaints. Aids in eliminating gas, so would be used to treat colic
and indigestion also.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water
over 1 teaspoon dried chamomile and steep 10 minutes. Strain. Add 1/4 teaspoon
cinnamon to the tea before adding sugar to taste.
Headaches and Sedatives
Pour 2 cups boiling water over
3 tablespoons dried primrose flowers and leaves. Let stand, covered, about
15 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Drink warm or hot. Use 1 heaping teaspoon
of dried chamomile flowers for each cup of boiling water. Steep 10 minutes.
Strain and sweeten with honey.
Anti - Depressive
Put a handful of fresh chopped
rosemary into a bottle of white wine. Let is sit about 4 days. Strain and
use by the tablespoon as needed.
For Trouble Getting to Sleep
Pour 1 pint of boiling water
over 1 ounce of feverfew flowers. Cover and steep until cool. Strain and
sweeten with honey. Drink Cool.
Valerian Tea
Caution: Take this only once
a day (at bedtime, to induce sleep). Pour 1 pint boiling water over 1 teaspoon
powdered valerian root. Cover and steep 10 minutes. Strain and sweeten.
Add a pinch of mace as flavoring if desired.
Cocoa Butter Eye Cream
2 tbsp petroleum jelly
2 tbsp cocoa butter
2 tbsp coconut oil
Mix all of the ingredients together
in an ovenproof glass container. Heat gently in the microwave or
in a water bath (place the glass pitcher in a pan with 1 or 2 inches of
water and heat). Pour into a clean container and cool completely;
the mixture will solidify
as it cools. Use nightly
around your eyes. Yields 3 oz.
(The sensitive skin under the
eye needs extra care and conditioning. Cocoa Butter has been used
for years to treat age lines around the eyes and mouth. It helps soften
and protect delicate skin. This eye cream is rich, so a small amount
is all that is needed nightly)
1 tsp lanolin
1 tsp grated beeswax
1 tsp petroleum jelly
Melt the lanolin, wax, and petroleum
jelly together over medium heat in a glass measuring cup in a pan of boiling
water (water bath technique). Pour the melted mixture into a lip
gloss container or clean pillbox. Cool completely, until cool to
the touch, approx. 20 minutes. Rub into lips and enjoy. Yields
1/2 oz.
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup liquid soap (castille
or one for sensative skin, etc.)
1/2 tsp light vegetable oil
(if you have oily hair, then omit oil)
Mix together all the ingredients. Pour the shampoo into a clean squeeze bottle or empty shampoo bottle. Shampoo as normal and rinse well with cool water.
Basic Shampoo B
1 cup water
1/2 cup liquid soap or inexpensive
1/2 cup glycerine
1/4 cup borax powder
Mix all the ingredients together.
Pour the shampoo into a clean squeeze bottle. Let the mixture sit
overnight to thicken. Shampoo as normal and rinse well with cool
water. Yields 16 oz.
Herbal Shampoo
1/2 cup water
2 tbsp dried or 1/3 cup fresh
chamomile, lavender, or rosemary
1/2 cup Basic Shampoo (either
one - it's your choice)
2 tbsp glycerine
Mix together the water and herbs and heat gently to make a strong tea. Let the mixture steep for at least 20 minutes. Add the shampoo and glycerine to the herbal water mixture and stir well. Pour the shampoo into a clean squeeze bottle. Let the mixture sit overnight to thicken. Yields 8 oz
(Chamomile makes a mild shampoo
that is perfect for fine, light-colored hair; the flowers have a mild bleaching
effect. If you have dark colored hair, use rosemary or lavender to
enhance your own natural color)
1/4 cup Basic Shampoo
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
1 tsp glycerine
1/2 tsp avocado oil
Mix all of the ingredients together. Pour the shampoo into a container with a tight fitting lid. Shampoo as normal but leave on an extra few minutes. Rinse with cool water. *note* this shampoo may separate; always shake well to remix before using.
The aloe vera plant is sometimes
called the "wonder of the desert" because of it's many uses, especially
as a moisturizer for the skin
Simple Herbal Washes
The ultimate lazy person's hint
for herbal face preparations: if you drink pure herbal tea (not the kind
with added flavourings!), stroke the tea-bag over your face after you've
taken it out of the cup and wrung the water out. No waste, and no large
quantity of infusion waiting to go off. Peppermint: Fantastic for acne,
especially the itchy underground type. In fact, it soothes itchy skin in
Chamomile: Soothing and healing.
Lime Flower (linden): Soothing
and softening, refines skin texture. Also supposed to remove wrinkles.
Yarrow infusion makes a great
problem skin wash. It's a good astringent, but do watch out because it
has been known to cause photosensitivity in some people. Test on the arm
or something first.
Oily Skin Refining Lotion
Peel very thinly oranges and lemons, being careful to get as little white pith on the peel as possible. Pack the peel into a glass jar and cover with water. Leave the peel to steep overnight. The next day, strain and filter the liquid, add a few drops tincture of benzoin (as a preservative) and keep in the fridge (label carefully!). The benzoin tincture will turn the lotion milky. Apply 2 or 3 times per day and leave on. This improves the texture of oily skin and clears dingy, dull skin, and the essential oils from the peel help heal and prevent pimples.
Sage Anti-Acne Lotion
Make a sage infusion and add half as much cider vinegar as you have infusion. Apply several times a day.
Herbal Pimple Lotion
Simmer 25 grams lavender flowers, the peel of half a lemon (no white pith), and 25 grams thyme in 200 ml distilled water. Add 10 drops each lavender oil and tea tree oil. Dab on spots as needed. It should keep at least a week in the fridge.
Almond Milk
This will keep the skin soft
and refine the pores. Pour 500 ml distilled water over 25 grams almond
meal and 1/2 tsp sugar and
leave overnight to soak. Strain
and filter, add 6 drops tincture of benzoin as a preservative, bottle and
label. Apply morning and night. You can make this into milk of roses by
using rosewater instead of distilled water.
Virgin Milk
Ahh, what a bizarre name! This
is a very old cosmetic which I've been using recently to good effect to
soften and soothe the dry patches of my face. There are many recipes, but
the one I'm using is my own and is a little lighter than most other recipes.
Shake together 50 ml each of distilled water and rosewater. Add 1/2 teaspoon
of tincture of benzoin to the mixture and it will turn cloudy (which is
presumably why it's called 'milk'). Apply morning and night, or whenever
you feel you need it.
Bath Oil
Dried cones, pods, twigs, grasses,
vine tendrils, rose hips and petals, statice, lamb's ears,
nigella, baby's breath, larkspur, and everlastings
7 ounces light oil - sweet
almond, castor, canola, apricot, grapeseed, or a combination.
1 Tablespoon vitamin E oil
1 teaspoon lilac or lily of
the valley floral oil.
Mix the oils in a separate container, then pour over the dried material, which has been placed in a bottle. You put 2 Tablespoons in a bath.
Sandra's Foaming Bath Oil
6 oz vodka (I added some red
pigment to this)
12 oz light mineral oil ( veggie
oils would work too)
1 oz Roberts bubble bath
1/2 tp 1 tsp eo
It disperses very well when shaken. If you want more foaming, you'd need to add more bubble bath.
Tropical Bath Oil
1/2 c. Apricot kernel oil
10 drops each, perfume oils:
mango; coconut; gardenia
1 T. Glycerin
1 drop orange food coloring
Combine all ingredients in a bottle and shake gently until well blended.
Dispersing Bath Oil
1 whole egg
1/2 cup baby, mineral oil
2 tsp liquid detergent (maybe
shredded soap?)
1/4 cup vodka
2 tbs honey
1/4 cup whole milk
fo/eo to suit
liquid food coloring
Mix all ingredients in blender
for 30 seconds use only 1-2 tbs of oil in per bath...shelf life at room
temp is about 18 months.
take 24 raw cacao beans and place them in a pan on the stove. Heat on low, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes and then take them out of the pan to cool.Once cool, grind the beans to a fine powder in an electric coffee grinder. Add the powder to 3 1/2 cups of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.While cooling, sweeten to taste. Any sweetener you enjoy is fine.
The result-3 cups of genuine cacao. You can drink it hot or cold. Store in the refridgerator for no more than one week.
cup 3 times a day
TO CURB YOUR APPETITE:drink 1 cup 3 times a day
TO REV UP ROMANCE:drink 1 1/2 cups half an hour before sex
TO WEAN YOURSELF OFF CHOCOLATE BARS:have 1 cup when the urge hits.(maximum 3 cups a day)
Though cacao beans are considered
to be safe, they're not recommended for pregnant and nursing women, anyone
with kidney stones, those with acid reflux problems and migraine sufferers.
Lammas Recipes (submiited by Chandralin 2/8/00)
Lughnasadh Incense
2 parts meadowsweet
3 parts chamomile
5 parts goldenrod
10 ml carnation oil per 8 oz.
dry ingredients
10 ml rose oil per 8 oz. dry
Lammas Incense
2 parts frankincense
1 part heather
1 part apple blossom
1 pinch blackberry leaf
few drops ambergris oil
1/2 part oakmoss or a few drops
oakmoss oil
Lughnasadh Incense
2 parts benzoin
1 part oakwood
1/2 part basil
2 parts frankincense
1/2 part gorse flower
1/2 part borage
few drops pine oil
Lammas Oil
2 parts lime oil
2 parts cinnamon oil
2 parts sandalwood oil
1 part clove oil
1 part frankincense oil
Lammas Oil
1/4 dram thyme oil
1/2 dram cinnamon oil
1/4 dram rose oil
1/2 dram gardenia oil
2-3 drops allspice oil
Lammas Oil
2 tsp. wheat germ oil
6 drops frankincense oil
2 drops clary sage oil
1 drop rose oil
sunflower oil to make 2 tb.
Lughnasadh Oil
2 drops peppermint oil
3 drops elder oil
1 drop fir oil
1 drop hazelnut oil
corn oil as base
Lugh Oil
1 dram heliotrope oil
1 dram sunflower oil
1 piece gold
citrine stone
Lugh Oil
1/4 oz. apricot oil
9 drops lime oil
9 drops rose oil
9 drops rose geranium oil
9 drops lavender oil
6 drops sandalwood oil
6 drams dragons blood oil
sunflower petals
marigold petals
Lughnasadh Milk Bath
2 cups powdered milk
1/2 cup epsom salt
1/2 cup baking soda
6 drops frankincense oil
5 drops apple oil
4 drops cypress oil
3 drops patchouli oil
Mix well, use 1 cup per bath.
Lammas Potpourri
1 cup oakmoss
2 cups dried pink rosebuds
2 cups red peony petals
1 cup amaranth flowers
1 cup heather
1/2 cup cornflowers
20 drops clove oil
25 drops sandalwood oil
Herb Correspondences for Lughnasadh:
Lammas Potpourri
20 drops clove bud oil
23 drops sandalwood oil
1 cup oak moss
2 cups dried pink rosebuds
2 cups dried red peony petals
1 cupdried amaranth flowers
1 cup dried heather flowers
1/2 cup dried cornflowers.
Mix the clove bud and sandalwood oils with the oak moss and then add the remaining ingredients,Stir the potpourri well and store in a tightlycovered ceramic or glass container.
1 teaspoon lavender blossoms
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon sage
1/4 teaspoon of mugwort
Make sure that all ingredients are thoroughly dry. Grind ingredients together and burn on self-igniting charcoal to help open the psychic centers.
by Ellen Lord
When the hair and scalp are damaged by such environmental
factors as air pollutants, heat, ultraviolet radiation or dry indoor air;
or by permanents, hair dyes or strong shampoos, hair rinses can help. Because
the scalp supplies the hair with protein and other nutrients through a
network of delicate blood vessels, the most effective hair rinses act directly
on the scalp rather than on the hair shaft itself. Of the two main types
of rinses (chemical and natural), natural rinses are preferable because
they act to stimulate circulation in the scalp rather than just coating
the hair with a protective chemical film. Natural rinses repair damaged
hair by strengthening it, giving it a fresh appearance. They nourish the
hair follicle and promote healthy growth, too.
For Healthier Highlights
Want a natural alternative to damaging chemical color
treatments? Use lemon juice to bring out blond highlights in your hair.
Combine the juice of 1 lemon with 1/4 cup of water in a glass jar, shake
well and use as a rinse after shampooing. Rinse with cool water after 5
minutes. Lemon juice will also help treat an oily scalp.
Prepare an herbal hair rinse the same way you make an
herbal tea. Pour a cup of boiling water over a tsp. of herbs. Steep for
10 minutes, then strain. Massage the rinse gently and evenly into the scalp;
leave it on the hair without rinsing. Dry your hair with a soft towel.
Heat can damage your hair, so try to avoid using a blow-dryer and allow
your hair to dry naturally.
Rinse with beer to add shine and body
If you want to do something nice for your hair, rinse
it once a month with flat beer. After applying the beer, you can rinse
the hair with warm water or not, as you choose. The beer acts as a natural
setting lotion, giving blow-dried hair increased vitality, resilience and
hold. The B vitamins and natural sugar add body and shine. Don't worry;
the stale beer smell will disappear very quickly.
Apply sesame oil to reduce sun damage
The rays of the sun are extremely damaging to your hair,
bleaching and drying it until it becomes brittle. Indeed, hair damage caused
by too much UV radiation is irreparable. However, sesame oil can provide
excellent sun protection. Massage a few tbsps. of the oil into your hair
and scalp before going out into the sun for prolonged periods. Sesame oil
includes a natural SPF of about 2.5. For added protection you can blend
the sesame oil with 10 drops of carrot-seed essential oil, which is high
in antioxidants.
Brush the scalp to improve circulation
Give your hair 100 strokes with a natural bristle brush
every day to stimulate circulation in the scalp and give hair a silkier
appearance. Regular brushing will also help to remove the pollutants and
dust that settle on your hair every day and potentially cause damage.
Olive oil for split ends
To help prevent split ends, rub olive oil into the ends
of your hair 2-3 times per week. For best results, leave the oil on overnight
and wash it out in the morning.
Sage Rinse
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp. dried sage
Pour the water over the sage; steep until it cools a bit. Strain. Effect: Sage helps reduce the buildup of oil on the scalp and promotes healthier hair. Use this herbal rinse after shampooing for 3 weeks.
Birch-Leaf Rinse
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp. dried birch leaves
Pour the water over the birch leaves; steep until it cools a bit. Strain. Effect: When used regularly, this hair rinse will help to maintain the health of the scalp and may even be a good choice for preventing hair loss. It also keeps the hair soft and gives it a silky sheen.Contraindications: Do not use this rinse on blond or gray hair, as it may darken the color.
Chamomile Rinse
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp. chamomile flowers
Pour the water over the chamomile flowers; steep until it cools a bit. Strain out the flowers. Effect: This rinse soothes and heals the scalp and gives hair a silky sheen. You can also use the rinse to lighten blond hair.
Linden-Flower Rinse
1 cup boiling water
1 tsp. linden flowers
Pour the water over the linden flowers; steep until it cools a bit. Strain out the flowers. Effect: This rinse is helpful for over-stressed, dried-out hair. It is ideal, for example, if a permanent or repeated dyeing has made your hair brittle. It also promotes circulation in the scalp and makes the hair grow in healthier. You can use the rinse after shampooing for up to 6 weeks.
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